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The grafana-operator is currently built on operator-sdk version 1.3.0.

To our knowledge the grafana-operator works on all kubernetes deployments, for local development many of us use is kind or crc.

Read the Makefile

We strongly recommend that you read through the Makefile, we are heavily relying on make commands to help you getting started quicker.

Local deployment using go

make generate
make install
# Set environment variables, adjust the WATCH_NAMESPACE to the namespace you want to watch.
# This variable have to be set
export WATCH_NAMESPACE=default
make run

You can of course run the deployment using a debugger or similar tools.

Local deployment using docker

If you want a solution closer to reality you can instead build your own containers. We will go through two sections.

  • Using kind load docker-image.
  • Using your own quay repo to upload a manually built image.

Kind load docker-image

This solution assumes that you are using kind in your development environment.

make generate
make install
make docker-build

We will pre-load the container image to kind. To make sure that we only use our locally built container edit the kustomize file to never pull the image from a external source.

Remember to not commit these changes.

cat <<EOF >> config/manager/kustomization.yaml

  - target:
      version: v1
      kind: Deployment
      name: controller-manager
    patch: |-
      - op: add
        path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/imagePullPolicy
        value: Never

Load the image in to kind and start the deployment.

kind load docker-image
make deploy

Remote repo

If you want to build and upload your container image to your own remote repo you can follow these instructions.

make generate
make install

# Login to remote repo
export QUAY_USER=username1
export QUAY_PASSWD=super-secret-password
# In this example we use, you can use any provider you see fit.
# This is one way of many on how to login using docker, perform the one that works for you.
echo $QUAY_PASSWD | docker login -u $QUAY_USER --password-stdin

# If you don't want to add the IMG= all the time you can also edit the IMG variable in the Makefile
make docker-build$QUAY_USER/grafana-operator:latest
make docker-push$QUAY_USER/grafana-operator:latest
make deploy$QUAY_USER/grafana-operator:latest

e2e script

Running the e2e script locally assumes that you have made the container image available to your cluster. For example if you are using kind it should be pre-loaded.

It assume that you are not running any other grafana operator instance for example through go.

To run it:

sh hack/

If you want to clean-up a few of the resources that hack/ creates use It will remove the grafana instances and operator but it won't delete the port-forward. It will also remove the debug output file /tmp/grafana_e2e_debug.txt after reading the file.

sh hack/
# To kill the potentially remaining port-forward to the grafana service:
kill $(lsof -t -i:3000)