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Ralph Soika edited this page Jun 27, 2014 · 4 revisions

The following sections containing information about the current development process.

How we compute the target folder

Wy we can't compute the application target folder?

Using the manik-hot-deploy plugin you need to specify the compleate application servers target folder for a web or ejb module. E.g. when you are deploying an ear name 'my_ear' with an web modue named 'my_war' as a result the target folder for incremental deploys in Glassfish is:


This is not intuitive :-( But currently we can not compute the name because in maven it is possible to modify everything also the final build name:



This is the reason why we can not compute the folder automatically from the glassfish autodeploy folder.

Why not guess the name? Ok but why did we not guess the name? We can take a look into the maven module /taget folder and search for a .jar, .war or .ear file. From this we can guess the file structure inside glassfish. This could work - until the developer runs a mvn clean. Then the plugin can no longer guess the target name even when a source file changes for incremental deployment.

So I think the best solution is that developers choose the target folder for there app servers by themselves.

The Console Output Messages

New Message Console Since version 1.0.2 Manik provides a message console showing you which files are transferred to the target folder. This may help to see if your configuration works.

Thanks to Alexander for that contribution.

Deployment on WildFly

Since version 1.0.4 we now support also autodeployment and hotdeplyoment for WildFly!