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This document describes how to initialize and use our custom Drupal modules.

Status: work in progress



Work in progress


Work in progress


Work in progress


Work in progress


Work in progress


Work in progress


Work in progress


Work in progress


Work in progress


Creates content for page footer region. Contains (1) an editable block for free text, (2) a menu block for links and (3) a block for social media buttons.

Dependencies: ytp-theme-drupal (for styling) menu-block (for links)


0. The feature is installed by Ansible.

1. Site owner info block
  Make block content translatable: Configuration -> Regional and language -> 
  Multilingual settings. Click on "Variables" tab. Select variable Other -> Site owner info 
  and save.

  Make text format translatable: Configuration -> Regional and language -> 
  Multilingual settings. Click on "Strings" tab. Select text format you will use for the block
  ("Filtered HTML" being default value) and save.

  Set block content as variable at Configuration -> System -> Variables. The variable to 
  translate is Other -> Site owner info.

2. Link block
  Make the menu translatable at Structure -> Menus -> Footer links -> Multilingual options.

  The block won't be shown unless there's at least one link in the menu. Go to Structure -> 
  Menus -> Footer links to add links. All links should have language.

  Note that you shouldn't place any links to restricted content (ie. admin pages) in the 
  footer, as they won't be displayed in CKAN.

3. Social media icons block
  Get the HTML codes from your preferred social media sites. Go to Structure -> Blocks -> 
  Social media icons, make sure to turn rich text editing off and switch text format to full 
  HTML and paste your codes to the "Icon source code" box. This block will not be translated, 
  so avoid writing any text.


1. Site owner info block
  Edit content at Configuration -> System -> Variables. The variable to edit is Other -> 
  Site owner info.

2. Link block
  Add or remove links at Structures -> Menus -> Footer links.

3. Social media icons block
  Edit at Structure -> Blocks -> Social media icons. Make sure to turn off rich text editing 
  and switch text format to full HTML.

4. General theme
  CSS is located at ytp-assets-common/src/less/common.less.

  To edit the look of all blocks, see ytp-theme-drupal/templates/block--footer.tpl.php.


Creates following front page features: - list of recent news (blog posts) - Twitter feed - list of recent datasets - list of popular datasets - links to related sites

Dependencies: ytp-theme-drupal (for theme and translations) ytp-assets-common (for styling) views (for news) menu-block (for related sites)


0. The feature is installed by Ansible. 

1. News
  Should be good to go.

2. Twitter feed
  Create a Twitter widget to get a Twitter data-widget-id. See 
  [Twitter widgets]( as logged in Twitter user.
  Go to Config -> Variables -> Other and set variable Twitter Widget ID with the value of 
  your data-widget-id.

3. New/popular datasets
  Should be good to go.

4. Related links
  The block won't be shown unless there's at least one link in the menu. Go to Structure -> 
  Menus -> Related sites to add links. All links should have language.

5. Block order
  See Structure -> Blocks.


1. News
  Can be edited at Structure -> Views -> News, but you probably shouldn't, as these changes 
  won't be propagated to other installations. If possible, edit 

2. Twitter feed
  Can only be edited at ytp-drupal-frontpage/ytp_frontpage.module.

3. New/popular datasets
  Can only be edited at ytp-drupal-frontpage/ytp_frontpage.module.

4. Related links
  Links can be added, edited and deleted at Structure -> Menus -> Related sites. All links
  should have a language.

5. General theme
  To change block icons, see function ytp_frontpage_preprocess_block() at 

  To edit the CSS of the blocks, see ytp-assets-common/src/less/drupal/drupal.less. They can 
  be accessed with selectors ".region-content-grid-left .block" and 
  ".region-content-grid-right .block".


Creates a tutorial block on front page. The block will determine if user is registered, belongs to an organization and/or has published data, and show matching instructions. User can opt out of seeing some views.

Dependencies: ytp-drupal-user (module reads and edits some fields created by ytp-drupal-user) ytp-theme-drupal (for styling)


0. The feature is installed by Ansible.

1. Block settings
  Structure -> Blocks -> Front page tutorial -> Configure. Set block title to <none>. 
  For pages, choose "Only the listed pages": "<front>".


1. Content
Each view has a content function located in ytp_tutorial.module: 
ytp_tutorial_get_data_not_logged_in(), ytp_tutorial_get_data_no_organization(), 
ytp_tutorial_get_data_no_published_datasets(), ytp_tutorial_get_data_tools(). These functions
set three variables that are passed to template: title (translatable string), image_url 
(/path/to/file) and content (Drupal render array).

2. Translations
The module comes with its own .po and .pot files under directory "i18".

3. Theme
To edit the look of all the views, see ytp_tutorial.tpl.php.

To edit the CSS of the block, see ytp-assets-common/src/less/drupal/drupal.less. It can be 
accessed with selector #tutorial-box.


Work in progress


Work in progress