layout | title |
master |
《Activiti in Action》- Wrote by Henry Yan China |
- 1.1 What's the Activiti
- 1.2 Workflow Foundation
- 1.2.1 What's the BPM
- 1.2.2 BPM lifecycle
- 1.2.3 What's the BPMN
- 1.3 Features in Activiti
- 1.4 Activiti in Application
- 1. 在系统集成方面应用 2. 在其他产品中应用
- 1.5 Activiti's
- 1.6 Compare with jBPM5
- 1.7 Summary
- 2.1 Download Activiti
- 2.1.1 Directory Structure
- 2.1.2 Javadoc
- 2.2 Environment and check
- 2.2.1 Check and install JDK
- 2.2.2 Check and install Ant
- 2.2.3 Check and install Maven
- 2.3 Introduced Configuration files
- 2.3.1 Activiti's configuration file
- 2.3.2 Maven configuration file
- 2.4 Hello World
- 2.4.1 Simple process definition
- 2.4.2 Crate unit test class
- 2.4.3 Run Hello World
- 2.4.4 Add business nodes
- 2.5 Activiti Explorer
- 2.5.1 Config and run Activiti Explorer
- 2.5.2 Use Activiti Explorer
- 2.6 Summary
- 3.1 B/S architecture process designer -- Activiti Modeler
- 3.1.1 Features of Activiti Modeler
- 3.1.2 Download Signavio-core-components
- 3.1.3 Package and run
- 3.1.4 Windows
- 3.1.5 Design leave process
- 3.1.6 Export bpmn2.0.xml
- 3.2 Use Activiti Modeler in Activiti Explorer
- 3.3 Eclipse plugin - Activiti Designer
- 3.3.1 Features of Acvititi Designer
- 3.3.2 Install Activiti Designer
- 3.3.3 Design process
- 3.3.4 Automatic
- 3.3.5 Upgrade old processes
- 3.3.6 Import from Activiti Modeler
- 3.3.7 Pool and lane
- 3.3.8 Design pool and lane in Activiti Designer
- 3.4 Summary
- 4.1. Start and end event
- 4.1.1. Start Event
- 4.1.2. End Event
- 4.2. Sequence Flow
- 4.2.1. Default Sequence Flow
- 4.2.2. Condition Sequence Flow
- 4.3. Tasks
- 4.3.1. User Task
- 4.3.2. Script Task
- 4.3.3. Java Service Task
- 4.3.4. Web Service Task
- 4.3.5. Business Rule Task
- 4.3.6. Mail Task
- 4.3.7. Camel Task
- 4.3.8. Mule Task
- 4.3.9. Manual Task
- 4.3.10. Recive Task
- 4.3.11. Shell Task
- 4.3.12. Multi instance
- 4.4. Gateway
- 4.4.1. Exclusive Gateway
- 4.4.2. Parallel Gateway
- 4.4.3. Inclusive Gateway
- 4.4.4. Event-based Gateway
- 4.5. Sub-processes and Call Activities
- 4.5.1. subprocess
- 4.5.2. call activities
- 4.5.3. Event sub-processes
- 4.5.4. Transaction subprocess
- 4.6. Boundary events and Intermediate events
- 4.6.1. Boundary events
- 4.6.2. Intermediate Catching Events
- 4.6.3. Intermediate Throwing Event
- 4.7. Listeners
- 4.7.1. Execution Listeners
- 4.7.2. Task Listeners
- 4.8. Summary
- 5.1. Users and Groups
- 5.1.1. User
- 5.1.2. Group
- 5.1.3. Membership
- 5.1.4. Users and groups in User Task
- 5.2. Deployment
- 5.2.1. Deploy use Classath
- 5.2.2. Deploy use InputStream
- 5.2.3. Deploy use String
- 5.2.4. Package Zip/Bar
- 5.3. Deployment and read resources
- 5.3.1. Get process definitions
- 5.3.2. Deploy from client
- 5.3.3. Read xml of process definition
- 5.3.4. Resolve invalid text in Chinese
- 5.3.5. Delete deployments
- 5.4. Summary
- 6.1. Dynamic form
- 6.1.1. Process Definition
- 6.1.2. Unit test
- 6.1.3. Run process in Activiti Explorer
- 6.2. Design your Activiti Explorer
- 6.2.1. 完善身份验证功能
- 6.2.2. Start form
- 6.2.3. Claim and handle tasks
- 6.2.4. Custome form types
- 6.3. Form Key
- 6.3.1. Process Definition
- 6.3.2. Unit test
- 6.3.3. Custome form engine
- 6.3.4. Get start form key
- 6.3.5. Claim and handle tasks
- 6.4. Summary
- 7.1. Process engine factory
- 7.1.1. Init process engine mode
- 7.1.2. Config ProcessEngineFactoryBean
- 7.2. Auto deploy processes
- 7.3. Expression
- 7.3.1. Expression based
- 7.3.2. Expression examples
- 7.3.3. Manage variables use spring
- 7.4. Listeners
- 7.5. Use Spring engine in application
- 7.5.1. Model
- 7.5.2. Start process
- 7.5.3. Get tasks
- 7.5.4. Handle tasks
- 7.6. Init process engine use annotations of spring
- 7.6.1. Use @EnableActiviti
- 7.6.2. Init process engine use Spring Boot
- 7.7. CDI module
- 7.7.1. Start with CDI
- 7.7.2. Config engine and process definitions
- 7.7.3. Start process
- 7.7.4. Handle and complete tasks
- 7.7.5. Event listeners
- 7.8. Summary
- 8.1. Configration and test
- 8.1.1. Setup mail system
- 8.1.2. Send mail by mail task of Activiti
- 8.1.3. Send mail by Gmail
- 8.2. Integration with business
- 8.2.1. Send mail immediately
- 8.2.2. Send mail regularly
- 8.3. Summary
- 9.1. Multi instance in non-user tasks
- 9.2. Multi instance in user tasks
- 9.2.1. Sequential
- 9.2.2. Concurrent
- 9.2.3. Set complete conditions
- 9.3. Example - leave countersign
- 9.3.1. Process definition
- 9.3.2. Handle tasks
- 9.4. Audit comments
- 9.5. Summary
- 10.1. Sub-process
- 10.1.1. Process definition
- 10.1.2. Handle processes
- 10.1.3. Analyze process datas
- 10.2. Call Activity
- 10.2.1. Process definition
- 10.2.2. Unit test
- 10.2.3. Handle processes
- 10.2.4. Analyze process datas
- 10.3. Event sub-process
- 10.3.1. Process definition
- 10.3.2. Unit test
- 10.4. Multi instance in sub-process and call activitiy
- 10.5. Summary
- 11.1 Start events
- 11.1.1 Timer start event
- 11.1.2 Message start event
- 11.2 End events
- 11.2.1 Termination end event
- 11.2.2 Message end event
- 11.3 Boundary events
- 11.3.1 Error boundary event
- 11.3.2 Message boundary event
- 11.3.3 Signal boundary event
- 11.4 Intermediate events
- 11.5 Summary
- 12.1. User Task
- 12.1.1 Improvment task list
- 12.1.2 Improvment task forms
- 12.1.3 Tasks related to personnel
- 12.1.4 Unclaim task
- 12.1.5 Candidate users and Candidate groups
- 12.1.6 Improvment task query
- 12.2. Sub task
- 12.3. Manual task
- 12.4. Attachment
- 12.5. Improvment comment list
- 12.6. Delegate task
- 12.6.1 Unit test
- 12.6.2 Delegate task in task form
- 12.7. Summary
- 13.1. Introduce Query API
- 13.2. Runtime queries
- 13.2.1. Task query
- 13.2.2. Query processes involved
- 13.3. Trace processes
- 13.4. Query history datas
- 13.4.1. History activities and form query
- 13.4.2. Query finished processes
- 13.5. Query by Mybatis's
- 13.6. Summary
- 14.1. Status
- 14.1.1 Status of process definitions
- 14.1.2 Job Query
- 14.1.3 Status of process instances
- 14.2. Manage Job
- 14.2.1 Principle of job
- 14.2.2 Exception of job
- 14.2.3 Exclusive and asynchronous
- 14.3. Delete process instances
- 14.4. Authority of process defenitions
- 14.4.1 Filters of authority
- 14.4.2 Set candidate user and candidate groups of process definitions
- 14.4.3 Read filterable process definitions
- 14.5. Get properties of process engine
- 14.6. Query tables data of engine
- 14.7. Manage users and groups
- 14.8. Summary
- 15.1. Publish WebService
- 15.2. WebService task in process definition
- 15.3. Execute WebService in process
- 15.4. Summary
- 16.1. Design process and business rules
- 16.1.1. Deploy rule files
- 16.1.2. Unit test
- 16.2. Summary
- 17.1. Config JPA
- 17.1.1 Standalone mode
- 17.1.2 Spring mode
- 17.2. JPA version of the process
- 17.2.1 Persistence entities when starting process
- 17.2.2 Change entity properties
- 17.2.3 Clean history datas
- 17.3. Summary
- 18.1 Introduce Camel
- 18.2 Camel quick start
- 18.3 Hello World
- 18.4 Add Camel dependencies
- 18.5 Integration with business
- 18.5.1 Design process definition
- 18.5.2 Design Camel Flow
- 18.5.3 Start Camel Flow
- 18.5.4 Unit test
- 18.6 Introduce ESB
- 18.7 Mule quick start
- 18.8 Hello World
- 18.9 Add Mule dependencies
- 18.10 Integration with business
- 18.10.1 Design process definition
- 18.10.2 Design Mule Flow
- 18.10.3 Start Mule Flow
- 18.10.4 Unit test
- 18.11 Summary
- 19.1. A typical identity system
- 19.2. Synchronous data by interfaces
- 19.2.1 Use IdentityService
- 19.2.2 Custom SessionFactory
- 19.3. Use views instead of tables
- 19.4. LDAP
- 19.5. Summary
- 20.1. Introduction of communication protocols
- 20.2. Introduce REST API
- 20.2.1. REST API authentication mechanism
- 20.3. Publish REST API
- 20.3.1. Access service by browser
- 20.3.2. Access service by Http Client
- 20.3.3. Access service by Restlet
- 20.3.4. Access service by Apache CXF
- 20.4. Integration REST API
- 20.4.1. Dependencies and configration files
- 20.4.2. Access service by Ajax
- 20.5. Example
- 20.5.1. Deploy processes
- 20.5.2. Query deployments
- 20.5.3. Query process definitions
- 20.5.4. Start process
- 20.5.5. Get variables of process instances
- 20.5.6. Qyer tasks
- 20.5.7. Claim tasks
- 20.5.8. Complete task
- 20.5.9. Query history datas
- 20.6. Summary
- 21.1 Parse BPMN file
- 21.1.1. Converte BpmnModel and XML
- 21.1.2. Create process dynamic
- 21.1.3. BPMN parse handlers
- 21.2 Event handler
- 21.2.1. Config event handler
- 21.2.2. Catch and handle events
- 21.2.3. Handle expcetion in events
- 21.2.4. Register event handlers runtime
- 21.2.5. Task auto redirect
- 21.3 Command and interceptor
- 21.3.1. Command and interceptor mechanism
- 21.3.2. Custom commands
- 21.3.3. Interceptors of command
- 21.4 PVM
- 21.4.1. Introduce PVM
- 21.4.2. Hello PVM
- 21.4.3. Advance of PVM
- 21.5 Summary