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Teleport Connect

Teleport Connect (previously Teleport Terminal, package name teleterm) is a desktop application that allows easy access to Teleport resources.


The --insecure flag

Just like tsh, Connect supports the --insecure flag which skips the verification of the server certificate and host name.

open -a "Teleport Connect" --args --insecure


/Applications/Teleport\\ Connect --insecure

Building and Packaging

Teleport Connect consists of two main components: the tsh tool and the Electron app. Our build scripts assume that the webapps repo and the teleport repo are in the same folder.

To get started, first we need to build tsh that resides in the teleport repo.

Prepare Teleport repo:

## Clone Teleport repo
$ git clone
$ cd teleport
## Build tsh binary
$ make build/tsh

The build output can be found in the /teleport/build directory. The tsh binary will be packed together with the Electron app.

Prepare Webapps repo

  1. Make sure that your node version is v16 (current tls)
  2. Clone and build webapps repository
$ git clone
$ cd webapps
$ yarn install
$ yarn build-term
$ yarn package-term

The installable file can be found in /webapps/packages/teleterm/build/release/


Make sure to run yarn build-term first (as described above) before attempting to launch the app in the development mode. That's because Electron is running its own version of Node. That command will fetch native packages that were built for that specific version of Node.

To launch teleterm in the development mode:

$ cd webapps

## TELETERM_TSH_PATH is the environment variable that points to local tsh binary
$ TELETERM_TSH_PATH=$PWD/../teleport/build/tsh yarn start-term

For quick restarts, that restarts all processes and tsh daemon, press F6.


Generating tshd gRPC protobuf files

Rebulding them is needed only if you change any of the files in /teleport/lib/teleterm/api/proto/ dir.

  1. To rebuild and update tsh grpc proto files
$ cd teleport
$ make grpc-teleterm

Resulting files both nodejs and golang can be found in /teleport/lib/teleterm/api/protogen/ directory.

├── golang
│   └── v1
│       ├── auth_challenge.pb.go
│       ├── auth_settings.pb.go
│       ├── ...
│       └── ...
└── js
    └── v1
        ├── service_grpc_pb.js
        ├── service_pb.d.ts
        └── ...
  1. Update nodejs files by copying them to the /webapps/packages/teleterm/src/services/tshd/ location
$ cd webapps
$ rm -rf ./packages/teleterm/src/services/tshd/v1/ && cp -R ../teleport/lib/teleterm/api/protogen/js/v1 ./packages/teleterm/src/services/tshd/v1

Generating shared process gRPC protobuf files

Run generate-grpc-shared script from teleterm/package.json. It generates protobuf files from *.proto files in sharedProcess/api/proto. Resulting files can be found in sharedProcess/api/protogen.


Resource lifecycle

The general approach is that a resource can become unavailable at any time due to a variety of reasons: the resource going offline, the cluster going offline, the device running Connect going offline, the cluster user losing access to the resource, just to name a few.

Connect must gracefully handle a resource becoming unavailable and make as few assumptions about resource availability as possible.


                                                  |            |
                                          +-------+---------+  |
                                          |                 |  |
                                          |    teleport     +--+
                                          |     clusters    |
                                          |                 |
                                                 ^ ^           External Network
                                                 | |           Host OS
           Clients (psql)                        | |
              |                                  | |
              v                                  | |
     +--------+---------------+                  | |
     |                        |        SNI/ALPN  | | GRPC
  +--+----------------------+ |         routing  | |
  |                         | |                  | |
  |     local proxies       +-+                  | |
  |                         |                    | |
  +-------------------+-----+                    | |
                      ^                          | |
                      |                          | |
  +---------------+   | tls/tcp on localhost     | |
  |    local      |   |                          | |
  | user profile  |   |                          v v
  |   (files)     |   |                   +------+-+-------------------+        +-------------------------------+
  +-------^-------+   |                   |                            |        |                               |
          ^           +-------------------+         tsh daemon         |        |    Electron Shared Process    |
          |                               |          (golang)          |        |            (PTY)              |
          +<------------------------------+                            |        |                               |
                                          +-------------+--------------+        +-------------------------------+
 +--------+-----------------+                           ^                                       ^
 |         Terminal         |                           |                                       |
 |    Electron Main Process |                           |    GRPC API                           |   GRPC API
 +-----------+--------------+                           | (domain socket)                       |   (domain socket)
             ^                                          |                                       |
             |                                          |                                       |
    IPC      |                                          |        +------------------------------+
 named pipes |                                          |        |
             v  Terminal UI (Electron Renderer Process) |        |
 | -gateways              | root@node1 × | k8s_c  × | rdp_win2 ×  |     |
 |   https://localhost:22 +---------------------------------------------+
 |   https://localhost:21 |                                             |
 +------------------------+ ./                                          |
 | -clusters              | ../                                         |
 |  -cluster1             | assets/                                     |
 |   +servers             | babel.config.js                             |
 |     node1              | build/                                      |
 |     node2              | src/                                        |
 |   -dbs                 |                                             |
 |    mysql+prod          |                                             |
 |    mysql+test          |                                             |
 |  +cluster2             |                                             |
 |  +cluster3             |                                             |

PTY communication overview (Renderer Process <=> Shared Process)

PTY communication