Hello everyone at !
As part of my Assignment I was given the task to implement the "Diamond Standard upgradibility".
It was my first time working with Diamond standard and I found it extreamly delightful to learn about it. I started with gasping about the topic and started to figure out how does it acually work and yes, agreed, it took me 2 days to figure out how was it's work flow and how will it fit in my assignment task. I build some test contracts but none of them worked as i wanted.
So, after many tries here is where I stand Right now:
1- Build the diamond standard smart contract that will act as the "Diamond" and build the "Storage" the "arb_storage" named libary for maintainig the state of memory. but I faced some memory access issue while making the function onlyOwner and few logical issues while implementing reentrancy gaurd.
2- All though the task is not immpossible as i am walking toward the end, but it is taking a little bit time to gt the gasp of it and continue.
3- currently I have setup the Hardhat deployment setup and deployed the contract "Diamond" and "ContractA". address Diamond : 0x3Bb3464EAaE274E67f823fA711062292DBd87399 address ContractA: 0x6a43ac4beEf54ed95aB4671B13Ba5844e9255C21
4- I did not have enough BSC tokens in my wallets that's why I was unable to fetch the faucets, so to continue the deployment I have deployed these cotracts on the XDC testnet ( Apothem ).
5- The completion might take a little time, But I will update my progress here and push all the changes.
6- Thank you for your time and consierung my application.
7- Pushed all the updated code here.
Thanks you !