Releases: iambumblehead/esmock
Releases · iambumblehead/esmock
typescript support
- add basic typescript support, using ts-node/esm
- add examples and tests showing how to use with ts loader
- resolve recursive load hook crash when using esmock with other loader
use strict-mocking by default
- use strict-mocking behaviour by default, "partial mock" is optional
The previous default behaviour was "partial mock". To use the previous behaviour or to enable "partial mock", change esmock( )
to esmock.px( )
add node-native test runner
- add tests using the node native test-runner
- update README to use node native test-runner
support node v18.6.0 loader changes
- support node v18.6.0 loader changes, credit @Swivelgames
- use npx script commands, credit @Swivelgames
- add NODE_OPTIONS support, credit @Swivelgames
update for compatibility with node 17.8
node 17.8 returns a promise from node's default resolver
- const resolved = defaultResolve(specifier, context, defaultResolve);
+ const resolved = await defaultResolve(specifier, context, defaultResolve);
update resolvewithplus to support stringy style exports
- update resolvewithplus to support stringy style exports, used by the "got" package
increment resolvewithplus resolve yargs package.json export pattern
- increment resolvewithplus resolve yargs package.json export pattern
remove README from npm package
remove README from npm package
increment resolvewithplus
increment resolvewithplus. newest version has tests and comments in it related to windows vs linux paths.
use decodeURI on paths at moduleLoader, per @aladdin-add
use decodeURI on paths at moduleLoader, per @aladdin-add