Agave CLI operations return authentication error auth-tokens-refresh -S
Err: command not found when using Agave CLI Make sure you are in a working agave-cli container
Sporadic job submission or status check failures Repeat query - jobs service is in process of getting a performance tuneup.
Soft reset the VM supporting Docker VBoxManage controlvm default reset
Hard reset the VM supporting Docker VBoxManage controlvm default poweroff
Delete a failed docker-machine creation docker-machine rm -f DOCKER_MACHINE_FAILED
Retrieve your AWS credentials From within a agave-cli container, run metadata-list -v -Q '{"name":"iplant-aws.dib-0923.IPLANT_USERNAME"}'
You see these errors:
Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?
Is your docker daemon up and running?
You are not running the command in a Docker-enabled session. If on Mac/Windows use the Docker Quickstart Terminal to create a new session. If on Linux, make sure your userid is either superuser or in the docker group.
You need to update the Agave CLI container docker pull iplantc/agave-cli
then launch docker run -it --rm=true -v $HOME/.agave:/root/.agave -v $HOME:/home -w /home iplantc/agave-cli bash