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API Example Android

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This project presents you a set of API examples to help you understand how to use Agora APIs.


  • Android Studio 3.0+
  • Physical Android device
  • Android simulator is supported

Quick Start

This section shows you how to prepare, build, and run the sample application.

Obtain an App Id

To build and run the sample application, get an App Id:

  1. Create a developer account at Once you finish the signup process, you will be redirected to the Dashboard.

  2. Navigate in the Dashboard tree on the left to Projects > Project List.

  3. Save the App Id from the Dashboard for later use.

  4. Save the App Certificate from the Dashboard for later use.

  5. Generate a temp Access Token (valid for 24 hours) from dashboard page with given channel name, save for later use.

  6. Open Android/APIExample and edit the app/src/main/res/values/string-config.xml file. Update YOUR APP ID with your App Id, update YOUR APP CERTIFICATE with the main app certificate from dashboard, and update YOUR ACCESS TOKEN with the temp Access Token generated from dashboard. Note you can leave the token and certificate variable null if your project has not turned on security token.

    <string name="agora_app_id" translatable="false">YOUR APP ID</string>
    // assign token and certificate to null if you have not enabled app certificate
    <string name="agora_app_certificate" translatable="false">YOUR APP CERTIFICATE</string>
    // assign token and certificate to null if you have not enabled app certificate or you have set the certificate above.
    <string name="agora_access_token" translatable="false">YOUR ACCESS TOKEN</string>

You are all set. Now connect your Android device and run the project.

Contact Us

  • For potential issues, take a look at our FAQ first
  • Dive into Agora SDK Samples to see more tutorials
  • Take a look at Agora Use Case for more complicated real use case
  • Repositories managed by developer communities can be found at Agora Community
  • You can find full API documentation at Document Center
  • If you encounter problems during integration, you can ask question in Stack Overflow
  • You can file bugs about this sample at issue


The MIT License (MIT)