dhcplt is a DHCPv4/DHCPv6 load tester for Linux with following features:
Using any source mac address and VLAN tags for DHCP packets without provisioning them in OS, this is achieved via using etherconn
- Support DORA, Release, Renew and Rebind - source addr, port could be customized - Following DHCPv4 options could be included in request: - Client Id - Vendor Class - Option82 Circuit-Id - Option82 Remote-Id - Gi Addr - Custom option
- Support DORA Release, Renew and Rebind - source addr, port could be customized - Request for IA_NA and/or IA_PD prefix - Send request in relay-forward message to simulate a relayed message, and handle the relay-reply message - following DHCPv6 options could be included in request: - BBF circuit-id/remote-id (only in relay message) - client id - option of sending Router Solicit and expect Router Advertisement with M bit, before starting DHCPv6
Flapping: dhcplt support flapping, which repeatly establish and release DHCP leases.
performant: test shows that it could do 4k DORA per sec on a single core VM
- using dhcplt requires root privilege
- action release, renew and rebind require a previous saved lease file
- 10000 DHCPv4 clients doing DORA on interface eth1, no VLAN, starting MAC address is the eth1 interface mac, increase by 1 for each client
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000
- on top of example #1, using VLAN tag 100 and SVLAN tag 200, all clients use same VLAN tags
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -vlan 100 -svlan 200
- on top of example #1, specifing starting MAC is aa:bb:cc:11:22:33
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -mac aa:bb:cc:11:22:33
- on top of example #2, starting VLAN tags is 200.100, but each client increase VLAN tag by 1, e.g 2nd is 200.101, 3rd is 200.102..etc
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -vlan 100 -svlan 200 -vlanstep 1
- on top of example #2, launch all clients at once, without waiting interval
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -vlan 100 -svlan 200 -interval 0s
- on top of example #2, include Client-Id option, note "@ID" will be replaced by client index, e.g. first client is "Client-0", 2nd "Client-1", 3rd "Client-2" ..etc;
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -vlan 100 -svlan 200 -clntid "Client-@ID"
- example 1 version for DHCPv6
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -v4=false -v6=true
- example 8 variant, request both IA_NA and IA_PD
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -v4=false -v6=true -iapd=true -iana=true
- example 9 variant, sending RS first
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -v4=false -v6=true -iapd=true -iana=true -sendrs
- example 8 variant, simulating relay
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -v4=false -v6=true -v6msgtype relay
- example 1 variant, 5000 clients flapping
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -flap 5000
- example 1 variant, save lease to file
dhcplt -i eth1 -n 10000 -savelease
- using saved lease file to send release msg, only release v4 leases in the file
dhcplt -i eth1 -action release
- example 14 variant, release both v4 and v6 leases
dhcplt -i eth1 -action release -v6
- using saved lease file to send renew msg, only send renew for all dhcpv4 leases in the lease file
dhcplt -i eth1 -action renew
With action DORA, dhcplt will display a summary of results after it s done like following:
Result Summary
total trans: 500
Success dial:500
Success release:0
Failed trans:0
Setup rate:613.3661282373594
Fastest dial success:69.320291ms
dial Success within a second:500
Slowest dial success:173.38359ms
Avg dial success time:135.940204ms
- Total trans: number of DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 transatctions, one DORA or one release is counted as one transaction.
- Success dial/release: number of success DORA or release transactions.
- Duration: between launch 1st client and stop of last client
- Interval: launch interval, specified by "-interval"
- Setup rate: the number of success DORA / duration in second
- Fastest/Slowest dial success/Success within a second/slowest success/Avg dial success time: these are amount time of a client complete DORA, e.g fastest dial success means least amount of time a client took to complete DORA
a DHCP load tester, unversioned
- action: dora | release | renew | rebind
- applylease: apply assigned address on the interface if true
- cid: BBF circuit-id
- clntid: client-id
- customv4option: custom DHCPv4 option, code:value format
- customv6option: custom DHCPv6 option, code:value format
- d: enable debug output
- driver: etherconn forward engine
- excludedvlans: a list of excluded VLAN IDs
- flapmaxinterval: minimal flapping interval
- flapmininterval: max flapping interval
- flapnum: number of client flapping
- flapstaydowndur: duriation of stay down
- giaddr: Gi address for DHCPv4, simulating relay agent
- i: interface name
- interval: interval between setup of sessions
- leasefile:
- mac: starting MAC address
- macstep: amount of increase between two consecutive MAC address
- n: number of clients
- needna: request DHCPv6 IANA if true
- needpd: request DHCPv6 IAPD if true
- profiling: enable profiling, dev use only
- retry: number of setup retry
- rid: BBF remote-id
- savelease: save the lease if true
- sendrsfirst: send Router Solict first if true
- srcv4: source address for DHCPv4
- srcv4port: source port for egress DHCPv4 message
- srcv6: source address for DHCPv6
- srcv6port: source port for egress DHCPv6 message
- stackdelay: delay between setup v4 and v6, postive value means setup v4 first, negative means v6 first
- timeout: setup timout
- v4: do DHCPv4 if true
- v6: do DHCPv6 if true
- v6msgtype: DHCPv6 exchange type, solict|relay|auto
- vendorclass: vendor class
- vlan: starting VLAN ID, Dot1Q or QinQ
- vlanetype: EthernetType for the vlan tag
- vlanstep: amount of increase between two consecutive VLAN ID
-cfgfromfile: load configuration from the specified file
- interval: this is wait interval between launch client DORA
- all duration type could use syntax that can be parsed by GOlang flag.Duration, like "1s", "1ms"
- vlanetype are EtherType for the tag as uint16 number
- customv4option/customv6option: format is ":" for example "60:dhcplt" means include an Option 60 with value as "dhcplt"
- -v6msgtype: setting the DHCPv6 message type: - solicit - relay - auto: if rid or cid is specified, then it is relay; otherwise solict
- flapnum: the number of clients flapping
- flapmaxinterval, flapmininterval: the duration a flapping client stay connected, it is random value between min and max
- flapstaydowndur: the duration a flapping client stay disconnected.
- srcv4port: by default source port is 68, 67 if giaddr is specified; however it could overriden by this parameter
Thanks to shouchan, beside using CLI parameters, a YAML config file could also be used via "-f <conf_file>", the content of YAML is the testSetup