\\` or \\`useRoutes(routes, location)\\`, ` +\n `the location pathname must begin with the portion of the URL pathname that was ` +\n `matched by all parent routes. The current pathname base is \"${parentPathnameBase}\" ` +\n `but pathname \"${parsedLocationArg.pathname}\" was given in the \\`location\\` prop.`\n );\n\n location = parsedLocationArg;\n } else {\n location = locationFromContext;\n }\n\n let pathname = location.pathname || \"/\";\n let remainingPathname =\n parentPathnameBase === \"/\"\n ? pathname\n : pathname.slice(parentPathnameBase.length) || \"/\";\n\n let matches = matchRoutes(routes, { pathname: remainingPathname });\n\n if (__DEV__) {\n warning(\n parentRoute || matches != null,\n `No routes matched location \"${location.pathname}${location.search}${location.hash}\" `\n );\n\n warning(\n matches == null ||\n matches[matches.length - 1].route.element !== undefined,\n `Matched leaf route at location \"${location.pathname}${location.search}${location.hash}\" does not have an element. ` +\n `This means it will render an with a null value by default resulting in an \"empty\" page.`\n );\n }\n\n let renderedMatches = _renderMatches(\n matches &&\n matches.map((match) =>\n Object.assign({}, match, {\n params: Object.assign({}, parentParams, match.params),\n pathname: joinPaths([parentPathnameBase, match.pathname]),\n pathnameBase:\n match.pathnameBase === \"/\"\n ? parentPathnameBase\n : joinPaths([parentPathnameBase, match.pathnameBase]),\n })\n ),\n parentMatches,\n dataRouterStateContext || undefined\n );\n\n // When a user passes in a `locationArg`, the associated routes need to\n // be wrapped in a new `LocationContext.Provider` in order for `useLocation`\n // to use the scoped location instead of the global location.\n if (locationArg && renderedMatches) {\n return (\n \n {renderedMatches}\n \n );\n }\n\n return renderedMatches;\n}\n\nfunction DefaultErrorElement() {\n let error = useRouteError();\n let message = isRouteErrorResponse(error)\n ? `${error.status} ${error.statusText}`\n : error instanceof Error\n ? error.message\n : JSON.stringify(error);\n let stack = error instanceof Error ? error.stack : null;\n let lightgrey = \"rgba(200,200,200, 0.5)\";\n let preStyles = { padding: \"0.5rem\", backgroundColor: lightgrey };\n let codeStyles = { padding: \"2px 4px\", backgroundColor: lightgrey };\n return (\n <>\n Unhandled Thrown Error!
\n {message}
\n {stack ? {stack}
: null}\n 💿 Hey developer 👋
\n \n You can provide a way better UX than this when your app throws errors by\n providing your own \n errorElement
props on \n <Route>
\n >\n );\n}\n\ntype RenderErrorBoundaryProps = React.PropsWithChildren<{\n location: Location;\n error: any;\n component: React.ReactNode;\n}>;\n\ntype RenderErrorBoundaryState = {\n location: Location;\n error: any;\n};\n\nexport class RenderErrorBoundary extends React.Component<\n RenderErrorBoundaryProps,\n RenderErrorBoundaryState\n> {\n constructor(props: RenderErrorBoundaryProps) {\n super(props);\n this.state = {\n location: props.location,\n error: props.error,\n };\n }\n\n static getDerivedStateFromError(error: any) {\n return { error: error };\n }\n\n static getDerivedStateFromProps(\n props: RenderErrorBoundaryProps,\n state: RenderErrorBoundaryState\n ) {\n // When we get into an error state, the user will likely click \"back\" to the\n // previous page that didn't have an error. Because this wraps the entire\n // application, that will have no effect--the error page continues to display.\n // This gives us a mechanism to recover from the error when the location changes.\n //\n // Whether we're in an error state or not, we update the location in state\n // so that when we are in an error state, it gets reset when a new location\n // comes in and the user recovers from the error.\n if (state.location !== props.location) {\n return {\n error: props.error,\n location: props.location,\n };\n }\n\n // If we're not changing locations, preserve the location but still surface\n // any new errors that may come through. We retain the existing error, we do\n // this because the error provided from the app state may be cleared without\n // the location changing.\n return {\n error: props.error || state.error,\n location: state.location,\n };\n }\n\n componentDidCatch(error: any, errorInfo: any) {\n console.error(\n \"React Router caught the following error during render\",\n error,\n errorInfo\n );\n }\n\n render() {\n return this.state.error ? (\n \n ) : (\n this.props.children\n );\n }\n}\n\ninterface RenderedRouteProps {\n routeContext: RouteContextObject;\n match: RouteMatch;\n children: React.ReactNode | null;\n}\n\nfunction RenderedRoute({ routeContext, match, children }: RenderedRouteProps) {\n let dataStaticRouterContext = React.useContext(DataStaticRouterContext);\n\n // Track how deep we got in our render pass to emulate SSR componentDidCatch\n // in a DataStaticRouter\n if (dataStaticRouterContext && match.route.errorElement) {\n dataStaticRouterContext._deepestRenderedBoundaryId = match.route.id;\n }\n\n return (\n \n {children}\n \n );\n}\n\nexport function _renderMatches(\n matches: RouteMatch[] | null,\n parentMatches: RouteMatch[] = [],\n dataRouterState?: RemixRouter[\"state\"]\n): React.ReactElement | null {\n if (matches == null) {\n if (dataRouterState?.errors) {\n // Don't bail if we have data router errors so we can render them in the\n // boundary. Use the pre-matched (or shimmed) matches\n matches = dataRouterState.matches as DataRouteMatch[];\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n let renderedMatches = matches;\n\n // If we have data errors, trim matches to the highest error boundary\n let errors = dataRouterState?.errors;\n if (errors != null) {\n let errorIndex = renderedMatches.findIndex(\n (m) => m.route.id && errors?.[m.route.id]\n );\n invariant(\n errorIndex >= 0,\n `Could not find a matching route for the current errors: ${errors}`\n );\n renderedMatches = renderedMatches.slice(\n 0,\n Math.min(renderedMatches.length, errorIndex + 1)\n );\n }\n\n return renderedMatches.reduceRight((outlet, match, index) => {\n let error = match.route.id ? errors?.[match.route.id] : null;\n // Only data routers handle errors\n let errorElement = dataRouterState\n ? match.route.errorElement || \n : null;\n let getChildren = () => (\n \n {error\n ? errorElement\n : match.route.element !== undefined\n ? match.route.element\n : outlet}\n \n );\n // Only wrap in an error boundary within data router usages when we have an\n // errorElement on this route. Otherwise let it bubble up to an ancestor\n // errorElement\n return dataRouterState && (match.route.errorElement || index === 0) ? (\n \n ) : (\n getChildren()\n );\n }, null as React.ReactElement | null);\n}\n\nenum DataRouterHook {\n UseRevalidator = \"useRevalidator\",\n}\n\nenum DataRouterStateHook {\n UseLoaderData = \"useLoaderData\",\n UseActionData = \"useActionData\",\n UseRouteError = \"useRouteError\",\n UseNavigation = \"useNavigation\",\n UseRouteLoaderData = \"useRouteLoaderData\",\n UseMatches = \"useMatches\",\n UseRevalidator = \"useRevalidator\",\n}\n\nfunction getDataRouterConsoleError(\n hookName: DataRouterHook | DataRouterStateHook\n) {\n return `${hookName} must be used within a data router. See https://reactrouter.com/en/main/routers/picking-a-router.`;\n}\n\nfunction useDataRouterContext(hookName: DataRouterHook) {\n let ctx = React.useContext(DataRouterContext);\n invariant(ctx, getDataRouterConsoleError(hookName));\n return ctx;\n}\n\nfunction useDataRouterState(hookName: DataRouterStateHook) {\n let state = React.useContext(DataRouterStateContext);\n invariant(state, getDataRouterConsoleError(hookName));\n return state;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the current navigation, defaulting to an \"idle\" navigation when\n * no navigation is in progress\n */\nexport function useNavigation() {\n let state = useDataRouterState(DataRouterStateHook.UseNavigation);\n return state.navigation;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a revalidate function for manually triggering revalidation, as well\n * as the current state of any manual revalidations\n */\nexport function useRevalidator() {\n let dataRouterContext = useDataRouterContext(DataRouterHook.UseRevalidator);\n let state = useDataRouterState(DataRouterStateHook.UseRevalidator);\n return {\n revalidate: dataRouterContext.router.revalidate,\n state: state.revalidation,\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the active route matches, useful for accessing loaderData for\n * parent/child routes or the route \"handle\" property\n */\nexport function useMatches() {\n let { matches, loaderData } = useDataRouterState(\n DataRouterStateHook.UseMatches\n );\n return React.useMemo(\n () =>\n matches.map((match) => {\n let { pathname, params } = match;\n // Note: This structure matches that created by createUseMatchesMatch\n // in the @remix-run/router , so if you change this please also change\n // that :) Eventually we'll DRY this up\n return {\n id: match.route.id,\n pathname,\n params,\n data: loaderData[match.route.id] as unknown,\n handle: match.route.handle as unknown,\n };\n }),\n [matches, loaderData]\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the loader data for the nearest ancestor Route loader\n */\nexport function useLoaderData(): unknown {\n let state = useDataRouterState(DataRouterStateHook.UseLoaderData);\n\n let route = React.useContext(RouteContext);\n invariant(route, `useLoaderData must be used inside a RouteContext`);\n\n let thisRoute = route.matches[route.matches.length - 1];\n invariant(\n thisRoute.route.id,\n `useLoaderData can only be used on routes that contain a unique \"id\"`\n );\n\n return state.loaderData[thisRoute.route.id];\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the loaderData for the given routeId\n */\nexport function useRouteLoaderData(routeId: string): unknown {\n let state = useDataRouterState(DataRouterStateHook.UseRouteLoaderData);\n return state.loaderData[routeId];\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the action data for the nearest ancestor Route action\n */\nexport function useActionData(): unknown {\n let state = useDataRouterState(DataRouterStateHook.UseActionData);\n\n let route = React.useContext(RouteContext);\n invariant(route, `useActionData must be used inside a RouteContext`);\n\n return Object.values(state?.actionData || {})[0];\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the nearest ancestor Route error, which could be a loader/action\n * error or a render error. This is intended to be called from your\n * errorElement to display a proper error message.\n */\nexport function useRouteError(): unknown {\n let error = React.useContext(RouteErrorContext);\n let state = useDataRouterState(DataRouterStateHook.UseRouteError);\n let route = React.useContext(RouteContext);\n let thisRoute = route.matches[route.matches.length - 1];\n\n // If this was a render error, we put it in a RouteError context inside\n // of RenderErrorBoundary\n if (error) {\n return error;\n }\n\n invariant(route, `useRouteError must be used inside a RouteContext`);\n invariant(\n thisRoute.route.id,\n `useRouteError can only be used on routes that contain a unique \"id\"`\n );\n\n // Otherwise look for errors from our data router state\n return state.errors?.[thisRoute.route.id];\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the happy-path data from the nearest ancestor value\n */\nexport function useAsyncValue(): unknown {\n let value = React.useContext(AwaitContext);\n return value?._data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the error from the nearest ancestor value\n */\nexport function useAsyncError(): unknown {\n let value = React.useContext(AwaitContext);\n return value?._error;\n}\n\nconst alreadyWarned: Record = {};\n\nfunction warningOnce(key: string, cond: boolean, message: string) {\n if (!cond && !alreadyWarned[key]) {\n alreadyWarned[key] = true;\n warning(false, message);\n }\n}\n","import * as React from \"react\";\nimport type {\n TrackedPromise,\n InitialEntry,\n Location,\n MemoryHistory,\n Router as RemixRouter,\n RouterState,\n To,\n} from \"@remix-run/router\";\nimport {\n Action as NavigationType,\n AbortedDeferredError,\n createMemoryHistory,\n invariant,\n parsePath,\n stripBasename,\n warning,\n} from \"@remix-run/router\";\nimport { useSyncExternalStore as useSyncExternalStoreShim } from \"./use-sync-external-store-shim\";\n\nimport type {\n DataRouteObject,\n IndexRouteObject,\n RouteMatch,\n RouteObject,\n Navigator,\n NonIndexRouteObject,\n RelativeRoutingType,\n} from \"./context\";\nimport {\n LocationContext,\n NavigationContext,\n DataRouterContext,\n DataRouterStateContext,\n AwaitContext,\n} from \"./context\";\nimport {\n useAsyncValue,\n useInRouterContext,\n useNavigate,\n useOutlet,\n useRoutes,\n _renderMatches,\n} from \"./hooks\";\n\nexport interface RouterProviderProps {\n fallbackElement?: React.ReactNode;\n router: RemixRouter;\n}\n\n/**\n * Given a Remix Router instance, render the appropriate UI\n */\nexport function RouterProvider({\n fallbackElement,\n router,\n}: RouterProviderProps): React.ReactElement {\n // Sync router state to our component state to force re-renders\n let state: RouterState = useSyncExternalStoreShim(\n router.subscribe,\n () => router.state,\n // We have to provide this so React@18 doesn't complain during hydration,\n // but we pass our serialized hydration data into the router so state here\n // is already synced with what the server saw\n () => router.state\n );\n\n let navigator = React.useMemo((): Navigator => {\n return {\n createHref: router.createHref,\n go: (n) => router.navigate(n),\n push: (to, state, opts) =>\n router.navigate(to, {\n state,\n preventScrollReset: opts?.preventScrollReset,\n }),\n replace: (to, state, opts) =>\n router.navigate(to, {\n replace: true,\n state,\n preventScrollReset: opts?.preventScrollReset,\n }),\n };\n }, [router]);\n\n let basename = router.basename || \"/\";\n\n return (\n \n \n \n {router.state.initialized ? : fallbackElement}\n \n \n \n );\n}\n\nexport interface MemoryRouterProps {\n basename?: string;\n children?: React.ReactNode;\n initialEntries?: InitialEntry[];\n initialIndex?: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * A that stores all entries in memory.\n *\n * @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/routers/memory-router\n */\nexport function MemoryRouter({\n basename,\n children,\n initialEntries,\n initialIndex,\n}: MemoryRouterProps): React.ReactElement {\n let historyRef = React.useRef();\n if (historyRef.current == null) {\n historyRef.current = createMemoryHistory({\n initialEntries,\n initialIndex,\n v5Compat: true,\n });\n }\n\n let history = historyRef.current;\n let [state, setState] = React.useState({\n action: history.action,\n location: history.location,\n });\n\n React.useLayoutEffect(() => history.listen(setState), [history]);\n\n return (\n \n );\n}\n\nexport interface NavigateProps {\n to: To;\n replace?: boolean;\n state?: any;\n relative?: RelativeRoutingType;\n}\n\n/**\n * Changes the current location.\n *\n * Note: This API is mostly useful in React.Component subclasses that are not\n * able to use hooks. In functional components, we recommend you use the\n * `useNavigate` hook instead.\n *\n * @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/components/navigate\n */\nexport function Navigate({\n to,\n replace,\n state,\n relative,\n}: NavigateProps): null {\n invariant(\n useInRouterContext(),\n // TODO: This error is probably because they somehow have 2 versions of\n // the router loaded. We can help them understand how to avoid that.\n ` may be used only in the context of a component.`\n );\n\n warning(\n !React.useContext(NavigationContext).static,\n ` must not be used on the initial render in a . ` +\n `This is a no-op, but you should modify your code so the is ` +\n `only ever rendered in response to some user interaction or state change.`\n );\n\n let dataRouterState = React.useContext(DataRouterStateContext);\n let navigate = useNavigate();\n\n React.useEffect(() => {\n // Avoid kicking off multiple navigations if we're in the middle of a\n // data-router navigation, since components get re-rendered when we enter\n // a submitting/loading state\n if (dataRouterState && dataRouterState.navigation.state !== \"idle\") {\n return;\n }\n navigate(to, { replace, state, relative });\n });\n\n return null;\n}\n\nexport interface OutletProps {\n context?: unknown;\n}\n\n/**\n * Renders the child route's element, if there is one.\n *\n * @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/components/outlet\n */\nexport function Outlet(props: OutletProps): React.ReactElement | null {\n return useOutlet(props.context);\n}\n\nexport interface PathRouteProps {\n caseSensitive?: NonIndexRouteObject[\"caseSensitive\"];\n path?: NonIndexRouteObject[\"path\"];\n id?: NonIndexRouteObject[\"id\"];\n loader?: NonIndexRouteObject[\"loader\"];\n action?: NonIndexRouteObject[\"action\"];\n hasErrorBoundary?: NonIndexRouteObject[\"hasErrorBoundary\"];\n shouldRevalidate?: NonIndexRouteObject[\"shouldRevalidate\"];\n handle?: NonIndexRouteObject[\"handle\"];\n index?: false;\n children?: React.ReactNode;\n element?: React.ReactNode | null;\n errorElement?: React.ReactNode | null;\n}\n\nexport interface LayoutRouteProps extends PathRouteProps {}\n\nexport interface IndexRouteProps {\n caseSensitive?: IndexRouteObject[\"caseSensitive\"];\n path?: IndexRouteObject[\"path\"];\n id?: IndexRouteObject[\"id\"];\n loader?: IndexRouteObject[\"loader\"];\n action?: IndexRouteObject[\"action\"];\n hasErrorBoundary?: IndexRouteObject[\"hasErrorBoundary\"];\n shouldRevalidate?: IndexRouteObject[\"shouldRevalidate\"];\n handle?: IndexRouteObject[\"handle\"];\n index: true;\n children?: undefined;\n element?: React.ReactNode | null;\n errorElement?: React.ReactNode | null;\n}\n\nexport type RouteProps = PathRouteProps | LayoutRouteProps | IndexRouteProps;\n\n/**\n * Declares an element that should be rendered at a certain URL path.\n *\n * @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/components/route\n */\nexport function Route(_props: RouteProps): React.ReactElement | null {\n invariant(\n false,\n `A is only ever to be used as the child of element, ` +\n `never rendered directly. Please wrap your in a .`\n );\n}\n\nexport interface RouterProps {\n basename?: string;\n children?: React.ReactNode;\n location: Partial | string;\n navigationType?: NavigationType;\n navigator: Navigator;\n static?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Provides location context for the rest of the app.\n *\n * Note: You usually won't render a directly. Instead, you'll render a\n * router that is more specific to your environment such as a \n * in web browsers or a for server rendering.\n *\n * @see https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/routers/router\n */\nexport function Router({\n basename: basenameProp = \"/\",\n children = null,\n location: locationProp,\n navigationType = NavigationType.Pop,\n navigator,\n static: staticProp = false,\n}: RouterProps): React.ReactElement | null {\n invariant(\n !useInRouterContext(),\n `You cannot render a inside another .` +\n ` You should never have more than one in your app.`\n );\n\n // Preserve trailing slashes on basename, so we can let the user control\n // the enforcement of trailing slashes throughout the app\n let basename = basenameProp.replace(/^\\/*/, \"/\");\n let navigationContext = React.useMemo(\n () => ({ basename, navigator, static: staticProp }),\n [basename, navigator, staticProp]\n );\n\n if (typeof locationProp === \"string\") {\n locationProp = parsePath(locationProp);\n }\n\n let {\n pathname = \"/\",\n search = \"\",\n hash = \"\",\n state = null,\n key = \"default\",\n } = locationProp;\n\n let location = React.useMemo(() => {\n let trailingPathname = stripBasename(pathname, basename);\n\n if (trailingPathname == null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return {\n pathname: trailingPathname,\n search,\n hash,\n state,\n key,\n };\n }, [basename, pathname, search, hash, state, key]);\n\n warning(\n location != null,\n `