convert dialogue into formatted bbcode + html for use on mspfa the website
edit names.json with new characters under a key. the key is what you use for their "name" in the dialogue
all of the possible tags are included in the "_EXAMPLE" character.. study them
also html/bbcode tags accept attributes. like if you type b style='color:red'
into a html tag string it will actually style like that.
names are defined before a colon (:). so if you type _EXAMPLE: fart poo poo
then "_EXAMPLE" will be the name of the character.
the character's name should ideally match a key in the characters json
file, not the actual display name of the character. if it doesn't, no biggie - it just won't add fancy bbcode to it
for the properties in the characters json file:
- "name" affects name
- "speech" affects the words the character is saying
- "dialogue" encompasses the whole thing
- have nodejs installed
- download the contents of this repo into its own folder
- type "CMD" into the explorer address bar with the folder containing this code in
- type "node write" into node
- output file is created in the same folder
- text replacements a la mxrp, for troll quirks
- invisible but still-screen readable names. you can do it manually but not everyone knows how to