- Installation
- Registering the Package
- Usage
- Generating gravatar url by user() method
- Generating gravatar url by make() method
- Generating HTM avatar code
Add Gravatar to your composer.json file:
composer require artlabs/gravatar
Use composer to install this package.
$ composer update
Add the Gravatar Service Provider to your config in config/app.php
'providers' => array(
Generating avatar with default settings is very simple and all you have to do is to call
method with user email as a paramterer:
// user email
$email = "[email protected]";
// create a gravatar object for specified email
$gravatar = Gravatar::user( $email );
// get gravatar url as a string
$url = $gravatar->url();
If you want to customize avatar a little bit you can set some more parameters using additional methods
like size()
, rating()
, defaultImage()
// user email
$email = "[email protected]";
// create a gravatar object for specified email with additional settings
$gravatar = Gravatar::user( $email );
// Size in pixels, defaults to 80px [ 1 - 2048 ]
// Maximum rating (inclusive) [ g | pg | r | x ]
// defaults to 'g'
// Default imageset to use [ 404 | mm | identicon | monsterid | wavatar ]
// You can also specify url to your own default avatar image
// defaults to 'mm'
// set Gravatar to build urls with https [true = use https, false = ise http]
// defaults to 'false'
$gravatar->secured( true );
// get gravatar url as a string
$url = $gravatar->url();
U can also chain all methods:
$url = Gravatar::user( $email )->size('220')->rating('g')->defaultImage('mm')->url();
Basic way to generate gravatar url is just to call make()
method with
user email address as a parameter (all other parameters will be loaded from defaults).
// user email
$email = "[email protected]";
// create a gravatar object for specified email
$gravatar = Gravatar::make( $email );
// get gravatar url as a string
$url = $gravatar->url();
U can aslo chain methods:
// to get url string
$url = Gravatar::make( $email )->url();
If you want specify size of avatar or some other additional parameters you can do this
by passing array with parameters to make()
// user email
$email = "[email protected]";
// create a gravatar object in specified size
$url = Gravatar::make( ['email' => $email, 'size' => 220] )->url();
// create a gravatar object with some other additional parameters
$url = Gravatar::make( [
'email' => $email,
'size' => 220,
'defaultImage' => 'mm',
'rating' => 'g',
'secured' => true
With Gravatar you can get url string of user avatar by calling url()
but also you can generate full html code by calling html()
method instead of url()
// user email
$email = "[email protected]";
// create some Gravatar object
$gravatar = Gravatar::user( $email )->size('120');
// get gravatar <img> html code
$html = $gravatar->html();
If you want to have more controll over the returned html code you can pass some additional html attributes to html() method, for examle:
$html = Gravatar::user( $email )->html( ['class' => 'avatar', 'id' => 'user123' ] );