- Enable Move card functionality.
- Asssign or remove any user to card.
- Enable Add comment to card functionality.
- Update icons to use Octicons.
- Enable Archive card functionality.
- Allow user to remove themself from card.
- Can update title and description of card (edit from current value).
- Add user to card, add description to card functionality
- WARNING - Edit description will overwrite the existing description
- Update how error messages are handled.
- Enable Add card functionality.
- Existing users will need to register new API token with write access to Trello.
- 'starredBoardsOnly' set to false by default.
- Minor update to checklist and comment formatting.
- Prefix card number to card names.
- Show comments on card.
- Show initials of users assigned to card.
- Enable auto line breaks for markdown new lines.
- Fixed checklist ordering.
- Improve visual format of card.
- Minor documentation update. Improved api tests.
- Reinitialized repo using yeoman generator
- Fix for Linux Mint - "command not found" error
- Initial release