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WiFi Pineapple Module API


Unlike the old web interface, the back end of the new interface has been decoupled from the front end. All requests to perform system actions are sent as POSTs to /api/. The content of the POST is JSON and contains a minimum of two parameters.

The first parameter key must be either system or module

system is used for core system functions such as logging users in and performing system setup as well as managing notifications. module is used when sending a request to any of the default modules or to any user modules. The value is set to the module with which you are trying to communicate. For example, "system": "notifications" or "module": "RandomRoll".

The second parameter key action

This is set to the action you wish to perform. For instance, this could be "action": "listNotifications" or "action": "getRandomRollRolls".

Any other parameters are optional and are specific to the module and action you are requesting

Many actions do not require additional parameters. For instance, {"system": "notifications", "action": "listNotifications"} will return a list of all of the current unread notifications (as JSON). However, there are some functions, such as addNotification, that require additional parameters (in this case message). To create a new notifications, one would use the following request:

  "system": "notifications",
  "action": "addNotification",
  "message": "Hello World!"


(Please note that extra authentication parameters are not required when using the angular module api due to the fact that client side module components are loaded after the user authenticates their browser)

There are a couple ways to authenticate with the pineapple. Requests sent via the web interface use a PHPSESSID cookie as well as an X-XSRF-TOKEN header. The pineapple will verify that the session is valid and logged in and that the XSRF token matches the one generated at the start of the session. If both of these conditions are met, the request is routed. An example of a request sent by chrome is as follows:

POST /api/ HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 55
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
X-XSRF-TOKEN: b01c5046faa2f8ffbed6f2fdd90a5605e6c505e3
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.87 Safari/537.36
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Cookie: PHPSESSID=cfd6b0bb983666362cae311c457d1d34; XSRF-TOKEN=b01c5046faa2f8ffbed6f2fdd90a5605e6c505e3


This type of authentication is awkward and clumbsy to implement programmatically. Because of this, we have added a new way to authenticate with the WiFi Pineapple: API tokens. Though API tokens are supported by default, the pineapple is shipped without any valid tokens. The process of generating API tokens is simplified by the API Tokens module. After a token has been generated, it can be sent as an additional parameter. To use an API token, simply add an additional apiToken key to the request body. For example, to add a notification, one could send the following JSON request:

  "system": "notifications",
  "action": "addNotification",
  "message": "Hello World!",
  "apiToken": "7365626b696e6e652063616e7420636f6465202724ef6b5d7ac0b800cc83d474e8e007"

If the apiToken parameter is valid, the request will be route; otherwise an error will be returned.




The advanced module simplifies some more advanced processes like performing system upgrades and clearing system caches. For example, the following will clear the pineapple's caches:

  "module": "Advanced",
  "action": "dropCaches"
Action Description Parameters
getResources Returns a JSON array of disk and memory usage none
dropCaches Clears system caches none
getUSB Returns a list of USB devices connected ot the pineapple none
getFstab Returns the contents of /etc/config/fstab none
getCSS Returns the contents of main.css none
saveFstab Overwrites /etc/config/fstab with a string
  • fstab
    • A string to be written to /etc/config/fstab
saveCSS Overwrites the contents of main.css with a string
  • css
    • A string to be written to /pineapple/css/main.css
checkForUpgrade Fetches the list of upgrades and the description of each none
downloadUpgrade Upgrades the pineapple to a specified firmare version (see output of checkForUpgrades and getCurrentVersion)
  • version
    • The version to which the pineapple should be upgraded
getDownloadStatus Tells whether a firmware download is complete or in progress and how many bytes have been downloaded none
performUpgrade Upgrades using the image in /tmp/upgrade.bin none
getCurrentVersion Returns the current firmware version on the pineapple none



The Clients module allows for the monitoring and management of connected clients. For example, the following would kick the client with the MAC address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:

  "module": "Clients",
  "action": "kickClient",
  "mac": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"
Action Description Parameters
getClientData Returns a JSON array of connected clients none
kickClient Kicks (disconnects) a connected client from the pineapple
  • mac
    • The MAC address of the client to be kicked



The configuration module allows for the modification of several pineapple configuration options such as timezone and landing page. The example below would set the landing page content to <b><i>Pineapples are yummy</i></b>:

  "module": "Configuration",
  "action": "saveLandingPage",
  "landingPageData": "<b><i>Pineapples are yummy</i></b>"
Action Description Parameters
getCurrentTimeZone Retrieves the current timezone of the pineapple none
changeTimeZone Changes the pineapple's timezone
  • timeZone
    • The timezone to switch to
getLandingPageData Gets the current landing page data none
saveLandingPage Changes the landing page content
  • landingPageData
    • The text to which the landing page will be set
changePassword Changes the password for the root user
  • newPassword
    • The new password for the root user
  • newPasswordRepeat
    • For verification, must be the same as newPassword
  • oldPassword
    • The current password for root
resetPineapple Resets the pineapple (executes mtd erase rootfs_data) none
haltPineapple Halts the pineapple none
rebootPineapple Reboots the pineapple none
getLandingPageStatus Shows whether the landing page is enabled or not none
enableLandingPage Enables the landing page none
disableLandingPage Disables the landing page none



You can use the Dashboards API to return useful values such as CPU usage, total SSIDs, SSIDs discovered this session and uptime. For example, the following will get the bulletins:

  "module": "Dashboard",
  "action": "getBulletins"
Action Description Parameters
getOverviewData Return an array containing cpu, uptime, clients, SSIDs and newSSIDs. none
getLandingPageData Return all landing page browser stats none
getBulletins Return bulletins none



The filters module has API that will allow you manage all aspects of the Filter module externally, such as getting client data or adding clients. It is used like so:

    "module": "Filters",
    "action": "getClientData"
Action Description Parameters
getClientData Return an array of client filters. (Mode and Filters) none
getSSIDData Return an array of SSID filters (Mode and Filters) none
toggleClientMode Toggle between whitelist and blacklist mode for client filtering none
toggleSSIDMode Toggle between whitelist and blacklist mode for SSID filtering none
addClient Add client to filter
  • mac
    • MAC address of client
addSSID Add SSID to filter
  • ssid
    • SSID of Access Point
removeClient Remove client from filter
  • mac
    • MAC address of client
removeSSID Remove SSID from filter
  • ssid
    • SSID of Access Point



The Logging module provides easy access to the syslog, dmesg, PineAP and Reporting logs. To use these API functions, send your api request with the "module" set to "Logging":

    "module": "Logging",
    "action": "getSyslog",
Action Description Parameters
getSyslog Return the system log in full none
getDmesg Return the kernel log in full none
getReportingLog Return the log from the Reporting module none
getPineapLog Return the log from PineAP none
clearPineapLog Clear the PineAP log file none
getPineapLogLocation Return the location of the PineAP log none
setPineapLogLocation Set the location for PineAP logging
  • location
    • New location of PineAP log.



The Module Manager is responsible for installing, removing, and upgrading modules. It's API can be used to manage modules, as well as fetching the list of installed modules and getting available modules. To use them in your module, your request body would look like this:

    "module": "ModuleManager",
    "action": "removeModule",
    "moduleName": "Module"
Action Description Parameters
getAvailableModules Return an array of modules available for download none
getInstalledModules Return an array of modules currently installed none
downloadModule Download a specified module
  • moduleName
    • Name of module to install
  • destination
    • Destination of module.(sdcard or internal)
installModule Install a specified module
  • moduleName
    • Name of module to install
  • destination
    • Destination of module.(sdcard or internal)
removeModule Remove a specified module
  • moduleName
    • Name of module to remove
downloadStatus Check status of module download none
installStatus Check status of module install none
checkDestination Check if the specified destination has the specified space free
  • name
    • Name of module
  • size
    • Size of module



The Networking module API allows you to interface with the networking side of the WiFi Pineapple without having to write your own functions to manage interfaces, the DNS, and the routing table. As described above, you can use these actions in your own module like so:

    "module": "Networking",
    "action": "setHostname",
    "hostname": "Pineapple"
Action Description Parameters
getRoutingTable Returns the routing table of the Pineapple none
restartDNS Restarts the DNS service on the Pineapple none
updateRoute Updates the routing table
  • routeIP
    • IP Address for the route
  • routeInterface
    • Interface for the route
getAdvancedData Returns the hostname and ifconfig none
setHostname Sets the hostname for the Pineapple
  • hostname
    • String for the hostname
resetWirelessConfig Resets the Wireless Configuration for the Pineapple none
getInterfaceList Returns an array of available network interfaces none
saveAPConfig Writes properties to the AP configuration
  • selectedChannel
    • Channel for the AP to operate on
  • openSSID
    • String for the SSID of the Open Access Point
  • hideOpenAP
    • Boolean to hide the Open Access Point or not
  • managementSSID
    • String for the SSID of the Management AP
  • managementKey
    • string for the WPA2 passphrase for the Management AP
  • disableManagementAP
    • Boolean to disable the Management AP or not
getAPConfig Returns an array of properties from the access point configuration. none
getMacData Returns the MAC Addresses of each of the wireless interfaces none
setMac Sets the MAC address for a specified interface
  • random
    • Boolean to set the MAC address as a random value.
  • interface
    • The interface you want to change the MAC address of
  • mac
    • The new MAC address of the interface
resetMac Reset the specified interface's MAC address to the factory default.
  • interface
    • The interface to reset



The PineAP module provides an easy way to interface with the PineAP suite. For example, one might use the following to add an SSID to PineAP's pool:

  "module": "PineAP",
  "action": "addSSID",
  "ssid": "ACME WiFi"
Action Description Parameters
getPool Returns an array of the SSIDs in PineAP's pool none
clearPool Clears the PineAP pool none
addSSID Adds an SSID to the pool
  • ssid
    • The SSID string to add
removeSSID Removes an SSID from the pool
  • ssid
    • The SSID string to remove
setPineAPSettings Update PineAP's settings
  • settings
    • A dictionary with setting key/value pairs
      • allowAssociations
        • Whether clients should be allowed to associate to the pineapple
      • logProbes
        • Whether to log probe requests
      • logAssociations
        • Whether to log associations
      • beaconResponses
        • Whether to send beacon responses
      • captureSSIDs
        • Whether to add sniffed SSIDs to the pool
      • broadcastSSIDs
        • Whether to broadcast the SSID pool
      • beaconInterval
        • The beacon interval- must be one of "low", "normal" or "aggressive"
      • responseInterval
        • The response interval- must be one of "low", "normal" or "aggressive"
      • targetMAC
        • The MAC to target with responses
      • sourceMAC
        • The MAC PineAP should spoof
getPineAPSettings Returns a dictionary with all the current PineAP settings none
deauth Deauth a list of clients from a station. Use this with caution. The misuse of this function may be illegal in some places.*
  • sta
    • The bssid of the station from which to disconnect the clients
  • clients
    • An array of client MACs to deauth
  • multiplier
    • The number of deauths (from 1 to 10) to send
  • channel
    • The channel to hop to before sending the frame(s)
enable Enables PineAP none
disable Disables PineAP none
saveAsDefault Makes the current configuration persist after reboots none
downloadPineAPPool Get a download link to the SSID pool (useful for client side modules) none



The recon module allows for the detection of access points and clients within range of the pineapple. The following example would scan for nearby access points:

  "module": "Recon",
  "action": "startScan",
  "scanType": "apOnly"
Action Description Parameters
startScan Starts a new scan
  • scanType
    • The type of scan to perform (either apOnly or clientAp)
  • scanDuration
    • The duration to of time (in seconds) to scan for
scanStatus Get the status or results of a scan
  • scan
    • A JSON encoded scan object (e.g.{"scanID": "1234567895", "scanType": "apOnly"})



The reporting module allows you to control the automatic reporting features of the pineapple. For example, the following would return report contents:

  "module": "Reporting",
  "action": "getReportContents"
Action Description Parameters
getReportConfiguration Gets the current reporting configuration none
getReportContents Gets the report contents none
getEmailConfiguration Gets the current email configuration for reporting none
setReportConfiguration Changes the report configuration
  • config
    • A JSON object containing the new configuration (eg. {"storeReport": true, "sendReport": true, "interval": 1, "generateReport": true})
setReportContents Set which items get reported
  • config
    • A JSON object containing the new configuration (eg. {"pineAPLog": true, "clearLog": true, "siteSurvey": false, "siteSurveyDuration": 0, "client": false, "tracking": false})
setEmailConfiguration Set the email configuration



Tracking allows you to create custom scripts for tracking clients. The following example would set a new tracking script:

  "module": "Tracking",
  "action": "saveScript",
  "trackingScript": "#!/bin/bash\n\nMAC=$1\nTYPE=$2 # 0 PROBE; 1 ASSOCIATION\nSSID=$3\n"
Action Description Parameters
getScript Gets the current tracking script contents none
saveScript Sets the current tracking script contents
  • trackingScript
    • The tracking script contents
getTrackingList Gets the current list of clients being tracked none
addMac Adds a MAC to tracking
  • mac
    • The MAC address to start tracking
removeMac Removes a MAC from tracking
  • mac
    • The MAC address to stop tracking

Module.php API

Every module must extend the Module class that resides in Module.php. Extending this class gives the module access to the following API functions. For more information, see Creating Modules.

Function Arguments Description Usage
execBackground() command Will execute command in the background. `$this->execBackground("ifconfig wlan1 down");
installDependency() dependencyName Will use opkg to install dependencyName. $this->installDependecy('nmap');
checkDependency() dependencyName Will use opkg to check is dependencyName is installed. $this->checkDependency('nmap');
checkRunning() processName Will check to see if processName is currently running on the system. $this->checkRunning('nmap');
uciGet() uciString Will use UCI to get value of supplied uciString $this->uciGet("network.wan");
uciSet() settingString
Will use UCI to set the supplied value of supplied settingString. $this->uciSet("network.wan.ifname", "wan2");
uciAddList() settingString
Will use UCI to create a new list with supplied settingString and value. $this->uciAddList("network", "wan3");

Community Python API

A community python API wrapper exists here but documentation is still in progress.

Further Information

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