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File metadata and controls

228 lines (177 loc) · 4.83 KB

Welcome to Super Xpress

This template provide you a ready to use express REST APIs and Graphql.


  • Graphql
  • Rest APIs
  • TypeOrm
  • JWT Authentications
  • Joi Validator
  • CLI
  • Basic Middleware (logger, cors, jwt, file uploads )
  • Lodash for basic developer function, and basic Cryptography function


Steps to run this project:

  1. run git clone
  2. Run yarn install command
  3. Setup database settings inside ormconfig.json file
  4. Copy .envexample to .env
  5. Run yarn start command


Cli provided for you to generate controller, entity, validator, and router

yarn run make

This command will show you an options what you want to generate

If you generate Entity, the GraphqlResolver will also generated but you need to register your resolver on the GraphqlRouter/index.ts

import YourResolver from "./YourResolver";
/* ... */
export default buildSchema({
  resolvers: [
    YourSesolver, //put it here
  /* ... */

and if you generate a Router you also need to register on Route/intex/ts

const yourRouter: Router = require("./Your");
router.use("/", yourRouter);


Entity is defined database model that automatically synced everytime you made a change

Setting up Entity

Example of entity

import {
} from "typeorm";
import { ObjectType, Field, Int } from 'type-graphql';

export class User extends BaseEntity {

@PrimaryGeneratedColumn() //your column type (a primary key id)
@Field(() => Int) //graphql field return as integer
  id: number; //your column name

@Column({ //to register it as a column in the database
  length: 100,
@Field() //graphql field return as a string (default is a string)
  name: string; //your column name



This one is what your table name gonna be


This one is a graphql function to translate your typeorm schema into readable graphql schema


To define a column in the database and make typeorm understand that this is a column


Field is to make graphql understand what you written below its a registered column on the database

Entity UseCase

  • find()
  where: [
      name: "john doe",
//is the same as SELECT * FROM USER WHERE name = 'john doe'
  • findOne();
//is the same as SELECT * FROM USER WHERE id = 1;

Other usecase you can find the example on Typeorm Docs


  • Entity

User Entity

import { Book } from "./Book";
import { OneToMany, OneToOne, JoinColumn } from "typeorm";
import { Field } from "type-graphql";
/* ... */
export class User extends BaseEntity {
  /* ... */
  //Example of one to many relation author to books
  @OneToMany(() => Book, books => books.User)
  @Field(() => [Book]) //this one to tell grapqhl a books field return array of book 
  // (you need FieldResolver in order for it to work)
  books: Book[];

Book Entity

import { User } from "./User";
import { OneToMany, OneToOne, JoinColumn } from "typeorm";
import { Field } from "type-graphql";
/* ... */
export class Book extends BaseEntity {
  /* ... */
  //Example of many to one relation books to author
  @ManyToOne(() => User, author => author.Books)
  @Field(() => User) //this one to tell grapqhl an author field return User
  author: User;

Typeorm Usage

const users = await User.find({ relations: ["books"] });

Author FieldResolver on BookResolver

import {FieldResolver, Root } from 'type-graphql';
import {User} from './User';
@Resolver(of => Book)
class BookResolver {

author(@Root() book: Book) {
  return User.findOne({
    cache: 1000,
    where: { author: { id: } },

Books FieldResolver on UserResolver

import {FieldResolver, Root } from 'type-graphql';
import {Book} from './Book';
@Resolver(of => User)
class UserResolver {

books(@Root() user: User) {
  return Book.find({
    cache: 1000,
    where: { author: { id: } },


for other example on relation you can find it on Typeorm/Relations


import {Crypt} from '../../../Vendor';

//a hash function (sha256)
const hashedText = Crypt.hash('plaintext');
//an encrypt functions (AES)
const encryptedText = Crypt.encrypt('plaintext','yoursuperstrongkey');
const decryptedText = Crypt.decrypt('plaintext','yoursuperstrongkey');