This file is created to keep history of the LoopBack SDK Builder, it does not consider or keeps any history of its parent module loopback-sdk-angular
NGRX HotFixes. Fixed Angular SDK / Remember Me feature Fixed Socket IO Type in NativeScript
NGRX HotFixes. Angular 5 Support Fixes.
Release 2.1.0
Implemented Angular 2+ SDK Implemented ReactJS SDK Implemented NGRX / ORM Thanks a lot to all the contributors for making this possible, special tanks goes to @JonnyBGod and @kattsushi for React and NgRX Implementations.
## Release 2.1.0-rc.14
Milestone Details:
## Release 2.1.0-rc.13.5
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.13.4
- Replaces Release 2.1.0-rc.13.3
## Release 2.1.0-rc.13.3
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.13.2
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.13
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.12.2
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.12.1
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.12
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.11
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.10.5
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.10.4
- Hot Fix: Provide access to authenticated property
## Release 2.1.0-rc.10.3
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.10.2
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.10
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.9
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.8.3
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.8.2
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.8.1
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.8
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.7
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.6
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.5
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.4
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.3
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.2
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## Release 2.1.0-rc.1
Milestone Details:
## Release 2.1.0-beta.17
## Release 2.1.0-beta.16
- Fix: mean-expert-official#185
- Fix: mean-expert-official#183
- Fix: mean-expert-official#182
- Fix: mean-expert-official#181
## Release 2.1.0-beta.15
## Release 2.1.0-beta.14
## Release 2.1.0-beta.13
- Hot Fix: mean-expert-official#161
## Release 2.1.0-beta.12
- Hot Fix: mean-expert-official#159
## Release 2.1.0-beta.11
- Fix: mean-expert-official#157
- Fix: mean-expert-official#155
- Fix: mean-expert-official#154
- Fix: mean-expert-official#153
- Fix: mean-expert-official#152
- Fix: mean-expert-official#151
- Fix: mean-expert-official#148
- Fix: mean-expert-official#147
## Release 2.1.0-beta.10
- Fix: mean-expert-official#142
- Fix: mean-expert-official#143
- Fix: mean-expert-official#144
- Fix: mean-expert-official#145
## Release 2.1.0-beta.9
## Release 2.1.0-beta.8
- Replaced by beta 9
## Release 2.1.0-beta.7
## Release 2.1.0-beta.6
- Hot Fix: mean-expert-official#132
## Release 2.1.0-beta.5
- Fix: mean-expert-official#137
- Fix: mean-expert-official#136
- Fix: mean-expert-official#135
- Fix: mean-expert-official#134
- Fix: mean-expert-official#125
## Release 2.1.0-beta.4
## Release 2.1.0-beta.3
## Release 2.1.0-beta.2
- Hot Fix: mean-expert-official#128
## Release 2.1.0-beta.1
- Fix: mean-expert-official#127
- Fix: mean-expert-official#124
- Fix: mean-expert-official#122
- Fix: mean-expert-official#112
- Fix: mean-expert-official#31
## Release 2.0.10
- Fix: mean-expert-official#121
- Fix: mean-expert-official#120
- Fix: mean-expert-official#118
- Fix: mean-expert-official#117
## Release 2.0.9
## Release 2.0.8
- Hot Fix: mean-expert-official#111
## Release 2.0.7
- Added contributors to ACII Splash
- Small tweak in build imports
- Fix: mean-expert-official#110
## Release 2.0.6
- Hot Fix: mean-expert-official#107
## Release 2.0.5
## Release 2.0.4
Implemented EventSource Support for ChangeStreams
## Release 2.0.3
- Fixed Lint issues
- Fix: mean-expert-official#99
## Release 2.0.2
- Hot Fix: mean-expert-official#98
- Revert: mean-expert-official#96
## Release 2.0.1
Support for Angular 2 (Final API w/ NgModules & Backwards compatibility < RC5).
Support for TypeScript (Fully Typed).
Built in Interfaces and Models.
Extendable Models for custom logic.
Enables Support for Real-Time Applications loopback-component-pubsub
Built in LoopBack Authentication.
Built in Support for LoopBack Query Language Querying Data
Built in API Servics.
Built in Platform Specific Drivers (Angular2 for web, NativeScript2,
Angular Universal). -
Built in CLI Tool for builder.
Built in Logger Service.
Blacklist mechanism to select which models or methods generate.
Ability to point models to different url domains (not global baseUrl)
IO Heartbeating to avoid disconnections.
Small foot print 100k per generated SDK (Will increase depending on number of models).
- Fix: mean-expert-official#88
- Fix: mean-expert-official#87
- Fix: mean-expert-official#85
- Fix: mean-expert-official#83
- Hot Fix: mean-expert-official#82
- Fix: mean-expert-official#81
- Fix: mean-expert-official#80
- Fix: mean-expert-official#79
- Fix: mean-expert-official#78
- Fix: mean-expert-official#77
- Fix: mean-expert-official#76
- Enhance: mean-expert-official#72
- Fix: mean-expert-official#71
- Fix: mean-expert-official#70
- Fix: mean-expert-official#69
- Enhance: mean-expert-official#59
- Enhance: mean-expert-official#57
- Fix: mean-expert-official#51
- Fix: mean-expert-official#68
- Fix: mean-expert-official#67
- Fix: mean-expert-official#66
- Fix: mean-expert-official#63
- Fix: mean-expert-official#62
- Enhance: mean-expert-official#60
- Fix: mean-expert-official#58
- Fix: mean-expert-official#50
- Fix: mean-expert-official#52
- Fix: mean-expert-official#53
- Fix: mean-expert-official#54
- Fix: mean-expert-official#55
- Added new unit tests for custom get and post remote methods
- Fix: mean-expert-official#49
- Fix Private Models not being exposed: mean-expert-official#47
- HOT FIX: binary reference
- Implemented enhancement mean-expert-official#44
- Fixed bug mean-expert-official#43
- Refactor SDK Structure (Internal Breaking Change - External istransparent)
- First refactor draft for generator logic
- Fixed bug mean-expert-official#41
- Fixed bug mean-expert-official#42
- Upgrade Angular 2 test app to RC4
- Created Unit Tests
- Created Documentation
- Implemented LoggerService
- Implemented Platform Drivers
- Implemented Heartbeat
- Implemented PubSub Support
- Implemented WebSockets Support
- Implemented NativeScript Support
- Implemented LoopBack Query Support
- Implemented Models
- Implemented Extendable Models
- Implemented Interfaces
- Implemented Directory Barrel
- Implemented LoopBack Authentication
- Implemented Api Services
- Implemented TypeScript Full Support
- Implemented Angular 2 Support
- Change License