diff --git a/examples/heracles.cfg b/examples/heracles.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75d321f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/heracles.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# example config file for Heracles
+# values from [defaults] are applied to all sections
+lmin = 10
+bins = 32 log 2l+1
+include = D, D
+lmax = 2000
+l2max = 4000
+include =
+ G_E, G_E
+ G_B, G_B
+ G_E, G_B
+lmax = 3000
+l2max = 5000
+include =
+ D, G_E
+ D, G_B
+lmax = 1000
+l2max = 2000
+type = positions
+columns =
+mask = V
+nside = 2048
+lmax = 2000
+type = shears
+columns =
+mask = W
+nside = 2048
+lmax = 3000
+type = visibility
+nside = 4096
+lmax = 6000
+type = weights
+columns =
+nside = 8192
+lmax = 8000
+source = catalog.fits
+selections =
+ 0 = TOM_BIN_ID==0
+ 1 = TOM_BIN_ID==1
+ 2 = TOM_BIN_ID==2
+visibility =
+ 0 = vmap.0.fits
+ 1 = vmap.1.fits
+ 2 = vmap.2.fits
diff --git a/heracles/__main__.py b/heracles/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41bacb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/heracles/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Heracles: Euclid code for harmonic-space statistics on the sphere
+# Copyright (C) 2023 Euclid Science Ground Segment
+# This file is part of Heracles.
+# Heracles is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Heracles is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with Heracles. If not, see .
+"""Executable module."""
+import sys
+from .cli import main
diff --git a/heracles/cli.py b/heracles/cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e11901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/heracles/cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+# Heracles: Euclid code for harmonic-space statistics on the sphere
+# Copyright (C) 2023 Euclid Science Ground Segment
+# This file is part of Heracles.
+# Heracles is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Heracles is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with Heracles. If not, see .
+"""The Heracles command line interface."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import argparse
+import configparser
+import logging
+import os
+from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator, Mapping
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Union
+import numpy as np
+ from numpy.typing import NDArray
+# valid option keys
+ "positions": "heracles.fields:Positions",
+ "shears": "heracles.fields:Shears",
+ "visibility": "heracles.fields:Visibility",
+ "weights": "heracles.fields:Weights",
+# global path to healpy's data files
+HEALPIX_DATAPATH: str | None = None
+def getlist(value: str) -> list[str]:
+ """Convert to list."""
+ return list(filter(None, map(str.strip, value.splitlines())))
+def getdict(value: str) -> dict[str, str]:
+ """Convert to dictionary."""
+ out = {}
+ for line in map(str.strip, value.splitlines()):
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ key, sep, val = line.partition("=")
+ if sep != "=":
+ msg = f"Invalid value: {line!r} (expected 'KEY = VALUE')"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ out[key.rstrip()] = val.lstrip()
+ return out
+def getchoice(value: str, choices: dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
+ """Get choice from a fixed set of option values."""
+ try:
+ return choices[value]
+ except KeyError:
+ expected = ", ".join(map(repr, choices))
+ msg = f"Invalid value: {value!r} (expected {expected})"
+ raise ValueError(msg) from None
+def getpath(value: str) -> str:
+ "Convert to path, expanding environment variables."
+ return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(value))
+def getfilter(value: str) -> list[tuple[Any, ...]]:
+ """Convert to list of include or exclude filters."""
+ filt = []
+ for row in getlist(value):
+ item = []
+ for part in map(str.strip, row.split(",")):
+ if part == "...":
+ item.append(...)
+ elif part.isdigit():
+ item.append(int(part))
+ else:
+ item.append(part)
+ filt.append(tuple(item))
+ return filt
+class ConfigParser(configparser.ConfigParser):
+ """ConfigParser with additional getters."""
+ _UNSET = configparser._UNSET
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ # fully specify parent class
+ super().__init__(
+ defaults=None,
+ dict_type=dict,
+ allow_no_value=False,
+ delimiters=("=",),
+ comment_prefixes=("#",),
+ inline_comment_prefixes=None,
+ strict=True,
+ empty_lines_in_values=False,
+ default_section="defaults",
+ interpolation=None,
+ converters={
+ "list": getlist,
+ "dict": getdict,
+ "path": getpath,
+ "filter": getfilter,
+ },
+ )
+ def getchoice(
+ self,
+ section,
+ option,
+ choices,
+ *,
+ raw=False,
+ vars=None, # noqa: A002
+ fallback=_UNSET,
+ ):
+ """Get choice from a fixed set of option values."""
+ try:
+ value = self.get(section, option, raw=False, vars=None)
+ except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
+ if fallback is not self._UNSET:
+ return fallback
+ raise
+ return getchoice(value, choices)
+ def sections(self, prefix: str | None = None) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Return all the configuration section names. If given, only
+ sections starting with *prefix* are returned.
+ """
+ sections = super().sections()
+ if prefix is not None:
+ sections = [s for s in sections if s.startswith(prefix)]
+ return sections
+ def subsections(self, group: str) -> dict[str, str]:
+ """
+ Return a mapping of subsections in *group*.
+ """
+ sections = self.sections(f"{group}:")
+ return {s.rpartition(":")[-1].strip(): s for s in sections}
+def field_from_config(config, section):
+ """Construct a field instance from config."""
+ from pkgutil import resolve_name
+ _type = config.getchoice(section, "type", FIELD_TYPES)
+ if isinstance(_type, str):
+ try:
+ cls = resolve_name(_type)
+ except (ValueError, ImportError, AttributeError) as exc:
+ value = config.get(section, "type")
+ msg = (
+ f"Internal error: field type {value!r} maps to type {_type!r}, "
+ f"which raised the following error: {exc!s}"
+ )
+ raise RuntimeError(msg) from None
+ else:
+ cls = _type
+ columns = config.getlist(section, "columns", fallback=())
+ mask = config.get(section, "mask", fallback=None)
+ return cls(*columns, mask=mask)
+def fields_from_config(config):
+ """Construct all field instances from config."""
+ sections = config.subsections("fields")
+ return {
+ name: field_from_config(config, section) for name, section in sections.items()
+ }
+def mapper_from_config(config, section):
+ """Construct a mapper instance from config."""
+ from .maps import Healpix
+ nside = config.getint(section, "nside")
+ return Healpix(nside, datapath=HEALPIX_DATAPATH)
+def mappers_from_config(config):
+ """Construct all mapper instances from config."""
+ sections = config.subsections("fields")
+ return {
+ name: mapper_from_config(config, section) for name, section in sections.items()
+ }
+def catalog_from_config(config, section, label=None, *, out=None):
+ """Construct a catalogue instance from config."""
+ from .catalog import FitsCatalog
+ from .io import read_vmap
+ # TODO support non-FITS catalogue sources
+ source = config.getpath(section, "source")
+ # check if visibility is per catalogue or per selection
+ visibility: str | Mapping[str, str]
+ visibility = config.get(section, "visibility", fallback=None)
+ # check if visibility is a mapping
+ if visibility and "\n" in visibility:
+ visibility = config.getdict(section, "visibility")
+ selections = config.getdict(section, "selections")
+ # build the base catalogue
+ base_catalog = FitsCatalog(source)
+ base_catalog.label = label
+ # set base catalogue's visibility if just one was given
+ if isinstance(visibility, str):
+ try:
+ base_catalog.visibility = read_vmap(getpath(visibility))
+ except (TypeError, ValueError, OSError) as exc:
+ msg = f"Cannot load visibility: {exc!s}"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ # create a view of the base catalogue for each selection
+ # since `out` can be given, also keep track of selections added here
+ if out is None:
+ out = {}
+ added = set()
+ for key, where in selections.items():
+ # convert key to number and make sure it wasn't used before
+ num = int(key)
+ if out and num in out:
+ msg = f"Duplicate selection: {num}"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ # create view from selection string, if present
+ # otherwise, give the base catalog itself
+ if where:
+ catalog = base_catalog.where(where)
+ else:
+ catalog = base_catalog
+ # store the selection
+ out[num] = catalog
+ added.add(num)
+ # assign visibilities to individual selections if a mapping was given
+ # only allow visibilities for selections added here
+ if isinstance(visibility, Mapping):
+ for key, vmap in visibility.items():
+ num = int(key)
+ if num not in added:
+ msg = f"Invalid value: unknown selection '{num}'"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ try:
+ out[num].visibility = read_vmap(getpath(vmap))
+ except (TypeError, ValueError, OSError) as exc:
+ msg = f"Cannot load visibility: {exc!s}"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ # all done, return `out` unconditionally
+ return out
+def catalogs_from_config(config):
+ """Construct all catalog instances from config."""
+ sections = config.subsections("catalogs")
+ catalogs = {}
+ for label, section in sections.items():
+ catalog_from_config(config, section, label, out=catalogs)
+ return catalogs
+def lmax_from_config(config):
+ """Construct a dictionary with LMAX values for all fields."""
+ sections = config.subsections("fields")
+ return {name: config.getint(section, "lmax") for name, section in sections.items()}
+def bins_from_config(config, section):
+ """Construct angular bins from config."""
+ # dictionary of {spacing: (op, invop)}
+ spacings = {
+ "linear": (lambda x: x, lambda x: x),
+ "log": (np.log10, lambda x: 10**x),
+ "sqrt": (np.sqrt, np.square),
+ "log1p": (np.log1p, np.expm1),
+ }
+ # dictionary of known weights
+ weights = {
+ None,
+ "2l+1",
+ "l(l+1)",
+ }
+ bins = config.get(section, "bins", fallback="none")
+ if bins == "none":
+ return None, None
+ binopts = bins.split()
+ if not 2 <= len(binopts) <= 3:
+ msg = f"{section}: bins should be of the form ' []'"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ n = int(binopts[0])
+ s = binopts[1]
+ w = binopts[2] if len(binopts) > 2 else None
+ if n < 2:
+ msg = f"Invalid bin size '{n}' in section {section}"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ if s not in spacings:
+ msg = f"Invalid bin spacing '{s}' in section {section}"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ if w is not None and w not in weights:
+ msg = f"Invalid bin weights '{w}' in section {section}"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ lmin = config.getint(section, "lmin", fallback=1)
+ lmax = config.getint(section, "lmax")
+ op, inv = spacings[s]
+ arr = inv(np.linspace(op(lmin), op(lmax + 1), n + 1))
+ # fix first and last array element to be exact
+ arr[0], arr[-1] = lmin, lmax + 1
+ return arr, w
+def spectrum_from_config(config, section):
+ """Construct info dict for angular power spectra from config."""
+ options = config[section]
+ info = {}
+ if "lmax" in options:
+ info["lmax"] = options.getint("lmax")
+ if "l2max" in options:
+ info["l2max"] = options.getint("l2max")
+ if "l3max" in options:
+ info["l3max"] = options.getint("l3max")
+ if "include" in options:
+ info["include"] = options.getfilter("include")
+ if "exclude" in options:
+ info["exclude"] = options.getfilter("exclude")
+ if "debias" in options:
+ info["debias"] = options.getboolean("debias")
+ if "bins" in options:
+ info["bins"] = bins_from_config(config, section)
+ return info
+def spectra_from_config(config):
+ """Construct pairs of labels and *kwargs* for angular power spectra."""
+ sections = config.subsections("spectra")
+ spectra = []
+ for label, section in sections.items():
+ spectra += [(label, spectrum_from_config(config, section))]
+ if not spectra:
+ spectra += [(None, {})]
+ return spectra
+# the type of a single path
+Path = Union[str, os.PathLike]
+# the type of one or multiple paths
+Paths = Union[Path, Iterable[Path]]
+# the type of loader functions for load_xyz()
+ConfigLoader = Callable[[Paths], ConfigParser]
+def configloader(path: Paths) -> ConfigParser:
+ """Load a config file using configparser."""
+ if isinstance(path, (str, os.PathLike)):
+ path = (path,)
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ for p in path:
+ with open(p) as fp:
+ config.read_file(fp)
+ return config
+# this constant sets the default loader
+DEFAULT_LOADER = configloader
+def map_all_selections(
+ config: ConfigParser,
+ logger: logging.Logger,
+) -> Iterator:
+ """Iteratively map the catalogues defined in config."""
+ from .maps import map_catalogs
+ # load catalogues, mappers, and fields to process
+ catalogs = catalogs_from_config(config)
+ mappers = mappers_from_config(config)
+ fields = fields_from_config(config)
+ logger.info("fields %s", ", ".join(map(repr, fields)))
+ # process each catalogue separately into maps
+ for key, catalog in catalogs.items():
+ logger.info(
+ "%s%s",
+ f"catalog {catalog.label!r}, " if catalog.label else "",
+ f"selection {key}",
+ )
+ # maps for single catalogue
+ yield map_catalogs(
+ mappers,
+ fields,
+ {key: catalog},
+ parallel=True, # process everything at this level in one go
+ progress=True,
+ )
+def load_all_maps(paths: Paths, logger: logging.Logger) -> Iterator:
+ """Iterate over MapFits from a path or list of paths."""
+ from .io import MapFits
+ # make iterable if single path is given
+ if isinstance(paths, (str, os.PathLike)):
+ paths = (paths,)
+ for path in paths:
+ logger.info("reading maps from %s", path)
+ yield MapFits(path, clobber=False)
+def maps(
+ path: Path,
+ *,
+ files: Paths,
+ logger: logging.Logger,
+ loader: ConfigLoader = DEFAULT_LOADER,
+) -> None:
+ """compute maps"""
+ from .io import MapFits
+ # load the config file, this contains the maps definition
+ logger.info("reading configuration from %s", files)
+ config = loader(files)
+ # iterator over the individual maps
+ # this generates maps on the fly
+ itermaps = map_all_selections(config, logger)
+ # output goes into a FITS-backed tocdict so we don't fill memory up
+ out = MapFits(path, clobber=True)
+ # iterate over maps, keeping only one in memory at a time
+ for maps in itermaps:
+ # write to disk
+ logger.info("writing maps to %s", path)
+ out.update(maps)
+ # forget maps before next turn to free some memory
+ del maps
+def alms(
+ path: Path,
+ *,
+ files: Paths | None,
+ maps: Paths | None,
+ healpix_datapath: Path | None = None,
+ logger: logging.Logger,
+ loader: ConfigLoader = DEFAULT_LOADER,
+) -> None:
+ """compute spherical harmonic coefficients
+ Compute spherical harmonic coefficients (alms) from catalogues or
+ maps. For catalogue input, the maps for each selection are created
+ in memory and discarded after its alms have been computed.
+ """
+ from .io import AlmFits
+ from .maps import transform_maps
+ # load the config file, this contains alms setting and maps definition
+ logger.info("reading configuration from %s", files)
+ config = loader(files)
+ # set the HEALPix datapath
+ # FIXME: make this part of a configurable mapper interface
+ HEALPIX_DATAPATH = healpix_datapath
+ # load the mappers to perform the transformation of each field
+ mappers = mappers_from_config(config)
+ # load the individual lmax values for each field into a dictionary
+ lmax = lmax_from_config(config)
+ # process either catalogues or maps
+ # everything is loaded via iterators to keep memory use low
+ itermaps: Iterator
+ if maps:
+ itermaps = load_all_maps(maps, logger)
+ else:
+ itermaps = map_all_selections(config, logger)
+ # output goes into a FITS-backed tocdict so we don't fill up memory
+ logger.info("writing alms to %s", path)
+ out = AlmFits(path, clobber=True)
+ # iterate over maps and transform each
+ for maps in itermaps:
+ logger.info("transforming %d maps", len(maps))
+ transform_maps(
+ mappers,
+ maps,
+ lmax=lmax,
+ progress=True,
+ out=out,
+ )
+ del maps
+def chained_alms(alms: Paths | None) -> Mapping[Any, NDArray] | None:
+ """Return a ChainMap of AlmFits from all input alms, or None."""
+ from collections import ChainMap
+ from .io import AlmFits
+ if alms is None:
+ return None
+ return ChainMap(*(AlmFits(alm) for alm in reversed(alms)))
+def spectra(
+ path: Path,
+ *,
+ files: Paths,
+ alms: Paths,
+ alms2: Paths | None,
+ logger: logging.Logger,
+ loader: ConfigLoader = DEFAULT_LOADER,
+) -> None:
+ """compute angular power spectra"""
+ from .io import ClsFits
+ from .twopoint import angular_power_spectra, binned_cls, debias_cls
+ # load the config file, this contains angular binning settings
+ logger.info("reading configuration from %s", files)
+ config = loader(files)
+ # collect angular power spectra settings from config
+ spectra = spectra_from_config(config)
+ # link all alms together
+ all_alms, all_alms2 = chained_alms(alms), chained_alms(alms2)
+ # create an empty cls file, then fill it iteratively with alm combinations
+ out = ClsFits(path, clobber=True)
+ total = 0
+ logger.info("using %d set(s) of alms", len(all_alms))
+ if all_alms2 is not None:
+ logger.info("using %d set(s) of cross-alms", len(all_alms2))
+ for label, info in spectra:
+ logger.info(
+ "computing %s spectra",
+ repr(label) if label is not None else "all",
+ )
+ # compute spectra
+ cls = angular_power_spectra(
+ all_alms,
+ all_alms2,
+ lmax=info.get("lmax"),
+ include=info.get("include"),
+ exclude=info.get("exclude"),
+ )
+ # debias spectra if configured
+ if info.get("debias", True):
+ logger.info("debiasing %d spectra", len(cls))
+ debias_cls(cls, inplace=True)
+ # bin spectra if configured
+ if info.get("bins") is not None:
+ bins, weights = info["bins"]
+ logger.info(
+ "binning %d spectra into %d bins using %s weights",
+ len(cls),
+ len(bins) - 1,
+ repr(weights) if weights is not None else "no",
+ )
+ binned_cls(cls, bins, weights=weights, out=cls)
+ logger.info("writing %d spectra to %s", len(cls), path)
+ out.update(cls)
+ total += len(cls)
+ del cls
+ logger.info("finished computing %d spectra", total)
+def mixmats(
+ path: Path,
+ *,
+ files: Paths,
+ alms: Paths,
+ alms2: Paths | None,
+ logger: logging.Logger,
+ loader: ConfigLoader = DEFAULT_LOADER,
+) -> None:
+ """compute mixing matrices"""
+ from .fields import get_masks
+ from .io import MmsFits
+ from .twopoint import angular_power_spectra, binned_mms, mixing_matrices
+ # load the config file, this contains angular binning settings
+ logger.info("reading configuration from %s", files)
+ config = loader(files)
+ # collect the defined fields from config
+ fields = fields_from_config(config)
+ # collect angular power spectra settings from config
+ spectra = spectra_from_config(config)
+ # link all alms together
+ all_alms, all_alms2 = chained_alms(alms), chained_alms(alms2)
+ # create an empty mms file, then fill it iteratively
+ out = MmsFits(path, clobber=True)
+ # go through all alm combinations one by one
+ total = 0
+ logger.info("using %d set(s) of alms", len(all_alms))
+ if all_alms2 is not None:
+ logger.info("using %d set(s) of cross-alms", len(all_alms2))
+ for label, info in spectra:
+ # get mask combinations for fields included in these spectra
+ include, exclude = info.get("include"), info.get("exclude")
+ include_masks = get_masks(
+ fields,
+ comb=2,
+ include=include,
+ exclude=exclude,
+ append_eb=True,
+ )
+ if not include_masks:
+ logger.info(
+ "missing masks for %s spectra, skipping...",
+ repr(label) if label is not None else "all",
+ )
+ continue
+ logger.info(
+ "computing %s mask spectra for %s",
+ repr(label) if label is not None else "all",
+ ", ".join(map(str, include_masks)),
+ )
+ # determine the various lmax values
+ lmax, l2max, l3max = info.get("lmax"), info.get("l2max"), info.get("l3max")
+ # compute spectra of masks
+ mask_cls = angular_power_spectra(
+ all_alms,
+ all_alms2,
+ lmax=l3max,
+ include=include_masks,
+ )
+ # now compute the mixing matrices from these spectra
+ logger.info(
+ "computing %s mixing matrices from %d spectra",
+ repr(label) if label is not None else "all",
+ len(mask_cls),
+ )
+ mms = mixing_matrices(
+ fields,
+ mask_cls,
+ l1max=lmax,
+ l2max=l2max,
+ l3max=l3max,
+ progress=True,
+ )
+ # bin mixing matrices if configured
+ if info.get("bins") is not None:
+ bins, weights = info["bins"]
+ logger.info(
+ "binning %d mixing matrices into %d bins using %s weights",
+ len(mms),
+ len(bins) - 1,
+ repr(weights) if weights is not None else "no",
+ )
+ binned_mms(mms, bins, weights=weights, out=mms)
+ logger.info("writing %d mixing matrices to %s", len(mms), path)
+ out.update(mms)
+ total += len(mms)
+ del mask_cls, mms
+ logger.info("finished computing %d mixing matrices", total)
+class MainFormatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
+ """Formatter that keeps order of arguments for usage."""
+ def add_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix=None):
+ self.actions = actions
+ super().add_usage(usage, actions, groups, prefix)
+ def _format_actions_usage(self, actions, groups):
+ return super()._format_actions_usage(self.actions, groups)
+def main():
+ """Main method of the `heracles` command.
+ Parses arguments and calls the appropriate subcommand.
+ """
+ def add_command(func):
+ """Create a subparser for a command given by a function."""
+ name = func.__name__
+ doc = func.__doc__.strip()
+ help_, _, description = doc.partition("\n")
+ parser = commands.add_parser(
+ name,
+ help=help_,
+ description=description,
+ parents=[cmd_parser],
+ formatter_class=MainFormatter,
+ )
+ parser.set_defaults(cmd=func)
+ return parser
+ # common parser for all subcommands
+ cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ add_help=False,
+ )
+ cmd_parser.add_argument(
+ "-c",
+ "--config",
+ default="heracles.cfg",
+ help="configuration file (can be repeated)",
+ metavar="",
+ action="append",
+ dest="files",
+ )
+ # main parser for CLI invokation
+ main_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog="heracles",
+ epilog="Made in the Euclid Science Ground Segment",
+ formatter_class=MainFormatter,
+ )
+ main_parser.set_defaults(cmd=None)
+ commands = main_parser.add_subparsers(
+ title="commands",
+ metavar="",
+ help="the processing step to carry out",
+ )
+ ########
+ # maps #
+ ########
+ parser = add_command(maps)
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("output")
+ group.add_argument(
+ "path",
+ help="output FITS file for maps",
+ metavar="",
+ )
+ ########
+ # alms #
+ ########
+ parser = add_command(alms)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--healpix-datapath",
+ help="path to HEALPix data files",
+ metavar="",
+ )
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("output")
+ group.add_argument(
+ "path",
+ help="output FITS file for alms",
+ metavar="",
+ )
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("inputs")
+ group.add_argument(
+ "maps",
+ nargs="*",
+ default=None,
+ help="input FITS file(s) for maps",
+ metavar="",
+ )
+ ###########
+ # spectra #
+ ###########
+ parser = add_command(spectra)
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("output")
+ group.add_argument(
+ "path",
+ help="output FITS file for spectra",
+ metavar="",
+ )
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("inputs")
+ group.add_argument(
+ "alms",
+ nargs="+",
+ help="input FITS file(s) for alms",
+ metavar="",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "-X",
+ nargs="+",
+ help="input FITS file(s) for cross-spectra",
+ metavar="",
+ dest="alms2",
+ )
+ ###########
+ # mixmats #
+ ###########
+ parser = add_command(mixmats)
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("output")
+ group.add_argument(
+ "path",
+ help="output FITS file for mixing matrices",
+ metavar="",
+ )
+ group = parser.add_argument_group("inputs")
+ group.add_argument(
+ "alms",
+ nargs="+",
+ help="input FITS file(s) for alms",
+ metavar="",
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ "-X",
+ nargs="+",
+ help="input FITS file(s) for cross-spectra",
+ metavar="",
+ dest="alms2",
+ )
+ #######
+ # run #
+ #######
+ args = main_parser.parse_args()
+ # show full help if no command is given
+ if args.cmd is None:
+ main_parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ # get keyword args
+ kwargs = vars(args)
+ cmd = kwargs.pop("cmd")
+ # set up logger for CLI output
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ try:
+ cmd(**kwargs, logger=logger)
+ except Exception as exc: # noqa: BLE001
+ logger.debug("Exception", exc_info=exc)
+ logger.error(f"ERROR: {exc!s}")
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
diff --git a/heracles/io.py b/heracles/io.py
index 2977e97..669926b 100644
--- a/heracles/io.py
+++ b/heracles/io.py
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ def _write_metadata(hdu, metadata):
"""write array metadata to FITS HDU"""
md = metadata or {}
for key, value in md.items():
- hdu.write_key("META " + key.upper(), value, _METADATA_COMMENTS.get(key))
+ comment = _METADATA_COMMENTS.get(key, "")
+ hdu.write_key("META " + key.upper(), value, comment)
def _read_metadata(hdu):
@@ -531,8 +532,8 @@ def write_mms(filename, mms, *, clobber=False, workdir=".", include=None, exclud
# write a new TOC extension if FITS doesn't already contain one
if "MMTOC" not in fits:
- names=["EXT", "NAME", "BIN1", "BIN2"],
- formats=["10A", "10A", "I", "I"],
+ names=["EXT", "NAME1", "NAME2", "BIN1", "BIN2"],
+ formats=["10A", "10A", "10A", "I", "I"],
@@ -545,12 +546,12 @@ def write_mms(filename, mms, *, clobber=False, workdir=".", include=None, exclud
mmn += 1
# write every mixing matrix
- for (n, i1, i2), mm in mms.items():
+ for (k1, k2, i1, i2), mm in mms.items():
# skip if not selected
- if not toc_match((n, i1, i2), include=include, exclude=exclude):
+ if not toc_match((k1, k2, i1, i2), include=include, exclude=exclude):
- logger.info("writing mixing matrix %s for bins %s, %s", n, i1, i2)
+ logger.info("writing %s x %s mm for bins %s, %s", k1, k2, i1, i2)
# the mm extension name
ext = f"MM{mmn}"
@@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ def write_mms(filename, mms, *, clobber=False, workdir=".", include=None, exclud
_write_twopoint(fits, ext, mm, "MM")
# write the TOC entry
- tocentry[0] = (ext, n, i1, i2)
+ tocentry[0] = (ext, k1, k2, i1, i2)
logger.info("done with %d mm(s)", len(mms))
@@ -584,16 +585,16 @@ def read_mms(filename, workdir=".", *, include=None, exclude=None):
# read every entry in the TOC, add it to the list, then read the mms
for entry in fits_toc:
- ext, n, i1, i2 = entry[["EXT", "NAME", "BIN1", "BIN2"]]
+ ext, k1, k2, i1, i2 = entry[["EXT", "NAME1", "NAME2", "BIN1", "BIN2"]]
# skip if not selected
- if not toc_match((n, i1, i2), include=include, exclude=exclude):
+ if not toc_match((k1, k2, i1, i2), include=include, exclude=exclude):
- logger.info("reading mixing matrix %s for bins %s, %s", n, i1, i2)
+ logger.info("writing %s x %s mm for bins %s, %s", k1, k2, i1, i2)
# read the mixing matrix from the extension and store in set of mms
- mms[n, i1, i2] = _read_twopoint(fits, ext)
+ mms[k1, k2, i1, i2] = _read_twopoint(fits, ext)
logger.info("done with %d mm(s)", len(mms))
@@ -889,6 +890,6 @@ class MmsFits(TocFits):
"""FITS-backed mapping for mixing matrices."""
tag = "MM"
- columns = {"NAME": "10A", "BIN1": "I", "BIN2": "I"}
+ columns = {"NAME1": "10A", "NAME2": "10A", "BIN1": "I", "BIN2": "I"}
reader = staticmethod(_read_twopoint)
writer = partial(_write_twopoint, name=tag)
diff --git a/heracles/maps/_mapping.py b/heracles/maps/_mapping.py
index 064a09b..f436237 100644
--- a/heracles/maps/_mapping.py
+++ b/heracles/maps/_mapping.py
@@ -126,7 +126,12 @@ def map_catalogs(
# run all coroutines concurrently
- results = coroutines.run(coroutines.gather(*coros))
+ try:
+ results = coroutines.run(coroutines.gather(*coros))
+ finally:
+ # force-close coroutines to prevent "never awaited" warnings
+ for coro in coros:
+ coro.close()
# store results
for key, value in zip(keys, results):
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index f29b6f5..3d7fca9 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -47,9 +47,14 @@ optional-dependencies = {all = [
readme = "README.md"
requires-python = ">=3.9"
-urls.Documentation = "https://heracles.readthedocs.io/"
-urls.Homepage = "https://github.com/heracles-ec/heracles"
-urls.Issues = "https://github.com/heracles-ec/heracles/issues"
+heracles = "heracles.cli:main"
+Documentation = "https://heracles.readthedocs.io/"
+Homepage = "https://github.com/heracles-ec/heracles"
+Issues = "https://github.com/heracles-ec/heracles/issues"
force-exclude = """
diff --git a/tests/test_cli.py b/tests/test_cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3e5f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+from unittest.mock import patch
+import numpy as np
+import numpy.testing as npt
+import pytest
+def test_getlist():
+ from heracles.cli import getlist
+ assert (
+ getlist(
+ """
+ x
+ y
+ z
+ """,
+ )
+ == ["x", "y", "z"]
+ )
+ assert getlist("xyz") == ["xyz"]
+def test_getdict():
+ from heracles.cli import getdict
+ assert (
+ getdict(
+ """
+ x=1
+ y = 2
+ z= 3
+ """,
+ )
+ == {"x": "1", "y": "2", "z": "3"}
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid value"):
+ getdict(
+ """
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ """,
+ )
+def test_getchoice():
+ from heracles.cli import getchoice
+ choices = {
+ "first": 1,
+ "second": 2,
+ }
+ assert getchoice("first", choices) == 1
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid value"):
+ getchoice("third", choices)
+@patch.dict("os.environ", {"HOME": "/home/user", "TEST": "folder"})
+def test_getpath():
+ from heracles.cli import getpath
+ assert getpath("~/${TEST}/file.txt") == "/home/user/folder/file.txt"
+def test_getfilter():
+ from heracles.cli import getfilter
+ assert getfilter("a") == [("a",)]
+ assert getfilter("a, ..., 1, 2") == [("a", ..., 1, 2)]
+ assert (
+ getfilter(
+ """
+ a, 1
+ b, 2
+ """,
+ )
+ == [("a", 1), ("b", 2)]
+ )
+def test_subsections():
+ from heracles.cli import ConfigParser
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read_dict(
+ {
+ "getme:a": {},
+ "getme: b ": {},
+ "getmenot:c": {},
+ },
+ )
+ assert config.subsections("getme") == {"a": "getme:a", "b": "getme: b "}
+def test_field_from_config():
+ from unittest.mock import Mock
+ from heracles.cli import ConfigParser, field_from_config
+ mock, other_mock = Mock(), Mock()
+ mock_field_types = {
+ "test": mock,
+ "other_test": other_mock,
+ "error": "",
+ }
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read_dict(
+ {
+ "a": {
+ "type": "test",
+ "columns": """
+ COL1
+ -COL2
+ """,
+ "mask": "x",
+ },
+ "b": {
+ "type": "other_test",
+ },
+ "c": {
+ "type": "error",
+ },
+ },
+ )
+ with patch.dict("heracles.cli.FIELD_TYPES", mock_field_types):
+ a = field_from_config(config, "a")
+ b = field_from_config(config, "b")
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Internal error"):
+ field_from_config(config, "c")
+ mock.assert_called_once_with("COL1", "-COL2", mask="x")
+ assert mock.return_value is a
+ other_mock.assert_called_once_with(mask=None)
+ assert other_mock.return_value is b
+def test_fields_from_config(mock):
+ from heracles.cli import ConfigParser, fields_from_config
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read_dict(
+ {
+ "fields:a": {},
+ "fields:b": {},
+ "fields:c": {},
+ },
+ )
+ m = fields_from_config(config)
+ assert m == {
+ "a": mock.return_value,
+ "b": mock.return_value,
+ "c": mock.return_value,
+ }
+ assert mock.call_args_list == [
+ ((config, "fields:a"),),
+ ((config, "fields:b"),),
+ ((config, "fields:c"),),
+ ]
+def test_mapper_from_config(mock, mock_datapath):
+ from heracles.cli import ConfigParser, mapper_from_config
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read_dict(
+ {
+ "a": {
+ "nside": "1",
+ },
+ },
+ )
+ a = mapper_from_config(config, "a")
+ mock.assert_called_once_with(1, datapath=mock_datapath)
+ assert mock.return_value is a
+def test_mappers_from_config(mock):
+ from heracles.cli import ConfigParser, mappers_from_config
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read_dict(
+ {
+ "fields:a": {},
+ "fields:b": {},
+ "fields:c": {},
+ },
+ )
+ m = mappers_from_config(config)
+ assert m == {
+ "a": mock.return_value,
+ "b": mock.return_value,
+ "c": mock.return_value,
+ }
+ assert mock.call_args_list == [
+ ((config, "fields:a"),),
+ ((config, "fields:b"),),
+ ((config, "fields:c"),),
+ ]
+def test_catalog_from_config(mock):
+ from heracles.cli import ConfigParser, catalog_from_config
+ # single visibility
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read_dict(
+ {
+ "test_with_single_visibility": {
+ "source": "catalog.fits",
+ "selections": """
+ 0 = TOM_BIN_ID==0
+ 1 = TOM_BIN_ID==1
+ 2 = TOM_BIN_ID==2
+ """,
+ "visibility": "vmap.fits",
+ },
+ "test_with_many_visibilities": {
+ "source": "catalog.fits",
+ "selections": """
+ 0 = TOM_BIN_ID==0
+ 1 = TOM_BIN_ID==1
+ 2 = TOM_BIN_ID==2
+ """,
+ "visibility": """
+ 0 = vmap.0.fits
+ 2 = vmap.2.fits
+ """,
+ },
+ },
+ )
+ catalog = catalog_from_config(config, "test_with_single_visibility", "label 1")
+ assert catalog.keys() == {0, 1, 2}
+ assert catalog[0].base.__class__.__name__ == "FitsCatalog"
+ assert catalog[0].base.path == "catalog.fits"
+ assert catalog[0].base.visibility is mock.return_value
+ assert catalog[0].base.label == "label 1"
+ assert catalog[1].base is catalog[0].base
+ assert catalog[2].base is catalog[0].base
+ assert catalog[0].label is catalog[0].base.label
+ assert catalog[1].label is catalog[0].base.label
+ assert catalog[2].label is catalog[0].base.label
+ assert catalog[0].selection == "TOM_BIN_ID==0"
+ assert catalog[1].selection == "TOM_BIN_ID==1"
+ assert catalog[2].selection == "TOM_BIN_ID==2"
+ assert catalog[0].visibility is catalog[0].base.visibility
+ assert catalog[1].visibility is catalog[0].base.visibility
+ assert catalog[2].visibility is catalog[0].base.visibility
+ assert mock.call_args_list == [(("vmap.fits",),)]
+ mock.reset_mock()
+ catalog = catalog_from_config(config, "test_with_many_visibilities", "label 2")
+ assert catalog.keys() == {0, 1, 2}
+ assert catalog[0].base.__class__.__name__ == "FitsCatalog"
+ assert catalog[0].base.path == "catalog.fits"
+ assert catalog[0].base.visibility is None
+ assert catalog[0].base.label == "label 2"
+ assert catalog[1].base is catalog[0].base
+ assert catalog[2].base is catalog[0].base
+ assert catalog[0].label is catalog[0].base.label
+ assert catalog[1].label is catalog[0].base.label
+ assert catalog[2].label is catalog[0].base.label
+ assert catalog[0].selection == "TOM_BIN_ID==0"
+ assert catalog[1].selection == "TOM_BIN_ID==1"
+ assert catalog[2].selection == "TOM_BIN_ID==2"
+ assert catalog[0].visibility is mock.return_value
+ assert catalog[1].visibility is None
+ assert catalog[2].visibility is mock.return_value
+ assert mock.call_args_list == [
+ (("vmap.0.fits",),),
+ (("vmap.2.fits",),),
+ ]
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Duplicate selection"):
+ catalog_from_config(config, "test_with_single_visibility", out=catalog)
+def test_catalogs_from_config(mock):
+ from heracles.cli import ConfigParser, catalogs_from_config
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read_dict(
+ {
+ "catalogs:a": {},
+ "catalogs:b": {},
+ "catalogs:c": {},
+ },
+ )
+ c = catalogs_from_config(config)
+ assert mock.call_args_list == [
+ ((config, "catalogs:a", "a"), {"out": c}),
+ ((config, "catalogs:b", "b"), {"out": c}),
+ ((config, "catalogs:c", "c"), {"out": c}),
+ ]
+def test_lmax_from_config():
+ from heracles.cli import ConfigParser, lmax_from_config
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read_dict(
+ {
+ "defaults": {"lmax": 30},
+ "fields:a": {"lmax": 10},
+ "fields:b": {"lmax": 20},
+ "fields:c": {}, # should use defaults
+ },
+ )
+ assert lmax_from_config(config) == {"a": 10, "b": 20, "c": 30}
+def test_bins_from_config():
+ from heracles.cli import ConfigParser, bins_from_config
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read_dict(
+ {
+ "linear_bins": {
+ "lmin": "0",
+ "lmax": "4",
+ "bins": "5 linear",
+ },
+ "log_bins": {
+ "lmin": "1",
+ "lmax": "999_999",
+ "bins": "6 log",
+ },
+ "sqrt_bins": {
+ "lmin": "1",
+ "lmax": "35",
+ "bins": "5 sqrt",
+ },
+ "log1p_bins": {
+ "lmin": "0",
+ "lmax": "9",
+ "bins": "5 log1p",
+ },
+ },
+ )
+ npt.assert_array_equal(
+ bins_from_config(config, "linear_bins")[0],
+ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+ )
+ npt.assert_array_equal(
+ bins_from_config(config, "log_bins")[0],
+ [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000],
+ )
+ npt.assert_array_equal(
+ bins_from_config(config, "sqrt_bins")[0],
+ [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36],
+ )
+ npt.assert_allclose(
+ bins_from_config(config, "log1p_bins")[0],
+ np.expm1(np.linspace(np.log1p(0), np.log1p(10), 6)),
+ )
+def test_spectrum_from_config(mock):
+ from heracles.cli import ConfigParser, spectrum_from_config
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ config.read_dict(
+ {
+ "a": {
+ "lmax": 10,
+ "l2max": 12,
+ "l3max": 20,
+ "include": "x",
+ "exclude": "y",
+ "bins": "...",
+ },
+ },
+ )
+ assert spectrum_from_config(config, "a") == {
+ "lmax": 10,
+ "l2max": 12,
+ "l3max": 20,
+ "include": [("x",)],
+ "exclude": [("y",)],
+ "bins": mock.return_value,
+ }
diff --git a/tests/test_io.py b/tests/test_io.py
index 968d32b..f99694e 100644
--- a/tests/test_io.py
+++ b/tests/test_io.py
@@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ def test_write_read_mms(rng, tmp_path):
workdir = str(tmp_path)
mms = {
- ("00", 0, 1): rng.standard_normal((10, 10)),
- ("0+", 1, 2): rng.standard_normal((20, 5)),
- ("++", 2, 3): rng.standard_normal((10, 5, 2)),
+ ("P", "P", 0, 1): rng.standard_normal((10, 10)),
+ ("P", "G_E", 1, 2): rng.standard_normal((20, 5)),
+ ("G_E", "G_E", 2, 3): rng.standard_normal((10, 5, 2)),
write_mms(filename, mms, workdir=workdir)