XiaoXuan VM is a project of HemaShushu [email protected]. The project is distributed under the Mozilla Public License, all rights reserved.
The author of the project (i.e. HemaShushu) welcomes contributions from the community, and when you submit code or patches, please ensure that the following terms are met.
(a) the contribution is created in whole or in part by me and I have the right to submit it to the project. (b) I understand and agree that the project is open source, that my contribution will be distributed as part of the project and under the same license, and that the copyright of my contribution will belong to the author of the project.
You may sign your name at the bottom of the header of the source code file where you are contributing, in a format such as Contributor: John Smith name@domain
XiaoXuan VM 是河马蜀黍 [email protected] 的项目,项目采用 Mozilla Public License 授权分发,河马蜀黍保留所有版权。
(a) 贡献的全部或者部分由我创造,并且我有权提交到该项目; (b) 我明白并同意该项目是开源的,我的贡献将会作为该项目的一部分,并且以相同的授权分发,且我的贡献的版权将会属于项目的作者。
你可以在参与贡献的源代码文件头下方署名,格式如下: 贡献者:张三 <名字@邮箱域名>