Comparative Analysis of JavaScript Alternatives
Let's continue to dig into the subject of Front-end Web performances and push techniques and studies towards new areas of improvement.
After studying in the previous article the possibility of adding an AOT (Ahead Of Time) pre-step to JavaScript JIT (Just In Time) and we discovered two optimistic solutions: this study Augmenting JavaScript JIT with Ahead-of-Time Compiling and the use of WebAssembly.
We have also seen that the most time-consuming step in JavaScript execution is the optimization phase: types, hot functions, paths, etc. In addition, to trigger this phase, the JavaScript code must be executed several times. I'm looking for a solution to pre-optimize JavaScript code before execution.
We also saw that using Typescript has no effect on optimization, hence I will try to find some naturally typed languages.
Therefore, in this article, I will explore alternatives to JavaScript for building a front-end web application, including Reason ML, ELM and Rust Yew.