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NeuroCoCoon - Neuromorphic Computing CoCoon


NeuroCoCoon is a protective development environment and experimentation workbench for spiking neural networks (SNNs) running on neuromorphic hardware.

The network is described in a graph-based visual language and is built from neuron populations (nodes) and synapse connectors (edges). User-defined neuron types and synapse types ensure consistent parameter choices for all related parts of the network architecture. In addition, predefined network modules can be used as architectural building blocks with external connection points (ports).

Networks can be simulated on the NEST software simulator, if NeuroCoCoon is running as a local application, or on the SpiNNaker and BrainScalesS platforms of the European Horizon 2020 Human Brain Project (HBP), if NeuroCoCoon is running as a client side web application inside the HBP collaboratory.

Editor Window

Major parts of editor window

The editor window consists of the following major parts:

  1. Toolbar with buttons for the most important operations, some editor settings, and the simulation control elements. See the next section for more details.

  2. Palette with basic elements and modules that can be added to the spiking neural network graph.

  3. Outline view with a scaled-down overview of the full network graph.

  4. Main view of the graph at a configurable scale. This will often only show a part of the full network, as indicated by the blue rectangle in the outline view.

  5. Details area with several tabs that are used to display and edit different aspects of the network that are not directly visible or accessible in the visual representation of the graph in the main view.


Regions of editor toolbar

The toolbar at the top of the editor window comprises these distinct regions:

  1. Buttons for operations at the document level. These correspond to menu items in the File menu. For the web application editor document files are stored in a simulated file system on the client machine. The native storage format (file extension .ncc) uses an XML-based representation of the graph that is annotated with all parameters of the network architecture. As an alternative, a Portable Network Graphics raster image (file extension .png) of the graph can be saved. This file embeds the aforementioned XML representation of the network and can be opened later for further editing.

  2. Buttons for standard editing operations known from drawing applications and other editors in general. These correspond to menu items in the Edit menu.

  3. Buttons to undo the last editing operation(s) or to redo previously undone operations. These operations are also available in the Edit menu.

  4. Popup menu and input box to set the desired scale of the graph in the main viewing area below.

  5. Popup menu of all synapse types defined in the current network architecture. This determines the parameters and settings used by new synapse connections added to the graph. The details area at the right of the window is used to define synapse types and to edit the parameters of existing synapses afterwards.

  6. Buttons to check the current network architecture for structural and semantic errors and to run a simulation of the network. A network can only be simulated if it contains no errors, but warnings and information items concerning likely unintended parameter settings do not prevent simulation.

  7. Popup menu to select the target platform for executing the simulation. Unavailable platforms are greyed out, i.e., the SpiNNaker and BrainScalesS platforms, if running as a local application, or the NEST software simulator, if running as a web application. Always available is the Source only platform, which does not actually execute the simulation, but just shows the generated Python 3 PyNN code for inspection.

  8. Status summary display that tracks the progress and the general success or failure of checking a network architecture or running a simulation. This is complemented by longer messages in the status bar at the bottom of the editor window, by message dialog boxes, or by information in the Results tab of the detail area as needed.

Editing the Network

Creating a network architecture in the NeuroCoCoon visual editor consists of the following general steps.

  • Adding neuron populations or network modules to the graph by dragging them from the palette into the main view.
  • Drawing synapse connections between the populations or the connection points (ports) of the modules.
  • Attaching data plots with probe connections that monitor network behaviour of interest.
  • Adjusting parameters of the currently selected network item in the Inspector tab of the details area.
  • Checking the network architecture for errors and finally running a simulation of the network.

Creating Neuron Populations and Module Instances

Neuron populations and spike sources are added as nodes to the network graph by dragging them from the Basic tab of the palette into the main view. Their symbol in the palette is a miniature version of the visual representation for the node in the graph.

Basic network elements and modules in the palette

The Modules tab of the palette contains one icon for each kind of module in the module library. A module instance is added to the network graph by dragging the icon from the palette into the main view. Module instances appear in the graph as pale violet rounded boxes that show the icon representing the module kind. Darker violet triangles represent the input port and output ports of the module instance. These ports serve as connection points and the triangles point towards the direction of the information flow, i.e., into the modular sub-network contained in the module instance or out of that sub-network.

Module instances in the graph

The above figure shows on the left two module instances of the kind Synfire Chain where the length of the chain has been set to three and seven stages respectively in the Inspector tab of the details area. On the right there are two module instances of the kind Winner-Take-All, both set to select one of three possible outcomes. However, the right instance has been flipped into a vertical flow direction (menu Shape>Flip Module) with input port along the top border and output port along the bottom border, instead of there default location along the left and right border respectively. This is a purely cosmetic choice to get a better general layout of the visual network architecture. Similarly, the box for a module instance my be resized graphically to get a more appropriate spacing between ports.

The drawing area for the network graph automatically extends to the right or to the bottom, if you drag any node so that it extends beyond the current boundaries.

Adding Synapses

Synapses are the most prevalent kind of edges in the network graph. Such an edge between two neuron populations usually represent many connections between individual neurons inside those collections. The synapse type determines the systematic strategy that is used to apply this conceptual high-level connection between populations at the neuron level (the connector) and quantitative parameters of each such neuron connection, like the weight and the delay. The synapse type for newly added synapses is determined by the corresponding popup menu in the the toolbar. User-defined synapse types are created and managed in the Synapses tab of the details area.

There are the following three alternative ways to add synapses (and connecting edges in general) to the network graph.

Drawing Synapses

The usually most convenient way is to drag with the left mouse button from the center of the source node to the center of the target node, as shown below. A green outline around the node indicates a mouse pointer location close enough to the center of the node where starting to drag will create an edge. Similar behaviour applies to the target node. A red outline indicates a node that is an invalid target and will not accept the pending connection. Nodes that do not allow any kind of incoming or outgoing connections show no colored border at all.

Drawing a synapse from the center of a graph node

By default you can also temporarily create dangling edges that are not yet attached to a target node. This allows you to create especially very long edges in multiple steps. However, all such dangling edges must be connected to valid nodes before the network can be simulated.

If you want to select a node for editing, moving, resizing, or to inspect its parameters, you must click outside the center area of the node. This causes the usual dashed selection marker with resizing handles to appear.

Using Connect Mode

This mode can be turned on and off in the menu Options>Connections>Connect Mode. While this mode is active (menu item ticked) a small green square marks the exact center of the node under the mouse pointer and drawing an edge can only be started from there. With connect mode turned off the active center area of a node is much larger.

Starting to draw a synapse in connect mode

Contrary to its name, connect mode makes it slightly harder to create connections, but simplifies normal node selection and editing. This is especially relevant, if you want to visually move node labels: menu Options>Labels>Move Node Labels, turned off by default.

Dragging from the Palette

Finally, edges can be added to the graph, just like nodes, by dragging the desired kind of edge from the Basic tab of the palette. After dropping the edge into the main view the two endpoints must the be dragged in separate steps to attach them to graph nodes.

Adding a synapse by dragging from the palette

In the lower part of the above figure, the blue source handle of the synapse edge has already been attached to the population on the left and the blue target handle is just about to be dropped onto the right population. The green rectangle indicates that this connection will then be created, as its is structurally valid. The thin green line provides a preview, how this connection will be routed.

Dragging edges from the palette is mainly useful, if you want to manually pick a specific kind of edge, .e.g., a synapse connection versus a probe connection. Drawing synapses directly between nodes picks the most likely kind of edge, if any valid kind exists, based on the source and target nodes involved.

Plotting Data

Simulation results are provided in the form of plots that monitor spiking behaviour or continuous state variables of selected neurons over the course of the simulation. Which neuron populations to monitor and what data to collect is also represented visually in the graph of the network.

To create a plot composed of one or more panels, drag a Data Plot node from the palette into the main view. This node needs to be connected to neuron populations or ports of network module instances by drawing Data Probe connections. A probe starts at the data plot node and ends at the target node to be monitored, as if the data plot node were measuring device. The probe connection is annotated with the kind of data to record and collect from the target. In addition, a probe can be limited to just one sub-range of the neurons in the target node, because it is often not practical to monitor all individual neurons of a population.

Thumbnail view after simulating a network with two data plot nodes

After running a simulation of the network small thumbnail images of all data plots are shown in the Plots tab of the details area. Double-clicking a thumbnail opens the full-sized plot in a separate window. Due to security concerns in the HBP collaboratory, cross-origin resource sharing is disabled for the plot images created by a remote simulation. Thus, the web app cannot display thumbnail images with the actual plots. Selecting such a placeholder image displays the full-sized plot image at the bottom of the web page, below the virtual screen of the web app.

By default, a data plot consists of one separate panel per monitored data kind. The same kind of data collected from multiple target populations is shown as differently colored curves or dots inside this panel. You can reconfigure the data plot node in the Inspector tab to use a separate panel per probe. This helps to distinguish otherwise overlapping curves or spike train dots from multiple populations.

Mouse Operations

The main view supports the following operations by using the mouse in conjunction with combinations of modifier keys.

  • Left click: select a graph node or an edge for further editing.
  • Left double click: select a node or edge and show its properties in the Inspector tab of the details area
  • Left drag: move a selected node or draw an edge from the center of a node; dragging from the empty background area outside any node or edge creates a rectangular selection marquee that selects all completely enclosed items
  • Right click: opens a context menu with the most important operations for the clicked item
  • <Shift> + left click: add the clicked item to the current selection or remove an already selected item from the current selection
  • <Alt> + left drag: creates a copy of the dragged item at the target position instead of just moving the existing item
  • <Shift> + left drag: limits movement of the dragged item to strictly horizontal or vertical
  • <Ctrl> + left drag: temporarily disables the grid while dragging an item
  • <Ctrl> + <Shift> + left drag: pans (moves) the drawing area inside the main view
  • <Alt> + <Shift> + left drag: always creates a rectangular selection marquee, even when starting the drag over an existing item (instead of the empty background)
  • <Alt> + left double click: cycles through the available routing schemes for clicked edge. This has purely a visual effect on the appearance of the graph. The name of the selected routing scheme is shown in the status bar at the bottom of the editor window. Several of the routing schemes provide additional draggable control points along the edge to influence the routing manually

Usage on macOS: The listed modifier keys apply to the local application on the Linux/Unix and Windows platforms, as well as to the web application. On macOS the <Option> key replaces the <Alt> key and the <Command> (or <Cmd>) key is used instead of <Ctrl>. This matches the general conventions for modifier keys on that platform. The <Ctrl> key is used on macOS only to simulate the right mouse button with input devices that offer just a single button.

Important Menu Operations

The editor provides the usual menu operations for managing editor documents and copying, cutting, deleting the currently selected graph nodes with their connecting edges. In addition, there are two sets of menu operations that help you in organising the network graph: a grid for tidy alignment of graph nodes and a mechanism to group related sub-structures of the graph.

The grid is enabled or disabled by the menu item View>Grid. The spacing between the grid locations is set by Diagram>Grid>Grid Size…. That submenu also offer options to configure the visual appearance of the grid. When the grid is enabled newly created nodes and dragged existing nodes automatically snap to the closets grid location. The grid is enabled and shown as small dots by default. You can temporarily disable the snapping to grid locations by holding down the <Ctrl> key while dragging an item.

To combine the currently selected graph nodes and their connecting edges into a group invoke Shape>Group. Such a group is shown as a grey rectangle with a partly transparent background that encloses all contained nodes. A group can be collapsed into a small square to hide its inner nodes. It is also possible to edit the subgraph inside a group in isolation (menu Shape>Enter group) to reduce visual clutter and focus on just a part of a larger network. Such groups merely combine manually created nodes and edges of the graph. In contrast to network module instances groups have no properties of their own and do not generate structures according to scalable architectural principles.

Although not shown in the menus for technical reasons, the standard keyboard shortcuts are available for menu items. Usage of the <Ctrl> versus <Command> modifier key depends on platform conventions, as explained for the mouse operations above.


The Inspector tab in the details area shows all properties of the currently selected graph node or edge in a table. Values of properties can be edited, by clicking into the corresponding table cell and entering a new value or by selecting from a popup menu with all possible choices. The latter applies, for example, to the neuron type of a neuron population, as shown in the image below. Here, the popup menu lists all neuron types that have been defined for the currently edited network.

Editing the neuron type property of a neuron population node

Pressing the <Return>, <Enter>, or <Tab> key commits the property value in the currently focused cell and moves the focus to the next property in the row below. Hold down <Shift> to move upward instead. Obviously invalid entries, like invalid characters inside a number, a negative neuron count, or an out-of-range probability must be corrected before the value can be committed. More complex conditions that depend on multiple property values, possibly spread across multiple elements of the network graph, are checked separately before the simulation can be started.

The narrow first column of the table marks properties with special behaviour. An arrow indicates a property that is not defined in the selected graph item itself, but is part of the neuron or synapse type referenced by the item. Such properties are shown in the table for convenience and can, in general, be edited in the same way as the item's own properties. However, as neuron and synapse types are intended to share a consistent set of parameters across multiple neuron populations of synapse connections, editing a property of such a type affects all elements of the network that refer to this type. If this is not intended, you need to create a separate copy (a duplicate) of the type and change the Neuron Type or Synapse Type property of the currently selected item to refer to the new type.

Inspecting a synapse connection with a pre-defined (left) or a user-defined (right) synapse type

The double-circle symbol marks properties that cannot be modified, because they belong to a pre-defined neuron or synapse type. The image above demonstrates this difference, where the synapse inspected in the left part references a pre-defined synapse type. The properties of this synapse type are thus marked with an arrow (referenced property) and the double-circle (read-only predefined value). The right part of the image shows a similar constellation with a user-defined synapse type, where the referenced properties are editable.

Neuron and Synapse Types

The concept of shared types for multiple neuron populations or synapses that play a similar role in the network architecture supports experiments with a manageable scope for parameter exploration. While a type is referenced by nearly every graph node and edge, the type definitions themselves have no direct visible representation in the graph, as this would introduce too much visual clutter and obscure the network architecture.

Instead, the Neurons and Synapses tabs in the details area are used to manage and edit those types. Both tabs share the same general structure of a master-detail editor. The table at the top lists all currently defined types and provides buttons for creating a new type from scratch, duplicating the selected type, or deleting the selected type. Types can be renamed by double-clicking their name. This is equivalent to editing the Name property of the type. The double-circle marks pre-defined types, which can be neither renamed nor deleted, but they can be duplicated as a starting point for a user-defined type.

Master-detail editor with a pre-defined neuron type selected (left) and a user-defined neuron type selected (right)

The image above shows in the left part a pre-defined neuron type selected in the master table. The property details table at the bottom thus has all properties marked as read-only. In the right part of the image a user-defined type has been selected in the master table and the details table at the bottom can be used to change the properties of the neuron type. Note that the set of neuron parameters shown in the details table depends on the selected Neuron Kind near the top of the table. Inapplicable neuron parameters retain their values during an editing session, but revert to their default values, when loading a network from disk.

The image below shows a similar constellation with synapse types, where the set of available properties depends on the selected Connector. For example, the Probability property is not applicable to the simpler one-to-one or all-to-all connectors.

Master-detail editor with a pre-defined synapse type selected (left) and a user-defined synapse type selected (right)

Running a Simulation

To start a simulation run of the currently edited network, select the desired target platform from the popup menu in the toolbar and click the Run button to the left of that menu. This first checks the network for structural problems and invalid parameter constellations. These checks would be meaningless (or outright annoying) while the network is still under construction and it is normal to have temporary inconsistencies.

The image below shows, what happens when trying to simulate a network with such inconsistencies. The Problems tab in the details area replaces the usual Results tab with data plots. Each row in that table represents one error message (red stop sign) or a warning message (yellow triangle sign). The second column gives the name of the graph node or edge that caused the message and the message itself appears in the third column. Selecting a table row scrolls the affected graph node or edge into view and selects it in the main view. Every item in the graph with an associated error or warning message is also marked with a small overlay symbol so that problem areas of the network can be easily recognised in the main view.

Diagnostics displayed when trying to run a network with an error and two warnings

If the network contains no errors, the actual simulation is started. While the simulation runs, progress information is shown in the status summary display at the right end of the toolbar. For the remote platforms, the status is updated every 5 seconds and you should expect a minimum round-trip time of two or three minutes, even if your simulation job makes it to the front of the work queue immediately.

When the simulation run finishes successfully, the Plots tab is brought forward and gives you access to all the data plots you have added to the network.

Simulated network and plot thumbnail with one plot opened in a full-size window

The above image shows the main editor window in the background with thumbnails for all data plots in the details area on the right. One of the plots is display at full size in the front window. The example shows a Synfire chain with four neuron populations where the spike activity stops after the first pass through the chain. To fix this problem, the excitatory weight for all synapses in the chain has to be increased. This can be achived by editing only the single excitatory weight of the synapse type that is shared by all those synapses. Simulating the modified network results in the plot shown below, where the spike activity of the Synfire chain continues after the first cycle, as desired.

Re-simulating the same network after increasing all chain weights by editing the shared synapse type

The popup menu for the target platform of the simulation shows all targets supported by the editor. However, only some of these platforms are enabled, depending on the context in which the editor is run. Remote platforms require authorization via the HBP collaboratory, which is only available inside the web app. The NEST software simulator can only be run from the local app. The Source only pseudo platform is always enabled. Instead of running the simulation, this platform displays the intermediate Python 3 PyNN source code in a separate window. While the source code cannot be modified, it is possible to select and copy parts of the source code to the clipboard.

To the left of the Run button in the toolbar is the the Check button. This button can be used to check the network for definite and possible problems without running a simulation. Beyond errors and warnings, the Check button also identifies and reports info items, which do not prevent simulating the network, but indicate that the network will not show any interesting or meaningful behaviour. The results of the check are shown in the details area and are summarised in the toolbar and the status area. If any errors have been identified, which would prevent running a simulation of the network, the Check button changes from a green check mark to a red exclamation sign. Modify the network to address the listed errors and click on the exclamation sign to find out, whether you have actually fixed all problems.

This open source software code was developed in part in the Human Brain Project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreement No. 720270 (HBP SGA1) and 785907 (HBP SGA2).