Agriculture Robot for plant maintaining
Most of the code are getting from upm library
- [es08a.js] For servo control code
- [gp2y0a.js] For Distance sensor control code
- [grovebutton.js] For grove button read code
- [grovelight.js] for grove light control code
- [grovemoisture.js] for grove moisture sensor code
- [grovetemp.js] for grove temperature sensor code
- [guvas12d.js] for grove UV detection sensor control code
- [stepmotor.js] for stepper motor control code
Most of the code are getting form upm library
- [] For servo control code
- [] For Distance sensor control code
- [] For grove button read code
- [] for grove light control code
- [] for grove moisture sensor code
- [] for grove temperature sensor code
- [] for grove UV detection sensor control code
- [] for stepper motor control code
- [] for tempterature and humidity sensor control code
- [] for servo motor control library
- [] for servo motor to move from 0 to 90 degree
all code are getting from google :) Installing python-pip and tornado then
Another example based on asyncio and Autobahn
Another example based on web-ssocket-client (without any .html)
EasyRTC :
#Pin Connection to Intel Edison :
Proximity Sensor (Analog 5)
Grove - Temperature (A0)
Grove - Moisture Sensor (A1)
Grove - Light Sensor (A2)
Grove - UV Sensor (A3)
Grove - Servor (D6)
Water pump with Relay and V.resistor (GPIO 10)
Stepper Motor Y (DIR,2 STP,3)
Stepper Motor X (DIR,4 STP,5)
Camera (USB)
Touch switch X (GPIO 7)
Touch switch Y (GPIO 8)
StepperMotor EnableX (GPIO 9)
StepperMotor EnableY (GPIO 11)
Restart button (GPIO 1) -> to restart the software and motor position
Emergency Button (to cut off 12v Power)