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100 Days Of Code - Log

Day 1: February 13, 2020.

Today's Progress: Used GitHub for the first time ever, worked on my pset4 in CS50.

Some Thoughts: I am really excited today for starting this challenge. I have been a student of CS for the past 3 years but haven't done anything proper or learnt anything. Last semester we were taught Java but because of the poor infrastructure of my university and my laziness I didn't learn much. On top of that our teacher just gave ONE assignment IN THE WHOLE SEMESTER. At the end, the blame is on me because I don't really have an excuse in this age of tech where there are so many resources available online. I always was afraid to login to GitHub and see what it is but today was the day that I said enough is enough and I need to do something about my life. I'm currently reading a book my Mark Manson and it's really inspiring a change in me and I hope that I remain consistent this time around. In pset4, we're required to applying filters on bmp image file. Those filters are Grayscale(Done), Sepia(Done), Mirror(Can't figure out how to do it yet) and Blur(Pending). I tried swaping the pixels but it didn't work out. I have to think of something else tomorrow.

Day 2: February 14 ,2020.

Today's Progress: Logic for blurring and mirroring a bitmap image in my Pset4 in CS50.

Time Spent in Coding: ~ 2 hours.

Thoughts: Working on pset4. Completed the logic for it but I am getting some errors and I have to solve them yet. Due to tight schedule I couldn't complete it today. Tomorrow I hope to fix it and by the end of this weekend I hope to solve the Pset4. I was thinking about starting the FreeCodeCamp because I have a subject: Web Based Application Development and I think this camp will help me a lot in learning at a fast pace. Our teacher told us a little bit about HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JQuery today.The real stuff will start from Monday and I am excited about the course but not the teaching style of the teacher because usually the teachers at my uni teach at a very slow pace and I get frustrated at that. That's it for today!

Day 3: February 15, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed the first part of Pset4 in CS50 and 50% of Basic HTML at

Time Spent in Coding: ~ 2.5 hours.

Thoughts: Had to take some hints from the discord server because I brainstormed but I was making a small mistake which I corrected later on. Started the course on FreeCodeCamp and I am loving it. The way they have made the website, the way the lessons are listed, the interactivity; they all make you wanna do more and more in a single sitting and just keep on learning. I'm excited about this new coding journey that I have started and I am proud of myself for overcoming my incosistency and lack of determination.

Day 4: February 16, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed the chapter of Basic HTML and 50% of CSS

Time Spent in Coding: ~1 hour

Thoughts: Started off with HTMl and learnt about forms, labels, input, divs, radio input, checkboxes and buttons. Then in CSS, they taught me about color, fonts, inline styling, internal styling, external stylesheets, classes, ids, borders, padding and margin. I learnt these things before but I have forgotten about them so I am trying to fly throught the course for now.

Day 5: February 17, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed CSS on FreeCodeCamp.

Time Spent Learning: ~40 mins

Thoughts: CSS is getting harder but I have to keep up with it so I can learn Web Development in its true sense. FreeCodeCamp is teaching things that I have never ever seen before in any course like using ":root", @media and variable. Now I have started the chapter of Applied Visual Design and I hope to learn some real stuff and then apply it later on. Didn't get the time to invest in Pset4 today and will do that tomorrow In Shaa Allah!

Day 6: February 18, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed 73# of Appied Visual Design on FreeCodeCamp

Time Spent Learning: ~1 Hour

Thoughts: Today I learned some really intriguing stuff. I've now realized how powerful CSS is. You can animate, create a penguin, apply gradients and all kinds of stuff. I hope to make awesome websites using all this code in the future. It will be fun. I'm thinking about learning flutter so that I can make apps in it to participate in the upcoming competition in Lahore where I can compete in either App Development or Web Application Development.

Day 7: February 19, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed the chapter of Applied Visual Design on FreeCodeCamp and started the pset4 part2.

Time Spent Learning: ~1 hour

Thoughts: I started doing part 2 of Pset4 of CS50 by fighting the excrutiating pain that brain interprets when faced with a challenging task which result in procratination. Then FCC(FreeCodeCamp) taught me about animations today and it was pretty exciting. Learned about animation-duration, @keyframes, animation-fill-mode, animation-name, animation-timing-funtion, and animation-iteration-count. Had a lot fun animation stuff. Tomorrow I'll start the chapter of Applied Accessibility. Tried creating a pull request on GitHub but turns out you can't approve your own pull requests :(

Day 8: February 20, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed almost half of the Applied Accessibility Chapter.

Thoughts: Today was quite a hectic day so I didn't get to do a lot of learning no FreeCodeCamp. Learnt about audio, nav, article, main, alt atribute, header, head and footer tags today. Can't wait to build real projects soon! I did register for a competition SOFTEC '20 in Web Development and hope to do something half decent over there.

Day 9: February 21, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed the Applied Accessibilty Chapter.

Thoughts: I had free time earlier in the day and I have to travel later in the day, so I thought why not take my daily dose of code. I learned about tableindex, date, time, hiding a table, accesskey, fieldset etc. Hope to apply all these good practices when I am buidling my own designs.

Day 10: February 22, 2020.

Today's Progress: Nailed the chapter of Flex-Box on @freecodecamp

Thoughts: Understood the concept of flex-box. It really makes designing the webpage easier. Learned attributes like flex-direction, justify-content, self-allign, dispaly etc. After the next chapter, our exercise is to make 5 projects i.e complete web designs. I'm very looking forward to it because I can't wait to implement the things that I have learnt.

Day 11: February 23, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed almost half of the chapter of CSS Grid

Thoughts: Today I learned that the difference between Flexbox and CSS Grid is the flexbox can either deal with row or column at a time while CSS Grid deals with Rows and Columns simultaniously. Today's attributes were display: grid, grid-template-column, grid-template-row, justify-self, allign-self, grid-columns, grid-rows etc.

Day 12: February 24, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed the chapter on CSS Grid on @freecodecamp

Thoughts: I tried to do the project but I instantly forgot everything and I am worried about how will I ever be able to learn when I have this weak memory. Although I do admit that I didn't practice enough due to lack of time. I hope that I can recall all stuff and practice. I will make some projects out of FreeCodeCamp to see how much I have learned. May God help me!

Day 13: February 25, 2020.

Today's Progress: Designed the Tribute page as my First Responsive Web Design Project @freecodecamp

Thoughts: At first I was intimidated and couldn't think of anything but then I started coding and came up with something half decent. I am trying my best to at least become able to make decent pages even using BootStrap but a person should be aware of the basic concepts of something that they are learning. I have become familiar with basic concepts but I keep forgetting the syntax and I am sure that as I keep learning and practicing, I will become an expert. It just takes time, patience and consistency.

Link to my lame tribute page :(

Day 14: February 26, 2020.

Today's Progress: Just a little bit code of Project "Survey Form" @freecode camp

Thoughts: Was very busy today learning CPU Registers for the upcoming quiz and teaching a fellow student. I can't think of anything else to write over here so I am gonna sign off!! Looking forward to a good day tomorrow!

Day 15: February 27, 2020.

Today's Progress: Not much just a revision of CSS

Thoughts: Today was again a very hectic day and didn't get enough time to use my computer. But I did revise some CSS for a quiz. I'm thinking of starting a course on YouTube alongside @freeCodeCamp just to consolidate the concepts.

Day 16: February 28, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed the HTML part of Project 2 in Responsive Web Design @freecodecamp

Day 17: February 29, 2020.

Today's Progress: Practiced a lot of CSS building project 2 @freecodecamp. Still working on it though. Gonna finish it tomorrow!

Day 18: March 1, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed project 2 @freecodecamp. Didn't work one the main tag whole heartedly because I was too tired and bored. Link to my Survey Form

Day 19: March 2, 2020.

Today's Progres: Almost completed Project 3: Product Landing Page at @freeCodeCamp. Just a little bit of work is left. The most difficult part is positioning the items but I'm making progress. Actually I'm getting fast at figuring out stuff in #CSS & #HTML. Will complete it tomorrow!

Day 20: March 3, 2020.

Today's Progress: Finished Project 3 of Responsive Web Design @freeCodeCamp. Learned a lot doing this one. I'm getting better and fast at figuring out things. Also started the JavaScript portion and hope to complete it soon because most of my concepts of programming are already clear. Peace out ✌️ Link to my Product Landing Page

Day 21: March 4, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed 50% of JavaScript at @freeCodeCamp. Covered some basic concepts including strings, arrays, functions, etc. Now about to read a bit about Computer Networks. Peace out. ✌️

Day 22: March 5, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed an assignment and implemented the grid for the first time. Had a lot of fun learning that stuff and honing my skills of CSS. Peace Out✌️

Day 23: March 6, 2020.

Today's Progress: Learned conditional statements but also events in JavaScript. Yeah, the sequence doesn't make sense but it happened. I was traveling today so didn't write much code and on top of that, I forgot my laptop charger at uni hostel. That was my day! :(

Day 24: March 7, 2020.

Today's Progress: Finished 70% of JavaScript at @freeCodeCamp. Revised comparison operators, conditional statements and switch statement. As always enjoyed it. Peace

Day 25: March 8, 2020.

Today's Progress: I was traveling today so I had less time to spent coding, but I managed to learn about objects in JavaScript on @freeCodeCamp. TBH I don't like the syntax of objects in JavaScript compared to C++ and Java. Peace ✌️

Day 26: March 9, 2020.

Today's Progress: I started working on Project 4 in Responsive Web Design @freeCodeCamp. Completed almost 60% of it. Was not in the mood today but still forced myself into coding.

Day 27: March 10, 2020.

Today's Progress: Worked on Project 4 of Responsive Web Design at @freeCodeCamp. After making the project I realized that I messed up the design. Watched @florinpop1705's video for guidance and turns out there's so much stuff that I don't know :( Although I am trying my best to learn it all. I still don't know what overflow does and couldn't understand it even upon looking it up. Will try again. I need to revise Flex and Grid once again! That's been it for today. Peace ✌️

Day 28: March 11, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed some lessons on JavaScript which makes 80% of Progress in the JavaScript course at @freeCodeCamp. I'm really feeling lazy these days and I don't know what's the remedy for that. Tomorrow I will write a lot of code though.

Day 29: March 12, 2020.

Today's Progress: I had a very busy day but managed to fiddle with a bit of #JavaScript code but didn't do a lot. I know I said that I would do more today but the motivation didn't work cause of a hectic schedule and delay of Assignment given to us by our teacher.

Day 30: March 13, 2020.

Woah! 30% of the challenge is done already? Nice! Today's Progress: Covered the topics on loop at @freeCodeCamp. JavaScript is fun TBH but I guess it will be difficult as the lessons become advanced. Happy Coding!

Day 31: March 14, 2020.

Today's Progress: Learned recursion in JavaScript. I don't know why I get confused when it comes to recursion even though I have studied it for quite a while now. Anyway, Basic JavaScript is almost finished at @freeCodeCamp. I will complete it tomorrow!

Day 32: March 15, 2020.

Today's Progress: I completed the chapter on JavaScript at @freeCodeCamp. Me siento muy feliz y emocionado. I will start ES6 tomorrow and I know that it's a very important chapter. That's it for today.

Day 33: March 16, 2020.

Today's Progress: I have started ES6 after JavaScript at freeCodeCamp. The concepts explained in this chapter are very important. I know I have projects pending from Responsive Web Design and I intend to do them soon.

Day 34: March 17, 2020.

Today's Progress: Did some lessons on ES6 at #freeCodeCamp. Man, it is so weird, like you learn something and then you unlearn it and learn some other ways to do it. Not liking ES6 so far.

Day 35: March 18, 2020.

Today's Progress: The ES6 is driving me crazy because it's so different from conventional programming syntax that I am used to. Anyway, I did some lessons on it at #freeCodeCamp and learned some weird stuff.

Day 36: March 19, 2020.

Today's Progress: Today I started a course on Python at Cisco NetAcad. Now, I am building a Calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but what's special is that I'll be using git along the way to get familiar with it. So yeah, Happy Coding!

Day 37: March 20, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed a Module on Python at @Cisco. Made a Calculator in JavaScript by copy-pasting code to complete an assignment because I don't know event handling. Took some lessons on ES6 at #freeCodeCamp. Used git.

Day 38: March 21, 2020.

Today's Progress: I finished the chapter on ES6 at #freeCodeCamp. Worked on PSet4 part 2(recover) of @cs50. Learned DOM Manipulation from a course on Udemy. Happy with my progress today.

Day 39: March 22, 2020.

Today's Progress: Fiddled with some C code in Pset4 of @cs50. Still trying to figure it out. Learned some more DOM Manipulation today. I wouldn't call it a very productive day though.

Day 40: March 23, 2020.

Today's Progress: Learned about CSS variables and Events in JavaScript. Fixed the code in my Responsive Web Design projects at #freeCodeCamp. Still, two projects are left which I will hopefully do tomorrow! Wish me luck and happy coding!

Day 41: March 24, 2020.

Today's Progress: Made a cool color toggler exercise in #JavaScript. Pretty simple but still a big deal to me. Also learned more about Events & Event Listeners. Finished project 4 in Responsive Web Design at #freeCodeCamp. Made progress in notorious PSet 4 of @cs50 Link to my Technical Documentation Page

Day 42: March 25, 2020.

Today's Progress: Wrote a small JavaScript code to count the number of events on the page of Event Reference at developer.Mozila. Finished project 5 i.e Personal Porfolio site and claimed my Responsive Web Design Certificate from freeCodeCamp. Got a little bit help from the tutorial videos of Florin Pop. I completed these projects just for the sake of completing them but now I hope that I will do them properly in the future with completeness. I learned a lot of stuff doing these projects and also from the lessons at freeCodeCamp. Also, I completed the notorious Pset4 of Harvard's CS50x and the best thing is that I did it completely myself. I will do 100Days100Projects when I am done learning the basic stuff. In Shaa Allah! Adios! Link to my Personal Porfolio Page

Day 43: March 26, 2020.

Today's Progress: Colt taught how to make a color guessing game on Udemy. Now I am trying to imitate that game but I am not going to look at Colt's code and gonna do it totally myself to polish my skills in JavaScript. Had a very busy schedule today so I managed to write only a little amount of code but tomorrow I hope to complete that project!

Day 44: March 27, 2020.

Today's Progress: Worked on this ColorGuessingGame most of the time. The logic isn't complete yet and the code is all over the place because I am still a #codeNewbie in #JavaScript. Had so many interruptions today which rendered me unable to complete it today. I was stuck and had to get some help from Colt's videos. I am still getting used to how things work in DOM Manipulation and especially JavaScript because it's really weird in my opinion. It's so different from the conventional languages that I have been using like C, C++ and Java.

Day 45: March 28, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed my ColorGuessingGame today. Even though the idea wasn't mine but still learned a lot on the way and I feel more confident in #JavaScript and DOM Manipulation.

Link to the Game

Day 46: March 29, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Revised ES6 at #freeCodeCamp
  • And started the chapter on Regex
  • Learned about Git Log, Checkout and Revert from @udemy
  • Learned about literals in Python at @cisco

Day 47: March 30, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Took some lectures on Bootstrap at @udemy
  • Completed the chapter on Regex at @freecodecamp

Day 48: March 31, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Completed the lectures on Bootstrap 3 at @udemy
  • Understood the Grid System in it.
  • Completed the chapter on @freeCodeCamp

Day 49: April 1st, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Completed Basic Data Structures on @freeCodeCamp
  • Finished lectures on Boostrap 3 on @udemy
  • Made a replica of the Image Gallery by Colt Steele

Link to the Image Gallery

Day 50: April 2nd, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Finished a Chapter on Bootstrap 4 at @udemy
  • Coded 5 algorithms in Basic Algorithm Scripting at @freeCodeCamp. The only thing I looked up was the String.split() and the String.join() methods.

50% of the #100DaysOfCode challenge is complete.

  • I am more confident in HTML & CSS
  • I am comfortable using #JavaScript (still learning)
  • I know DOM Manipulation
  • I can use Bootstrap
  • I know Git and GitHub (I've got 5 repositories now)
  • I'm not intimidated by filing in C.

Day 51: Arpil 3rd, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Understood the flex system in Bootstrap 4
  • Wrote code for 3 algorithms in Basic Algorithm Scripting at #freeCodeCamp

Day 52: April 4th, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Did some problems of Basic Algorithm Scripting
  • Took lectures on BootStrap 4
  • Coded a trivial website in BootStrap 4

Day 53: April 5, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Completed Basic Algorithm Scripting at #FreeCodeCamp
  • Practiced Bootstrap 4

Day 54: April 6, 2020.

Today's Progress: I did 50% of the Object-Oriented Programming part of #JavaScript at #freeCodeCamp and practiced a little bit of Bootstrap. Going a bit slow these days because I was getting too much exhausted.

Day 55: April 7, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Finished the Object-Oriented Programming part of JavaScript at freeCodeCamp.

Day 56: April 8, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Started Functional Programing in JavaScript at FreeCodeCamp.
  • Started a course on JavaScript on PluralSight.

I started a new course on JavaScirpt because I don't think I have a grip on JavaScript concepts so much and I want to revise it from another source.

Day 57: April 9, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Continued JavaScript revision on PluralSight
  • Learned new methods of Arrays in JavaScript:
    • Array.fill()
    • Array.of()
    • Array.find() and Array.findIndex()
    • Array.forEach()
    • Spread operator

Day 58: April 10, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Finished two modules on JavaScript on PluratSight
  • Learned a bit about Set

Day 59: April 11, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Completed the course JavaScript: Getting Started by Mark Zamoyta on PluralSight that means the basic revision of JavaScirpt is complete.
  • Did three challenges of Functional Programming on FCC

Day 60: April 12, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Finished 6 sections of JavaScript Bootcamp by Andrew Mead at Udemy
  • Wrote lots of code for the mini challenges in the course

Day 61: April 13, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Finished Section 7 on Arrays in my JavaScript course.
  • Worked with objects and methods of ararys like filter, forEach, findIndex, IndexOf and I really enjoyed it!

Day 62: April 14, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Spent time practicing DOM manipulation.
  • Worked with real-time rendering i.e searching for a certain todo from the list.
  • Learned how to create HTML elements using JavaScript.
  • Got comfortable with array.filter() now.

Day 63: April 15, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Started working on the notoroious PSet 5 named Speller of CS50 in C
  • Spent more time learning DOM Manipulation, this time some advanced stuff
  • Learned how to add new TODOs and search for the existing ones in my TODO app in JavaScript This is the first time in 60 days that I forgot to update this file on time

Day 64: April 16, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Learned how to use browser's local storage to Create, Read, Update and Delete(CRUD) our data.
  • Learned how to refactor code into functions in a separate JS file
  • Learned how to debug our code using console.log() and debugger
  • Learned how to generate a unique id for individual data uisng a third party library
  • Did some complex DOM Manipulation

Day 65: April 17, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Practiced a lot of complex DOM Manipulation
  • Learned how to keep the data updated if it is open in multiple windows
  • Learned the use of Date object

Day 66: April 18, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Finished Section 8 of my JavaScript Course
  • Learned:
    • integrating dates in your code
    • about MomentJS Library and how to use it
    • three different sorting ways i.e by modified, created and alphabetical

Day 67: April 19, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Learned about arrow functions, I have learnt them before but today I practiced them under the guidance of Andrew
  • Learned about Ternary Operators
  • Practiced these by modifying previous code and replacing old code with new code using arrow functions and ternary operators

Day 68: April 20, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Completed Section 9 and started Section 10 of my JavaScript course
  • Learned:
  • Ternary Operators and when it's best to use them
  • Truthy and Falsy values and how we can use them in conditional statements and avoid comparison
  • Catching and throwing errors in JavaScript
  • Working in Strict Mode
  • Constructor Function and they can be used to create new objects
  • Prototype Object to store values and mostly functions on a global level

Day 69: April 21, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Completed Section 10 i.e Advanced Objects and Functions in JavaScript
  • Learned:
  • Behind the scenes of Prototype(Inhertiance)
  • The Class syntax
  • Creating Sub Classes
  • Getters and Setters
  • Built a basic Hangman Game

Day 70: April 22, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Learned:
  • How to make an HTTP request
  • How to work with EvenListener for readystatechange
  • How to handle errors with these requests
  • How to use data from other APIs
  • How to use callback abstraction
  • The difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution
  • How to use the closure property

Day 71: April 23, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  1. Completed Section 11 i.e. Asynchronous JavaScript
  2. Learned:
  • Using Promises
  • Chaining them
  • Fetch API
  • Async/Await
  1. Integrated all this knowledge in the Hangman Game
  2. Also used the IPinfo and RestCountries API

Day 72: April 24, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Completed Section 12 i.e. App Themes
  • Gave a little life to the Notes App and Hangman game

Day 73: April 25, 2020.

Today's Progres:

  • Completed Functional Programming on #freeCodeCamp
  • Solved three Intermediate Algorithm Scripts in JavaScript
  • Gave some style to my Todos-App

Day 74: April 26, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Learned about Babel and Webpack
  • Did a little bit of Intermediate Alogrithm Scripting on FCC
  • Learned a bit about CSS

Day 75: April 27, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Learned about CSS positioning
  • Learned when to use rem vs px
  • Learned how to setup a whole project using babel and webpack
  • Learned how to import modules in this scenario using npm install
  • Learned how to use multiple html files in this scenario

Day 76: April 28, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Did some coding in C to solve PSet5 of CS50
  • Converted my notes app into a better version that uses modules
  • Learned how to further refactor the code into a better one.

Day 77: April 29, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Completed JS Bootcamp by @andrew_j_mead on @udemy . This single tweet can't encompass the amount of stuff that I have learned.
  • Converted the Todos-app into a modular version
  • Learned about Rest and Spread operators, and destructuring.

Day 78: April 30, 2020.

Today's Progress: Spent the whole day working on Problem Set 5: Speller of @cs50 in C. I have completed it's logic but for some reason, check50 isn't marking it right. I am still figuring that out.

Day 79: May 1, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Completed the HTML and CSS part of my Todos App. Will work on the JavaScript part tomorrow!

Day 80: May 2, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Worked on the JavaScript part of my Recipe App. Turns out you frequently get stuck when you do unguided projects Face with tongue Part of the learning process though!
  • I wrote an article, my first in fact.

Link to the article

Day 81: May 3, 2020.

Today's Progress: Continued working on my Recipe app. It's taking more time than I expected but I'm learning tons of stuff along the way. Instead of referencing old code, I'm using MDN to look up stuff to retain the knowledge better.

Day 82: May 4, 2020.

Today's Progress: My application is getting close to a working state. Fixed a lot of bugs today but still there are some left. Will tackle the rest tomorrow. I am learning a lot!

Day 83: May 5, 2020.

Today's Progress: Finished building my recipe app. Learned a lot of trivial stuff that you ignore while coding along with a tutorial. The app is mainly styled for desktop but I did tweak it a bit for mobile. Link to my app

Day 84: May 6, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Solved Problem Set 5 of @cs50 in C. It took me a whole day to find and fix the bugs. I am soooo happy!
  • Worked on my next article. Will start working in Python tomorrow

Day 85: May 7, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Took lecture 6 which was on Python in @cs50 and learned the syntax of python. Having knowledge of JavaScript really helped me here.
  • Wrote my second article on @ThePracticalDev

Link to my article

Day 86: May 8, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Worked in Python on Pset6 of @cs50. Getting used to the syntax of Python.
  • I started building my own website. I am learning tons of stuff related to CSS. I plan to add animations.

Day 87: May 9, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Solved Credit and Readability of Problem Set 6 of @cs50 in Python.
  • Learned some regex
  • Worked on my personal website. Made some subtle changes.
  • Used SVGs to make it look cool
  • Worked on making it responsive

Day 88: May 10, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Completed building an initial version of my website. I will add animations and more functionality late. Check it out at hassansuhaib
  • Worked on DNA in Pset6 of @cs50 in Python. FBI can hire me now

Day 89: May 11, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Finished Problem Set 6: DNA of @cs50 in Python.
  • Worked on a website in Bootstrap 4
  • Started writing an article.

Day 90: May 12, 2020.

Today's Progress:

I can't believe it's been three months of constant coding and for a person like me, it's phenomenal!

  • Today I revised SQL in Lecture 7 of @cs50.
  • I also worked on a website using Bootstrap 4. Thinking of switching back to pure CSS.

Day 91: May 13, 2020.

Today's Progress: Spent the whole day practicing SQL by solving Problem Set 7: Movies of @cs50. I've gotten so much better.

Day 92: May 14, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Finished Problem Set 7 of #cs50 in SQL
  • Learned how to work with SQL in Python using sqlite3
  • Learned some CSS positioning and converted a website from Bootstrap 4 to pure CSS

Day 93: May 15, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Made front-end of Tic Tac Toe with CSS and JavaScript game for a friend's project in Artificial Intelligence.
  • Learned how to use Grid for the first time.

Day 94: May 16, 2020.

Today's Progress:

  • Today I learned Python's framework Flask as a part of @cs50's web track.
  • Completed the first part of Problem Set 8. Learned how to make an application in Flask and how to set it up with a database using SQLite3.

Day 95: May 17, 2020.

Today's Progress: Worked on Problem Set 8 i.e. Finance of @cs50. I have to use Flask to complete the functionality of this web application in which the user can buy and sell stock using an API. I could've completed it today but I am new to Flask and MySQL.

Day 96: May 18, 2020.

Today's Progress: Continued working on part 2 of the Finance Application of Pset8 in #cs50. I'm loving working with MySQL in Python. I will focus on JavaScript after this course. Will learn Flask in detail later in CS50 Web.

Day 97: May 19, 2020.

Today's Progress: Almost done with the @CS50's Finance App. Was very busy today so I couldn't spend a lot of time on coding. I'm hoping that I finish it tomorrow and then start working on the Final Project. Wish me luck!

Day 98: May 20, 2020.

Today's Progress: Completed the @cs50's Finance App in Python, Flask, and SQLITE3. I learned tons of new stuff. Now only the Final Project is left. I will do it in CSS and JavaScript because I am not comfortable with Flask yet.

Day 99: May 21, 2020.

Today's Progress: Today I started building the Final Project using CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Python, Flask, and SQLITE3. Yeah, I know that's a lot but I will gain experience and skill. I wanna end #100DaysOfCode with a bang.

Day 100: May 22, 2020.

Today's Progress: Alhamdulillah I have completed the challenge without taking even a single day off. Started from @freeCodeCamp and now we here. I will write an article about my journey soon IA. BTW, today I worked on The Art Gallery app for @cs50's Final Project.