To execute this configuration you will need to give Terraform access to the relevant GCP project.
More information on configuration here is available from the documentation.
Once the Terraform configuration has been applied you should save the varset
output as you will need them later.
You can now authenticate a GCP provider in Stacks with the following setup:
# main.tfdeploy.hcl
store "varset" "credentials" {
id = <output.varset from earlier Terraform execution>
category = "terraform"
deployment "development" {
inputs = {
google_project = <the same project used in the setup>
google_region = <the same region used in the setup>
google_credentials = store.varset.credentials.gcp_credentials
# main.tfstack.hcl
variable "google_project" {
type = string
variable "google_region" {
type = string
variable "google_credentials" {
type = string
ephemeral = true
provider "google" "this" {
config {
project = var.google_project
region = var.google_region
credentials = var.google_credentials