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544 lines (451 loc) · 21.4 KB

File metadata and controls

544 lines (451 loc) · 21.4 KB

Migrating from v1 -> v2

Renamed Ed25519PublicKey -> PublicKey

* Added `boolean verify(byte[], byte[])`
    * Verifies a message was signe by the respective private key.
* Added `boolean verifyTransaction(Transaction)`
    * Verifies the transaction was signed by the respective private key.
* Removed `Key toKeyProto()`
* Removed `boolean hasPrefix()`
* Removed `SignatureCase getSignatureCase()`

Renamed Ed25519PrivateKey -> PrivateKey

* Added `byte[] signTransaction(Transaction)`
    * Signs the `Transaction` and returns the signature.
* Added `PublicKey getPublicKey()`
* Added `PrivateKey fromLegacyMnemonic(byte[])`
* Renamed `boolean suppotsDeriviation()` -> `boolean isDerivable()`
* Removed `PrivateKey generate(SecurRandom)`
* Removed `PrivateKey fromKeystore(Keystore)`
    * Use `Keystore.getEd25519()` instead.
* Removed `PrivateKey readKeystore(IntputStream, String)`
    * Use `Keystore.fromStream()` instead.
* Removed `PrivateKey writeKeystore(OutStream, String)`
    * Use `Keystore.export(OutputStream, String)` instead.
* Removed `Keystore toKeystore()`
    * Use `new Keystore(PrivateKey)` followed by `Keystore.export(OutputStream, String)` instead.

Removed ThresholdKey

* Use `KeyList.withThreshold()` or `KeyList.setThreshold()` instead

Renamed PublicKey -> Key

* Addeded by `PublicKey`
* Addeded by `PrivateKey`
* Addeded by `KeyList`
* Addeded by `ContractId`


* Exposed `int threshold`
* Added `KeyList of(Key...)`
* Added `KeyList withThreshold(int)`
* Added `int getThreshold()`
* Removed `Key toProtoKey()`
* Removed `SignatureCase getSignatureCase()`
* Removed `byte[] toBytes()`


* Exposed `boolean isLegacy`
* Added `Mnemonic.fromWords(List<? extends CharSequence>)`
* Added `Mnemonic generate12()`
* Added `Mnemoinc generate24()`
* Removed `Mnemonic generate()`
    * Use `generate12()` or `generate24()` instead.
* Removed `byte[] toSeed()`
* Removed `Mnemonic(List<? extends CharSequence>)`
    * Use `Mnemonic.fromWords(List<? extends CharSequence>)` instead.

Renamed MnemonicValidationResult -> BadMnemonicException

* Added `Mnemonic mnemonic`
* Added `BadMnemonicReason reason`
* Removed `boolean isOk()`
* Removed `String toString()`
* Removed `MnemonicValidationStatus status`

Renamed MnemonicValidationStatus -> BadMnemonicReason

Removed MirrorClient

* Use `Client` instead, and set the mirror network using `setMirrorNetwork()`

Renamed MirrorSubscriptionHandle -> SubscriptionHandle

Renamed QueryBuilder -> Query

* Changed `long getCost(Client)` -> `Hbar getCost(Client)`
* Removed `setPaymentTransaction()`
* Removed `setQueryPayment(long)`
* Removed `setMaxQueryPayment(long)`
* Removed `Query toProto()`

Combined TransactionBuilder and Transaction

* Added `Transaction fromBytes(byte[])`
* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `TransactionId getTransactionId()`
* Added `Hbar getMaxTransactionFee()`
* Added `String getTransactionMemo()`
* Added `Map<AccountId, byte[]> getTransactionHashPerNode()`
* Added `Duration getTransactionValidDuration()`
* Added `Transaction signWithOpeator(Client)`
* Added `Transaction addSignature(PublicKey, byte[])`
* Added `Map<AccountId, Map<PublicKey, byte[]>> getSignatures()`
* Renamed `Transaction build(null)` -> `Transaction freeze()`
* Renamed `Transaction build(Client)` -> `Transaction freezeWith(Client)`
* Removed `setMaxQueryPayment(long)`
* Renamed `setNodeId(AccountId)` -> `setNodeAccountIds(List<AccountId>)`

AccountBalanceQuery extends Query

* Added `AccountId getAccountId()`
* Added `ContractId getContractId()`
* Changed `Hbar execute(Client)` -> `AccountBalance execute(Client)`

Added AccountBalance

* Added `Hbar balance`
* Added `Map<TokenId, long> tokenBalances`

AccountCreateTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `Key getKey()`
* Added `Hbar getInitialBalance()`
* Added `boolean getReceiverSignatureRequired()`
* Added `AccountId getProxyAccountId()`
* Added `Duration getAutoRenewPeriod()`
* Removed `setSendRecordThreshold(long)` and `setSendRecordThreshold(Hbar)`
* Removed `setReceiveRecordThreshold(long)` and `setReceiveRecordThreshold(Hbar)`

AccountDeleteTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `AccountId getAccountId()`
* Added `AccountId getTransferAccountId()`
* Renamed `setDeleteAccountId()` -> `setAccountId()`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `AccountId fromBytes(byte[])`
* Renamed `long account` -> `long num`
* Removed `AccountId(AccountIDOrBuilder)`
* Removed `AccountId toProto()`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `AccountInfo fromBytes(byte[])`
* Added `List<LiveHash> liveHashes`
* Changed `long balance` -> `Hbar balance`
* Renamed `generateSendRecordThreshold` -> `sendRecordThreshold`
* Renamed `generateReceiveRecordThreshold` -> `receiveRecordThreshold`

AccountInfoQuery extends Query

* Added `AccountId getAccountId()`

AccountRecordsQuery extends Query

* Added `AccountId getAccountId()`

AccountStakersQuery extends Query

* Added `AccountId getAccountId()`

AccountUpdateTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `AccountId getAccountId()`
* Added `Key getKey()`
* Added `Hbar getInitialBalance()`
* Added `boolean getReceiverSignatureRequired()`
* Added `AccountId getProxyAccountId()`
* Added `Duration getAutoRenewPeriod()`
* Added `Instant getExpirationTime()`
* Removed `setSendRecordThreshold(long)` and `setSendRecordThreshold(Hbar)`
* Removed `setReceiveRecordThreshold(long)` and `setReceiveRecordThreshold(Hbar)`

Removed CryptoTransferTranscation

* Use `TransferTransaction` instead.

TransferTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `TransferTransaction addTokenTransfer(TokenId, AccountId, long)`
* Added `Map<TokenId, Map<AccountId, Long>> getTokenTransfers()`
* Added `TransferTransaction addHbarTransfer(AccountId, Hbar)`
* Added `Map<AccountId, Hbar> getHbarTransfers()`

Renamed ContractBytecodeQuery -> ContractByteCodeQuery extends Query

* Added `ContractId getContractId()`

ContractCallQuery extends Query

* Added `ContractId getContractId()`
* Added `long getGas()`
* Added `byte[] getFunctionParameters()`

ContractCreateTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `FileId getBytecodeFileId()`
* Added `Key getAdminKey()`
* Added `long getGas()`
* Added `Hbar getInitialBalance()`
* Added `Duration getAutoRenewDuration()`
* Added `AccountId getProxyAccountId()`
* Added `String getContractMemo()`
* Added `byte[] getConstructorParameters()`
* Removed `setInitialBalance(long)`

ContractDeleteTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `ContractId getContractId()`
* Added `AccountId getTransferAccountId()`
* Added `ContractId getTransferContractId()`

ContractExecuteTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `ContractId getContractId()`
* Added `long getGas()`
* Added `Hbar getPayableAmount()`
* Added `byte[] getFunctionParameters()`
* Removed `setPayableAmount(long)`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `ContractId fromBytes(byte[])`
* Renamed `long contract` -> `long num`
* Removed `ContractId(ContractIDOrBuilder)`
* Removed `ContractId toProto()`
* Removed `SignatureCase getSignatureCase()`
* Removed `Key toProtoKey()`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `ContractInfo fromBytes(byte[])`

ContractInfoQuery extends Query

* Added `ContractId getContractId()`
* Removed `Method getMethod()`

Removed ContractRecordsQuery

ContractUpdateTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `ContractId getContractId()`
* Added `FileId getBytecodeFileId()`
* Added `Key getAdminKey()`
* Added `Duration getAutoRenewDuration()`
* Added `AccountId getProxyAccountId()`
* Added `String getContractMemo()`
* Added `Instant getExpirationTime()`


* Added `FileId getFileId()`
* Added `byte[] getContents()`


* Added `FileId getFileId()`


* Added `byte[] getContents()`
* Added `Collection<Key> getKeys()`
* Added `Instant getExpirationTime()`
* Renamed `addKey(Key)` -> `setKeys(Key...)`


* Added `FileId getFileId()`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `FileId fromBytes(byte[])`
* Renamed `long file` -> `long num`
* Removed `FileId fromSolidityAddress()`
* Removed `FileId(FileIDOrBuilder)`
* Removed `FileId toProto()`
* Removed `String toSolidityAddress()`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `FileInfo fromBytes(byte[])`
* Update `List<PublicKey> keys` -> `KeyList keys`


* Added `FileId getFileId()`


* Added `FileId getFileId()`
* Added `byte[] getContents()`
* Added `Collection<Key> getKeys()`
* Added `Instant getExpirationTime()`
* Renamed `addKey(Key)` -> `setKeys(Key...)`

Removed ConsensusClient

* Use `Client` instead, and set mirror network using `Client.setMirrorNetwork()`

Removed ConsensusToicMessage

Renamed MirrorConsensusTopicResponse -> TopicMessage

* Added `TopicMessageChunk[] chunks`
    * This will be non null for a topic message which is constructed from multiple transactions.
* Renamed `byte[] message` -> `byte[] contents`
* Removed `byte[] getMessage()`
* Removed `ConsensusTopicId topicId`

Renamed MirrorConsensusTopicChunk -> TopicMessageChunk

Renamed MirrorTopicMessageQuery -> TopicMessageQuery

* Added `setErrorHandler(BiConsumer<Throwable, TopicMessage>)`
    * This error handler will be called if the max retry count is exceeded, or
    * if the subscribe callback errors out for a specific `TopicMessage`
* Changed `MirrorSubscriptionHandle subscribe(MirrorClient, Consumer<MirrorConsensusTopicResponse>, Consumer<Throwable>)` -> `subscribe(Client, Consumer<TopicMessage>)`
    * Use `setErrorHandler()` instead of passing it in as the third parameter.

Renamed ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction -> TopicCreateTransaction

* Added `String getTopicMemo()`
* Added `Key getAdminKey()`
* Added `Key getSubmitKey()`
* Added `Duration getAutoRenewDuration()`
* Added `AccountId getAutoRenewAccountId()`

Renamed ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction -> TopicDeleteTransaction

* Added `TopicId getTopicId()`

Renamed ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction -> TopicMessageSubmitTransaction

* Added `TopicId getTopicId()`
* Added `byte[] getMessage()`
* Removed `setChunkInfo(TransactionId, int, int)`

Renamed ConsensusTopicId -> TopicId

* Renamed `long topic` -> `long num`
* Removed `ConsensusTopicId(TopicIDOrBuilder)`

Renamed ConsensusTopicInfo -> TopicInfo

* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `TopicInfo fromBytes()`
* Renamed `ConsensusTopicId id` -> `TopicId topicId`

Renamed ConsensusTopicInfoQuery -> TopicInfoQuery

* Added `TopicId getTopicId()`

Renamed ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction -> TopicUpdateTransaction

* Added `TopicId getTopicId()`
* Added `String getTopicMemo()`
* Added `Key getAdminKey()`
* Added `Key getSubmitKey()`
* Added `Duration getAutoRenewDuration()`
* Added `AccountId getAutoRenewAccountId()`

TokenAssociateTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `AccountId getAccountId()`
* Added `List<TokenId> getTokenIds()`
* Renamed `addTokenId(TokenId)` -> `setTokenIds(List<TokenId>)`

Removed TokenBalanceQuery

* Use `AccountBalanceQuery` to fetch token balances since `AccountBalance` contains `tokenBalances`.

TokenBurnTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `TokenId getTokenId()`
* Added `long getAmount()`

TokenCreateTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `AccountID getTreasuryAccountId()`
* Added `Key getAdminKey()`
* Added `Key getKycKey()`
* Added `Key getSupplyKey()`
* Added `Key getWipeKey()`
* Added `Key getFreezeKey()`
* Added `boolean getFreezeDefault()`
* Added `Instant getExpirationTime()`
* Added `AccountId getAutoRenewAccountId()`
* Added `Duration getAutoRenewPeriod()`
* Added `int getDecimals()`
* Renamed `setName(String)` ->`setTokenName(String)`
* Renamed `setSymbol(String)` ->`setTokenSymbol(String)`
* Renamed `setTreasury(AccountId)` ->`setTreasuryAccountId(AccountId)`
* Renamed `setAutoRenewAccount(AccountId)` ->`setAutoRenewAccountId(AccountId)`

TokenDeleteTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `TokenId getTokenId()`

TokenDisassociateTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `AccountId getAccountId()`
* Added `List<TokenId> getTokenIds()`
* Renamed `addTokenId(TokenId)` -> `setTokenIds(List<TokenId>)`

TokenFreezeTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `TokenId getTokenId()`
* Added `AccountId getAccointId()`

TokenGrantKycTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `TokenId getTokenId()`
* Added `AccountId getAccointId()`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `TokenId romBytes(byte[])`
* Removed `TokenId(TokenIDOrBuilder)`
* Removed `fromSolidityAddress(String)`
* Removed `String toSolidityAddress()`
* Removed `TokenId toProto()`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `TokenInfo romBytes(byte[])`
* Renamed `AccountId treasury` -> `AccountId treasuryAccountId`
* Renamed `Instant expiry` -> `Instant expirationTime`

TokenInfoQuery extends Query

* Added `TokenId getTokenId()`

TokenMintTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `TokenId getTokenId()`
* Added `long getAmount()`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `TokenRelationship fromBytes(byte[])`

TokenRevokeKycTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `TokenId getTokenId()`
* Added `AccountId getAccointId()`

Removed TokenTransferTransaction

* Use `TransferTransaction` instead.

TokenUnfreezeTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `TokenId getTokenId()`
* Added `AccountId getAccointId()`

TokenUpdateTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `AccountID getTreasuryAccountId()`
* Added `Key getAdminKey()`
* Added `Key getKycKey()`
* Added `Key getSupplyKey()`
* Added `Key getWipeKey()`
* Added `Key getFreezeKey()`
* Added `boolean getFreezeDefault()`
* Added `Instant getExpirationTime()`
* Added `AccountId getAutoRenewAccountId()`
* Added `Duration getAutoRenewPeriod()`
* Added `int getDecimals()`
* Renamed `setName(String)` ->`setTokenName(String)`
* Renamed `setSymbol(String)` ->`setTokenSymbol(String)`
* Renamed `setTreasury(AccountId)` ->`setTreasuryAccountId(AccountId)`
* Renamed `setAutoRenewAccount(AccountId)` ->`setAutoRenewAccountId(AccountId)`

TokenWipeTransaction extends Transaction

* Added `TokenId getTokenId()`
* Added `AccountId getAccountId()`


* Added `Instant getStartTime()`
* Added `Instant getEndTime()`

Removed HbarRangeException

* If `Hbar` is out of range `Hedera` will error instead.

Removed HederaConstants

* No replacement.

Removed HederaNetworkException

Renamed HederaPrecheckStatusException -> PrecheckStatusException

Renamed HederaReceiptStatusException -> ReceiptStatusException

Removed HederaRecordStatusException

* `ReceiptStatusException` will be thrown instead.


* A `PrecheckStatusException` or `ReceiptStatusException` will be thrown instead.

Removed HederaThrowable

* No replacement.

Removed LocalValidationException

* No replacement. Local validation is no longer done.


* Added `FileId getFileId()`
* Added `ContractId getContractId()`
* Added `Instant getExpirationTime()`


* Added `FileId getFileId()`
* Added `ContractId getContractId()`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `TransactionId fromBytes(byte[])`
* Removed `TransactionId(TransactionIDOrBuilder)`
* Removed `TransactionID toProto()`
* Removed `TransactionId withValidStart(AccountId, Instant)`
    * Use `new TransactionId(AccountId, Instant)` instead.
* Removed `TransactionId(AccountId)`
    * Use `TransactionId generate(AccountId)` instead.

Removed TransactionList


* Exposed `ExchangeRate exchangeRate`
* Exposed `AccountId accountId`
* Exposed `FileId fileId`
* Exposed `ContractId contractId`
* Exposed `TopicId topicId`
* Exposed `TokenId tokenId`
* Exposed `long topicSequenceNumber`
* Exposed `byte[] topicRunningHash`
* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `TransactionReceipt fromBytes()`
* Added `long totalSupply`
* Removed `AccountId getAccountId()`
    * Use `AccountId accountId` directly instead.
* Removed `ContractId getContractId()`
    * Use `ContractId contractId` directly instead.
* Removed `FileId getFileId()`
    * Use `FileId fileId` directly instead.
* Removed `TokenId getTokenId()`
    * Use `TokenId tokenId` directly instead.
* Removed `ConsensusTopicId getConsensusTopicId()`
    * Use `TopicId topicId` directly instead.
* Removed `long getConsensusTopicSequenceNumber()`
    * Use `long sequenceNumber` directly instead.
* Removed `byte[] getConsnsusTopicRunningHash()`
    * Use `byte[] topicRunningHash` directly instead.
* Removed `TransactionReceipt toProto()`

TransactionReceiptQuery extends Query

* Added `TransactionId getTransactionId()`


* Added `byte[] toBytes()`
* Added `TransactionRecord fromBytes()`
* Removed `ContractFunctionResult getContratcExecuteResult()`
    * Use `ContractFunctionResult contractFunctionResult` directly instead.
* Removed `ContractFunctionResult getContratcCreateResult()`
    * Use `ContractFunctionResult contractFunctionResult` directly instead.
* Removed `TransactionRecord toProto()`

TransactionRecordQuery extends Query

* Added `TransactionId getTransactionId()`


* Added `Hbar fromString(CharSequence)`
* Added `Hbar fromString(CharSequence, HbarUnit)`
* Added `Hbar from(long, HbarUnit)`
* Added `Hbar from(BigDecimal, HbarUnit)`
* Added `BigDecimal getValue()`
* Added `String toString(HbarUnit)`
* Renamed `fromTinybar(long)` -> `fromTinybars(long)`
* Renamed `Hbar of(long)` -> `from(long)`
* Renamed `Hbar of(BigDecimal)` -> `from(BigDecimal)`
* Renamed `Hbar as(HbarUnit)` -> `to(HbarUnit)`
* Renamed `long asTinybar()` -> `long toTinybars()`


* Added `void setMirrorNetwork(List<String>)`
* Added `List<String> getMirrorNetwork()`
* Added `Client forNetwork(Map<AccountId, String>)`
* Added `void ping(AccountId)`
* Added `PublicKey getOperatorPublicKey()`
* Added `Client setNetwork(Map<String, AccountId>)`
* Added `Map<String, AccountId> getNetwork()`
* Renamed `fromJson(String)` -> `fromConfig(String)` and `fromJson(Reader)` -> `fromConfig(Reader)`
* Renamed `fromFile(String)` -> `fromConfigFile(String)` and `fromFile(File)` -> `fromConfigFile(File)`
* Renamed `getOperatorId()` -> `getOperatorAccountId()`
* Removed `constructor(Map<AccountId, String>)`
* Removed `Client replaceNodes(Map<AccountId, String>)`
* Removed `Client setMaxTransactionFee(long)`
* Removed `Client setMaxQueryPayment(long)`
* Removed `AccountInfo getAccount(AccountId)`
* Removed `void getAccountAsync()`
* Removed `Hbar getAccountBalance(AccountId)`
    * Use `AccountBalanceQuery` instead.
* Removed `void getAccountBalanceAsync()`
* Changed `Client setOperatorWith(AccountId, PublicKey, TransactionSigner)`-> `Client setOperatorWith(AccountId, PublicKey, Function<bytes, bytes>)`