A service for the creation and management of materials.
The service is written using the Eve REST API framework (which itself is based on Flask) using MongoDB as its database.
## Requirements
- Python 2.7
- pip
- virtualenv
- MongoDB
Clone the repository
Create virtual environment
virtualenv venv
Activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure MongoDB is installed and is running and that you have activated your virtual environment.
The environment variable EVE_ENV
can be used to set the environment of the application (the default being development
if the variable is not set). The application looks in the db directory to find a .py
file with the name of the environment.
#### Running the server
python run.py
python -m unittest discover -v -s tests -p "*tests.py"
This runs the single_test
test in the TestMaterials
class in the materials_tests
python -m unittest tests.materials_tests.TestMaterials.single_test