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ArXiv cs.CV --Fri, 2 Sep 2022

1.Cross-Spectral Neural Radiance Fields ⬇️

We propose X-NeRF, a novel method to learn a Cross-Spectral scene representation given images captured from cameras with different light spectrum sensitivity, based on the Neural Radiance Fields formulation. X-NeRF optimizes camera poses across spectra during training and exploits Normalized Cross-Device Coordinates (NXDC) to render images of different modalities from arbitrary viewpoints, which are aligned and at the same resolution. Experiments on 16 forward-facing scenes, featuring color, multi-spectral and infrared images, confirm the effectiveness of X-NeRF at modeling Cross-Spectral scene representations.

2.Visual Prompting via Image Inpainting ⬇️

How does one adapt a pre-trained visual model to novel downstream tasks without task-specific finetuning or any model modification? Inspired by prompting in NLP, this paper investigates visual prompting: given input-output image example(s) of a new task at test time and a new input image, the goal is to automatically produce the output image, consistent with the given examples. We show that posing this problem as simple image inpainting - literally just filling in a hole in a concatenated visual prompt image - turns out to be surprisingly effective, provided that the inpainting algorithm has been trained on the right data. We train masked auto-encoders on a new dataset that we curated - 88k unlabeled figures from academic papers sources on Arxiv. We apply visual prompting to these pretrained models and demonstrate results on various downstream image-to-image tasks, including foreground segmentation, single object detection, colorization, edge detection, etc.

3.Lip-to-Speech Synthesis for Arbitrary Speakers in the Wild ⬇️

In this work, we address the problem of generating speech from silent lip videos for any speaker in the wild. In stark contrast to previous works, our method (i) is not restricted to a fixed number of speakers, (ii) does not explicitly impose constraints on the domain or the vocabulary and (iii) deals with videos that are recorded in the wild as opposed to within laboratory settings. The task presents a host of challenges, with the key one being that many features of the desired target speech, like voice, pitch and linguistic content, cannot be entirely inferred from the silent face video. In order to handle these stochastic variations, we propose a new VAE-GAN architecture that learns to associate the lip and speech sequences amidst the variations. With the help of multiple powerful discriminators that guide the training process, our generator learns to synthesize speech sequences in any voice for the lip movements of any person. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets show that we outperform all baselines by a large margin. Further, our network can be fine-tuned on videos of specific identities to achieve a performance comparable to single-speaker models that are trained on $4\times$ more data. We conduct numerous ablation studies to analyze the effect of different modules of our architecture. We also provide a demo video that demonstrates several qualitative results along with the code and trained models on our website: \url{this http URL}}

4.Seq-UPS: Sequential Uncertainty-aware Pseudo-label Selection for Semi-Supervised Text Recognition ⬇️

This paper looks at semi-supervised learning (SSL) for image-based text recognition. One of the most popular SSL approaches is pseudo-labeling (PL). PL approaches assign labels to unlabeled data before re-training the model with a combination of labeled and pseudo-labeled data. However, PL methods are severely degraded by noise and are prone to over-fitting to noisy labels, due to the inclusion of erroneous high confidence pseudo-labels generated from poorly calibrated models, thus, rendering threshold-based selection ineffective. Moreover, the combinatorial complexity of the hypothesis space and the error accumulation due to multiple incorrect autoregressive steps posit pseudo-labeling challenging for sequence models. To this end, we propose a pseudo-label generation and an uncertainty-based data selection framework for semi-supervised text recognition. We first use Beam-Search inference to yield highly probable hypotheses to assign pseudo-labels to the unlabelled examples. Then we adopt an ensemble of models, sampled by applying dropout, to obtain a robust estimate of the uncertainty associated with the prediction, considering both the character-level and word-level predictive distribution to select good quality pseudo-labels. Extensive experiments on several benchmark handwriting and scene-text datasets show that our method outperforms the baseline approaches and the previous state-of-the-art semi-supervised text-recognition methods.

5.Unified Fully and Timestamp Supervised Temporal Action Segmentation via Sequence to Sequence Translation ⬇️

This paper introduces a unified framework for video action segmentation via sequence to sequence (seq2seq) translation in a fully and timestamp supervised setup. In contrast to current state-of-the-art frame-level prediction methods, we view action segmentation as a seq2seq translation task, i.e., mapping a sequence of video frames to a sequence of action segments. Our proposed method involves a series of modifications and auxiliary loss functions on the standard Transformer seq2seq translation model to cope with long input sequences opposed to short output sequences and relatively few videos. We incorporate an auxiliary supervision signal for the encoder via a frame-wise loss and propose a separate alignment decoder for an implicit duration prediction. Finally, we extend our framework to the timestamp supervised setting via our proposed constrained k-medoids algorithm to generate pseudo-segmentations. Our proposed framework performs consistently on both fully and timestamp supervised settings, outperforming or competing state-of-the-art on several datasets.

6.Optimising 2D Pose Representation: Improve Accuracy, Stability and Generalisability Within Unsupervised 2D-3D Human Pose Estimation ⬇️

This paper addresses the problem of 2D pose representation during unsupervised 2D to 3D pose lifting to improve the accuracy, stability and generalisability of 3D human pose estimation (HPE) models. All unsupervised 2D-3D HPE approaches provide the entire 2D kinematic skeleton to a model during training. We argue that this is sub-optimal and disruptive as long-range correlations are induced between independent 2D key points and predicted 3D ordinates during training. To this end, we conduct the following study. With a maximum architecture capacity of 6 residual blocks, we evaluate the performance of 5 models which each represent a 2D pose differently during the adversarial unsupervised 2D-3D HPE process. Additionally, we show the correlations between 2D key points which are learned during the training process, highlighting the unintuitive correlations induced when an entire 2D pose is provided to a lifting model. Our results show that the most optimal representation of a 2D pose is that of two independent segments, the torso and legs, with no shared features between each lifting network. This approach decreased the average error by 20% on the Human3.6M dataset when compared to a model with a near identical parameter count trained on the entire 2D kinematic skeleton. Furthermore, due to the complex nature of adversarial learning, we show how this representation can also improve convergence during training allowing for an optimum result to be obtained more often.

7.Fast Fourier Convolution Based Remote Sensor Image Object Detection for Earth Observation ⬇️

Remote sensor image object detection is an important technology for Earth observation, and is used in various tasks such as forest fire monitoring and ocean monitoring. Image object detection technology, despite the significant developments, is struggling to handle remote sensor images and small-scale objects, due to the limited pixels of small objects. Numerous existing studies have demonstrated that an effective way to promote small object detection is to introduce the spatial context. Meanwhile, recent researches for image classification have shown that spectral convolution operations can perceive long-term spatial dependence more efficiently in the frequency domain than spatial domain. Inspired by this observation, we propose a Frequency-aware Feature Pyramid Framework (FFPF) for remote sensing object detection, which consists of a novel Frequency-aware ResNet (F-ResNet) and a Bilateral Spectral-aware Feature Pyramid Network (BS-FPN). Specifically, the F-ResNet is proposed to perceive the spectral context information by plugging the frequency domain convolution into each stage of the backbone, extracting richer features of small objects. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to introduce frequency-domain convolution into remote sensing object detection task. In addition, the BSFPN is designed to use a bilateral sampling strategy and skipping connection to better model the association of object features at different scales, towards unleashing the potential of the spectral context information from F-ResNet. Extensive experiments are conducted for object detection in the optical remote sensing image dataset (DIOR and DOTA). The experimental results demonstrate the excellent performance of our method. It achieves an average accuracy (mAP) without any tricks.

8.Implicit and Efficient Point Cloud Completion for 3D Single Object Tracking ⬇️

The point cloud based 3D single object tracking (3DSOT) has drawn increasing attention. Lots of breakthroughs have been made, but we also reveal two severe issues. By an extensive analysis, we find the prediction manner of current approaches is non-robust, i.e., exposing a misalignment gap between prediction score and actually localization accuracy. Another issue is the sparse point returns will damage the feature matching procedure of the SOT task. Based on these insights, we introduce two novel modules, i.e., Adaptive Refine Prediction (ARP) and Target Knowledge Transfer (TKT), to tackle them, respectively. To this end, we first design a strong pipeline to extract discriminative features and conduct the matching procedure with the attention mechanism. Then, ARP module is proposed to tackle the misalignment issue by aggregating all predicted candidates with valuable clues. Finally, TKT module is designed to effectively overcome incomplete point cloud due to sparse and occlusion issues. We call our overall framework PCET. By conducting extensive experiments on the KITTI and Waymo Open Dataset, our model achieves state-of-the-art performance while maintaining a lower computational consumption.

9.A New Knowledge Distillation Network for Incremental Few-Shot Surface Defect Detection ⬇️

Surface defect detection is one of the most essential processes for industrial quality inspection. Deep learning-based surface defect detection methods have shown great potential. However, the well-performed models usually require large training data and can only detect defects that appeared in the training stage. When facing incremental few-shot data, defect detection models inevitably suffer from catastrophic forgetting and misclassification problem. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a new knowledge distillation network, called Dual Knowledge Align Network (DKAN). The proposed DKAN method follows a pretraining-finetuning transfer learning paradigm and a knowledge distillation framework is designed for fine-tuning. Specifically, an Incremental RCNN is proposed to achieve decoupled stable feature representation of different categories. Under this framework, a Feature Knowledge Align (FKA) loss is designed between class-agnostic feature maps to deal with catastrophic forgetting problems, and a Logit Knowledge Align (LKA) loss is deployed between logit distributions to tackle misclassification problems. Experiments have been conducted on the incremental Few-shot NEU-DET dataset and results show that DKAN outperforms other methods on various few-shot scenes, up to 6.65% on the mean Average Precision metric, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed method.

10.TempCLR: Reconstructing Hands via Time-Coherent Contrastive Learning ⬇️

We introduce TempCLR, a new time-coherent contrastive learning approach for the structured regression task of 3D hand reconstruction. Unlike previous time-contrastive methods for hand pose estimation, our framework considers temporal consistency in its augmentation scheme, and accounts for the differences of hand poses along the temporal direction. Our data-driven method leverages unlabelled videos and a standard CNN, without relying on synthetic data, pseudo-labels, or specialized architectures. Our approach improves the performance of fully-supervised hand reconstruction methods by 15.9% and 7.6% in PA-V2V on the HO-3D and FreiHAND datasets respectively, thus establishing new state-of-the-art performance. Finally, we demonstrate that our approach produces smoother hand reconstructions through time, and is more robust to heavy occlusions compared to the previous state-of-the-art which we show quantitatively and qualitatively. Our code and models will be available at this https URL.

11.REMOT: A Region-to-Whole Framework for Realistic Human Motion Transfer ⬇️

Human Video Motion Transfer (HVMT) aims to, given an image of a source person, generate his/her video that imitates the motion of the driving person. Existing methods for HVMT mainly exploit Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to perform the warping operation based on the flow estimated from the source person image and each driving video frame. However, these methods always generate obvious artifacts due to the dramatic differences in poses, scales, and shifts between the source person and the driving person. To overcome these challenges, this paper presents a novel REgionto-whole human MOtion Transfer (REMOT) framework based on GANs. To generate realistic motions, the REMOT adopts a progressive generation paradigm: it first generates each body part in the driving pose without flow-based warping, then composites all parts into a complete person of the driving motion. Moreover, to preserve the natural global appearance, we design a Global Alignment Module to align the scale and position of the source person with those of the driving person based on their layouts. Furthermore, we propose a Texture Alignment Module to keep each part of the person aligned according to the similarity of the texture. Finally, through extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments, our REMOT achieves state-of-the-art results on two public benchmarks.

12.MAPLE: Masked Pseudo-Labeling autoEncoder for Semi-supervised Point Cloud Action Recognition ⬇️

Recognizing human actions from point cloud videos has attracted tremendous attention from both academia and industry due to its wide applications like automatic driving, robotics, and so on. However, current methods for point cloud action recognition usually require a huge amount of data with manual annotations and a complex backbone network with high computation costs, which makes it impractical for real-world applications. Therefore, this paper considers the task of semi-supervised point cloud action recognition. We propose a Masked Pseudo-Labeling autoEncoder (\textbf{MAPLE}) framework to learn effective representations with much fewer annotations for point cloud action recognition. In particular, we design a novel and efficient \textbf{De}coupled \textbf{s}patial-\textbf{t}emporal Trans\textbf{Former} (\textbf{DestFormer}) as the backbone of MAPLE. In DestFormer, the spatial and temporal dimensions of the 4D point cloud videos are decoupled to achieve efficient self-attention for learning both long-term and short-term features. Moreover, to learn discriminative features from fewer annotations, we design a masked pseudo-labeling autoencoder structure to guide the DestFormer to reconstruct features of masked frames from the available frames. More importantly, for unlabeled data, we exploit the pseudo-labels from the classification head as the supervision signal for the reconstruction of features from the masked frames. Finally, comprehensive experiments demonstrate that MAPLE achieves superior results on three public benchmarks and outperforms the state-of-the-art method by 8.08% accuracy on the MSR-Action3D dataset.

13.On the detection of morphing attacks generated by GANs ⬇️

Recent works have demonstrated the feasibility of GAN-based morphing attacks that reach similar success rates as more traditional landmark-based methods. This new type of "deep" morphs might require the development of new adequate detectors to protect face recognition systems. We explore simple deep morph detection baselines based on spectral features and LBP histograms features, as well as on CNN models, both in the intra-dataset and cross-dataset case. We observe that simple LBP-based systems are already quite accurate in the intra-dataset setting, but struggle with generalization, a phenomenon that is partially mitigated by fusing together several of those systems at score-level. We conclude that a pretrained ResNet effective for GAN image detection is the most effective overall, reaching close to perfect accuracy. We note however that LBP-based systems maintain a level of interest : additionally to their lower computational requirements and increased interpretability with respect to CNNs, LBP+ResNet fusions sometimes also showcase increased performance versus ResNet-only, hinting that LBP-based systems can focus on meaningful signal that is not necessarily picked up by the CNN detector.

14.TokenCut: Segmenting Objects in Images and Videos with Self-supervised Transformer and Normalized Cut ⬇️

In this paper, we describe a graph-based algorithm that uses the features obtained by a self-supervised transformer to detect and segment salient objects in images and videos. With this approach, the image patches that compose an image or video are organised into a fully connected graph, where the edge between each pair of patches is labeled with a similarity score between patches using features learned by the transformer. Detection and segmentation of salient objects is then formulated as a graph-cut problem and solved using the classical Normalized Cut algorithm. Despite the simplicity of this approach, it achieves state-of-the-art results on several common image and video detection and segmentation tasks. For unsupervised object discovery, this approach outperforms the competing approaches by a margin of 6.1%, 5.7%, and 2.6%, respectively, when tested with the VOC07, VOC12, and COCO20K datasets. For the unsupervised saliency detection task in images, this method improves the score for Intersection over Union (IoU) by 4.4%, 5.6% and 5.2%. When tested with the ECSSD, DUTS, and DUT-OMRON datasets, respectively, compared to current state-of-the-art techniques. This method also achieves competitive results for unsupervised video object segmentation tasks with the DAVIS, SegTV2, and FBMS datasets.

15.SemSegDepth: A Combined Model for Semantic Segmentation and Depth Completion ⬇️

Holistic scene understanding is pivotal for the performance of autonomous machines. In this paper we propose a new end-to-end model for performing semantic segmentation and depth completion jointly. The vast majority of recent approaches have developed semantic segmentation and depth completion as independent tasks. Our approach relies on RGB and sparse depth as inputs to our model and produces a dense depth map and the corresponding semantic segmentation image. It consists of a feature extractor, a depth completion branch, a semantic segmentation branch and a joint branch which further processes semantic and depth information altogether. The experiments done on Virtual KITTI 2 dataset, demonstrate and provide further evidence, that combining both tasks, semantic segmentation and depth completion, in a multi-task network can effectively improve the performance of each task. Code is available at this https URL depth.

16.Identifying Out-of-Distribution Samples in Real-Time for Safety-Critical 2D Object Detection with Margin Entropy Loss ⬇️

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are nowadays often employed in vision-based perception stacks for safetycritical applications such as autonomous driving or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Due to the safety requirements in those use cases, it is important to know the limitations of the CNN and, thus, to detect Out-of-Distribution (OOD) samples. In this work, we present an approach to enable OOD detection for 2D object detection by employing the margin entropy (ME) loss. The proposed method is easy to implement and can be applied to most existing object detection architectures. In addition, we introduce Separability as a metric for detecting OOD samples in object detection. We show that a CNN trained with the ME loss significantly outperforms OOD detection using standard confidence scores. At the same time, the runtime of the underlying object detection framework remains constant rendering the ME loss a powerful tool to enable OOD detection.

17.Gait Recognition in the Wild with Multi-hop Temporal Switch ⬇️

Existing studies for gait recognition are dominated by in-the-lab scenarios. Since people live in real-world senses, gait recognition in the wild is a more practical problem that has recently attracted the attention of the community of multimedia and computer vision. Current methods that obtain state-of-the-art performance on in-the-lab benchmarks achieve much worse accuracy on the recently proposed in-the-wild datasets because these methods can hardly model the varied temporal dynamics of gait sequences in unconstrained scenes. Therefore, this paper presents a novel multi-hop temporal switch method to achieve effective temporal modeling of gait patterns in real-world scenes. Concretely, we design a novel gait recognition network, named Multi-hop Temporal Switch Network (MTSGait), to learn spatial features and multi-scale temporal features simultaneously. Different from existing methods that use 3D convolutions for temporal modeling, our MTSGait models the temporal dynamics of gait sequences by 2D convolutions. By this means, it achieves high efficiency with fewer model parameters and reduces the difficulty in optimization compared with 3D convolution-based models. Based on the specific design of the 2D convolution kernels, our method can eliminate the misalignment of features among adjacent frames. In addition, a new sampling strategy, i.e., non-cyclic continuous sampling, is proposed to make the model learn more robust temporal features. Finally, the proposed method achieves superior performance on two public gait in-the-wild datasets, i.e., GREW and Gait3D, compared with state-of-the-art methods.

18.FLAME: Free-form Language-based Motion Synthesis & Editing ⬇️

Text-based motion generation models are drawing a surge of interest for their potential for automating the motion-making process in the game, animation, or robot industries. In this paper, we propose a diffusion-based motion synthesis and editing model named FLAME. Inspired by the recent successes in diffusion models, we integrate diffusion-based generative models into the motion domain. FLAME can generate high-fidelity motions well aligned with the given text. Also, it can edit the parts of the motion, both frame-wise and joint-wise, without any fine-tuning. FLAME involves a new transformer-based architecture we devise to better handle motion data, which is found to be crucial to manage variable-length motions and well attend to free-form text. In experiments, we show that FLAME achieves state-of-the-art generation performances on three text-motion datasets: HumanML3D, BABEL, and KIT. We also demonstrate that editing capability of FLAME can be extended to other tasks such as motion prediction or motion in-betweening, which have been previously covered by dedicated models.

19.Self-Supervised Pretraining for 2D Medical Image Segmentation ⬇️

Supervised machine learning provides state-of-the-art solutions to a wide range of computer vision problems. However, the need for copious labelled training data limits the capabilities of these algorithms in scenarios where such input is scarce or expensive. Self-supervised learning offers a way to lower the need for manually annotated data by pretraining models for a specific domain on unlabelled data. In this approach, labelled data are solely required to fine-tune models for downstream tasks. Medical image segmentation is a field where labelling data requires expert knowledge and collecting large labelled datasets is challenging; therefore, self-supervised learning algorithms promise substantial improvements in this field. Despite this, self-supervised learning algorithms are used rarely to pretrain medical image segmentation networks. In this paper, we elaborate and analyse the effectiveness of supervised and self-supervised pretraining approaches on downstream medical image segmentation, focusing on convergence and data efficiency. We find that self-supervised pretraining on natural images and target-domain-specific images leads to the fastest and most stable downstream convergence. In our experiments on the ACDC cardiac segmentation dataset, this pretraining approach achieves 4-5 times faster fine-tuning convergence compared to an ImageNet pretrained model. We also show that this approach requires less than five epochs of pretraining on domain-specific data to achieve such improvement in the downstream convergence time. Finally, we find that, in low-data scenarios, supervised ImageNet pretraining achieves the best accuracy, requiring less than 100 annotated samples to realise close to minimal error.

20.Video-Guided Curriculum Learning for Spoken Video Grounding ⬇️

In this paper, we introduce a new task, spoken video grounding (SVG), which aims to localize the desired video fragments from spoken language descriptions. Compared with using text, employing audio requires the model to directly exploit the useful phonemes and syllables related to the video from raw speech. Moreover, we randomly add environmental noises to this speech audio, further increasing the difficulty of this task and better simulating real applications. To rectify the discriminative phonemes and extract video-related information from noisy audio, we develop a novel video-guided curriculum learning (VGCL) during the audio pre-training process, which can make use of the vital visual perceptions to help understand the spoken language and suppress the external noise. Considering during inference the model can not obtain ground truth video segments, we design a curriculum strategy that gradually shifts the input video from the ground truth to the entire video content during pre-training. Finally, the model can learn how to extract critical visual information from the entire video clip to help understand the spoken language. In addition, we collect the first large-scale spoken video grounding dataset based on ActivityNet, which is named as ActivityNet Speech dataset. Extensive experiments demonstrate our proposed video-guided curriculum learning can facilitate the pre-training process to obtain a mutual audio encoder, significantly promoting the performance of spoken video grounding tasks. Moreover, we prove that in the case of noisy sound, our model outperforms the method that grounding video with ASR transcripts, further demonstrating the effectiveness of our curriculum strategy.

21.Combating Noisy Labels in Long-Tailed Image Classification ⬇️

Most existing methods that cope with noisy labels usually assume that the class distributions are well balanced, which has insufficient capacity to deal with the practical scenarios where training samples have imbalanced distributions. To this end, this paper makes an early effort to tackle the image classification task with both long-tailed distribution and label noise. Existing noise-robust learning methods cannot work in this scenario as it is challenging to differentiate noisy samples from clean samples of tail classes. To deal with this problem, we propose a new learning paradigm based on matching between inferences on weak and strong data augmentations to screen out noisy samples and introduce a leave-noise-out regularization to eliminate the effect of the recognized noisy samples. Furthermore, we incorporate a novel prediction penalty based on online prior distribution to avoid bias towards head classes. This mechanism has superiority in capturing the class fitting degree in realtime compared to the existing long-tail classification methods. Exhaustive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms that address the distribution imbalance problem in long-tailed classification under noisy labels.

22.MM-PCQA: Multi-Modal Learning for No-reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment ⬇️

The visual quality of point clouds has been greatly emphasized since the ever-increasing 3D vision applications are expected to provide cost-effective and high-quality experiences for users. Looking back on the development of point cloud quality assessment (PCQA) methods, the visual quality is usually evaluated by utilizing single-modal information, i.e., either extracted from the 2D projections or 3D point cloud. The 2D projections contain rich texture and semantic information but are highly dependent on viewpoints, while the 3D point clouds are more sensitive to geometry distortions and invariant to viewpoints. Therefore, to leverage the advantages of both point cloud and projected image modalities, we propose a novel no-reference point cloud quality assessment (NR-PCQA) metric in a multi-modal fashion. In specific, we split the point clouds into sub-models to represent local geometry distortions such as point shift and down-sampling. Then we render the point clouds into 2D image projections for texture feature extraction. To achieve the goals, the sub-models and projected images are encoded with point-based and image-based neural networks. Finally, symmetric cross-modal attention is employed to fuse multi-modal quality-aware information. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms all compared state-of-the-art methods and is far ahead of previous NR-PCQA methods, which highlights the effectiveness of the proposed method.

23.Delving into the Frequency: Temporally Consistent Human Motion Transfer in the Fourier Space ⬇️

Human motion transfer refers to synthesizing photo-realistic and temporally coherent videos that enable one person to imitate the motion of others. However, current synthetic videos suffer from the temporal inconsistency in sequential frames that significantly degrades the video quality, yet is far from solved by existing methods in the pixel domain. Recently, some works on DeepFake detection try to distinguish the natural and synthetic images in the frequency domain because of the frequency insufficiency of image synthesizing methods. Nonetheless, there is no work to study the temporal inconsistency of synthetic videos from the aspects of the frequency-domain gap between natural and synthetic videos. In this paper, we propose to delve into the frequency space for temporally consistent human motion transfer. First of all, we make the first comprehensive analysis of natural and synthetic videos in the frequency domain to reveal the frequency gap in both the spatial dimension of individual frames and the temporal dimension of the video. To close the frequency gap between the natural and synthetic videos, we propose a novel Frequency-based human MOtion TRansfer framework, named FreMOTR, which can effectively mitigate the spatial artifacts and the temporal inconsistency of the synthesized videos. FreMOTR explores two novel frequency-based regularization modules: 1) the Frequency-domain Appearance Regularization (FAR) to improve the appearance of the person in individual frames and 2) Temporal Frequency Regularization (TFR) to guarantee the temporal consistency between adjacent frames. Finally, comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the FreMOTR not only yields superior performance in temporal consistency metrics but also improves the frame-level visual quality of synthetic videos. In particular, the temporal consistency metrics are improved by nearly 30% than the state-of-the-art model.

24.Wasserstein Embedding for Capsule Learning ⬇️

Capsule networks (CapsNets) aim to parse images into a hierarchical component structure that consists of objects, parts, and their relations. Despite their potential, they are computationally expensive and pose a major drawback, which limits utilizing these networks efficiently on more complex datasets. The current CapsNet models only compare their performance with the capsule baselines and do not perform at the same level as deep CNN-based models on complicated tasks. This paper proposes an efficient way for learning capsules that detect atomic parts of an input image, through a group of SubCapsules, upon which an input vector is projected. Subsequently, we present the Wasserstein Embedding Module that first measures the dissimilarity between the input and components modeled by the SubCapsules, and then finds their degree of alignment based on the learned optimal transport. This strategy leverages new insights on defining alignment between the input and SubCapsules based on the similarity between their respective component distributions. Our proposed model, (i) is lightweight and allows to apply capsules for more complex vision tasks; (ii) performs better than or at par with CNN-based models on these challenging tasks. Our experimental results indicate that Wasserstein Embedding Capsules (WECapsules) perform more robustly on affine transformations, effectively scale up to larger datasets, and outperform the CNN and CapsNet models in several vision tasks.

25.1st Place Solution to ECCV 2022 Challenge on Out of Vocabulary Scene Text Understanding: End-to-End Recognition of Out of Vocabulary Words ⬇️

Scene text recognition has attracted increasing interest in recent years due to its wide range of applications in multilingual translation, autonomous driving, etc. In this report, we describe our solution to the Out of Vocabulary Scene Text Understanding (OOV-ST) Challenge, which aims to extract out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words from natural scene images. Our oCLIP-based model achieves 28.59% in h-mean which ranks 1st in end-to-end OOV word recognition track of OOV Challenge in ECCV2022 TiE Workshop.

26.PointCLM: A Contrastive Learning-based Framework for Multi-instance Point Cloud Registration ⬇️

Multi-instance point cloud registration is the problem of estimating multiple poses of source point cloud instances within a target point cloud. Solving this problem is challenging since inlier correspondences of one instance constitute outliers of all the other instances. Existing methods often rely on time-consuming hypothesis sampling or features leveraging spatial consistency, resulting in limited performance. In this paper, we propose PointCLM, a contrastive learning-based framework for mutli-instance point cloud registration. We first utilize contrastive learning to learn well-distributed deep representations for the input putative correspondences. Then based on these representations, we propose a outlier pruning strategy and a clustering strategy to efficiently remove outliers and assign the remaining correspondences to correct instances. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on both synthetic and real datasets by a large margin.

27.Public Parking Spot Detection And Geo-localization Using Transfer Learning ⬇️

In cities around the world, locating public parking lots with vacant parking spots is a major problem, costing commuters time and adding to traffic congestion. This work illustrates how a dataset of Geo-tagged images from a mobile phone camera, can be used in navigating to the most convenient public parking lot in Johannesburg with an available parking space, detected by a neural network powered-public camera. The images are used to fine-tune a Detectron2 model pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset to demonstrate detection and segmentation of vacant parking spots, we then add the parking lot's corresponding longitude and latitude coordinates to recommend the most convenient parking lot to the driver based on the Haversine distance and number of available parking spots. Using the VGG Image Annotation (VIA) we use 76 images from an expanding dataset of images, and annotate these with polygon outlines of the four different types of objects of interest: cars, open parking spots, people, and car number plates. We use the segmentation model to ensure number plates can be occluded in production for car registration anonymity purposes. We get an 89% and 82% intersection over union cover score on cars and parking spaces respectively. This work has the potential to help reduce the amount of time commuters spend searching for free public parking, hence easing traffic congestion in and around shopping complexes and other public places, and maximize people's utility with respect to driving on public roads.

28.ProCo: Prototype-aware Contrastive Learning for Long-tailed Medical Image Classification ⬇️

Medical image classification has been widely adopted in medical image analysis. However, due to the difficulty of collecting and labeling data in the medical area, medical image datasets are usually highly-imbalanced. To address this problem, previous works utilized class samples as prior for re-weighting or re-sampling but the feature representation is usually still not discriminative enough. In this paper, we adopt the contrastive learning to tackle the long-tailed medical imbalance problem. Specifically, we first propose the category prototype and adversarial proto-instance to generate representative contrastive pairs. Then, the prototype recalibration strategy is proposed to address the highly imbalanced data distribution. Finally, a unified proto-loss is designed to train our framework. The overall framework, namely as Prototype-aware Contrastive learning (ProCo), is unified as a single-stage pipeline in an end-to-end manner to alleviate the imbalanced problem in medical image classification, which is also a distinct progress than existing works as they follow the traditional two-stage pipeline. Extensive experiments on two highly-imbalanced medical image classification datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods by a large margin.

29.Archangel: A Hybrid UAV-based Human Detection Benchmark with Position and Pose Metadata ⬇️

Learning to detect objects, such as humans, in imagery captured by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) usually suffers from tremendous variations caused by the UAV's position towards the objects. In addition, existing UAV-based benchmark datasets do not provide adequate dataset metadata, which is essential for precise model diagnosis and learning features invariant to those variations. In this paper, we introduce Archangel, the first UAV-based object detection dataset composed of real and synthetic subsets captured with similar imagining conditions and UAV position and object pose metadata. A series of experiments are carefully designed with a state-of-the-art object detector to demonstrate the benefits of leveraging the metadata during model evaluation. Moreover, several crucial insights involving both real and synthetic data during model fine-tuning are presented. In the end, we discuss the advantages, limitations, and future directions regarding Archangel to highlight its distinct value for the broader machine learning community.

30.Addressing Class Imbalance in Semi-supervised Image Segmentation: A Study on Cardiac MRI ⬇️

Due to the imbalanced and limited data, semi-supervised medical image segmentation methods often fail to produce superior performance for some specific tailed classes. Inadequate training for those particular classes could introduce more noise to the generated pseudo labels, affecting overall learning. To alleviate this shortcoming and identify the under-performing classes, we propose maintaining a confidence array that records class-wise performance during training. A fuzzy fusion of these confidence scores is proposed to adaptively prioritize individual confidence metrics in every sample rather than traditional ensemble approaches, where a set of predefined fixed weights are assigned for all the test cases. Further, we introduce a robust class-wise sampling method and dynamic stabilization for a better training strategy. Our proposed method considers all the under-performing classes with dynamic weighting and tries to remove most of the noises during training. Upon evaluation on two cardiac MRI datasets, ACDC and MMWHS, our proposed method shows effectiveness and generalizability and outperforms several state-of-the-art methods found in the literature.

31.Multi-View Reconstruction using Signed Ray Distance Functions (SRDF) ⬇️

In this paper, we address the problem of multi-view 3D shape reconstruction. While recent differentiable rendering approaches associated to implicit shape representations have provided breakthrough performance, they are still computationally heavy and often lack precision on the estimated geometries. To overcome these limitations we investigate a new computational approach that builds on a novel shape representation that is volumetric, as in recent differentiable rendering approaches, but parameterized with depth maps to better materialize the shape surface. The shape energy associated to this representation evaluates 3D geometry given color images and does not need appearance prediction but still benefits from volumetric integration when optimized. In practice we propose an implicit shape representation, the SRDF, based on signed distances which we parameterize by depths along camera rays. The associated shape energy considers the agreement between depth prediction consistency and photometric consistency, this at 3D locations within the volumetric representation. Various photo-consistency priors can be accounted for such as a median based baseline, or a more elaborated criterion as with a learned function. The approach retains pixel-accuracy with depth maps and is parallelizable. Our experiments over standard datasets shows that it provides state-of-the-art results with respect to recent approaches with implicit shape representations as well as with respect to traditional multi-view stereo methods.

32.ViA: View-invariant Skeleton Action Representation Learning via Motion Retargeting ⬇️

Current self-supervised approaches for skeleton action representation learning often focus on constrained scenarios, where videos and skeleton data are recorded in laboratory settings. When dealing with estimated skeleton data in real-world videos, such methods perform poorly due to the large variations across subjects and camera viewpoints. To address this issue, we introduce ViA, a novel View-Invariant Autoencoder for self-supervised skeleton action representation learning. ViA leverages motion retargeting between different human performers as a pretext task, in order to disentangle the latent action-specific Motion' features on top of the visual representation of a 2D or 3D skeleton sequence. Such Motion' features are invariant to skeleton geometry and camera view and allow ViA to facilitate both, cross-subject and cross-view action classification tasks. We conduct a study focusing on transfer-learning for skeleton-based action recognition with self-supervised pre-training on real-world data (e.g., Posetics). Our results showcase that skeleton representations learned from ViA are generic enough to improve upon state-of-the-art action classification accuracy, not only on 3D laboratory datasets such as NTU-RGB+D 60 and NTU-RGB+D 120, but also on real-world datasets where only 2D data are accurately estimated, e.g., Toyota Smarthome, UAV-Human and Penn Action.

33.Class-Aware Attention for Multimodal Trajectory Prediction ⬇️

Predicting the possible future trajectories of the surrounding dynamic agents is an essential requirement in autonomous driving. These trajectories mainly depend on the surrounding static environment, as well as the past movements of those dynamic agents. Furthermore, the multimodal nature of agent intentions makes the trajectory prediction problem more challenging. All of the existing models consider the target agent as well as the surrounding agents similarly, without considering the variation of physical properties. In this paper, we present a novel deep-learning based framework for multimodal trajectory prediction in autonomous driving, which considers the physical properties of the target and surrounding vehicles such as the object class and their physical dimensions through a weighted attention module, that improves the accuracy of the predictions. Our model has achieved the highest results in the nuScenes trajectory prediction benchmark, out of the models which use rasterized maps to input environment information. Furthermore, our model is able to run in real-time, achieving a high inference rate of over 300 FPS.

34.ID and OOD Performance Are Sometimes Inversely Correlated on Real-world Datasets ⬇️

Several studies have empirically compared in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) performance of various models. They report frequent positive correlations on benchmarks in computer vision and NLP. Surprisingly, they never observe inverse correlations suggesting necessary trade-offs. This matters to determine whether ID performance can serve as a proxy for OOD generalization.
This short paper shows that inverse correlations between ID and OOD performance do happen in real-world benchmarks. They may have been missed in past studies because of a biased selection of models. We show an example of the pattern on the WILDS-Camelyon17 dataset, using models from multiple training epochs and random seeds. Our observations are particularly striking on models trained with a regularizer that diversifies the solutions to the ERM objective.
We nuance recommendations and conclusions made in past studies. (1) High OOD performance does sometimes require trading off ID performance. (2) Focusing on ID performance alone may not lead to optimal OOD performance: it can lead to diminishing and eventually negative returns in OOD performance. (3) Our example reminds that empirical studies only chart regimes achievable with existing methods: care is warranted in deriving prescriptive recommendations.

35.Transformers are Sample Efficient World Models ⬇️

Deep reinforcement learning agents are notoriously sample inefficient, which considerably limits their application to real-world problems. Recently, many model-based methods have been designed to address this issue, with learning in the imagination of a world model being one of the most prominent approaches. However, while virtually unlimited interaction with a simulated environment sounds appealing, the world model has to be accurate over extended periods of time. Motivated by the success of Transformers in sequence modeling tasks, we introduce IRIS, a data-efficient agent that learns in a world model composed of a discrete autoencoder and an autoregressive Transformer. With the equivalent of only two hours of gameplay in the Atari 100k benchmark, IRIS achieves a mean human normalized score of 1.046, and outperforms humans on 10 out of 26 games. Our approach sets a new state of the art for methods without lookahead search, and even surpasses MuZero. To foster future research on Transformers and world models for sample-efficient reinforcement learning, we release our codebase at this https URL.

36.Adversarial Stain Transfer to Study the Effect of Color Variation on Cell Instance Segmentation ⬇️

Stain color variation in histological images, caused by a variety of factors, is a challenge not only for the visual diagnosis of pathologists but also for cell segmentation algorithms. To eliminate the color variation, many stain normalization approaches have been proposed. However, most were designed for hematoxylin and eosin staining images and performed poorly on immunohistochemical staining images. Current cell segmentation methods systematically apply stain normalization as a preprocessing step, but the impact brought by color variation has not been quantitatively investigated yet. In this paper, we produced five groups of NeuN staining images with different colors. We applied a deep learning image-recoloring method to perform color transfer between histological image groups. Finally, we altered the color of a segmentation set and quantified the impact of color variation on cell segmentation. The results demonstrated the necessity of color normalization prior to subsequent analysis.

37.The Neural Process Family: Survey, Applications and Perspectives ⬇️

The standard approaches to neural network implementation yield powerful function approximation capabilities but are limited in their abilities to learn meta representations and reason probabilistic uncertainties in their predictions. Gaussian processes, on the other hand, adopt the Bayesian learning scheme to estimate such uncertainties but are constrained by their efficiency and approximation capacity. The Neural Processes Family (NPF) intends to offer the best of both worlds by leveraging neural networks for meta-learning predictive uncertainties. Such potential has brought substantial research activity to the family in recent years. Therefore, a comprehensive survey of NPF models is needed to organize and relate their motivation, methodology, and experiments. This paper intends to address this gap while digging deeper into the formulation, research themes, and applications concerning the family members. We shed light on their potential to bring several recent advances in other deep learning domains under one umbrella. We then provide a rigorous taxonomy of the family and empirically demonstrate their capabilities for modeling data generating functions operating on 1-d, 2-d, and 3-d input domains. We conclude by discussing our perspectives on the promising directions that can fuel the research advances in the field. Code for our experiments will be made available at this https URL.

38.Physically-primed deep-neural-networks for generalized undersampled MRI reconstruction ⬇️

A plethora of deep-neural-networks (DNN) based methods were proposed over the past few years to address the challenging ill-posed inverse problem of MRI reconstruction from undersampled "k-space" (Fourier domain) data. However, instability against variations in the acquisition process and the anatomical distribution, indicates a poor generalization of the relevant physical models by the DNN architectures compared to their classical counterparts. The poor generalization effectively precludes DNN applicability for undersampled MRI reconstruction in the clinical setting. We improve the generalization capacity of DNN methods for undersampled MRI reconstruction by introducing a physically-primed DNN architecture and training approach. Our architecture encodes the undersampling mask in addition to the observed data in the model architecture and employs an appropriate training approach that uses data generated with various undersampling masks to encourage the model to generalize the undersampled MRI reconstruction problem. We demonstrated the added-value of our approach through extensive experimentation with the publicly available Fast-MRI dataset. Our physically-primed approach achieved an enhanced generalization capacity which resulted in significantly improved robustness against variations in the acquisition process and in the anatomical distribution, especially in pathological regions, compared to both vanilla DNN methods and DNN trained with undersampling mask augmentation. Trained models and code to replicate our experiments will become available for research purposes upon acceptance.