1.Masked Visual Pre-training for Motor Control ⬇️
This paper shows that self-supervised visual pre-training from real-world images is effective for learning motor control tasks from pixels. We first train the visual representations by masked modeling of natural images. We then freeze the visual encoder and train neural network controllers on top with reinforcement learning. We do not perform any task-specific fine-tuning of the encoder; the same visual representations are used for all motor control tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first self-supervised model to exploit real-world images at scale for motor control. To accelerate progress in learning from pixels, we contribute a benchmark suite of hand-designed tasks varying in movements, scenes, and robots. Without relying on labels, state-estimation, or expert demonstrations, we consistently outperform supervised encoders by up to 80% absolute success rate, sometimes even matching the oracle state performance. We also find that in-the-wild images, e.g., from YouTube or Egocentric videos, lead to better visual representations for various manipulation tasks than ImageNet images.
2.Deep AutoAugment ⬇️
While recent automated data augmentation methods lead to state-of-the-art results, their design spaces and the derived data augmentation strategies still incorporate strong human priors. In this work, instead of fixing a set of hand-picked default augmentations alongside the searched data augmentations, we propose a fully automated approach for data augmentation search named Deep AutoAugment (DeepAA). DeepAA progressively builds a multi-layer data augmentation pipeline from scratch by stacking augmentation layers one at a time until reaching convergence. For each augmentation layer, the policy is optimized to maximize the cosine similarity between the gradients of the original and augmented data along the direction with low variance. Our experiments show that even without default augmentations, we can learn an augmentation policy that achieves strong performance with that of previous works. Extensive ablation studies show that the regularized gradient matching is an effective search method for data augmentation policies. Our code is available at: this https URL .
3.Neuromorphic Data Augmentation for Training Spiking Neural Networks ⬇️
Developing neuromorphic intelligence on event-based datasets with spiking neural networks (SNNs) has recently attracted much research attention. However, the limited size of event-based datasets makes SNNs prone to overfitting and unstable convergence. This issue remains unexplored by previous academic works. In an effort to minimize this generalization gap, we propose neuromorphic data augmentation (NDA), a family of geometric augmentations specifically designed for event-based datasets with the goal of significantly stabilizing the SNN training and reducing the generalization gap between training and test performance. The proposed method is simple and compatible with existing SNN training pipelines. Using the proposed augmentation, for the first time, we demonstrate the feasibility of unsupervised contrastive learning for SNNs. We conduct comprehensive experiments on prevailing neuromorphic vision benchmarks and show that NDA yields substantial improvements over previous state-of-the-art results. For example, NDA-based SNN achieves accuracy gain on CIFAR10-DVS and N-Caltech 101 by 10.1% and 13.7%, respectively.
4.Spatial Consistency Loss for Training Multi-Label Classifiers from Single-Label Annotations ⬇️
As natural images usually contain multiple objects, multi-label image classification is more applicable "in the wild" than single-label classification. However, exhaustively annotating images with every object of interest is costly and time-consuming. We aim to train multi-label classifiers from single-label annotations only. We show that adding a consistency loss, ensuring that the predictions of the network are consistent over consecutive training epochs, is a simple yet effective method to train multi-label classifiers in a weakly supervised setting. We further extend this approach spatially, by ensuring consistency of the spatial feature maps produced over consecutive training epochs, maintaining per-class running-average heatmaps for each training image. We show that this spatial consistency loss further improves the multi-label mAP of the classifiers. In addition, we show that this method overcomes shortcomings of the "crop" data-augmentation by recovering correct supervision signal even when most of the single ground truth object is cropped out of the input image by the data augmentation. We demonstrate gains of the consistency and spatial consistency losses over the binary cross-entropy baseline, and over competing methods, on MS-COCO and Pascal VOC. We also demonstrate improved multi-label classification mAP on ImageNet-1K using the ReaL multi-label validation set.
5.Multi-sensor large-scale dataset for multi-view 3D reconstruction ⬇️
We present a new multi-sensor dataset for 3D surface reconstruction. It includes registered RGB and depth data from sensors of different resolutions and modalities: smartphones, Intel RealSense, Microsoft Kinect, industrial cameras, and structured-light scanner. The data for each scene is obtained under a large number of lighting conditions, and the scenes are selected to emphasize a diverse set of material properties challenging for existing algorithms. In the acquisition process, we aimed to maximize high-resolution depth data quality for challenging cases, to provide reliable ground truth for learning algorithms. Overall, we provide over 1.4 million images of 110 different scenes acquired at 14 lighting conditions from 100 viewing directions. We expect our dataset will be useful for evaluation and training of 3D reconstruction algorithms of different types and for other related tasks. Our dataset and accompanying software will be available online.
6.ActiveMLP: An MLP-like Architecture with Active Token Mixer ⬇️
This paper presents ActiveMLP, a general MLP-like backbone for computer vision. The three existing dominant network families, i.e., CNNs, Transformers and MLPs, differ from each other mainly in the ways to fuse contextual information into a given token, leaving the design of more effective token-mixing mechanisms at the core of backbone architecture development. In ActiveMLP, we propose an innovative token-mixer, dubbed Active Token Mixer (ATM), to actively incorporate contextual information from other tokens in the global scope into the given one. This fundamental operator actively predicts where to capture useful contexts and learns how to fuse the captured contexts with the original information of the given token at channel levels. In this way, the spatial range of token-mixing is expanded and the way of token-mixing is reformed. With this design, ActiveMLP is endowed with the merits of global receptive fields and more flexible content-adaptive information fusion. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ActiveMLP is generally applicable and comprehensively surpasses different families of SOTA vision backbones by a clear margin on a broad range of vision tasks, including visual recognition and dense prediction tasks. The code and models will be available at this https URL.
7.REX: Reasoning-aware and Grounded Explanation ⬇️
Effectiveness and interpretability are two essential properties for trustworthy AI systems. Most recent studies in visual reasoning are dedicated to improving the accuracy of predicted answers, and less attention is paid to explaining the rationales behind the decisions. As a result, they commonly take advantage of spurious biases instead of actually reasoning on the visual-textual data, and have yet developed the capability to explain their decision making by considering key information from both modalities. This paper aims to close the gap from three distinct perspectives: first, we define a new type of multi-modal explanations that explain the decisions by progressively traversing the reasoning process and grounding keywords in the images. We develop a functional program to sequentially execute different reasoning steps and construct a new dataset with 1,040,830 multi-modal explanations. Second, we identify the critical need to tightly couple important components across the visual and textual modalities for explaining the decisions, and propose a novel explanation generation method that explicitly models the pairwise correspondence between words and regions of interest. It improves the visual grounding capability by a considerable margin, resulting in enhanced interpretability and reasoning performance. Finally, with our new data and method, we perform extensive analyses to study the effectiveness of our explanation under different settings, including multi-task learning and transfer learning. Our code and data are available at this https URL.
8.LFW-Beautified: A Dataset of Face Images with Beautification and Augmented Reality Filters ⬇️
Selfie images enjoy huge popularity in social media. The same platforms centered around sharing this type of images offer filters to beautify them or incorporate augmented reality effects. Studies suggests that filtered images attract more views and engagement. Selfie images are also in increasing use in security applications due to mobiles becoming data hubs for many transactions. Also, video conference applications, boomed during the pandemic, include such filters.
Such filters may destroy biometric features that would allow person recognition or even detection of the face itself, even if such commodity applications are not necessarily used to compromise facial systems. This could also affect subsequent investigations like crimes in social media, where automatic analysis is usually necessary given the amount of information posted in social sites or stored in devices or cloud repositories.
To help in counteracting such issues, we contribute with a database of facial images that includes several manipulations. It includes image enhancement filters (which mostly modify contrast and lightning) and augmented reality filters that incorporate items like animal noses or glasses. Additionally, images with sunglasses are processed with a reconstruction network trained to learn to reverse such modifications. This is because obfuscating the eye region has been observed in the literature to have the highest impact on the accuracy of face detection or recognition.
We start from the popular Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) database, to which we apply different modifications, generating 8 datasets. Each dataset contains 4,324 images of size 64 x 64, with a total of 34,592 images. The use of a public and widely employed face dataset allows for replication and comparison.
The created database is available at this https URL
9.TAPE: Task-Agnostic Prior Embedding for Image Restoration ⬇️
Learning an generalized prior for natural image restoration is an important yet challenging task. Early methods mostly involved handcrafted priors including normalized sparsity, L0 gradients, dark channel priors, etc. Recently, deep neural networks have been used to learn various image priors but do not guarantee to generalize. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that embeds a task-agnostic prior into a transformer. Our approach, named Task-Agnostic Prior Embedding (TAPE), consists of three stages, namely, task-agnostic pre-training, task-agnostic fine-tuning, and task-specific fine-tuning, where the first one embeds prior knowledge about natural images into the transformer and the latter two extracts the knowledge to assist downstream image restoration. Experiments on various types of degradation validate the effectiveness of TAPE. The image restoration performance in terms of PSNR is improved by as much as 1.45 dB and even outperforms task-specific algorithms. More importantly, TAPE shows the ability of disentangling generalized image priors from degraded images, which enjoys favorable transfer ability to unknown downstream tasks.
10.Embedding Earth: Self-supervised contrastive pre-training for dense land cover classification ⬇️
In training machine learning models for land cover semantic segmentation there is a stark contrast between the availability of satellite imagery to be used as inputs and ground truth data to enable supervised learning. While thousands of new satellite images become freely available on a daily basis, getting ground truth data is still very challenging, time consuming and costly. In this paper we present Embedding Earth a self-supervised contrastive pre-training method for leveraging the large availability of satellite imagery to improve performance on downstream dense land cover classification tasks. Performing an extensive experimental evaluation spanning four countries and two continents we use models pre-trained with our proposed method as initialization points for supervised land cover semantic segmentation and observe significant improvements up to 25% absolute mIoU. In every case tested we outperform random initialization, especially so when ground truth data are scarse. Through a series of ablation studies we explore the qualities of the proposed approach and find that learnt features can generalize between disparate regions opening up the possibility of using the proposed pre-training scheme as a replacement to random initialization for Earth observation tasks. Code will be uploaded soon at this https URL.
11.The Role of ImageNet Classes in Fréchet Inception Distance ⬇️
Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) is a metric for quantifying the distance between two distributions of images. Given its status as a standard yardstick for ranking models in data-driven generative modeling research, it seems important that the distance is computed from general, "vision-related" features. But is it? We observe that FID is essentially a distance between sets of ImageNet class probabilities. We trace the reason to the fact that the standard feature space, the penultimate "pre-logit" layer of a particular Inception-V3 classifier network, is only one affine transform away from the logits, i.e., ImageNet classes, and thus, the features are necessarily highly specialized to them. This has unintuitive consequences for the metric's sensitivity. For example, when evaluating a model for human faces, we observe that, on average, FID is actually very insensitive to the facial region, and that the probabilities of classes like "bow tie" or "seat belt" play a much larger role. Further, we show that FID can be significantly reduced -- without actually improving the quality of results -- by an attack that first generates a slightly larger set of candidates, and then chooses a subset that happens to match the histogram of such "fringe features" in the real data. We then demonstrate that this observation has practical relevance in case of ImageNet pre-training of GANs, where a part of the observed FID improvement turns out not to be real. Our results suggest caution against over-interpreting FID improvements, and underline the need for distribution metrics that are more perceptually uniform.
12.An error correction scheme for improved air-tissue boundary in real-time MRI video for speech production ⬇️
The best performance in Air-tissue boundary (ATB) segmentation of real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rtMRI) videos in speech production is known to be achieved by a 3-dimensional convolutional neural network (3D-CNN) model. However, the evaluation of this model, as well as other ATB segmentation techniques reported in the literature, is done using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance between the entire original and predicted contours. Such an evaluation measure may not capture local errors in the predicted contour. Careful analysis of predicted contours reveals errors in regions like the velum part of contour1 (ATB comprising of upper lip, hard palate, and velum) and tongue base section of contour2 (ATB covering jawline, lower lip, tongue base, and epiglottis), which are not captured in a global evaluation metric like DTW distance. In this work, we automatically detect such errors and propose a correction scheme for the same. We also propose two new evaluation metrics for ATB segmentation separately in contour1 and contour2 to explicitly capture two types of errors in these contours. The proposed detection and correction strategies result in an improvement of these two evaluation metrics by 61.8% and 61.4% for contour1 and by 67.8% and 28.4% for contour2. Traditional DTW distance, on the other hand, improves by 44.6% for contour1 and 4.0% for contour2.
13.Polar Transformation Based Multiple Instance Learning Assisting Weakly Supervised Image Segmentation With Loose Bounding Box Annotations ⬇️
This study investigates weakly supervised image segmentation using loose bounding box supervision. It presents a multiple instance learning strategy based on polar transformation to assist image segmentation when loose bounding boxes are employed as supervision. In this strategy, weighted smooth maximum approximation is introduced to incorporate the observation that pixels closer to the origin of the polar transformation are more likely to belong to the object in the bounding box. The proposed approach was evaluated on a public medical dataset using Dice coefficient. The results demonstrate its superior performance. The codes are available at \url{this https URL}.
14.Towards Self-Supervised Learning of Global and Object-Centric Representations ⬇️
Self-supervision allows learning meaningful representations of natural images which usually contain one central object. How well does it transfer to multi-entity scenes? We discuss key aspects of learning structured object-centric representations with self-supervision and validate our insights through several experiments on the CLEVR dataset. Regarding the architecture, we confirm the importance of competition for attention-based object discovery, where each image patch is exclusively attended by one object. For training, we show that contrastive losses equipped with matching can be applied directly in a latent space, avoiding pixel-based reconstruction. However, such an optimization objective is sensitive to false negatives (recurring objects) and false positives (matching errors). Thus, careful consideration is required around data augmentation and negative sample selection.
15.Deep Class Incremental Learning from Decentralized Data ⬇️
In this paper, we focus on a new and challenging decentralized machine learning paradigm in which there are continuous inflows of data to be addressed and the data are stored in multiple repositories. We initiate the study of data decentralized class-incremental learning (DCIL) by making the following contributions. Firstly, we formulate the DCIL problem and develop the experimental protocol. Secondly, we introduce a paradigm to create a basic decentralized counterpart of typical (centralized) class-incremental learning approaches, and as a result, establish a benchmark for the DCIL study. Thirdly, we further propose a Decentralized Composite knowledge Incremental Distillation framework (DCID) to transfer knowledge from historical models and multiple local sites to the general model continually. DCID consists of three main components namely local class-incremental learning, collaborated knowledge distillation among local models, and aggregated knowledge distillation from local models to the general one. We comprehensively investigate our DCID framework by using different implementations of the three components. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our DCID framework. The codes of the baseline methods and the proposed DCIL will be released at this https URL.
16.PseudoProp: Robust Pseudo-Label Generation for Semi-Supervised Object Detection in Autonomous Driving Systems ⬇️
Semi-supervised object detection methods are widely used in autonomous driving systems, where only a fraction of objects are labeled. To propagate information from the labeled objects to the unlabeled ones, pseudo-labels for unlabeled objects must be generated. Although pseudo-labels have proven to improve the performance of semi-supervised object detection significantly, the applications of image-based methods to video frames result in numerous miss or false detections using such generated pseudo-labels. In this paper, we propose a new approach, PseudoProp, to generate robust pseudo-labels by leveraging motion continuity in video frames. Specifically, PseudoProp uses a novel bidirectional pseudo-label propagation approach to compensate for misdetection. A feature-based fusion technique is also used to suppress inference noise. Extensive experiments on the large-scale Cityscapes dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art semi-supervised object detection methods by 7.4% on mAP75.
17.FExGAN-Meta: Facial Expression Generation with Meta Humans ⬇️
The subtleness of human facial expressions and a large degree of variation in the level of intensity to which a human expresses them is what makes it challenging to robustly classify and generate images of facial expressions. Lack of good quality data can hinder the performance of a deep learning model. In this article, we have proposed a Facial Expression Generation method for Meta-Humans (FExGAN-Meta) that works robustly with the images of Meta-Humans. We have prepared a large dataset of facial expressions exhibited by ten Meta-Humans when placed in a studio environment and then we have evaluated FExGAN-Meta on the collected images. The results show that FExGAN-Meta robustly generates and classifies the images of Meta-Humans for the simple as well as the complex facial expressions.
18.Anti-Oversmoothing in Deep Vision Transformers via the Fourier Domain Analysis: From Theory to Practice ⬇️
Vision Transformer (ViT) has recently demonstrated promise in computer vision problems. However, unlike Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), it is known that the performance of ViT saturates quickly with depth increasing, due to the observed attention collapse or patch uniformity. Despite a couple of empirical solutions, a rigorous framework studying on this scalability issue remains elusive. In this paper, we first establish a rigorous theory framework to analyze ViT features from the Fourier spectrum domain. We show that the self-attention mechanism inherently amounts to a low-pass filter, which indicates when ViT scales up its depth, excessive low-pass filtering will cause feature maps to only preserve their Direct-Current (DC) component. We then propose two straightforward yet effective techniques to mitigate the undesirable low-pass limitation. The first technique, termed AttnScale, decomposes a self-attention block into low-pass and high-pass components, then rescales and combines these two filters to produce an all-pass self-attention matrix. The second technique, termed FeatScale, re-weights feature maps on separate frequency bands to amplify the high-frequency signals. Both techniques are efficient and hyperparameter-free, while effectively overcoming relevant ViT training artifacts such as attention collapse and patch uniformity. By seamlessly plugging in our techniques to multiple ViT variants, we demonstrate that they consistently help ViTs benefit from deeper architectures, bringing up to 1.1% performance gains "for free" (e.g., with little parameter overhead). We publicly release our codes and pre-trained models at this https URL.
19.Peng Cheng Object Detection Benchmark for Smart City ⬇️
Object detection is an algorithm that recognizes and locates the objects in the image and has a wide range of applications in the visual understanding of complex urban scenes. Existing object detection benchmarks mainly focus on a single specific scenario and their annotation attributes are not rich enough, these make the object detection model is not generalized for the smart city scenes. Considering the diversity and complexity of scenes in intelligent city governance, we build a large-scale object detection benchmark for the smart city. Our benchmark contains about 500K images and includes three scenarios: intelligent transportation, intelligent security, and drones. For the complexity of the real scene in the smart city, the diversity of weather, occlusion, and other complex environment diversity attributes of the images in the three scenes are annotated. The characteristics of the benchmark are analyzed and extensive experiments of the current state-of-the-art target detection algorithm are conducted based on our benchmark to show their performance.
20.Saliency-Driven Versatile Video Coding for Neural Object Detection ⬇️
Saliency-driven image and video coding for humans has gained importance in the recent past. In this paper, we propose such a saliency-driven coding framework for the video coding for machines task using the latest video coding standard Versatile Video Coding (VVC). To determine the salient regions before encoding, we employ the real-time-capable object detection network You Only Look Once~(YOLO) in combination with a novel decision criterion. To measure the coding quality for a machine, the state-of-the-art object segmentation network Mask R-CNN was applied to the decoded frame. From extensive simulations we find that, compared to the reference VVC with a constant quality, up to 29 % of bitrate can be saved with the same detection accuracy at the decoder side by applying the proposed saliency-driven framework. Besides, we compare YOLO against other, more traditional saliency detection methods.
21.PD-Flow: A Point Cloud Denoising Framework with Normalizing Flows ⬇️
Point cloud denoising aims to restore clean point clouds from raw observations corrupted by noise and outliers while preserving the fine-grained details. We present a novel deep learning-based denoising model, that incorporates normalizing flows and noise disentanglement techniques to achieve high denoising accuracy. Unlike existing works that extract features of point clouds for point-wise correction, we formulate the denoising process from the perspective of distribution learning and feature disentanglement. By considering noisy point clouds as a joint distribution of clean points and noise, the denoised results can be derived from disentangling the noise counterpart from latent point representation, and the mapping between Euclidean and latent spaces is modeled by normalizing flows. We evaluate our method on synthesized 3D models and real-world datasets with various noise settings. Qualitative and quantitative results show that our method outperforms previous state-of-the-art deep learning-based approaches. %in terms of detail preservation and distribution uniformity.
22.TFCNet: Temporal Fully Connected Networks for Static Unbiased Temporal Reasoning ⬇️
Temporal Reasoning is one important functionality for vision intelligence. In computer vision research community, temporal reasoning is usually studied in the form of video classification, for which many state-of-the-art Neural Network structures and dataset benchmarks are proposed in recent years, especially 3D CNNs and Kinetics. However, some recent works found that current video classification benchmarks contain strong biases towards static features, thus cannot accurately reflect the temporal modeling ability. New video classification benchmarks aiming to eliminate static biases are proposed, with experiments on these new benchmarks showing that the current clip-based 3D CNNs are outperformed by RNN structures and recent video transformers.
In this paper, we find that 3D CNNs and their efficient depthwise variants, when video-level sampling strategy is used, are actually able to beat RNNs and recent vision transformers by significant margins on static-unbiased temporal reasoning benchmarks. Further, we propose Temporal Fully Connected Block (TFC Block), an efficient and effective component, which approximates fully connected layers along temporal dimension to obtain video-level receptive field, enhancing the spatiotemporal reasoning ability. With TFC blocks inserted into Video-level 3D CNNs (V3D), our proposed TFCNets establish new state-of-the-art results on synthetic temporal reasoning benchmark, CATER, and real world static-unbiased dataset, Diving48, surpassing all previous methods.
23.Visualizing and Understanding Patch Interactions in Vision Transformer ⬇️
Vision Transformer (ViT) has become a leading tool in various computer vision tasks, owing to its unique self-attention mechanism that learns visual representations explicitly through cross-patch information interactions. Despite having good success, the literature seldom explores the explainability of vision transformer, and there is no clear picture of how the attention mechanism with respect to the correlation across comprehensive patches will impact the performance and what is the further potential. In this work, we propose a novel explainable visualization approach to analyze and interpret the crucial attention interactions among patches for vision transformer. Specifically, we first introduce a quantification indicator to measure the impact of patch interaction and verify such quantification on attention window design and indiscriminative patches removal. Then, we exploit the effective responsive field of each patch in ViT and devise a window-free transformer architecture accordingly. Extensive experiments on ImageNet demonstrate that the exquisitely designed quantitative method is shown able to facilitate ViT model learning, leading the top-1 accuracy by 4.28% at most. Moreover, the results on downstream fine-grained recognition tasks further validate the generalization of our proposal.
24.BabyNet: Reconstructing 3D faces of babies from uncalibrated photographs ⬇️
We present a 3D face reconstruction system that aims at recovering the 3D facial geometry of babies from uncalibrated photographs, BabyNet. Since the 3D facial geometry of babies differs substantially from that of adults, baby-specific facial reconstruction systems are needed. BabyNet consists of two stages: 1) a 3D graph convolutional autoencoder learns a latent space of the baby 3D facial shape; and 2) a 2D encoder that maps photographs to the 3D latent space based on representative features extracted using transfer learning. In this way, using the pre-trained 3D decoder, we can recover a 3D face from 2D images. We evaluate BabyNet and show that 1) methods based on adult datasets cannot model the 3D facial geometry of babies, which proves the need for a baby-specific method, and 2) BabyNet outperforms classical model-fitting methods even when a baby-specific 3D morphable model, such as BabyFM, is used.
25.Hyperbolic Image Segmentation ⬇️
For image segmentation, the current standard is to perform pixel-level optimization and inference in Euclidean output embedding spaces through linear hyperplanes. In this work, we show that hyperbolic manifolds provide a valuable alternative for image segmentation and propose a tractable formulation of hierarchical pixel-level classification in hyperbolic space. Hyperbolic Image Segmentation opens up new possibilities and practical benefits for segmentation, such as uncertainty estimation and boundary information for free, zero-label generalization, and increased performance in low-dimensional output embeddings.
26.DRTAM: Dual Rank-1 Tensor Attention Module ⬇️
Recently, attention mechanisms have been extensively investigated in computer vision, but few of them show excellent performance on both large and mobile networks. This paper proposes Dual Rank-1 Tensor Attention Module (DRTAM), a novel residual-attention-learning-guided attention module for feed-forward convolutional neural networks. Given a 3D feature tensor map, DRTAM firstly generates three 2D feature descriptors along three axes. Then, using three descriptors, DRTAM sequentially infers two rank-1 tensor attention maps, the initial attention map and the complement attention map, combines and multiplied them to the input feature map for adaptive feature refinement(see Fig.1(c)). To generate two attention maps, DRTAM introduces rank-1 tensor attention module (RTAM) and residual descriptors extraction module (RDEM): RTAM divides each 2D feature descriptors into several chunks, and generate three factor vectors of a rank-1 tensor attention map by employing strip pooling on each chunk so that local and long-range contextual information can be captured along three dimension respectively; RDEM generates three 2D feature descriptors of the residual feature to produce the complement attention map, using three factor vectors of the initial attention map and three descriptors of the input feature. Extensive experimental results on ImageNet-1K, MS COCO and PASCAL VOC demonstrate that DRTAM achieves competitive performance on both large and mobile networks compare with other state-of-the-art attention modules.
27.Human Silhouette and Skeleton Video Synthesis through Wi-Fi signals ⬇️
The increasing availability of wireless access points (APs) is leading towards human sensing applications based on Wi-Fi signals as support or alternative tools to the widespread visual sensors, where the signals enable to address well-known vision-related problems such as illumination changes or occlusions. Indeed, using image synthesis techniques to translate radio frequencies to the visible spectrum can become essential to obtain otherwise unavailable visual data. This domain-to-domain translation is feasible because both objects and people affect electromagnetic waves, causing radio and optical frequencies variations. In literature, models capable of inferring radio-to-visual features mappings have gained momentum in the last few years since frequency changes can be observed in the radio domain through the channel state information (CSI) of Wi-Fi APs, enabling signal-based feature extraction, e.g., amplitude. On this account, this paper presents a novel two-branch generative neural network that effectively maps radio data into visual features, following a teacher-student design that exploits a cross-modality supervision strategy. The latter conditions signal-based features in the visual domain to completely replace visual data. Once trained, the proposed method synthesizes human silhouette and skeleton videos using exclusively Wi-Fi signals. The approach is evaluated on publicly available data, where it obtains remarkable results for both silhouette and skeleton videos generation, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed cross-modality supervision strategy.
28.WiCV 2021: The Eighth Women In Computer Vision Workshop ⬇️
In this paper, we present the details of Women in Computer Vision Workshop - WiCV 2021, organized alongside the virtual CVPR 2021. It provides a voice to a minority (female) group in the computer vision community and focuses on increasing the visibility of these researchers, both in academia and industry. WiCV believes that such an event can play an important role in lowering the gender imbalance in the field of computer vision. WiCV is organized each year where it provides a)~opportunity for collaboration between researchers from minority groups, b)~mentorship to female junior researchers, c)~financial support to presenters to overcome monetary burden and d)~large and diverse choice of role models, who can serve as examples to younger researchers at the beginning of their careers. In this paper, we present a report on the workshop program, trends over the past years, a summary of statistics regarding presenters, attendees, and sponsorship for the WiCV 2021 workshop.
29.Font Shape-to-Impression Translation ⬇️
Different fonts have different impressions, such as elegant, scary, and cool. This paper tackles part-based shape-impression analysis based on the Transformer architecture, which is able to handle the correlation among local parts by its self-attention mechanism. This ability will reveal how combinations of local parts realize a specific impression of a font. The versatility of Transformer allows us to realize two very different approaches for the analysis, i.e., multi-label classification and translation. A quantitative evaluation shows that our Transformer-based approaches estimate the font impressions from a set of local parts more accurately than other approaches. A qualitative evaluation then indicates the important local parts for a specific impression.
30.Improve Convolutional Neural Network Pruning by Maximizing Filter Variety ⬇️
Neural network pruning is a widely used strategy for reducing model storage and computing requirements. It allows to lower the complexity of the network by introducing sparsity in the weights. Because taking advantage of sparse matrices is still challenging, pruning is often performed in a structured way, i.e. removing entire convolution filters in the case of ConvNets, according to a chosen pruning criteria. Common pruning criteria, such as l1-norm or movement, usually do not consider the individual utility of filters, which may lead to: (1) the removal of filters exhibiting rare, thus important and discriminative behaviour, and (2) the retaining of filters with redundant information. In this paper, we present a technique solving those two issues, and which can be appended to any pruning criteria. This technique ensures that the criteria of selection focuses on redundant filters, while retaining the rare ones, thus maximizing the variety of remaining filters. The experimental results, carried out on different datasets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and CALTECH-101) and using different architectures (VGG-16 and ResNet-18) demonstrate that it is possible to achieve similar sparsity levels while maintaining a higher performance when appending our filter selection technique to pruning criteria. Moreover, we assess the quality of the found sparse sub-networks by applying the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis and find that the addition of our method allows to discover better performing tickets in most cases
31.Democratizing Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training: A CLIP Benchmark of Data, Model, and Supervision ⬇️
Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) has emerged as a novel paradigm to learn visual models from language supervision. While researchers continue to push the frontier of CLIP, reproducing these works remains challenging. This is because researchers do not choose consistent training recipes and even use different data, hampering the fair comparison between different methods. In this work, we propose CLIP-benchmark, a first attempt to evaluate, analyze, and benchmark CLIP and its variants. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of three key factors: data, supervision, and model architecture. We find considerable intuitive or counter-intuitive insights: (1). Data quality has a significant impact on performance. (2). Certain supervision has different effects for Convolutional Networks (ConvNets) and Vision Transformers (ViT). Applying more proper supervision can effectively improve the performance of CLIP. (3). Curtailing the text encoder reduces the training cost but not much affect the final performance. Moreover, we further combine DeCLIP with FILIP, bringing us the strongest variant DeFILIP. The CLIP-benchmark would be released at: this https URL for future CLIP research.
32.FLAG: Flow-based 3D Avatar Generation from Sparse Observations ⬇️
To represent people in mixed reality applications for collaboration and communication, we need to generate realistic and faithful avatar poses. However, the signal streams that can be applied for this task from head-mounted devices (HMDs) are typically limited to head pose and hand pose estimates. While these signals are valuable, they are an incomplete representation of the human body, making it challenging to generate a faithful full-body avatar. We address this challenge by developing a flow-based generative model of the 3D human body from sparse observations, wherein we learn not only a conditional distribution of 3D human pose, but also a probabilistic mapping from observations to the latent space from which we can generate a plausible pose along with uncertainty estimates for the joints. We show that our approach is not only a strong predictive model, but can also act as an efficient pose prior in different optimization settings where a good initial latent code plays a major role.
33.Democracy Does Matter: Comprehensive Feature Mining for Co-Salient Object Detection ⬇️
Co-salient object detection, with the target of detecting co-existed salient objects among a group of images, is gaining popularity. Recent works use the attention mechanism or extra information to aggregate common co-salient features, leading to incomplete even incorrect responses for target objects. In this paper, we aim to mine comprehensive co-salient features with democracy and reduce background interference without introducing any extra information. To achieve this, we design a democratic prototype generation module to generate democratic response maps, covering sufficient co-salient regions and thereby involving more shared attributes of co-salient objects. Then a comprehensive prototype based on the response maps can be generated as a guide for final prediction. To suppress the noisy background information in the prototype, we propose a self-contrastive learning module, where both positive and negative pairs are formed without relying on additional classification information. Besides, we also design a democratic feature enhancement module to further strengthen the co-salient features by readjusting attention values. Extensive experiments show that our model obtains better performance than previous state-of-the-art methods, especially on challenging real-world cases (e.g., for CoCA, we obtain a gain of 2.0% for MAE, 5.4% for maximum F-measure, 2.3% for maximum E-measure, and 3.7% for S-measure) under the same settings. Code will be released soon.
34.Physics-informed Reinforcement Learning for Perception and Reasoning about Fluids ⬇️
Learning and reasoning about physical phenomena is still a challenge in robotics development, and computational sciences play a capital role in the search for accurate methods able to provide explanations for past events and rigorous forecasts of future situations. We propose a physics-informed reinforcement learning strategy for fluid perception and reasoning from observations. As a model problem, we take the sloshing phenomena of different fluids contained in a glass. Starting from full-field and high-resolution synthetic data for a particular fluid, we develop a method for the tracking (perception) and analysis (reasoning) of any previously unseen liquid whose free surface is observed with a commodity camera. This approach demonstrates the importance of physics and knowledge not only in data-driven (grey box) modeling but also in the correction for real physics adaptation in low data regimes and partial observations of the dynamics. The method here presented is extensible to other domains such as the development of cognitive digital twins, able to learn from observation of phenomena for which they have not been trained explicitly.
35.Federated Remote Physiological Measurement with Imperfect Data ⬇️
The growing need for technology that supports remote healthcare is being acutely highlighted by an aging population and the COVID-19 pandemic. In health-related machine learning applications the ability to learn predictive models without data leaving a private device is attractive, especially when these data might contain features (e.g., photographs or videos of the body) that make identifying a subject trivial and/or the training data volume is large (e.g., uncompressed video). Camera-based remote physiological sensing facilitates scalable and low-cost measurement, but is a prime example of a task that involves analysing high bit-rate videos containing identifiable images and sensitive health information. Federated learning enables privacy-preserving decentralized training which has several properties beneficial for camera-based sensing. We develop the first mobile federated learning camera-based sensing system and show that it can perform competitively with traditional state-of-the-art supervised approaches. However, in the presence of corrupted data (e.g., video or label noise) from a few devices the performance of weight averaging quickly degrades. To address this, we leverage knowledge about the expected noise profile within the video to intelligently adjust how the model weights are averaged on the server. Our results show that this significantly improves upon the robustness of models even when the signal-to-noise ratio is low
36.Active Phase-Encode Selection for Slice-Specific Fast MR Scanning Using a Transformer-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework ⬇️
Purpose: Long scan time in phase encoding for forming complete K-space matrices is a critical drawback of MRI, making patients uncomfortable and wasting important time for diagnosing emergent diseases. This paper aims to reducing the scan time by actively and sequentially selecting partial phases in a short time so that a slice can be accurately reconstructed from the resultant slice-specific incomplete K-space matrix. Methods: A transformer based deep reinforcement learning framework is proposed for actively determining a sequence of partial phases according to reconstruction-quality based Q-value (a function of reward), where the reward is the improvement degree of reconstructed image quality. The Q-value is efficiently predicted from binary phase-indicator vectors, incomplete K-space matrices and their corresponding undersampled images with a light-weight transformer so that the sequential information of phases and global relationship in images can be used. The inverse Fourier transform is employed for efficiently computing the undersampled images and hence gaining the rewards of selecting phases. Results: Experimental results on the fastMRI dataset with original K-space data accessible demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy superiorities of proposed method. Compared with the state-of-the-art reinforcement learning based method proposed by Pineda et al., the proposed method is roughly 150 times faster and achieves significant improvement in reconstruction accuracy. Conclusions: We have proposed a light-weight transformer based deep reinforcement learning framework for generating high-quality slice-specific trajectory consisting of a small number of phases. The proposed method, called TITLE (Transformer Involved Trajectory LEarning), has remarkable superiority in phase-encode selection efficiency and image reconstruction accuracy.
37.QDrop: Randomly Dropping Quantization for Extremely Low-bit Post-Training Quantization ⬇️
Recently, post-training quantization (PTQ) has driven much attention to produce efficient neural networks without long-time retraining. Despite its low cost, current PTQ works tend to fail under the extremely low-bit setting. In this study, we pioneeringly confirm that properly incorporating activation quantization into the PTQ reconstruction benefits the final accuracy. To deeply understand the inherent reason, a theoretical framework is established, indicating that the flatness of the optimized low-bit model on calibration and test data is crucial. Based on the conclusion, a simple yet effective approach dubbed as QDROP is proposed, which randomly drops the quantization of activations during PTQ. Extensive experiments on various tasks including computer vision (image classification, object detection) and natural language processing (text classification and question answering) prove its superiority. With QDROP, the limit of PTQ is pushed to the 2-bit activation for the first time and the accuracy boost can be up to 51.49%. Without bells and whistles, QDROP establishes a new state of the art for PTQ. Our code is available at this https URL and has been integrated into MQBench (this https URL)
38.A Survey of Surface Defect Detection of Industrial Products Based on A Small Number of Labeled Data ⬇️
The surface defect detection method based on visual perception has been widely used in industrial quality inspection. Because defect data are not easy to obtain and the annotation of a large number of defect data will waste a lot of manpower and material resources. Therefore, this paper reviews the methods of surface defect detection of industrial products based on a small number of labeled data, and this method is divided into traditional image processing-based industrial product surface defect detection methods and deep learning-based industrial product surface defect detection methods suitable for a small number of labeled data. The traditional image processing-based industrial product surface defect detection methods are divided into statistical methods, spectral methods and model methods. Deep learning-based industrial product surface defect detection methods suitable for a small number of labeled data are divided into based on data augmentation, based on transfer learning, model-based fine-tuning, semi-supervised, weak supervised and unsupervised.
39.Dual-Domain Reconstruction Networks with V-Net and K-Net for fast MRI ⬇️
Purpose: To introduce a dual-domain reconstruction network with V-Net and K-Net for accurate MR image reconstruction from undersampled k-space data. Methods: Most state-of-the-art reconstruction methods apply U-Net or cascaded U-Nets in image domain and/or k-space domain. Nevertheless, these methods have following problems: (1) Directly applying U-Net in k-space domain is not optimal for extracting features in k-space domain; (2) Classical image-domain oriented U-Net is heavy-weight and hence is inefficient to be cascaded many times for yielding good reconstruction accuracy; (3) Classical image-domain oriented U-Net does not fully make use information of encoder network for extracting features in decoder network; and (4) Existing methods are ineffective in simultaneously extracting and fusing features in image domain and its dual k-space domain. To tackle these problems, we propose in this paper (1) an image-domain encoder-decoder sub-network called V-Net which is more light-weight for cascading and effective in fully utilizing features in the encoder for decoding, (2) a k-space domain sub-network called K-Net which is more suitable for extracting hierarchical features in k-space domain, and (3) a dual-domain reconstruction network where V-Nets and K-Nets are parallelly and effectively combined and cascaded. Results: Extensive experimental results on the challenging fastMRI dataset demonstrate that the proposed KV-Net can reconstruct high-quality images and outperform current state-of-the-art approaches with fewer parameters. Conclusions: To reconstruct images effectively and efficiently from incomplete k-space data, we have presented a parallel dual-domain KV-Net to combine K-Nets and V-Nets. The KV-Net is more lightweight than state-of-the-art methods but achieves better reconstruction performance.
40.Information-Theoretic Odometry Learning ⬇️
In this paper, we propose a unified information theoretic framework for learning-motivated methods aimed at odometry estimation, a crucial component of many robotics and vision tasks such as navigation and virtual reality where relative camera poses are required in real time. We formulate this problem as optimizing a variational information bottleneck objective function, which eliminates pose-irrelevant information from the latent representation. The proposed framework provides an elegant tool for performance evaluation and understanding in information-theoretic language. Specifically, we bound the generalization errors of the deep information bottleneck framework and the predictability of the latent representation. These provide not only a performance guarantee but also practical guidance for model design, sample collection, and sensor selection. Furthermore, the stochastic latent representation provides a natural uncertainty measure without the needs for extra structures or computations. Experiments on two well-known odometry datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
41.Towards Scale Consistent Monocular Visual Odometry by Learning from the Virtual World ⬇️
Monocular visual odometry (VO) has attracted extensive research attention by providing real-time vehicle motion from cost-effective camera images. However, state-of-the-art optimization-based monocular VO methods suffer from the scale inconsistency problem for long-term predictions. Deep learning has recently been introduced to address this issue by leveraging stereo sequences or ground-truth motions in the training dataset. However, it comes at an additional cost for data collection, and such training data may not be available in all datasets. In this work, we propose VRVO, a novel framework for retrieving the absolute scale from virtual data that can be easily obtained from modern simulation environments, whereas in the real domain no stereo or ground-truth data are required in either the training or inference phases. Specifically, we first train a scale-aware disparity network using both monocular real images and stereo virtual data. The virtual-to-real domain gap is bridged by using an adversarial training strategy to map images from both domains into a shared feature space. The resulting scale-consistent disparities are then integrated with a direct VO system by constructing a virtual stereo objective that ensures the scale consistency over long trajectories. Additionally, to address the suboptimality issue caused by the separate optimization backend and the learning process, we further propose a mutual reinforcement pipeline that allows bidirectional information flow between learning and optimization, which boosts the robustness and accuracy of each other. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on the KITTI and vKITTI2 datasets.
42.Synopses of Movie Narratives: a Video-Language Dataset for Story Understanding ⬇️
Despite recent advances of AI, story understanding remains an open and under-investigated problem. We collect, preprocess, and publicly release a video-language story dataset, Synopses of Movie Narratives(SyMoN), containing 5,193 video summaries of popular movies and TV series. SyMoN captures naturalistic storytelling videos for human audience made by human creators, and has higher story coverage and more frequent mental-state references than similar video-language story datasets. Differing from most existing video-text datasets, SyMoN features large semantic gaps between the visual and the textual modalities due to the prevalence of reporting bias and mental state descriptions. We establish benchmarks on video-text retrieval and zero-shot alignment on movie summary videos. With SyMoN, we hope to lay the groundwork for progress in multimodal story understanding.
43.Towards Bi-directional Skip Connections in Encoder-Decoder Architectures and Beyond ⬇️
U-Net, as an encoder-decoder architecture with forward skip connections, has achieved promising results in various medical image analysis tasks. Many recent approaches have also extended U-Net with more complex building blocks, which typically increase the number of network parameters considerably. Such complexity makes the inference stage highly inefficient for clinical applications. Towards an effective yet economic segmentation network design, in this work, we propose backward skip connections that bring decoded features back to the encoder. Our design can be jointly adopted with forward skip connections in any encoder-decoder architecture forming a recurrence structure without introducing extra parameters. With the backward skip connections, we propose a U-Net based network family, namely Bi-directional O-shape networks, which set new benchmarks on multiple public medical imaging segmentation datasets. On the other hand, with the most plain architecture (BiO-Net), network computations inevitably increase along with the pre-set recurrence time. We have thus studied the deficiency bottleneck of such recurrent design and propose a novel two-phase Neural Architecture Search (NAS) algorithm, namely BiX-NAS, to search for the best multi-scale bi-directional skip connections. The ineffective skip connections are then discarded to reduce computational costs and speed up network inference. The finally searched BiX-Net yields the least network complexity and outperforms other state-of-the-art counterparts by large margins. We evaluate our methods on both 2D and 3D segmentation tasks in a total of six datasets. Extensive ablation studies have also been conducted to provide a comprehensive analysis for our proposed methods.
44.Geometric Synthesis: A Free lunch for Large-scale Palmprint Recognition Model Pretraining ⬇️
Palmprints are private and stable information for biometric recognition. In the deep learning era, the development of palmprint recognition is limited by the lack of sufficient training data. In this paper, by observing that palmar creases are the key information to deep-learning-based palmprint recognition, we propose to synthesize training data by manipulating palmar creases. Concretely, we introduce an intuitive geometric model which represents palmar creases with parameterized Bézier curves. By randomly sampling Bézier parameters, we can synthesize massive training samples of diverse identities, which enables us to pretrain large-scale palmprint recognition models. Experimental results demonstrate that such synthetically pretrained models have a very strong generalization ability: they can be efficiently transferred to real datasets, leading to significant performance improvements on palmprint recognition. For example, under the open-set protocol, our method improves the strong ArcFace baseline by more than 10% in terms of TAR@1e-6. And under the closed-set protocol, our method reduces the equal error rate (EER) by an order of magnitude.
45.Toward Efficient Hyperspectral Image Processing inside Camera Pixels ⬇️
Hyperspectral cameras generate a large amount of data due to the presence of hundreds of spectral bands as opposed to only three channels (red, green, and blue) in traditional cameras. This requires a significant amount of data transmission between the hyperspectral image sensor and a processor used to classify/detect/track the images, frame by frame, expending high energy and causing bandwidth and security bottlenecks. To mitigate this problem, we propose a form of processing-in-pixel (PIP) that leverages advanced CMOS technologies to enable the pixel array to perform a wide range of complex operations required by the modern convolutional neural networks (CNN) for hyperspectral image recognition (HSI). Consequently, our PIP-optimized custom CNN layers effectively compress the input data, significantly reducing the bandwidth required to transmit the data downstream to the HSI processing unit. This reduces the average energy consumption associated with pixel array of cameras and the CNN processing unit by 25.06x and 3.90x respectively, compared to existing hardware implementations. Our custom models yield average test accuracies within 0.56% of the baseline models for the standard HSI benchmarks.
46.PC-SwinMorph: Patch Representation for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration and Segmentation ⬇️
Medical image registration and segmentation are critical tasks for several clinical procedures. Manual realisation of those tasks is time-consuming and the quality is highly dependent on the level of expertise of the physician. To mitigate that laborious task, automatic tools have been developed where the majority of solutions are supervised techniques. However, in medical domain, the strong assumption of having a well-representative ground truth is far from being realistic. To overcome this challenge, unsupervised techniques have been investigated. However, they are still limited in performance and they fail to produce plausible results. In this work, we propose a novel unified unsupervised framework for image registration and segmentation that we called PC-SwinMorph. The core of our framework is two patch-based strategies, where we demonstrate that patch representation is key for performance gain. We first introduce a patch-based contrastive strategy that enforces locality conditions and richer feature representation. Secondly, we utilise a 3D window/shifted-window multi-head self-attention module as a patch stitching strategy to eliminate artifacts from the patch splitting. We demonstrate, through a set of numerical and visual results, that our technique outperforms current state-of-the-art unsupervised techniques.
47.Deep Multimodal Guidance for Medical Image Classification ⬇️
Medical imaging is a cornerstone of therapy and diagnosis in modern medicine. However, the choice of imaging modality for a particular theranostic task typically involves trade-offs between the feasibility of using a particular modality (e.g., short wait times, low cost, fast acquisition, reduced radiation/invasiveness) and the expected performance on a clinical task (e.g., diagnostic accuracy, efficacy of treatment planning and guidance). In this work, we aim to apply the knowledge learned from the less feasible but better-performing (superior) modality to guide the utilization of the more-feasible yet under-performing (inferior) modality and steer it towards improved performance. We focus on the application of deep learning for image-based diagnosis. We develop a light-weight guidance model that leverages the latent representation learned from the superior modality, when training a model that consumes only the inferior modality. We examine the advantages of our method in the context of two clinical applications: multi-task skin lesion classification from clinical and dermoscopic images and brain tumor classification from multi-sequence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histopathology images. For both these scenarios we show a boost in diagnostic performance of the inferior modality without requiring the superior modality. Furthermore, in the case of brain tumor classification, our method outperforms the model trained on the superior modality while producing comparable results to the model that uses both modalities during inference.
48.Leveraging Labeling Representations in Uncertainty-based Semi-supervised Segmentation ⬇️
Semi-supervised segmentation tackles the scarcity of annotations by leveraging unlabeled data with a small amount of labeled data. A prominent way to utilize the unlabeled data is by consistency training which commonly uses a teacher-student network, where a teacher guides a student segmentation. The predictions of unlabeled data are not reliable, therefore, uncertainty-aware methods have been proposed to gradually learn from meaningful and reliable predictions. Uncertainty estimation, however, relies on multiple inferences from model predictions that need to be computed for each training step, which is computationally expensive. This work proposes a novel method to estimate the pixel-level uncertainty by leveraging the labeling representation of segmentation masks. On the one hand, a labeling representation is learnt to represent the available segmentation masks. The learnt labeling representation is used to map the prediction of the segmentation into a set of plausible masks. Such a reconstructed segmentation mask aids in estimating the pixel-level uncertainty guiding the segmentation network. The proposed method estimates the uncertainty with a single inference from the labeling representation, thereby reducing the total computation. We evaluate our method on the 3D segmentation of left atrium in MRI, and we show that our uncertainty estimates from our labeling representation improve the segmentation accuracy over state-of-the-art methods.
49.The Overlooked Classifier in Human-Object Interaction Recognition ⬇️
Human-Object Interaction (HOI) recognition is challenging due to two factors: (1) significant imbalance across classes and (2) requiring multiple labels per image. This paper shows that these two challenges can be effectively addressed by improving the classifier with the backbone architecture untouched. Firstly, we encode the semantic correlation among classes into the classification head by initializing the weights with language embeddings of HOIs. As a result, the performance is boosted significantly, especially for the few-shot subset. Secondly, we propose a new loss named LSE-Sign to enhance multi-label learning on a long-tailed dataset. Our simple yet effective method enables detection-free HOI classification, outperforming the state-of-the-arts that require object detection and human pose by a clear margin. Moreover, we transfer the classification model to instance-level HOI detection by connecting it with an off-the-shelf object detector. We achieve state-of-the-art without additional fine-tuning.
50.Point Density-Aware Voxels for LiDAR 3D Object Detection ⬇️
LiDAR has become one of the primary 3D object detection sensors in autonomous driving. However, LiDAR's diverging point pattern with increasing distance results in a non-uniform sampled point cloud ill-suited to discretized volumetric feature extraction. Current methods either rely on voxelized point clouds or use inefficient farthest point sampling to mitigate detrimental effects caused by density variation but largely ignore point density as a feature and its predictable relationship with distance from the LiDAR sensor. Our proposed solution, Point Density-Aware Voxel network (PDV), is an end-to-end two stage LiDAR 3D object detection architecture that is designed to account for these point density variations. PDV efficiently localizes voxel features from the 3D sparse convolution backbone through voxel point centroids. The spatially localized voxel features are then aggregated through a density-aware RoI grid pooling module using kernel density estimation (KDE) and self-attention with point density positional encoding. Finally, we exploit LiDAR's point density to distance relationship to refine our final bounding box confidences. PDV outperforms all state-of-the-art methods on the Waymo Open Dataset and achieves competitive results on the KITTI dataset. We provide a code release for PDV which is available at this https URL.
51.Attack Analysis of Face Recognition Authentication Systems Using Fast Gradient Sign Method ⬇️
Biometric authentication methods, representing the "something you are" scheme, are considered the most secure approach for gaining access to protected resources. Recent attacks using Machine Learning techniques demand a serious systematic reevaluation of biometric authentication. This paper analyzes and presents the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) attack using face recognition for biometric authentication. Machine Learning techniques have been used to train and test the model, which can classify and identify different people's faces and which will be used as a target for carrying out the attack. Furthermore, the case study will analyze the implementation of the FGSM and the level of performance reduction that the model will have by applying this method in attacking. The test results were performed with the change of parameters both in terms of training and attacking the model, thus showing the efficiency of applying the FGSM.
52.High Definition, Inexpensive, Underwater Mapping ⬇️
In this paper we present a complete framework for Underwater SLAM utilizing a single inexpensive sensor. Over the recent years, imaging technology of action cameras is producing stunning results even under the challenging conditions of the underwater domain. The GoPro 9 camera provides high definition video in synchronization with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data stream encoded in a single mp4 file. The visual inertial SLAM framework is augmented to adjust the map after each loop closure. Data collected at an artificial wreck of the coast of South Carolina and in caverns and caves in Florida demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach in a variety of conditions.
53.PETR: Position Embedding Transformation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection ⬇️
In this paper, we develop position embedding transformation (PETR) for multi-view 3D object detection. PETR encodes the position information of 3D coordinates into image features, producing the 3D position-aware features. Object query can perceive the 3D position-aware features and perform end-to-end object detection. PETR achieves state-of-the-art performance (50.4% NDS and 44.1% mAP) on standard nuScenes dataset and ranks 1st place on the benchmark. It can serve as a simple yet strong baseline for future research.
54.City-wide Street-to-Satellite Image Geolocalization of a Mobile Ground Agent ⬇️
Cross-view image geolocalization provides an estimate of an agent's global position by matching a local ground image to an overhead satellite image without the need for GPS. It is challenging to reliably match a ground image to the correct satellite image since the images have significant viewpoint differences. Existing works have demonstrated localization in constrained scenarios over small areas but have not demonstrated wider-scale localization. Our approach, called Wide-Area Geolocalization (WAG), combines a neural network with a particle filter to achieve global position estimates for agents moving in GPS-denied environments, scaling efficiently to city-scale regions. WAG introduces a trinomial loss function for a Siamese network to robustly match non-centered image pairs and thus enables the generation of a smaller satellite image database by coarsely discretizing the search area. A modified particle filter weighting scheme is also presented to improve localization accuracy and convergence. Taken together, WAG's network training and particle filter weighting approach achieves city-scale position estimation accuracies on the order of 20 meters, a 98% reduction compared to a baseline training and weighting approach. Applied to a smaller-scale testing area, WAG reduces the final position estimation error by 64% compared to a state-of-the-art baseline from the literature. WAG's search space discretization additionally significantly reduces storage and processing requirements.
55.Deep Learning-Based Perceptual Stimulus Encoder for Bionic Vision ⬇️
Retinal implants have the potential to treat incurable blindness, yet the quality of the artificial vision they produce is still rudimentary. An outstanding challenge is identifying electrode activation patterns that lead to intelligible visual percepts (phosphenes). Here we propose a PSE based on CNN that is trained in an end-to-end fashion to predict the electrode activation patterns required to produce a desired visual percept. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the encoder on MNIST using a psychophysically validated phosphene model tailored to individual retinal implant users. The present work constitutes an essential first step towards improving the quality of the artificial vision provided by retinal implants.
56.Gesture based Arabic Sign Language Recognition for Impaired People based on Convolution Neural Network ⬇️
The Arabic Sign Language has endorsed outstanding research achievements for identifying gestures and hand signs using the deep learning methodology. The term "forms of communication" refers to the actions used by hearing-impaired people to communicate. These actions are difficult for ordinary people to comprehend. The recognition of Arabic Sign Language (ArSL) has become a difficult study subject due to variations in Arabic Sign Language (ArSL) from one territory to another and then within states. The Convolution Neural Network has been encapsulated in the proposed system which is based on the machine learning technique. For the recognition of the Arabic Sign Language, the wearable sensor is utilized. This approach has been used a different system that could suit all Arabic gestures. This could be used by the impaired people of the local Arabic community. The research method has been used with reasonable and moderate accuracy. A deep Convolutional network is initially developed for feature extraction from the data gathered by the sensing devices. These sensors can reliably recognize the Arabic sign language's 30 hand sign letters. The hand movements in the dataset were captured using DG5-V hand gloves with wearable sensors. For categorization purposes, the CNN technique is used. The suggested system takes Arabic sign language hand gestures as input and outputs vocalized speech as output. The results were recognized by 90% of the people.
57.Human Face Recognition from Part of a Facial Image based on Image Stitching ⬇️
Most of the current techniques for face recognition require the presence of a full face of the person to be recognized, and this situation is difficult to achieve in practice, the required person may appear with a part of his face, which requires prediction of the part that did not appear. Most of the current forecasting processes are done by what is known as image interpolation, which does not give reliable results, especially if the missing part is large. In this work, we adopted the process of stitching the face by completing the missing part with the flipping of the part shown in the picture, depending on the fact that the human face is characterized by symmetry in most cases. To create a complete model, two facial recognition methods were used to prove the efficiency of the algorithm. The selected face recognition algorithms that are applied here are Eigenfaces and geometrical methods. Image stitching is the process during which distinctive photographic images are combined to make a complete scene or a high-resolution image. Several images are integrated to form a wide-angle panoramic image. The quality of the image stitching is determined by calculating the similarity among the stitched image and original images and by the presence of the seam lines through the stitched images. The Eigenfaces approach utilizes PCA calculation to reduce the feature vector dimensions. It provides an effective approach for discovering the lower-dimensional space. In addition, to enable the proposed algorithm to recognize the face, it also ensures a fast and effective way of classifying faces. The phase of feature extraction is followed by the classifier phase.
58.Deep Learning the Shape of the Brain Connectome ⬇️
To statistically study the variability and differences between normal and abnormal brain connectomes, a mathematical model of the neural connections is required. In this paper, we represent the brain connectome as a Riemannian manifold, which allows us to model neural connections as geodesics. We show for the first time how one can leverage deep neural networks to estimate a Riemannian metric of the brain that can accommodate fiber crossings and is a natural modeling tool to infer the shape of the brain from DWMRI. Our method achieves excellent performance in geodesic-white-matter-pathway alignment and tackles the long-standing issue in previous methods: the inability to recover the crossing fibers with high fidelity.
59.Detection of multiple retinal diseases in ultra-widefield fundus images using deep learning: data-driven identification of relevant regions ⬇️
Ultra-widefield (UWF) imaging is a promising modality that captures a larger retinal field of view compared to traditional fundus photography. Previous studies showed that deep learning (DL) models are effective for detecting retinal disease in UWF images, but primarily considered individual diseases under less-than-realistic conditions (excluding images with other diseases, artefacts, comorbidities, or borderline cases; and balancing healthy and diseased images) and did not systematically investigate which regions of the UWF images are relevant for disease detection. We first improve on the state of the field by proposing a DL model that can recognise multiple retinal diseases under more realistic conditions. We then use global explainability methods to identify which regions of the UWF images the model generally attends to. Our model performs very well, separating between healthy and diseased retinas with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.9206 on an internal test set, and an AUC of 0.9841 on a challenging, external test set. When diagnosing specific diseases, the model attends to regions where we would expect those diseases to occur. We further identify the posterior pole as the most important region in a purely data-driven fashion. Surprisingly, 10% of the image around the posterior pole is sufficient for achieving comparable performance to having the full images available.
60.WLASL-LEX: a Dataset for Recognising Phonological Properties in American Sign Language ⬇️
Signed Language Processing (SLP) concerns the automated processing of signed languages, the main means of communication of Deaf and hearing impaired individuals. SLP features many different tasks, ranging from sign recognition to translation and production of signed speech, but has been overlooked by the NLP community thus far. In this paper, we bring to attention the task of modelling the phonology of sign languages. We leverage existing resources to construct a large-scale dataset of American Sign Language signs annotated with six different phonological properties. We then conduct an extensive empirical study to investigate whether data-driven end-to-end and feature-based approaches can be optimised to automatically recognise these properties. We find that, despite the inherent challenges of the task, graph-based neural networks that operate over skeleton features extracted from raw videos are able to succeed at the task to a varying degree. Most importantly, we show that this performance pertains even on signs unobserved during training.
61.ROOD-MRI: Benchmarking the robustness of deep learning segmentation models to out-of-distribution and corrupted data in MRI ⬇️
Deep artificial neural networks (DNNs) have moved to the forefront of medical image analysis due to their success in classification, segmentation, and detection challenges. A principal challenge in large-scale deployment of DNNs in neuroimage analysis is the potential for shifts in signal-to-noise ratio, contrast, resolution, and presence of artifacts from site to site due to variances in scanners and acquisition protocols. DNNs are famously susceptible to these distribution shifts in computer vision. Currently, there are no benchmarking platforms or frameworks to assess the robustness of new and existing models to specific distribution shifts in MRI, and accessible multi-site benchmarking datasets are still scarce or task-specific. To address these limitations, we propose ROOD-MRI: a platform for benchmarking the Robustness of DNNs to Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) data, corruptions, and artifacts in MRI. The platform provides modules for generating benchmarking datasets using transforms that model distribution shifts in MRI, implementations of newly derived benchmarking metrics for image segmentation, and examples for using the methodology with new models and tasks. We apply our methodology to hippocampus, ventricle, and white matter hyperintensity segmentation in several large studies, providing the hippocampus dataset as a publicly available benchmark. By evaluating modern DNNs on these datasets, we demonstrate that they are highly susceptible to distribution shifts and corruptions in MRI. We show that while data augmentation strategies can substantially improve robustness to OOD data for anatomical segmentation tasks, modern DNNs using augmentation still lack robustness in more challenging lesion-based segmentation tasks. We finally benchmark U-Nets and transformer-based models, finding consistent differences in robustness to particular classes of transforms across architectures.
62.Graph Neural Networks for Relational Inductive Bias in Vision-based Deep Reinforcement Learning of Robot Control ⬇️
State-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms predominantly learn a policy from either a numerical state vector or images. Both approaches generally do not take structural knowledge of the task into account, which is especially prevalent in robotic applications and can benefit learning if exploited. This work introduces a neural network architecture that combines relational inductive bias and visual feedback to learn an efficient position control policy for robotic manipulation. We derive a graph representation that models the physical structure of the manipulator and combines the robot's internal state with a low-dimensional description of the visual scene generated by an image encoding network. On this basis, a graph neural network trained with reinforcement learning predicts joint velocities to control the robot. We further introduce an asymmetric approach of training the image encoder separately from the policy using supervised learning. Experimental results demonstrate that, for a 2-DoF planar robot in a geometrically simplistic 2D environment, a learned representation of the visual scene can replace access to the explicit coordinates of the reaching target without compromising on the quality and sample efficiency of the policy. We further show the ability of the model to improve sample efficiency for a 6-DoF robot arm in a visually realistic 3D environment.
63.Multi-Channel Convolutional Analysis Operator Learning for Dual-Energy CT Reconstruction ⬇️
Objective. Dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) has the potential to improve contrast, reduce artifacts and the ability to perform material decomposition in advanced imaging applications. The increased number or measurements results with a higher radiation dose and it is therefore essential to reduce either number of projections per energy or the source X-ray intensity, but this makes tomographic reconstruction more ill-posed.
Approach. We developed the multi-channel convolutional analysis operator learning (MCAOL) method to exploit common spatial features within attenuation images at different energies and we propose an optimization method which jointly reconstructs the attenuation images at low and high energies with a mixed norm regularization on the sparse features obtained by pre-trained convolutional filters through the convolutional analysis operator learning (CAOL) algorithm.
Main results. Extensive experiments with simulated and real computed tomography (CT) data were performed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods and we reported increased reconstruction accuracy compared to CAOL and iterative methods with single and joint total-variation (TV) regularization.
Significance. Qualitative and quantitative results on sparse-views and low-dose DECT demonstrate that the proposed MCAOL method outperforms both CAOL applied on each energy independently and several existing state-of-the-art model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) techniques, thus paving the way for dose reduction.
64.Label-efficient Hybrid-supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation ⬇️
Due to the lack of expertise for medical image annotation, the investigation of label-efficient methodology for medical image segmentation becomes a heated topic. Recent progresses focus on the efficient utilization of weak annotations together with few strongly-annotated labels so as to achieve comparable segmentation performance in many unprofessional scenarios. However, these approaches only concentrate on the supervision inconsistency between strongly- and weakly-annotated instances but ignore the instance inconsistency inside the weakly-annotated instances, which inevitably leads to performance degradation. To address this problem, we propose a novel label-efficient hybrid-supervised framework, which considers each weakly-annotated instance individually and learns its weight guided by the gradient direction of the strongly-annotated instances, so that the high-quality prior in the strongly-annotated instances is better exploited and the weakly-annotated instances are depicted more precisely. Specially, our designed dynamic instance indicator (DII) realizes the above objectives, and is adapted to our dynamic co-regularization (DCR) framework further to alleviate the erroneous accumulation from distortions of weak annotations. Extensive experiments on two hybrid-supervised medical segmentation datasets demonstrate that with only 10% strong labels, the proposed framework can leverage the weak labels efficiently and achieve competitive performance against the 100% strong-label supervised scenario.
65.Video Coding for Machines with Feature-Based Rate-Distortion Optimization ⬇️
Common state-of-the-art video codecs are optimized to deliver a low bitrate by providing a certain quality for the final human observer, which is achieved by rate-distortion optimization (RDO). But, with the steady improvement of neural networks solving computer vision tasks, more and more multimedia data is not observed by humans anymore, but directly analyzed by neural networks. In this paper, we propose a standard-compliant feature-based RDO (FRDO) that is designed to increase the coding performance, when the decoded frame is analyzed by a neural network in a video coding for machine scenario. To that extent, we replace the pixel-based distortion metrics in conventional RDO of VTM-8.0 with distortion metrics calculated in the feature space created by the first layers of a neural network. Throughout several tests with the segmentation network Mask R-CNN and single images from the Cityscapes dataset, we compare the proposed FRDO and its hybrid version HFRDO with different distortion measures in the feature space against the conventional RDO. With HFRDO, up to 5.49 % bitrate can be saved compared to the VTM-8.0 implementation in terms of Bjøntegaard Delta Rate and using the weighted average precision as quality metric. Additionally, allowing the encoder to vary the quantization parameter results in coding gains for the proposed HFRDO of up 9.95 % compared to conventional VTM.
66.Multi-modal Graph Learning for Disease Prediction ⬇️
Benefiting from the powerful expressive capability of graphs, graph-based approaches have been popularly applied to handle multi-modal medical data and achieved impressive performance in various biomedical applications. For disease prediction tasks, most existing graph-based methods tend to define the graph manually based on specified modality (e.g., demographic information), and then integrated other modalities to obtain the patient representation by Graph Representation Learning (GRL). However, constructing an appropriate graph in advance is not a simple matter for these methods. Meanwhile, the complex correlation between modalities is ignored. These factors inevitably yield the inadequacy of providing sufficient information about the patient's condition for a reliable diagnosis. To this end, we propose an end-to-end Multi-modal Graph Learning framework (MMGL) for disease prediction with multi-modality. To effectively exploit the rich information across multi-modality associated with the disease, modality-aware representation learning is proposed to aggregate the features of each modality by leveraging the correlation and complementarity between the modalities. Furthermore, instead of defining the graph manually, the latent graph structure is captured through an effective way of adaptive graph learning. It could be jointly optimized with the prediction model, thus revealing the intrinsic connections among samples. Our model is also applicable to the scenario of inductive learning for those unseen data. An extensive group of experiments on two disease prediction tasks demonstrates that the proposed MMGL achieves more favorable performance. The code of MMGL is available at \url{this https URL}.
67.Automatic Fine-grained Glomerular Lesion Recognition in Kidney Pathology ⬇️
Recognition of glomeruli lesions is the key for diagnosis and treatment planning in kidney pathology; however, the coexisting glomerular structures such as mesangial regions exacerbate the difficulties of this task. In this paper, we introduce a scheme to recognize fine-grained glomeruli lesions from whole slide images. First, a focal instance structural similarity loss is proposed to drive the model to locate all types of glomeruli precisely. Then an Uncertainty Aided Apportionment Network is designed to carry out the fine-grained visual classification without bounding-box annotations. This double branch-shaped structure extracts common features of the child class from the parent class and produces the uncertainty factor for reconstituting the training dataset. Results of slide-wise evaluation illustrate the effectiveness of the entire scheme, with an 8-22% improvement of the mean Average Precision compared with remarkable detection methods. The comprehensive results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
68.Flexible Amortized Variational Inference in qBOLD MRI ⬇️
Streamlined qBOLD acquisitions enable experimentally straightforward observations of brain oxygen metabolism.
$R_2^\prime$ maps are easily inferred; however, the Oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) and deoxygenated blood volume (DBV) are more ambiguously determined from the data. As such, existing inference methods tend to yield very noisy and underestimated OEF maps, while overestimating DBV.
This work describes a novel probabilistic machine learning approach that can infer plausible distributions of OEF and DBV. Initially, we create a model that produces informative voxelwise prior distribution based on synthetic training data. Contrary to prior work, we model the joint distribution of OEF and DBV through a scaled multivariate logit-Normal distribution, which enables the values to be constrained within a plausible range. The prior distribution model is used to train an efficient amortized variational Bayesian inference model. This model learns to infer OEF and DBV by predicting real image data, with few training data required, using the signal equations as a forward model.
We demonstrate that our approach enables the inference of smooth OEF and DBV maps, with a physiologically plausible distribution that can be adapted through specification of an informative prior distribution. Other benefits include model comparison (via the evidence lower bound) and uncertainty quantification for identifying image artefacts. Results are demonstrated on a small study comparing subjects undergoing hyperventilation and at rest. We illustrate that the proposed approach allows measurement of gray matter differences in OEF and DBV and enables voxelwise comparison between conditions, where we observe significant increases in OEF and$R_2^\prime$ during hyperventilation.
69.aiWave: Volumetric Image Compression with 3-D Trained Affine Wavelet-like Transform ⬇️
Volumetric image compression has become an urgent task to effectively transmit and store images produced in biological research and clinical practice. At present, the most commonly used volumetric image compression methods are based on wavelet transform, such as JP3D. However, JP3D employs an ideal, separable, global, and fixed wavelet basis to convert input images from pixel domain to frequency domain, which seriously limits its performance. In this paper, we first design a 3-D trained wavelet-like transform to enable signal-dependent and non-separable transform. Then, an affine wavelet basis is introduced to capture the various local correlations in different regions of volumetric images. Furthermore, we embed the proposed wavelet-like transform to an end-to-end compression framework called aiWave to enable an adaptive compression scheme for various datasets. Last but not least, we introduce the weight sharing strategies of the affine wavelet-like transform according to the volumetric data characteristics in the axial direction to reduce the amount of parameters. The experimental results show that: 1) when cooperating our trained 3-D affine wavelet-like transform with a simple factorized entropy module, aiWave performs better than JP3D and is comparable in terms of encoding and decoding complexities; 2) when adding a context module to further remove signal redundancy, aiWave can achieve a much better performance than HEVC.
70.AI-enabled Automatic Multimodal Fusion of Cone-Beam CT and Intraoral Scans for Intelligent 3D Tooth-Bone Reconstruction and Clinical Applications ⬇️
A critical step in virtual dental treatment planning is to accurately delineate all tooth-bone structures from CBCT with high fidelity and accurate anatomical information. Previous studies have established several methods for CBCT segmentation using deep learning. However, the inherent resolution discrepancy of CBCT and the loss of occlusal and dentition information largely limited its clinical applicability. Here, we present a Deep Dental Multimodal Analysis (DDMA) framework consisting of a CBCT segmentation model, an intraoral scan (IOS) segmentation model (the most accurate digital dental model), and a fusion model to generate 3D fused crown-root-bone structures with high fidelity and accurate occlusal and dentition information. Our model was trained with a large-scale dataset with 503 CBCT and 28,559 IOS meshes manually annotated by experienced human experts. For CBCT segmentation, we use a five-fold cross validation test, each with 50 CBCT, and our model achieves an average Dice coefficient and IoU of 93.99% and 88.68%, respectively, significantly outperforming the baselines. For IOS segmentations, our model achieves an mIoU of 93.07% and 95.70% on the maxillary and mandible on a test set of 200 IOS meshes, which are 1.77% and 3.52% higher than the state-of-art method. Our DDMA framework takes about 20 to 25 minutes to generate the fused 3D mesh model following the sequential processing order, compared to over 5 hours by human experts. Notably, our framework has been incorporated into a software by a clear aligner manufacturer, and real-world clinical cases demonstrate that our model can visualize crown-root-bone structures during the entire orthodontic treatment and can predict risks like dehiscence and fenestration. These findings demonstrate the potential of multi-modal deep learning to improve the quality of digital dental models and help dentists make better clinical decisions.
71.Learning Distinctive Margin toward Active Domain Adaptation ⬇️
Despite plenty of efforts focusing on improving the domain adaptation ability (DA) under unsupervised or few-shot semi-supervised settings, recently the solution of active learning started to attract more attention due to its suitability in transferring model in a more practical way with limited annotation resource on target data. Nevertheless, most active learning methods are not inherently designed to handle domain gap between data distribution, on the other hand, some active domain adaptation methods (ADA) usually requires complicated query functions, which is vulnerable to overfitting. In this work, we propose a concise but effective ADA method called Select-by-Distinctive-Margin (SDM), which consists of a maximum margin loss and a margin sampling algorithm for data selection. We provide theoretical analysis to show that SDM works like a Support Vector Machine, storing hard examples around decision boundaries and exploiting them to find informative and transferable data. In addition, we propose two variants of our method, one is designed to adaptively adjust the gradient from margin loss, the other boosts the selectivity of margin sampling by taking the gradient direction into account. We benchmark SDM with standard active learning setting, demonstrating our algorithm achieves competitive results with good data scalability. Code is available at this https URL
72.Evaluating U-net Brain Extraction for Multi-site and Longitudinal Preclinical Stroke Imaging ⬇️
Rodent stroke models are important for evaluating treatments and understanding the pathophysiology and behavioral changes of brain ischemia, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a valuable tool for measuring outcome in preclinical studies. Brain extraction is an essential first step in most neuroimaging pipelines; however, it can be challenging in the presence of severe pathology and when dataset quality is highly variable. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can improve accuracy and reduce operator time, facilitating high throughput preclinical studies. As part of an ongoing preclinical stroke imaging study, we developed a deep-learning mouse brain extraction tool by using a U-net CNN. While previous studies have evaluated U-net architectures, we sought to evaluate their practical performance across data types. We ask how performance is affected with data across: six imaging centers, two time points after experimental stroke, and across four MRI contrasts. We trained, validated, and tested a typical U-net model on 240 multimodal MRI datasets including quantitative multi-echo T2 and apparent diffusivity coefficient (ADC) maps, and performed qualitative evaluation with a large preclinical stroke database (N=1,368). We describe the design and development of this system, and report our findings linking data characteristics to segmentation performance. We consistently found high accuracy and ability of the U-net architecture to generalize performance in a range of 95-97% accuracy, with only modest reductions in performance based on lower fidelity imaging hardware and brain pathology. This work can help inform the design of future preclinical rodent imaging studies and improve their scalability and reliability.
73.Image-based Stroke Assessment for Multi-site Preclinical Evaluation of Cerebroprotectants ⬇️
Ischemic stroke is a leading cause of death worldwide, but there has been little success translating putative cerebroprotectants from preclinical trials to patients. We investigated computational image-based assessment tools for practical improvement of the quality, scalability, and outlook for large scale preclinical screening for potential therapeutic interventions. We developed, evaluated, and deployed a pipeline for image-based stroke outcome quantification for the Stroke Prelinical Assessment Network (SPAN), which is a multi-site, multi-arm, multi-stage study evaluating a suite of cerebroprotectant interventions. Our fully automated pipeline combines state-of-the-art algorithmic and data analytic approaches to assess stroke outcomes from multi-parameter MRI data collected longitudinally from a rodent model of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), including measures of infarct volume, brain atrophy, midline shift, and data quality. We tested our approach with 1,368 scans and report population level results of lesion extent and longitudinal changes from injury. We validated our system by comparison with manual annotations of coronal MRI slices and tissue sections from the same brain, using crowdsourcing from blinded stroke experts from the network. Our results demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of our image-based stroke assessments. The pipeline may provide a promising resource for ongoing preclinical studies conducted by SPAN and other networks in the future.
74.6-DoF Pose Estimation of Household Objects for Robotic Manipulation: An Accessible Dataset and Benchmark ⬇️
We present a new dataset for 6-DoF pose estimation of known objects, with a focus on robotic manipulation research. We propose a set of toy grocery objects, whose physical instantiations are readily available for purchase and are appropriately sized for robotic grasping and manipulation. We provide 3D scanned textured models of these objects, suitable for generating synthetic training data, as well as RGBD images of the objects in challenging, cluttered scenes exhibiting partial occlusion, extreme lighting variations, multiple instances per image, and a large variety of poses. Using semi-automated RGBD-to-model texture correspondences, the images are annotated with ground truth poses that were verified empirically to be accurate to within a few millimeters. We also propose a new pose evaluation metric called {ADD-H} based upon the Hungarian assignment algorithm that is robust to symmetries in object geometry without requiring their explicit enumeration. We share pre-trained pose estimators for all the toy grocery objects, along with their baseline performance on both validation and test sets. We offer this dataset to the community to help connect the efforts of computer vision researchers with the needs of roboticists.
75.Learning-based Localizability Estimation for Robust LiDAR Localization ⬇️
LiDAR-based localization and mapping is one of the core components in many modern robotic systems due to the direct integration of range and geometry, allowing for precise motion estimation and generation of high quality maps in real-time. Yet, as a consequence of insufficient environmental constraints present in the scene, this dependence on geometry can result in localization failure, happening in self-symmetric surroundings such as tunnels. This work addresses precisely this issue by proposing a neural network-based estimation approach for detecting (non-)localizability during robot operation. Special attention is given to the localizability of scan-to-scan registration, as it is a crucial component in many LiDAR odometry estimation pipelines. In contrast to previous, mostly traditional detection approaches, the proposed method enables early detection of failure by estimating the localizability on raw sensor measurements without evaluating the underlying registration optimization. Moreover, previous approaches remain limited in their ability to generalize across environments and sensor types, as heuristic-tuning of degeneracy detection thresholds is required. The proposed approach avoids this problem by learning from a corpus of different environments, allowing the network to function over various scenarios. Furthermore, the network is trained exclusively on simulated data, avoiding arduous data collection in challenging and degenerate, often hard-to-access, environments. The presented method is tested during field experiments conducted across challenging environments and on two different sensor types without any modifications. The observed detection performance is on par with state-of-the-art methods after environment-specific threshold tuning.
76.On-the-Fly Test-time Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation ⬇️
One major problem in deep learning-based solutions for medical imaging is the drop in performance when a model is tested on a data distribution different from the one that it is trained on. Adapting the source model to target data distribution at test-time is an efficient solution for the data-shift problem. Previous methods solve this by adapting the model to target distribution by using techniques like entropy minimization or regularization. In these methods, the models are still updated by back-propagation using an unsupervised loss on complete test data distribution. In real-world clinical settings, it makes more sense to adapt a model to a new test image on-the-fly and avoid model update during inference due to privacy concerns and lack of computing resource at deployment. To this end, we propose a new setting - On-the-Fly Adaptation which is zero-shot and episodic (i.e., the model is adapted to a single image at a time and also does not perform any back-propagation during test-time). To achieve this, we propose a new framework called Adaptive UNet where each convolutional block is equipped with an adaptive batch normalization layer to adapt the features with respect to a domain code. The domain code is generated using a pre-trained encoder trained on a large corpus of medical images. During test-time, the model takes in just the new test image and generates a domain code to adapt the features of source model according to the test data. We validate the performance on both 2D and 3D data distribution shifts where we get a better performance compared to previous test-time adaptation methods. Code is available at this https URL
77.Self Pre-training with Masked Autoencoders for Medical Image Analysis ⬇️
Masked Autoencoder (MAE) has recently been shown to be effective in pre-training Vision Transformers (ViT) for natural image analysis. By performing the pretext task of reconstructing the original image from only partial observations, the encoder, which is a ViT, is encouraged to aggregate contextual information to infer content in masked image regions. We believe that this context aggregation ability is also essential to the medical image domain where each anatomical structure is functionally and mechanically connected to other structures and regions. However, there is no ImageNet-scale medical image dataset for pre-training. Thus, in this paper, we investigate a self pre-training paradigm with MAE for medical images, i.e., models are pre-trained on the same target dataset. To validate the MAE self pre-training, we consider three diverse medical image tasks including chest X-ray disease classification, CT abdomen multi-organ segmentation and MRI brain tumor segmentation. It turns out MAE self pre-training benefits all the tasks markedly. Specifically, the mAUC on lung disease classification is increased by 9.4%. The average DSC on brain tumor segmentation is improved from 77.4% to 78.9%. Most interestingly, on the small-scale multi-organ segmentation dataset (N=30), the average DSC improves from 78.8% to 83.5% and the HD95 is reduced by 60%, indicating its effectiveness in limited data scenarios. The segmentation and classification results reveal the promising potential of MAE self pre-training for medical image analysis.
78.Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Molecular Subtyping of Gliomas Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging ⬇️
Knowledge of molecular subtypes of gliomas can provide valuable information for tailored therapies. This study aimed to investigate the use of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) for noninvasive glioma subtyping with radiological imaging data according to the new taxonomy announced by the World Health Organization in 2016. Methods: A DCNN model was developed for the prediction of the five glioma subtypes based on a hierarchical classification paradigm. This model used three parallel, weight-sharing, deep residual learning networks to process 2.5-dimensional input of trimodal MRI data, including T1-weighted, T1-weighted with contrast enhancement, and T2-weighted images. A data set comprising 1,016 real patients was collected for evaluation of the developed DCNN model. The predictive performance was evaluated via the area under the curve (AUC) from the receiver operating characteristic analysis. For comparison, the performance of a radiomics-based approach was also evaluated. Results: The AUCs of the DCNN model for the four classification tasks in the hierarchical classification paradigm were 0.89, 0.89, 0.85, and 0.66, respectively, as compared to 0.85, 0.75, 0.67, and 0.59 of the radiomics approach. Conclusion: The results showed that the developed DCNN model can predict glioma subtypes with promising performance, given sufficient, non-ill-balanced training data.
79.Autofocusing+: Noise-Resilient Motion Correction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging ⬇️
Image corruption by motion artifacts is an ingrained problem in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In this work, we propose a neural network-based regularization term to enhance Autofocusing, a classic optimization-based method to remove motion artifacts. The method takes the best of both worlds: the optimization-based routine iteratively executes the blind demotion and deep learning-based prior penalizes for unrealistic restorations and speeds up the convergence. We validate the method on three models of motion trajectories, using synthetic and real noisy data. The method proves resilient to noise and anatomic structure variation, outperforming the state-of-the-art demotion methods.
80.Unfolded Deep Kernel Estimation for Blind Image Super-resolution ⬇️
Blind image super-resolution (BISR) aims to reconstruct a high-resolution image from its low-resolution counterpart degraded by unknown blur kernel and noise. Many deep neural network based methods have been proposed to tackle this challenging problem without considering the image degradation model. However, they largely rely on the training sets and often fail to handle images with unseen blur kernels during inference. Deep unfolding methods have also been proposed to perform BISR by utilizing the degradation model. Nonetheless, the existing deep unfolding methods cannot explicitly solve the data term of the unfolding objective function, limiting their capability in blur kernel estimation. In this work, we propose a novel unfolded deep kernel estimation (UDKE) method, which, for the first time to our best knowledge, explicitly solves the data term with high efficiency. The UDKE based BISR method can jointly learn image and kernel priors in an end-to-end manner, and it can effectively exploit the information in both training data and image degradation model. Experiments on benchmark datasets and real-world data demonstrate that the proposed UDKE method could well predict complex unseen non-Gaussian blur kernels in inference, achieving significantly better BISR performance than state-of-the-art. The source code of UDKE is available at: this https URL.
81.Recovering medical images from CT film photos ⬇️
While medical images such as computed tomography (CT) are stored in DICOM format in hospital PACS, it is still quite routine in many countries to print a film as a transferable medium for the purposes of self-storage and secondary consultation. Also, with the ubiquitousness of mobile phone cameras, it is quite common to take pictures of CT films, which unfortunately suffer from geometric deformation and illumination variation. In this work, we study the problem of recovering a CT film, which marks \textbf{the first attempt} in the literature, to the best of our knowledge. We start with building a large-scale head CT film database CTFilm20K, consisting of approximately 20,000 pictures, using the widely used computer graphics software Blender. We also record all accompanying information related to the geometric deformation (such as 3D coordinate, depth, normal, and UV maps) and illumination variation (such as albedo map). Then we propose a deep framework called \textbf{F}ilm \textbf{I}mage \textbf{Re}covery \textbf{Net}work (\textbf{FIReNet}) to tackle geometric deformation and illumination variation using the multiple maps extracted from the CT films to collaboratively guide the recovery process. Finally, we convert the dewarped images to DICOM files with our cascade model for further analysis such as radiomics feature extraction. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our approach over the previous approaches. We plan to open source the simulated images and deep models for promoting the research on CT film image analysis.
82.LiftReg: Limited Angle 2D/3D Deformable Registration ⬇️
We propose LiftReg, a 2D/3D deformable registration approach. LiftReg is a deep registration framework which is trained using sets of digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRR) and computed tomography (CT) image pairs. By using simulated training data, LiftReg can use a high-quality CT-CT image similarity measure, which helps the network to learn a high-quality deformation space. To further improve registration quality and to address the inherent depth ambiguities of very limited angle acquisitions, we propose to use features extracted from the backprojected 2D images and a statistical deformation model. We test our approach on the DirLab lung registration dataset and show that it outperforms an existing learning-based pairwise registration approach.
83.HDL: Hybrid Deep Learning for the Synthesis of Myocardial Velocity Maps in Digital Twins for Cardiac Analysis ⬇️
Synthetic digital twins based on medical data accelerate the acquisition, labelling and decision making procedure in digital healthcare. A core part of digital healthcare twins is model-based data synthesis, which permits the generation of realistic medical signals without requiring to cope with the modelling complexity of anatomical and biochemical phenomena producing them in reality. Unfortunately, algorithms for cardiac data synthesis have been so far scarcely studied in the literature. An important imaging modality in the cardiac examination is three-directional CINE multi-slice myocardial velocity mapping (3Dir MVM), which provides a quantitative assessment of cardiac motion in three orthogonal directions of the left ventricle. The long acquisition time and complex acquisition produce make it more urgent to produce synthetic digital twins of this imaging modality. In this study, we propose a hybrid deep learning (HDL) network, especially for synthetic 3Dir MVM data. Our algorithm is featured by a hybrid UNet and a Generative Adversarial Network with a foreground-background generation scheme. The experimental results show that from temporally down-sampled magnitude CINE images (six times), our proposed algorithm can still successfully synthesise high temporal resolution 3Dir MVM CMR data (PSNR=42.32) with precise left ventricle segmentation (DICE=0.92). These performance scores indicate that our proposed HDL algorithm can be implemented in real-world digital twins for myocardial velocity mapping data simulation. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first one in the literature investigating digital twins of the 3Dir MVM CMR, which has shown great potential for improving the efficiency of clinical studies via synthesised cardiac data.
84.Artificial Intelligence Solution for Effective Treatment Planning for Glioblastoma Patients ⬇️
Glioblastomas are the most common malignant brain tumors in adults. Approximately 200000 people die each year from Glioblastoma in the world. Glioblastoma patients have a median survival of 12 months with optimal therapy and about 4 months without treatment. Glioblastomas appear as heterogeneous necrotic masses with irregular peripheral enhancement, surrounded by vasogenic edema. The current standard of care includes surgical resection, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which require accurate segmentation of brain tumor subregions. For effective treatment planning, it is vital to identify the methylation status of the promoter of Methylguanine Methyltransferase (MGMT), a positive prognostic factor for chemotherapy. However, current methods for brain tumor segmentation are tedious, subjective and not scalable, and current techniques to determine the methylation status of MGMT promoter involve surgically invasive procedures, which are expensive and time consuming. Hence there is a pressing need to develop automated tools to segment brain tumors and non-invasive methods to predict methylation status of MGMT promoter, to facilitate better treatment planning and improve survival rate. I created an integrated diagnostics solution powered by Artificial Intelligence to automatically segment brain tumor subregions and predict MGMT promoter methylation status, using brain MRI scans. My AI solution is proven on large datasets with performance exceeding current standards and field tested with data from teaching files of local neuroradiologists. With my solution, physicians can submit brain MRI images, and get segmentation and methylation predictions in minutes, and guide brain tumor patients with effective treatment planning and ultimately improve survival time.