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ArXiv cs.CV --Wed, 11 Dec 2019

1.Scalability in Perception for Autonomous Driving: An Open Dataset Benchmark ⬇️

The research community has increasing interest in autonomous driving research, despite the resource intensity of obtaining representative real world data. Existing self-driving datasets are limited in the scale and variation of the environments they capture, even though generalization within and between operating regions is crucial to the overall viability of the technology. In an effort to help align the research community's contributions with real-world self-driving problems, we introduce a new large scale, high quality, diverse dataset. Our new dataset consists of 1150 scenes that each span 20 seconds, consisting of well synchronized and calibrated high quality LiDAR and camera data captured across a range of urban and suburban geographies. It is 15x more diverse than the largest camera+LiDAR dataset available based on our proposed diversity metric. We exhaustively annotated this data with 2D (camera image) and 3D (LiDAR) bounding boxes, with consistent identifiers across frames. Finally, we provide strong baselines for 2D as well as 3D detection and tracking tasks. We further study the effects of dataset size and generalization across geographies on 3D detection methods. Find data, code and more up-to-date information at this http URL.

2.Detection of Collision-Prone Vehicle Behavior at Intersections using Siamese Interaction LSTM ⬇️

As a large proportion of road accidents occur at intersections, monitoring traffic safety of intersections is important. Existing approaches are designed to investigate accidents in lane-based traffic. However, such approaches are not suitable in a lane-less mixed-traffic environment where vehicles often ply very close to each other. Hence, we propose an approach called Siamese Interaction Long Short-Term Memory network (SILSTM) to detect collision prone vehicle behavior. The SILSTM network learns the interaction trajectory of a vehicle that describes the interactions of a vehicle with its neighbors at an intersection. Among the hundreds of interactions for every vehicle, there maybe only some interactions which may be unsafe and hence, a temporal attention layer is used in the SILSTM network. Furthermore, the comparison of interaction trajectories requires labeling the trajectories as either unsafe or safe, but such a distinction is highly subjective, especially in lane-less traffic. Hence, in this work, we compute the characteristics of interaction trajectories involved in accidents using the collision energy model. The interaction trajectories that match accident characteristics are labeled as unsafe while the rest are considered safe. Finally, there is no existing dataset that allows us to monitor a particular intersection for a long duration. Therefore, we introduce the SkyEye dataset that contains 1 hour of continuous aerial footage from each of the 4 chosen intersections in the city of Ahmedabad in India. A detailed evaluation of SILSTM on the SkyEye dataset shows that unsafe (collision-prone) interaction trajectories can be effectively detected at different intersections.

3.Learning Depth-Guided Convolutions for Monocular 3D Object Detection ⬇️

3D object detection from a single image without LiDAR is a challenging task due to the lack of accurate depth information. Conventional 2D convolutions are unsuitable for this task because they fail to capture local object and its scale information, which are vital for 3D object detection. To better represent 3D structure, prior arts typically transform depth maps estimated from 2D images into a pseudo-LiDAR representation, and then apply existing 3D point-cloud based object detectors. However, their results depend heavily on the accuracy of the estimated depth maps, resulting in suboptimal performance. In this work, instead of using pseudo-LiDAR representation, we improve the fundamental 2D fully convolutions by proposing a new local convolutional network (LCN), termed Depth-guided Dynamic-Depthwise-Dilated LCN (D$^4$LCN), where the filters and their receptive fields can be automatically learned from image-based depth maps, making different pixels of different images have different filters. D$^4$LCN overcomes the limitation of conventional 2D convolutions and narrows the gap between image representation and 3D point cloud representation. Extensive experiments show that D$^4$LCN outperforms existing works by large margins. For example, the relative improvement of D$^4$LCN against the state-of-the-art on KITTI is 9.1% in the moderate setting.

4.Pillar in Pillar: Multi-Scale and Dynamic Feature Extraction for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds ⬇️

Sparsity and varied density are two of the main obstacles for 3D detection networks with point clouds. In this paper, we present a multi-scale voxelization method and a decomposable dynamic convolution to solve them. We consider the misalignment problem between voxel representation with different scales and present a center-aligned voxelization strategy. Instead of separating points into individual groups, we use an overlapped partition mechanism to avoid the perception deficiency of edge points in each voxel. Based on this multi-scale voxelization, we are able to build an effective fusion network by one-iteration top-down forward. To handle the variation of density in point cloud data, we propose a decomposable dynamic convolutional layer that considers the shared and dynamic components when applying convolutional filters at different positions of feature maps. By modeling bases in the kernel space, the number of parameters for generating dynamic filters is greatly reduced. With a self-learning network, we can apply dynamic convolutions to input features and deal with the variation in the feature space. We conduct experiments with our PiPNet on KITTI dataset and achieve better results than other voxelization-based methods on 3D detection task.

5.Efficient Differentiable Neural Architecture Search with Meta Kernels ⬇️

The searching procedure of neural architecture search (NAS) is notoriously time consuming and cost this http URL make the search space continuous, most existing gradient-based NAS methods relax the categorical choice of a particular operation to a softmax over all possible operations and calculate the weighted sum of multiple features, resulting in a large memory requirement and a huge computation burden. In this work, we propose an efficient and novel search strategy with meta kernels. We directly encode the supernet from the perspective on convolution kernels and "shrink" multiple convolution kernel candidates into a single one before these candidates operate on the input feature. In this way, only a single feature is generated between two intermediate nodes. The memory for storing intermediate features and the resource budget for conducting convolution operations are both reduced remarkably. Despite high efficiency, our search strategy can search in a more fine-grained way than existing works and increases the capacity for representing possible networks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our search strategy by conducting extensive experiments. Specifically, our method achieves 77.0% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet benchmark dataset with merely 357M FLOPs, outperforming both EfficientNet and MobileNetV3 under the same FLOPs constraints. Compared to models discovered by the start-of-the-art NAS method, our method achieves the same (sometimes even better) performance, while faster by three orders of magnitude.

6.End-to-end facial and physiological model for \Affective Computing and applications ⬇️

In recent years, Affective Computing and its applications have become a fast-growing research topic. Furthermore, the rise of Deep Learning has introduced significant improvements in the emotion recognition system compared to classical methods. In this work, we propose a multi-modal emotion recognition model based on deep learning techniques using the combination of peripheral physiological signals and facial expressions. Moreover, we present an improvement to proposed models by introducing latent features extracted from our internal Bio Auto-Encoder (BAE). Both models are trained and evaluated on AMIGOS datasets reporting valence, arousal, and emotion state classification. Finally, to demonstrate a possible medical application in affective computing using deep learning techniques, we applied the proposed method to the assessment of anxiety therapy. To this purpose, a reduced multi-modal database has been collected by recording facial expressions and peripheral signals such as Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) of each patient. Valence and arousal estimation was extracted using the proposed model from the beginning until the end of the therapy, with successful evaluation to the different emotional changes in the temporal domain.

7.3D-GMNet: Learning to Estimate 3D Shape from A Single Image As A Gaussian Mixture ⬇️

In this paper, we introduce 3D-GMNet, a deep neural network for single-image 3D shape recovery. As the name suggests, 3D-GMNet recovers 3D shape as a Gaussian mixture model. In contrast to voxels, point clouds, or meshes, a Gaussian mixture representation requires a much smaller footprint for representing 3D shapes and, at the same time, offers a number of additional advantages including instant pose estimation, automatic level-of-detail computation, and a distance measure. The proposed 3D-GMNet is trained end-to-end with single input images and corresponding 3D models by using two novel loss functions: a 3D Gaussian mixture loss and a multi-view 2D loss. The first maximizes the likelihood of the Gaussian mixture shape representation by considering the target point cloud as samples from the true distribution, and the latter improves the consistency between the input silhouette and the projection of the Gaussian mixture shape model. Extensive quantitative evaluations with synthesized and real images demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

8.Neural Point Cloud Rendering via Multi-Plane Projection ⬇️

We present a new deep point cloud rendering pipeline through multi-plane projections. The input to the network is the raw point cloud of a scene and the output are image or image sequences from a novel view or along a novel camera trajectory. Unlike previous approaches that directly project features from 3D points onto 2D image domain, we propose to project these features into a layered volume of camera frustum. In this way, the visibility of 3D points can be automatically learnt by the network, such that ghosting effects due to false visibility check as well as occlusions caused by noise interferences are both avoided successfully. Next, the 3D feature volume is fed into a 3D CNN to produce multiple layers of images w.r.t. the space division in the depth directions. The layered images are then blended based on learned weights to produce the final rendering results. Experiments show that our network produces more stable renderings compared to previous methods, especially near the object boundaries. Moreover, our pipeline is robust to noisy and relatively sparse point cloud for a variety of challenging scenes.

9.SuperNCN: Neighbourhood consensus network for robust outdoor scenes matching ⬇️

In this paper, we present a framework for computing dense keypoint correspondences between images under strong scene appearance changes. Traditional methods, based on nearest neighbour search in the feature descriptor space, perform poorly when environmental conditions vary, e.g. when images are taken at different times of the day or seasons. Our method improves finding keypoint correspondences in such difficult conditions. First, we use Neighbourhood Consensus Networks to build spatially consistent matching grid between two images at a coarse scale. Then, we apply Superpoint-like corner detector to achieve pixel-level accuracy. Both parts use features learned with domain adaptation to increase robustness against strong scene appearance variations. The framework has been tested on a RobotCar Seasons dataset, proving large improvement on pose estimation task under challenging environmental conditions.

10.Deep Attention Based Semi-Supervised 2D-Pose Estimation for Surgical Instruments ⬇️

For many practical problems and applications, it is not feasible to create a vast and accurately labeled dataset, which restricts the application of deep learning in many areas. Semi-supervised learning algorithms intend to improve performance by also leveraging unlabeled data. This is very valuable for 2D-pose estimation task where data labeling requires substantial time and is subject to noise. This work aims to investigate if semi-supervised learning techniques can achieve acceptable performance level that makes using these algorithms during training justifiable. To this end, a lightweight network architecture is introduced and mean teacher, virtual adversarial training and pseudo-labeling algorithms are evaluated on 2D-pose estimation for surgical instruments. For the applicability of pseudo-labelling algorithm, we propose a novel confidence measure, total variation. Experimental results show that utilization of semi-supervised learning improves the performance on unseen geometries drastically while maintaining high accuracy for seen geometries. For RMIT benchmark, our lightweight architecture outperforms state-of-the-art with supervised learning. For Endovis benchmark, pseudo-labelling algorithm improves the supervised baseline achieving the new state-of-the-art performance.

11.Forecasting Future Sequence of Actions to Complete an Activity ⬇️

Future human action forecasting from partial observations of activities is an important problem in many practical applications such as assistive robotics, video surveillance and security. We present a method to forecast actions for the unseen future of the video using a neural machine translation technique that uses encoder-decoder architecture. The input to this model is the observed RGB video, and the target is to generate the future symbolic action sequence. Unlike most methods that predict frame or clip level predictions for some unseen percentage of video, we predict the complete action sequence that is required to accomplish the activity. To cater for two types of uncertainty in the future predictions, we propose a novel loss function. We show a combination of optimal transport and future uncertainty losses help to boost results. We evaluate our model in three challenging video datasets (Charades, MPII cooking and Breakfast). We outperform other state-of-the art techniques for frame based action forecasting task by 5.06% on average across several action forecasting setups.

12.Neural Voxel Renderer: Learning an Accurate and Controllable Rendering Tool ⬇️

We present a neural rendering framework that maps a voxelized scene into a high quality image. Highly-textured objects and scene element interactions are realistically rendered by our method, despite having a rough representation as an input. Moreover, our approach allows controllable rendering: geometric and appearance modifications in the input are accurately propagated to the output. The user can move, rotate and scale an object, change its appearance and texture or modify the position of the light and all these edits are represented in the final rendering. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by rendering scenes with varying appearance, from single color per object to complex, high-frequency textures. We show that our rerendering network can generate very detailed images that represent precisely the appearance of the input scene. Our experiments illustrate that our approach achieves more accurate image synthesis results compared to alternatives and can also handle low voxel grid resolutions. Finally, we show how our neural rendering framework can capture and faithfully render objects from real images and from a diverse set of classes.

13.Classifying, Segmenting, and Tracking Object Instances in Video with Mask Propagation ⬇️

We introduce a method for simultaneously classifying, segmenting and tracking object instances in a video sequence. Our method, named MaskProp, adapts the popular Mask R-CNN to video by adding a mask propagation branch that propagates frame-level object instance masks from each video frame to all the other frames in a video clip. This allows our system to predict clip-level instance tracks with respect to the object instances segmented in the middle frame of the clip. Clip-level instance tracks generated densely for each frame in the sequence are finally aggregated to produce video-level object instance segmentation and classification. Our experiments demonstrate that our clip-level instance segmentation makes our approach robust to motion blur and object occlusions in video. MaskProp achieves the best reported accuracy on the YouTube-VIS dataset, outperforming the ICCV 2019 video instance segmentation challenge winner despite being much simpler and using orders of magnitude less labeled data (1.3M vs 1B images and 860K vs 14M bounding boxes)

14.Towards Latent Space Optimality for Auto-Encoder Based Generative Models ⬇️

The field of neural generative models is dominated by the highly successful Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) despite their challenges, such as training instability and mode collapse. Auto-Encoders (AE) with regularized latent space provides an alternative framework for generative models, albeit their performance levels have not reached that of GANs. In this work, we identify one of the causes for the under-performance of AE-based models and propose a remedial measure. Specifically, we hypothesize that the dimensionality of the AE model's latent space has a critical effect on the quality of the generated data. Under the assumption that nature generates data by sampling from a "true" generative latent space followed by a deterministic non-linearity, we show that the optimal performance is obtained when the dimensionality of the latent space of the AE-model matches with that of the "true" generative latent space. Further, we propose an algorithm called the Latent Masked Generative Auto-Encoder (LMGAE), in which the dimensionality of the model's latent space is brought closer to that of the "true" generative latent space, via a novel procedure to mask the spurious latent dimensions. We demonstrate through experiments on synthetic and several real-world datasets that the proposed formulation yields generation quality that is better than the state-of-the-art AE-based generative models and is comparable to that of GANs.

15.A Feasible Framework for Arbitrary-Shaped Scene Text Recognition ⬇️

Deep learning based methods have achieved surprising progress in Scene Text Recognition (STR), one of classic problems in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a feasible framework for multi-lingual arbitrary-shaped STR, including instance segmentation based text detection and language model based attention mechanism for text recognition. Our STR algorithm not only recognizes Latin and Non-Latin characters, but also supports arbitrary-shaped text recognition. Our method wins the championship on Scene Text Spotting Task (Latin Only, Latin and Chinese) of ICDAR2019 Robust Reading Challenge on ArbitraryShaped Text Competition. Code is available at this https URL.

16.Learning to generate new indoor scenes ⬇️

Deep generative models have been used in recent years to learn coherent latent representations in order to synthesize high quality images. In this work we propose a neural network to learn a generative model for sampling consistent indoor scene layouts. Our method learns the co-occurrences, and appearance parameters such as shape and pose, for different objects categories through a grammar-based auto-encoder, resulting in a compact and accurate representation for scene layouts. In contrast to existing grammar-based methods with a user-specified grammar, we construct the grammar automatically by extracting a set of production rules on reasoning about object co-occurrences in training data. The extracted grammar is able to represent a scene by an augmented parse tree. The proposed auto-encoder encodes these parse trees to a latent code, and decodes the latent code to a parse-tree, thereby ensuring the generated scene is always valid. We experimentally demonstrate that the proposed auto-encoder learns not only to generate valid scenes (i.e. the arrangements and appearances of objects), but it also learns coherent latent representations where nearby latent samples decode to similar scene outputs. The obtained generative model is applicable to several computer vision tasks such as 3D pose and layout estimation from RGB-D data.

17.Appending Adversarial Frames for Universal Video Attack ⬇️

There have been many efforts in attacking image classification models with adversarial perturbations, but the same topic on video classification has not yet been thoroughly studied. This paper presents a novel idea of video-based attack, which appends a few dummy frames (e.g., containing the texts of `thanks for watching') to a video clip and then adds adversarial perturbations only on these new frames. Our approach enjoys three major benefits, namely, a high success rate, a low perceptibility, and a strong ability in transferring across different networks. These benefits mostly come from the common dummy frame which pushes all samples towards the boundary of classification. On the other hand, such attacks are easily to be concealed since most people would not notice the abnormality behind the perturbed video clips. We perform experiments on two popular datasets with six state-of-the-art video classification models, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in the scenario of universal video attacks.

18.Context-Dependent Models for Predicting and Characterizing Facial Expressiveness ⬇️

In recent years, extensive research has emerged in affective computing on topics like automatic emotion recognition and determining the signals that characterize individual emotions. Much less studied, however, is expressiveness, or the extent to which someone shows any feeling or emotion. Expressiveness is related to personality and mental health and plays a crucial role in social interaction. As such, the ability to automatically detect or predict expressiveness can facilitate significant advancements in areas ranging from psychiatric care to artificial social intelligence. Motivated by these potential applications, we present an extension of the BP4D+ dataset with human ratings of expressiveness and develop methods for (1) automatically predicting expressiveness from visual data and (2) defining relationships between interpretable visual signals and expressiveness. In addition, we study the emotional context in which expressiveness occurs and hypothesize that different sets of signals are indicative of expressiveness in different contexts (e.g., in response to surprise or in response to pain). Analysis of our statistical models confirms our hypothesis. Consequently, by looking at expressiveness separately in distinct emotional contexts, our predictive models show significant improvements over baselines and achieve comparable results to human performance in terms of correlation with the ground truth.

19.Arithmetic addition of two integers by deep image classification networks: experiments to quantify their autonomous reasoning ability ⬇️

The unprecedented performance achieved by deep convolutional neural networks for image classification is linked primarily to their ability of capturing rich structural features at various layers within networks. Here we design a series of experiments, inspired by children's learning of the arithmetic addition of two integers, to showcase that such deep networks can go beyond the structural features to learn deeper knowledge. In our experiments, a set of images is constructed, each image containing an arithmetic addition $n+m$ in its central area, and several classification networks are then trained over a subset of images, using the sum as the label. Tests on the excluded images show that, as the image set gets larger, the networks have well learnt the law of arithmetic additions so as to build up their autonomous reasoning ability strongly. For instance, networks trained over a small percentage of images can classify a big majority of the remaining images correctly, and many arithmetic additions involving some integers that have never been seen during the training can also be solved correctly by the trained networks.

20.MDFN: Multi-Scale Deep Feature Learning Network for Object Detection ⬇️

This paper proposes an innovative object detector by leveraging deep features learned in high-level layers. Compared with features produced in earlier layers, the deep features are better at expressing semantic and contextual information. The proposed deep feature learning scheme shifts the focus from concrete features with details to abstract ones with semantic information. It considers not only individual objects and local contexts but also their relationships by building a multi-scale deep feature learning network (MDFN). MDFN efficiently detects the objects by introducing information square and cubic inception modules into the high-level layers, which employs parameter-sharing to enhance the computational efficiency. MDFN provides a multi-scale object detector by integrating multi-box, multi-scale and multi-level technologies. Although MDFN employs a simple framework with a relatively small base network (VGG-16), it achieves better or competitive detection results than those with a macro hierarchical structure that is either very deep or very wide for stronger ability of feature extraction. The proposed technique is evaluated extensively on KITTI, PASCAL VOC, and COCO datasets, which achieves the best results on KITTI and leading performance on PASCAL VOC and COCO. This study reveals that deep features provide prominent semantic information and a variety of contextual contents, which contribute to its superior performance in detecting small or occluded objects. In addition, the MDFN model is computationally efficient, making a good trade-off between the accuracy and speed.

21.Feature Losses for Adversarial Robustness ⬇️

Deep learning has made tremendous advances in computer vision tasks such as image classification. However, recent studies have shown that deep learning models are vulnerable to specifically crafted adversarial inputs that are quasi-imperceptible to humans. In this work, we propose a novel approach to defending adversarial attacks. We employ an input processing technique based on denoising autoencoders as a defense. It has been shown that the input perturbations grow and accumulate as noise in feature maps while propagating through a convolutional neural network (CNN). We exploit the noisy feature maps by using an additional subnetwork to extract image feature maps and train an auto-encoder on perceptual losses of these feature maps. This technique achieves close to state-of-the-art results on defending MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets, but more importantly, shows a new way of employing a defense that cannot be trivially trained end-to-end by the attacker. Empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on the MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets on simple as well as iterative LP attacks. Our method can be applied as a preprocessing technique to any off the shelf CNN.

22.SOLO: Segmenting Objects by Locations ⬇️

We present a new, embarrassingly simple approach to instance segmentation in images. Compared to many other dense prediction tasks, e.g., semantic segmentation, it is the arbitrary number of instances that have made instance segmentation much more challenging. In order to predict a mask for each instance, mainstream approaches either follow the 'detect-thensegment' strategy as used by Mask R-CNN, or predict category masks first then use clustering techniques to group pixels into individual instances. We view the task of instance segmentation from a completely new perspective by introducing the notion of "instance categories", which assigns categories to each pixel within an instance according to the instance's location and size, thus nicely converting instance mask segmentation into a classification-solvable problem. Now instance segmentation is decomposed into two classification tasks. We demonstrate a much simpler and flexible instance segmentation framework with strong performance, achieving on par accuracy with Mask R-CNN and outperforming recent singleshot instance segmenters in accuracy. We hope that this very simple and strong framework can serve as a baseline for many instance-level recognition tasks besides instance segmentation.

23.Listen to Look: Action Recognition by Previewing Audio ⬇️

In the face of the video data deluge, today's expensive clip-level classifiers are increasingly impractical. We propose a framework for efficient action recognition in untrimmed video that uses audio as a preview mechanism to eliminate both short-term and long-term visual redundancies. First, we devise an ImgAud2Vid framework that hallucinates clip-level features by distilling from lighter modalities---a single frame and its accompanying audio---reducing short-term temporal redundancy for efficient clip-level recognition. Second, building on ImgAud2Vid, we further propose ImgAud-Skimming, an attention-based long short-term memory network that iteratively selects useful moments in untrimmed videos, reducing long-term temporal redundancy for efficient video-level recognition. Extensive experiments on four action recognition datasets demonstrate that our method achieves the state-of-the-art in terms of both recognition accuracy and speed.

24.To Balance or Not to Balance: An Embarrassingly Simple Approach for Learning with Long-Tailed Distributions ⬇️

Real-world visual data often exhibits a long-tailed distribution, where some ''head'' classes have a large number of samples, yet only a few samples are available for the ''tail'' classes. Such imbalanced distribution causes a great challenge for learning a deep neural network, which can be boiled down into a dilemma: on the one hand, we prefer to increase the exposure of the tail class samples to avoid the excessive dominance of head classes in the classifier training. On the other hand, oversampling tail classes makes the network prone to over-fitting, since the head class samples are often consequently under-represented. To resolve this dilemma, in this paper, we propose an embarrassingly simple-yet-effective approach. The key idea is to split a network into a classifier part and a feature extractor part, and then employ different training strategies for each part. Specifically, to promote the awareness of tail-classes, a class-balanced sampling scheme is utilised for training both the classifier and the feature extractor. For the feature extractor, we also introduce an auxiliary training task, which is to train a classifier under the regular random sampling scheme. In this way, the feature extractor is jointly trained from both sampling strategies and thus can take advantage of all training data and avoid the over-fitting issue. Apart from this basic auxiliary task, we further explore the benefit of using self-supervised learning as the auxiliary task. Without using any bells and whistles, our model achieves superior performance over the state-of-the-art solutions.

25.NeuRoRA: Neural Robust Rotation Averaging ⬇️

Multiple rotation averaging is an essential task for structure from motion, mapping, and robot navigation. The task is to estimate the absolute orientations of several cameras given some of their noisy relative orientation measurements. The conventional methods for this task seek parameters of the absolute orientations that agree best with the observed noisy measurements according to a robust cost function. These robust cost functions are highly nonlinear and are designed based on certain assumptions about the noise and outlier distributions. In this work, we aim to build a neural network that learns the noise patterns from the data and predict/regress the model parameters from the noisy relative orientations. The proposed network is a combination of two networks: (1) a view-graph cleaning network, which detects outlier edges in the view-graph and rectifies noisy measurements; and (2) a fine-tuning network, which fine-tunes an initialization of absolute orientations bootstrapped from the cleaned graph, in a single step. The proposed combined network is very fast, moreover, being trained on a large number of synthetic graphs, it is more accurate than the conventional iterative optimization methods. Although the idea of replacing robust optimization methods by a graph-based network is demonstrated only for multiple rotation averaging, it could easily be extended to other graph-based geometric problems, for example, pose-graph optimization.

26.Low-rank representations with incoherent dictionary for face recognition ⬇️

Face recognition remains a hot topic in computer vision, and it is challenging to tackle the problem that both the training and testing images are corrupted. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised method based on the theory of the low-rank matrix recovery for face recognition, which can simultaneously learn discriminative low-rank and sparse representations for both training and testing images. To this end, a correlation penalty term is introduced into the formulation of our proposed method to learn an incoherent dictionary. Experimental results on several face image databases demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, i.e., the proposed method is robust to the illumination, expression and pose variations, as well as images with noises such as block occlusion or uniform noises.

27.Comprehensive Soccer Video Understanding: Towards Human-comparable Video Understanding System in Constrained Environment ⬇️

Comprehensive video understanding, a challenging task in computer vision to understand videos like humans, has been explored in ways including object detection and tracking, action classification. However, most works for video understanding mainly focus on isolated aspects of video analysis, yet ignore the inner correlation among those tasks. Sports games videos can serve as a perfect research object with restrictive conditions, while complex and challenging enough to study the core problems in computer vision comprehensively. In this paper, we propose a new soccer video database named SoccerDB with the benchmark of object detection, action recognition, temporal action detection, and highlight detection. We further survey a collection of strong baselines on SoccerDB, which have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on each independent task in recent years. We believe that the release of SoccerDB will tremendously advance researches of combining different tasks in closed form around the comprehensive video understanding problem.

28.Flow-Distilled IP Two-Stream Networks for Compressed Video ActionRecognition ⬇️

Two-stream networks have achieved great success in video recognition. A two-stream network combines a spatial stream of RGB frames and a temporal stream of Optical Flow to make predictions. However, the temporal redundancy of RGB frames as well as the high-cost of optical flow computation creates challenges for both the performance and efficiency. Recent works instead use modern compressed video modalities as an alternative to the RGB spatial stream and improve the inference speed by orders of magnitudes. Previous works create one stream for each modality which are combined with an additional temporal stream through late fusion. This is redundant since some modalities like motion vectors already contain temporal information. Based on this observation, we propose a compressed domain two-stream network IP TSN for compressed video recognition, where the two streams are represented by the two types of frames (I and P frames) in compressed videos, without needing a separate temporal stream. With this goal, we propose to fully exploit the motion information of P-stream through generalized distillation from optical flow, which largely improves the efficiency and accuracy. Our P-stream runs 60 times faster than using optical flow while achieving higher accuracy. Our full IP TSN, evaluated over public action recognition benchmarks (UCF101, HMDB51 and a subset of Kinetics), outperforms other compressed domain methods by large margins while improving the total inference speed by 20%.

29.Learning to Discriminate Information for Online Action Detection ⬇️

From a streaming video, online action detection aims to identify actions in the present. For this task, previous methods use recurrent networks to model the temporal sequence of current action frames. However, these methods overlook the fact that an input image sequence includes background and irrelevant actions as well as the action of interest. For online action detection, in this paper, we propose a novel recurrent unit to explicitly discriminate the information relevant to an ongoing action from others. Our unit, named Information Discrimination Unit (IDU), decides whether to accumulate input information based on its relevance to the current action. This enables our recurrent network with IDU to learn a more discriminative representation for identifying ongoing actions. In experiments on two benchmark datasets, TVSeries and THUMOS-14, the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin. Moreover, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our recurrent unit by conducting comprehensive ablation studies.

30.DeOccNet: Learning to See Through Foreground Occlusions in Light Fields ⬇️

Background objects occluded in some views of a light field (LF) camera can be seen by other views. Consequently, occluded surfaces are possible to be reconstructed from LF images. In this paper, we handle the LF de-occlusion (LF-DeOcc) problem using a deep encoder-decoder network (namely, DeOccNet). In our method, sub-aperture images (SAIs) are first given to the encoder to incorporate both spatial and angular information. The encoded representations are then used by the decoder to render an occlusionfree center-view SAI. To the best of our knowledge, DeOccNet is the first deep learning-based LF-DeOcc method. To handle the insufficiency of training data, we propose an LF synthesis approach to embed selected occlusion masks into existing LF images. Besides, several synthetic and realworld LFs are developed for performance evaluation. Experimental results show that, after training on the generated data, our DeOccNet can effectively remove foreground occlusions and achieves superior performance as compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Source codes are available at: this https URL.

31.HR-SAR-Net: A Deep Neural Network for Urban Scene Segmentation from High-Resolution SAR Data ⬇️

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data is becoming increasingly available to a wide range of users through commercial service providers with resolutions reaching 0.5m/px. Segmenting SAR data still requires skilled personnel, limiting the potential for large-scale use. We show that it is possible to automatically and reliably perform urban scene segmentation from next-gen resolution SAR data (0.15m/px) using deep neural networks (DNNs), achieving a pixel accuracy of 95.19% and a mean IoU of 74.67% with data collected over a region of merely 2.2km${}^2$. The presented DNN is not only effective, but is very small with only 63k parameters and computationally simple enough to achieve a throughput of around 500Mpx/s using a single GPU. We further identify that additional SAR receive antennas and data from multiple flights massively improve the segmentation accuracy. We describe a procedure for generating a high-quality segmentation ground truth from multiple inaccurate building and road annotations, which has been crucial to achieving these segmentation results.

32.HalluciNet-ing Spatiotemporal Representations Using 2D-CNN ⬇️

Spatiotemporal representations learnt using 3D convolutional neural networks (CNN's) are currently the state-of-the-art approaches for action related tasks. However, 3D-CNN's are notoriously known for being memory and compute resource intensive. 2D-CNN's, on the other hand, are much lighter on computing resource requirements, and are faster. However, 2D-CNN's performance on action related tasks is generally inferior to that of 3D-CNN's. Also, whereas 3D-CNN's simultaneously attend to appearance and salient motion patterns, 2D-CNN's are known to take shortcuts and recognize actions just from attending to background, which is not very meaningful. Taking inspiration from the fact that we, humans, can intuit how the actors will act and objects will be manipulated through years of experience and general understanding of the "how the world works," we suggest a way to combine the best attributes of 2D- and 3D-CNN's -- we propose to hallucinate spatiotemporal representations as computed by 3D-CNN's, using a 2D-CNN. We believe that requiring the 2D-CNN to "see" into the future, would encourage it gain deeper about actions, and how scenes evolve by providing a stronger supervisory signal. Hallucination task is treated rather as an auxiliary task, while the main task is any other action related task such as, action recognition. Thorough experimental evaluation shows that hallucination task indeed helps improve performance on action recognition, action quality assessment, and dynamic scene recognition. From practical standpoint, being able to hallucinate spatiotemporal representations without an actual 3D-CNN, would enable deployment in resource-constrained scenarios such as lower-end phones and edge devices, and/or with lower bandwidth. This translates to pervasion of Video Analytics Software as a Service (VA SaaS), for e.g., automated physiotherapy options for financially challenged demographic.

33.Robust, Extensible, and Fast: Teamed Classifiers for Vehicle Tracking in Multi-Camera Networks ⬇️

As camera networks have become more ubiquitous over the past decade, the research interest in video management has shifted to analytics on multi-camera networks. This includes performing tasks such as object detection, attribute identification, and vehicle/person tracking across different cameras without overlap. Current frameworks for management are designed for multi-camera networks in a closed dataset environment where there is limited variability in cameras and characteristics of the surveillance environment are well known. Furthermore, current frameworks are designed for offline analytics with guidance from human operators for forensic applications. This paper presents a teamed classifier framework for video analytics in heterogeneous many-camera networks with adversarial conditions such as multi-scale, multi-resolution cameras capturing the environment with varying occlusion, blur, and orientations. We describe an implementation for vehicle tracking and surveillance, where we implement a system that performs automated tracking of all vehicles all the time. Our evaluations show the teamed classifier framework is robust to adversarial conditions, extensible to changing video characteristics such as new vehicle types/brands and new cameras, and offers real-time performance compared to current offline video analytics approaches.

34.Basis Prediction Networks for Effective Burst Denoising with Large Kernels ⬇️

Bursts of images exhibit significant self-similarity across both time and space. This motivates a representation of the kernels as linear combinations of a small set of basis elements. To this end, we introduce a novel basis prediction network that, given an input burst, predicts a set of global basis kernels --- shared within the image --- and the corresponding mixing coefficients --- which are specific to individual pixels. Compared to other state-of-the-art deep learning techniques that output a large tensor of per-pixel spatiotemporal kernels, our formulation substantially reduces the dimensionality of the network output. This allows us to effectively exploit larger denoising kernels and achieve significant quality improvements (over 1dB PSNR) at reduced run-times compared to state-of-the-art methods.

35.Deep Autoencoders with Value-at-Risk Thresholding for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection ⬇️

Many real-world monitoring and surveillance applications require non-trivial anomaly detection to be run in the streaming model. We consider an incremental-learning approach, wherein a deep-autoencoding (DAE) model of what is normal is trained and used to detect anomalies at the same time. In the detection of anomalies, we utilise a novel thresholding mechanism, based on value at risk (VaR). We compare the resulting convolutional neural network (CNN) against a number of subspace methods, and present results on changedetection net.

36.Training Deep Neural Networks to Detect Repeatable 2D Features Using Large Amounts of 3D World Capture Data ⬇️

Image space feature detection is the act of selecting points or parts of an image that are easy to distinguish from the surrounding image region. By combining a repeatable point detection with a descriptor, parts of an image can be matched with one another, which is useful in applications like estimating pose from camera input or rectifying images. Recently, precise indoor tracking has started to become important for Augmented and Virtual reality as it is necessary to allow positioning of a headset in 3D space without the need for external tracking devices. Several modern feature detectors use homographies to simulate different viewpoints, not only to train feature detection and description, but test them as well. The problem is that, often, views of indoor spaces contain high depth disparity. This makes the approximation that a homography applied to an image represents a viewpoint change inaccurate. We claim that in order to train detectors to work well in indoor environments, they must be robust to this type of geometry, and repeatable under true viewpoint change instead of homographies. Here we focus on the problem of detecting repeatable feature locations under true viewpoint change. To this end, we generate labeled 2D images from a photo-realistic 3D dataset. These images are used for training a neural network based feature detector. We further present an algorithm for automatically generating labels of repeatable 2D features, and present a fast, easy to use test algorithm for evaluating a detector in an 3D environment.

37.Modular Multimodal Architecture for Document Classification ⬇️

Page classification is a crucial component to any document analysis system, allowing for complex branching control flows for different components of a given document. Utilizing both the visual and textual content of a page, the proposed method exceeds the current state-of-the-art performance on the RVL-CDIP benchmark at 93.03% test accuracy.

38.Car Pose in Context: Accurate Pose Estimation with Ground Plane Constraints ⬇️

Scene context is a powerful constraint on the geometry of objects within the scene in cases, such as surveillance, where the camera geometry is unknown and image quality may be poor. In this paper, we describe a method for estimating the pose of cars in a scene jointly with the ground plane that supports them. We formulate this as a joint optimization that accounts for varying car shape using a statistical atlas, and which simultaneously computes geometry and internal camera parameters. We demonstrate that this method produces significant improvements for car pose estimation, and we show that the resulting 3D geometry, when computed over a video sequence, makes it possible to improve on state of the art classification of car behavior. We also show that introducing the planar constraint allows us to estimate camera focal length in a reliable manner.

39.Grasping in the Wild:Learning 6DoF Closed-Loop Grasping from Low-Cost Demonstrations ⬇️

Intelligent manipulation benefits from the capacity to flexibly control an end-effector with high degrees of freedom (DoF) and dynamically react to the environment. However, due to the challenges of collecting effective training data and learning efficiently, most grasping algorithms today are limited to top-down movements and open-loop execution. In this work, we propose a new low-cost hardware interface for collecting grasping demonstrations by people in diverse environments. Leveraging this data, we show that it is possible to train a robust end-to-end 6DoF closed-loop grasping model with reinforcement learning that transfers to real robots. A key aspect of our grasping model is that it uses ``action-view'' based rendering to simulate future states with respect to different possible actions. By evaluating these states using a learned value function (Q-function), our method is able to better select corresponding actions that maximize total rewards (i.e., grasping success). Our final grasping system is able to achieve reliable 6DoF closed-loop grasping of novel objects across various scene configurations, as well as dynamic scenes with moving objects.

40.3D Particle Positions from Computer Stereo Vision in PK-4 ⬇️

Complex plasmas consist of microparticles embedded in a low-temperature plasma containing ions, electrons and neutral particles. The microparticles form a dynamical system that can be used to study a multitude of effects on the level of the constituent particles. The microparticles are usually illuminated with a sheet of laser light, and the scattered light can be observed with digital cameras. Some complex plasma microgravity research facilities use two cameras with an overlapping field of view.
An overlapping field of view can be used to combine the resulting images into one and trace the particles in the larger field of view. In previous work this was discussed for the images recorded by the PK-4 Laboratory on board the International Space Station. In that work the width of the laser sheet was, however, not taken into account. In this paper, we will discuss how to improve the transformation of the features into a joint coordinate system, and possibly extract information on the 3D position of particles in the overlap region.

41.STAGE: Spatio-Temporal Attention on Graph Entities for Video Action Detection ⬇️

Spatio-temporal action localization is a challenging yet fascinating task that aims to detect and classify human actions in video clips. In this paper, we develop a high-level video understanding module which can encode interactions between actors and objects both in space and time. In our formulation, spatio-temporal relationships are learned by performing self-attention operations on a graph structure connecting entities from consecutive clips. Noticeably, the use of graph learning is unprecedented for this task. From a computational point of view, the proposed module is backbone independent by design and does not need end-to-end training. When tested on the AVA dataset, it demonstrates a 10-16% relative mAP improvement over the baseline. Further, it can outperform or bring performances comparable to state-of-the-art models which require heavy end-to-end and synchronized training on multiple GPUs. Code is publicly available at: this https URL.

42.DeepDeform: Learning Non-rigid RGB-D Reconstruction with Semi-supervised Data ⬇️

Applying data-driven approaches to non-rigid 3D reconstruction has been difficult, which we believe can be attributed to the lack of a large-scale training corpus. One recent approach proposes self-supervision based on non-rigid reconstruction. Unfortunately, this method fails for important cases such as highly non-rigid deformations. We first address this problem of lack of data by introducing a novel semi-supervised strategy to obtain dense inter-frame correspondences from a sparse set of annotations. This way, we obtain a large dataset of 400 scenes, over 390,000 RGB-D frames, and 2,537 densely aligned frame pairs; in addition, we provide a test set along with several metrics for evaluation. Based on this corpus, we introduce a data-driven non-rigid feature matching approach, which we integrate into an optimization-based reconstruction pipeline. Here, we propose a new neural network that operates on RGB-D frames, while maintaining robustness under large non-rigid deformations and producing accurate predictions. Our approach significantly outperforms both existing non-rigid reconstruction methods that do not use learned data terms, as well as learning-based approaches that only use self-supervision.

43.Removable and/or Repeated Units Emerge in Overparametrized Deep Neural Networks ⬇️

Deep neural networks (DNNs) perform well on a variety of tasks despite the fact that most networks used in practice are vastly overparametrized and even capable of perfectly fitting randomly labeled data. Recent evidence suggests that developing compressible representations is key for adjusting the complexity of overparametrized networks to the task at hand. In this paper, we provide new empirical evidence that supports this hypothesis by identifying two types of units that emerge when the network's width is increased: removable units which can be dropped out of the network without significant change to the output and repeated units whose activities are highly correlated with other units. The emergence of these units implies capacity constraints as the function the network represents could be expressed by a smaller network without these units. In a series of experiments with AlexNet, ResNet and Inception networks in the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets, and also using shallow networks with synthetic data, we show that DNNs consistently increase either the number of removable units, repeated units, or both at greater widths for a comprehensive set of hyperparameters. These results suggest that the mechanisms by which networks in the deep learning regime adjust their complexity operate at the unit level and highlight the need for additional research into what drives the emergence of such units.

44.DR-GAN: Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Fine-Grained Lesion Synthesis on Diabetic Retinopathy Images ⬇️

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes that severely affects eyes. It can be graded into five levels of severity according to international protocol. However, optimizing a grading model to have strong generalizability requires a large amount of balanced training data, which is difficult to collect particularly for the high severity levels. Typical data augmentation methods, including random flipping and rotation, cannot generate data with high diversity. In this paper, we propose a diabetic retinopathy generative adversarial network (DR-GAN) to synthesize high-resolution fundus images which can be manipulated with arbitrary grading and lesion information. Thus, large-scale generated data can be used for more meaningful augmentation to train a DR grading and lesion segmentation model. The proposed retina generator is conditioned on the structural and lesion masks, as well as adaptive grading vectors sampled from the latent grading space, which can be adopted to control the synthesized grading severity. Moreover, a multi-scale spatial and channel attention module is devised to improve the generation ability to synthesize details. Multi-scale discriminators are designed to operate from large to small receptive fields, and joint adversarial losses are adopted to optimize the whole network in an end-to-end manner. With extensive experiments evaluated on the EyePACS dataset connected to Kaggle, as well as our private dataset (SKA - will be released once get official permission), we validate the effectiveness of our method, which can both synthesize highly realistic (1280 x 1280) controllable fundus images and contribute to the DR grading task.

45.WCE Polyp Detection with Triplet based Embeddings ⬇️

Wireless capsule endoscopy is a medical procedure used to visualize the entire gastrointestinal tract and to diagnose intestinal conditions, such as polyps or bleeding. Current analyses are performed by manually inspecting nearly each one of the frames of the video, a tedious and error-prone task. Automatic image analysis methods can be used to reduce the time needed for physicians to evaluate a capsule endoscopy video, however these methods are still in a research phase. In this paper we focus on computer-aided polyp detection in capsule endoscopy images. This is a challenging problem because of the diversity of polyp appearance, the imbalanced dataset structure and the scarcity of data. We have developed a new polyp computer-aided decision system that combines a deep convolutional neural network and metric learning. The key point of the method is the use of the triplet loss function with the aim of improving feature extraction from the images when having small dataset. The triplet loss function allows to train robust detectors by forcing images from the same category to be represented by similar embedding vectors while ensuring that images from different categories are represented by dissimilar vectors. Empirical results show a meaningful increase of AUC values compared to baseline methods. A good performance is not the only requirement when considering the adoption of this technology to clinical practice. Trust and explainability of decisions are as important as performance. With this purpose, we also provide a method to generate visual explanations of the outcome of our polyp detector. These explanations can be used to build a physician's trust in the system and also to convey information about the inner working of the method to the designer for debugging purposes.

46.Inception Architecture and Residual Connections in Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images ⬇️

This paper presents results of applying Inception v4 deep convolutional neural network to ICIAR-2018 Breast Cancer Classification Grand Challenge, part a. The Challenge task is to classify breast cancer biopsy results, presented in form of hematoxylin and eosin stained images. Breast cancer classification is of primary interest to the medical practitioners and thus binary classification of breast cancer images have been under investigation by many researchers, but multi-class categorization of histology breast images have been challenging due to the subtle differences among the categories. In this work extensive data augmentation is conducted to reduce overfitting and effectiveness of committee of several Inception v4 networks is studied. We report 89% accuracy on 4 class classification task and 93.7% on carcinoma/non-carcinoma two class classification task using our test set of 80 images.

47.Understanding 3D CNN Behavior for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis from Brain PET Scan ⬇️

In recent days, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have demonstrated impressive performance in medical image analysis. However, there is a lack of clear understanding of why and how the Convolutional Neural Network performs so well for image analysis task. How CNN analyzes an image and discriminates among samples of different classes are usually considered as non-transparent. As a result, it becomes difficult to apply CNN based approaches in clinical procedures and automated disease diagnosis systems. In this paper, we consider this issue and work on visualizing and understanding the decision of Convolutional Neural Network for Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Diagnosis. We develop a 3D deep convolutional neural network for AD diagnosis using brain PET scans and propose using five visualizations techniques - Sensitivity Analysis (Backpropagation), Guided Backpropagation, Occlusion, Brain Area Occlusion, and Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) to understand the decision of the CNN by highlighting the relevant areas in the PET data.

48.Calcaneus Radiograph Analysis System: Calcaneal Angles Measurement and Fracture Identification ⬇️

Calcaneus is the largest tarsal bone designed to withstand the daily stresses of weight bearing. The calcaneal fracture is the most common type in the tarsal bone fractures. After a fracture is suspected, plain radiographs should be first requested. Bohler's Angle (BA) and Critical Angle of Gissane (CAG), measured by four anatomic landmarks in lateral foot radiograph, can aid operative restoration of the fractured calcaneus and fracture diagnosis and assessment. Due to the different postures of patient and operating conditions of X-ray machine, the calcaneus in lateral foot radiograph may be subjected to great variance of rotation and scale. The views of the radiographs also vary from partial ankle to whole leg. The aim of this study is to develop a system to automatically locate four anatomic landmarks and calculate the BA and CAG for fracture assessment. We proposed a coarse-to-fine Rotation-Invariant Regression-Voting (RIRV) landmarks detection approach based on Supported Vector Regression (SVR) and Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) patch descriptor. The study also designed a multi-stream CNN structure with multi-region input which can accurately identify the fractures with sensitivity of 96.81% and specificity of 90%.

49.Learning Pose Estimation for UAV Autonomous Navigation andLanding Using Visual-Inertial Sensor Data ⬇️

In this work, we propose a robust network-in-the-loop control system that allows an Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicles to navigate and land autonomously ona desired target. To estimate the global pose of theaerial vehicle, we develop a deep neural network ar-chitecture for visual-inertial odometry, which providesa robust alternative to traditional techniques for au-tonomous navigation of Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicles. Wefirst provide experimental results on the accuracy ofthe estimation by comparing the prediction of our modelto traditional visual-inertial approaches on the publiclyavailable EuRoC MAV dataset. The results indicate aclear improvement in the accuracy of the pose estima-tion up to 25% against the baseline. Second, we useAirsim, a simulator available as a plugin for UnrealEngine, to create new datasets of photorealistic imagesand inertial measurement to train and test our model.We finally integrate the proposed architecture for globallocalization with the Airsim closed-loop control system,and we provide simulation results for the autonomouslanding of the aerial vehicle.

50.AVID: Learning Multi-Stage Tasks via Pixel-Level Translation of Human Videos ⬇️

Robotic reinforcement learning (RL) holds the promise of enabling robots to learn complex behaviors through experience. However, realizing this promise requires not only effective and scalable RL algorithms, but also mechanisms to reduce human burden in terms of defining the task and resetting the environment. In this paper, we study how these challenges can be alleviated with an automated robotic learning framework, in which multi-stage tasks are defined simply by providing videos of a human demonstrator and then learned autonomously by the robot from raw image observations. A central challenge in imitating human videos is the difference in morphology between the human and robot, which typically requires manual correspondence. We instead take an automated approach and perform pixel-level image translation via CycleGAN to convert the human demonstration into a video of a robot, which can then be used to construct a reward function for a model-based RL algorithm. The robot then learns the task one stage at a time, automatically learning how to reset each stage to retry it multiple times without human-provided resets. This makes the learning process largely automatic, from intuitive task specification via a video to automated training with minimal human intervention. We demonstrate that our approach is capable of learning complex tasks, such as operating a coffee machine, directly from raw image observations, requiring only 20 minutes to provide human demonstrations and about 180 minutes of robot interaction with the environment. A supplementary video depicting the experimental setup, learning process, and our method's final performance is available from this https URL

51.Deep Efficient End-to-end Reconstruction (DEER) Network for Low-dose Few-view Breast CT from Projection Data ⬇️

Breast CT provides image volumes with isotropic resolution in high contrast, enabling detection of clarifications (down to a few hundred microns in size) and subtle density differences. Since breast is sensitive to x-ray radiation, dose reduction of breast CT is an important topic, and for this purpose low-dose few-view scanning is a main approach. In this article, we propose a Deep Efficient End-to-end Reconstruction (DEER) network for low-dose few-view breast CT. The major merits of our network include high dose efficiency, excellent image quality, and low model complexity. By the design, the proposed network can learn the reconstruction process in terms of as less as O(N) parameters, where N is the size of an image to be reconstructed, which represents orders of magnitude improvements relative to the state-of-the-art deep-learning based reconstruction methods that map projection data to tomographic images directly. As a result, our method does not require expensive GPUs to train and run. Also, validated on a cone-beam breast CT dataset prepared by Koning Corporation on a commercial scanner, our method demonstrates competitive performance over the state-of-the-art reconstruction networks in terms of image quality.