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ArXiv cs.CV --Thu, 30 May 2019

1.Flat2Layout: Flat Representation for Estimating Layout of General Room Types pdf

This paper proposes a new approach, Flat2Layout, for estimating general indoor room layout from a single-view RGB image whereas existing methods can only produce layout topologies captured from the box-shaped room. The proposed flat representation encodes the layout information into row vectors which are treated as the training target of the deep model. A dynamic programming based postprocessing is employed to decode the estimated flat output from the deep model into the final room layout. Flat2Layout achieves state-of-the-art performance on existing room layout benchmark. This paper also constructs a benchmark for validating the performance on general layout topologies, where Flat2Layout achieves good performance on general room types. Flat2Layout is applicable on more scenario for layout estimation and would have an impact on applications of Scene Modeling, Robotics, and Augmented Reality.

2.Smooth Shells: Multi-Scale Shape Registration with Functional Maps pdf

We propose a novel 3D shape correspondence method based on the iterative alignment of so-called smooth shells. Smooth shells define a series of coarse-to-fine, smooth shape approximations that are designed to work well with multiscale algorithms. In this paper, we alternate between aligning smooth shells and computing Functional Maps between the inputs. Aligning very smooth approximations reduces the complexity of the overall process but during the iterations the amount of detail in the shells increases which helps to refine the resulting correspondence. Furthermore, we solve the problem of ambiguities from intrinsic symmetries by applying a surrogate based Markov chain Monte Carlo initialization. We show state-of-the-art quantitative results on several datasets focussing on isometries, topological changes and different connectivity. Additionally, we show qualitative results on challenging interclass pairs.

3.GlyphGAN: Style-Consistent Font Generation Based on Generative Adversarial Networks pdf

In this paper, we propose GlyphGAN: style-consistent font generation based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). GANs are a framework for learning a generative model using a system of two neural networks competing with each other. One network generates synthetic images from random input vectors, and the other discriminates between synthetic and real images. The motivation of this study is to create new fonts using the GAN framework while maintaining style consistency over all characters. In GlyphGAN, the input vector for the generator network consists of two vectors: character class vector and style vector. The former is a one-hot vector and is associated with the character class of each sample image during training. The latter is a uniform random vector without supervised information. In this way, GlyphGAN can generate an infinite variety of fonts with the character and style independently controlled. Experimental results showed that fonts generated by GlyphGAN have style consistency and diversity different from the training images without losing their legibility.

4.Image-to-Image Translation with Multi-Path Consistency Regularization pdf

Image translation across different domains has attracted much attention in both machine learning and computer vision communities. Taking the translation from source domain $\mathcal{D}_s$ to target domain $\mathcal{D}_t$ as an example, existing algorithms mainly rely on two kinds of loss for training: One is the discrimination loss, which is used to differentiate images generated by the models and natural images; the other is the reconstruction loss, which measures the difference between an original image and the reconstructed version through $\mathcal{D}_s\to\mathcal{D}_t\to\mathcal{D}_s$ translation. In this work, we introduce a new kind of loss, multi-path consistency loss, which evaluates the differences between direct translation $\mathcal{D}_s\to\mathcal{D}_t$ and indirect translation $\mathcal{D}_s\to\mathcal{D}_a\to\mathcal{D}_t$ with $\mathcal{D}_a$ as an auxiliary domain, to regularize training. For multi-domain translation (at least, three) which focuses on building translation models between any two domains, at each training iteration, we randomly select three domains, set them respectively as the source, auxiliary and target domains, build the multi-path consistency loss and optimize the network. For two-domain translation, we need to introduce an additional auxiliary domain and construct the multi-path consistency loss. We conduct various experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods, including face-to-face translation, paint-to-photo translation, and de-raining/de-noising translation.

5.Hierarchical Feature Aggregation Networks for Video Action Recognition pdf

Most action recognition methods base on a) a late aggregation of frame level CNN features using average pooling, max pooling, or RNN, among others, or b) spatio-temporal aggregation via 3D convolutions. The first assume independence among frame features up to a certain level of abstraction and then perform higher-level aggregation, while the second extracts spatio-temporal features from grouped frames as early fusion. In this paper we explore the space in between these two, by letting adjacent feature branches interact as they develop into the higher level representation. The interaction happens between feature differencing and averaging at each level of the hierarchy, and it has convolutional structure that learns to select the appropriate mode locally in contrast to previous works that impose one of the modes globally (e.g. feature differencing) as a design choice. We further constrain this interaction to be conservative, e.g. a local feature subtraction in one branch is compensated by the addition on another, such that the total feature flow is preserved. We evaluate the performance of our proposal on a number of existing models, i.e. TSN, TRN and ECO, to show its flexibility and effectiveness in improving action recognition performance.

6.Instance-Aware Representation Learning and Association for Online Multi-Person Tracking pdf

Multi-Person Tracking (MPT) is often addressed within the detection-to-association paradigm. In such approaches, human detections are first extracted in every frame and person trajectories are then recovered by a procedure of data association (usually offline). However, their performances usually degenerate in presence of detection errors, mutual interactions and occlusions. In this paper, we present a deep learning based MPT approach that learns instance-aware representations of tracked persons and robustly online infers states of the tracked persons. Specifically, we design a multi-branch neural network (MBN), which predicts the classification confidences and locations of all targets by taking a batch of candidate regions as input. In our MBN architecture, each branch (instance-subnet) corresponds to an individual to be tracked and new branches can be dynamically created for handling newly appearing persons. Then based on the output of MBN, we construct a joint association matrix that represents meaningful states of tracked persons (e.g., being tracked or disappearing from the scene) and solve it by using the efficient Hungarian algorithm. Moreover, we allow the instance-subnets to be updated during tracking by online mining hard examples, accounting to person appearance variations over time. We comprehensively evaluate our framework on a popular MPT benchmark, demonstrating its excellent performance in comparison with recent online MPT methods.

7.Coherent Semantic Attention for Image Inpainting pdf

The latest deep learning-based approaches have shown promising results for the challenging task of inpainting missing regions of an image. However, the existing methods often generate contents with blurry textures and distorted structures due to the discontinuity of the local pixels. From a semantic-level perspective, the local pixel discontinuity is mainly because these methods ignore the semantic relevance and feature continuity of hole regions. To handle this problem, we investigate the human behavior in repairing pictures and propose a fined deep generative model-based approach with a novel coherent semantic attention (CSA) layer, which can not only preserve contextual structure but also make more effective predictions of missing parts by modeling the semantic relevance between the holes features. The task is divided into rough, refinement as two steps and model each step with a neural network under the U-Net architecture, where the CSA layer is embedded into the encoder of refinement step. To stabilize the network training process and promote the CSA layer to learn more effective parameters, we propose a consistency loss to enforce the both the CSA layer and the corresponding layer of the CSA in decoder to be close to the VGG feature layer of a ground truth image simultaneously. The experiments on CelebA, Places2, and Paris StreetView datasets have validated the effectiveness of our proposed methods in image inpainting tasks and can obtain images with a higher quality as compared with the existing state-of-the-art approaches.

8.Disentangling Monocular 3D Object Detection pdf

In this paper we propose an approach for monocular 3D object detection from a single RGB image, which leverages a novel disentangling transformation for 2D and 3D detection losses and a novel, self-supervised confidence score for 3D bounding boxes. Our proposed loss disentanglement has the twofold advantage of simplifying the training dynamics in the presence of losses with complex interactions of parameters, and sidestepping the issue of balancing independent regression terms. Our solution overcomes these issues by isolating the contribution made by groups of parameters to a given loss, without changing its nature. We further apply loss disentanglement to another novel, signed Intersection-over-Union criterion-driven loss for improving 2D detection results. Besides our methodological innovations, we critically review the AP metric used in KITTI3D, which emerged as the most important dataset for comparing 3D detection results. We identify and resolve a flaw in the 11-point interpolated AP metric, affecting all previously published detection results and particularly biases the results of monocular 3D detection. We provide extensive experimental evaluations and ablation studies on the KITTI3D and nuScenes datasets, setting new state-of-the-art results on object category car by large margins.

9.Super Interaction Neural Network pdf

Recent studies have demonstrated that the convolutional networks heavily rely on the quality and quantity of generated features. However, in lightweight networks, there are limited available feature information because these networks tend to be shallower and thinner due to the efficiency consideration. For farther improving the performance and accuracy of lightweight networks, we develop Super Interaction Neural Networks (SINet) model from a novel point of view: enhancing the information interaction in neural networks. In order to achieve information interaction along the width of the deep network, we propose Exchange Shortcut Connection, which can integrate the information from different convolution groups without any extra computation cost. And then, in order to achieve information interaction along the depth of the network, we proposed Dense Funnel Layer and Attention based Hierarchical Joint Decision, which are able to make full use of middle layer features. Our experiments show that the superior performance of SINet over other state-of-the-art lightweight models in ImageNet dataset. Furthermore, we also exhibit the effectiveness and universality of our proposed components by ablation studies.

10.KG-GAN: Knowledge-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks pdf

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) learn to mimic training data that represents the underlying true data distribution. However, GANs suffer when the training data lacks quantity or diversity and therefore cannot represent the underlying distribution well. To improve the performance of GANs trained on under-represented training data distributions, this paper proposes KG-GAN to fuse domain knowledge with the GAN framework. KG-GAN trains two generators; one learns from data while the other learns from knowledge. To achieve KG-GAN, domain knowledge is formulated as a constraint function to guide the learning of the second generator. We validate our framework on two tasks: fine-grained image generation and hair recoloring. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of KG-GAN.

11.Vision-to-Language Tasks Based on Attributes and Attention Mechanism pdf

Vision-to-language tasks aim to integrate computer vision and natural language processing together, which has attracted the attention of many researchers. For typical approaches, they encode image into feature representations and decode it into natural language sentences. While they neglect high-level semantic concepts and subtle relationships between image regions and natural language elements. To make full use of these information, this paper attempt to exploit the text guided attention and semantic-guided attention (SA) to find the more correlated spatial information and reduce the semantic gap between vision and language. Our method includes two level attention networks. One is the text-guided attention network which is used to select the text-related regions. The other is SA network which is used to highlight the concept-related regions and the region-related concepts. At last, all these information are incorporated to generate captions or answers. Practically, image captioning and visual question answering experiments have been carried out, and the experimental results have shown the excellent performance of the proposed approach.

12.Kernel-Induced Label Propagation by Mapping for Semi-Supervised Classification pdf

Kernel methods have been successfully applied to the areas of pattern recognition and data mining. In this paper, we mainly discuss the issue of propagating labels in kernel space. A Kernel-Induced Label Propagation (Kernel-LP) framework by mapping is proposed for high-dimensional data classification using the most informative patterns of data in kernel space. The essence of Kernel-LP is to perform joint label propagation and adaptive weight learning in a transformed kernel space. That is, our Kernel-LP changes the task of label propagation from the commonly-used Euclidean space in most existing work to kernel space. The motivation of our Kernel-LP to propagate labels and learn the adaptive weights jointly by the assumption of an inner product space of inputs, i.e., the original linearly inseparable inputs may be mapped to be separable in kernel space. Kernel-LP is based on existing positive and negative LP model, i.e., the effects of negative label information are integrated to improve the label prediction power. Also, Kernel-LP performs adaptive weight construction over the same kernel space, so it can avoid the tricky process of choosing the optimal neighborhood size suffered in traditional criteria. Two novel and efficient out-of-sample approaches for our Kernel-LP to involve new test data are also presented, i.e., (1) direct kernel mapping and (2) kernel mapping-induced label reconstruction, both of which purely depend on the kernel matrix between training set and testing set. Owing to the kernel trick, our algorithms will be applicable to handle the high-dimensional real data. Extensive results on real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

13.NPTC-net: Narrow-Band Parallel Transport Convolutional Neural Network on Point Clouds pdf

Convolution plays a crucial role in various applications in signal and image processing, analysis and recognition. It is also the main building block of convolution neural networks (CNNs). Designing appropriate convolution neural networks on manifold-structured point clouds can inherit and empower recent advances of CNNs to analyzing and processing point cloud data. However, one of the major challenges is to define a proper way to "sweep" filters through the point cloud as a natural generalization of the planar convolution and to reflect the point cloud's geometry at the same time. In this paper, we consider generalizing convolution by adapting parallel transport on the point cloud. Inspired by a triangulated surface based method [Stefan C. Schonsheck, Bin Dong, and Rongjie Lai, arXiv:1805.07857.], we propose the Narrow-Band Parallel Transport Convolution (NPTC) using a specifically defined connection on a voxelized narrow-band approximation of point cloud data. With that, we further propose a deep convolutional neural network based on NPTC (called NPTC-net) for point cloud classification and segmentation. Comprehensive experiments show that the proposed NPTC-net achieves similar or better results than current state-of-the-art methods on point clouds classification and segmentation.

14.Closed-Loop Adaptation for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation pdf

Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation aims to assign each pixel a semantic category under weak supervisions, such as image-level tags. Most of existing weakly-supervised semantic segmentation methods do not use any feedback from segmentation output and can be considered as open-loop systems. They are prone to accumulated errors because of the static seeds and the sensitive structure information. In this paper, we propose a generic self-adaptation mechanism for existing weakly-supervised semantic segmentation methods by introducing two feedback chains, thus constituting a closed-loop system. Specifically, the first chain iteratively produces dynamic seeds by incorporating cross-image structure information, whereas the second chain further expands seed regions by a customized random walk process to reconcile inner-image structure information characterized by superpixels. Experiments on PASCAL VOC 2012 suggest that our network outperforms state-of-the-art methods with significantly less computational and memory burden.

15.Volumetric Capture of Humans with a Single RGBD Camera via Semi-Parametric Learning pdf

Volumetric (4D) performance capture is fundamental for AR/VR content generation. Whereas previous work in 4D performance capture has shown impressive results in studio settings, the technology is still far from being accessible to a typical consumer who, at best, might own a single RGBD sensor. Thus, in this work, we propose a method to synthesize free viewpoint renderings using a single RGBD camera. The key insight is to leverage previously seen "calibration" images of a given user to extrapolate what should be rendered in a novel viewpoint from the data available in the sensor. Given these past observations from multiple viewpoints, and the current RGBD image from a fixed view, we propose an end-to-end framework that fuses both these data sources to generate novel renderings of the performer. We demonstrate that the method can produce high fidelity images, and handle extreme changes in subject pose and camera viewpoints. We also show that the system generalizes to performers not seen in the training data. We run exhaustive experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed semi-parametric model (i.e. calibration images available to the neural network) compared to other state of the art machine learned solutions. Further, we compare the method with more traditional pipelines that employ multi-view capture. We show that our framework is able to achieve compelling results, with substantially less infrastructure than previously required.

16.Memory Integrity of CNNs for Cross-Dataset Facial Expression Recognition pdf

Facial expression recognition is a major problem in the domain of artificial intelligence. One of the best ways to solve this problem is the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, a large amount of data is required to train properly these networks but most of the datasets available for facial expression recognition are relatively small. A common way to circumvent the lack of data is to use CNNs trained on large datasets of different domains and fine-tuning the layers of such networks to the target domain. However, the fine-tuning process does not preserve the memory integrity as CNNs have the tendency to forget patterns they have learned. In this paper, we evaluate different strategies of fine-tuning a CNN with the aim of assessing the memory integrity of such strategies in a cross-dataset scenario. A CNN pre-trained on a source dataset is used as the baseline and four adaptation strategies have been evaluated: fine-tuning its fully connected layers; fine-tuning its last convolutional layer and its fully connected layers; retraining the CNN on a target dataset; and the fusion of the source and target datasets and retraining the CNN. Experimental results on four datasets have shown that the fusion of the source and the target datasets provides the best trade-off between accuracy and memory integrity.

17.Probabilistic Category-Level Pose Estimation via Segmentation and Predicted-Shape Priors pdf

We introduce a new method for category-level pose estimation which produces a distribution over predicted poses by integrating 3D shape estimates from a generative object model with segmentation information. Given an input depth-image of an object, our variable-time method uses a mixture density network architecture to produce a multi-modal distribution over 3DOF poses; this distribution is then combined with a prior probability encouraging silhouette agreement between the observed input and predicted object pose. Our approach significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art in category-level 3DOF pose estimation---which outputs a point estimate and does not explicitly incorporate shape and segmentation information---as measured on the Pix3D and ShapeNet datasets.

18.Information-Theoretic Registration with Explicit Reorientation of Diffusion-Weighted Images pdf

We present an information-theoretic approach to registration of DWI with explicit optimization over the orientational scale, with an additional focus on normalized mutual information as a robust information-theoretic similarity measure for DWI. The framework is an extension of the LOR-DWI density-based hierarchical scale-space model, that varies and optimizes over the integration, spatial, directional, and intensity scales. We extend the model to non-rigid deformations and show that the formulation provides intrinsic regularization through the orientational information. Our experiments illustrate that the proposed model deforms ODFs correctly and is capable of handling the classic complex challenges in DWI-registrations, such as the registration of fiber-crossings along with kissing, fanning and interleaving fibers. Our results clearly illustrate a novel promising regularizing effect, that comes from the nonlinear orientation-based cost function. We illustrate the properties of the different image scales, and show that including orientational information in our model make the model better at retrieving deformations compared to standard scalar-based registration.

19.Video-to-Video Translation for Visual Speech Synthesis pdf

Despite remarkable success in image-to-image translation that celebrates the advancements of generative adversarial networks (GANs), very limited attempts are known for video domain translation. We study the task of video-to-video translation in the context of visual speech generation, where the goal is to transform an input video of any spoken word to an output video of a different word. This is a multi-domain translation, where each word forms a domain of videos uttering this word. Adaptation of the state-of-the-art image-to-image translation model (StarGAN) to this setting falls short with a large vocabulary size. Instead we propose to use character encodings of the words and design a novel character-based GANs architecture for video-to-video translation called Visual Speech GAN (ViSpGAN). We are the first to demonstrate video-to-video translation with a vocabulary of 500 words.

20.Blocksworld Revisited: Learning and Reasoning to Generate Event-Sequences from Image Pairs pdf

The process of identifying changes or transformations in a scene along with the ability of reasoning about their causes and effects, is a key aspect of intelligence. In this work we go beyond recent advances in computational perception, and introduce a more challenging task, Image-based Event-Sequencing (IES). In IES, the task is to predict a sequence of actions required to rearrange objects from the configuration in an input source image to the one in the target image. IES also requires systems to possess inductive generalizability. Motivated from evidence in cognitive development, we compile the first IES dataset, the Blocksworld Image Reasoning Dataset (BIRD) which contains images of wooden blocks in different configurations, and the sequence of moves to rearrange one configuration to the other. We first explore the use of existing deep learning architectures and show that these end-to-end methods under-perform in inferring temporal event-sequences and fail at inductive generalization. We then propose a modular two-step approach: Visual Perception followed by Event-Sequencing, and demonstrate improved performance by combining learning and reasoning. Finally, by showing an extension of our approach on natural images, we seek to pave the way for future research on event sequencing for real world scenes.

21.Image Alignment in Unseen Domains via Domain Deep Generalization pdf

Image alignment across domains has recently become one of the realistic and popular topics in the research community. In this problem, a deep learning-based image alignment method is usually trained on an available largescale database. During the testing steps, this trained model is deployed on unseen images collected under different camera conditions and modalities. The delivered deep network models are unable to be updated, adapted or fine-tuned in these scenarios. Thus, recent deep learning techniques, e.g. domain adaptation, feature transferring, and fine-tuning, are unable to be deployed. This paper presents a novel deep learning based approach to tackle the problem of across unseen modalities. The proposed network is then applied to image alignment as an illustration. The proposed approach is designed as an end-to-end deep convolutional neural network to optimize the deep models to improve the performance. The proposed network has been evaluated in digit recognition when the model is trained on MNIST and then tested on unseen domain MNIST-M. Finally, the proposed method is benchmarked in image alignment problem when training on RGB images and testing on Depth and X-Ray images.

22.Leveraging Medical Visual Question Answering with Supporting Facts pdf

In this working notes paper, we describe IBM Research AI (Almaden) team's participation in the ImageCLEF 2019 VQA-Med competition. The challenge consists of four question-answering tasks based on radiology images. The diversity of imaging modalities, organs and disease types combined with a small imbalanced training set made this a highly complex problem. To overcome these difficulties, we implemented a modular pipeline architecture that utilized transfer learning and multi-task learning. Our findings led to the development of a novel model called Supporting Facts Network (SFN). The main idea behind SFN is to cross-utilize information from upstream tasks to improve the accuracy on harder downstream ones. This approach significantly improved the scores achieved in the validation set (18 point improvement in F-1 score). Finally, we submitted four runs to the competition and were ranked seventh.

23.Texture CNN for Histopathological Image Classification pdf

Biopsies are the gold standard for breast cancer diagnosis. This task can be improved by the use of Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems, reducing the time of diagnosis and reducing the inter and intra-observer variability. The advances in computing have brought this type of system closer to reality. However, datasets of Histopathological Images (HI) from biopsies are quite small and unbalanced what makes difficult to use modern machine learning techniques such as deep learning. In this paper we propose a compact architecture based on texture filters that has fewer parameters than traditional deep models but is able to capture the difference between malignant and benign tissues with relative accuracy. The experimental results on the BreakHis dataset have show that the proposed texture CNN achieves almost 90% of accuracy for classifying benign and malignant tissues.

24.Texture CNN for Thermoelectric Metal Pipe Image Classification pdf

In this paper, the concept of representation learning based on deep neural networks is applied as an alternative to the use of handcrafted features in a method for automatic visual inspection of corroded thermoelectric metallic pipes. A texture convolutional neural network (TCNN) replaces handcrafted features based on Local Phase Quantization (LPQ) and Haralick descriptors (HD) with the advantage of learning an appropriate textural representation and the decision boundaries into a single optimization process. Experimental results have shown that it is possible to reach the accuracy of 99.20% in the task of identifying different levels of corrosion in the internal surface of thermoelectric pipe walls, while using a compact network that requires much less effort in tuning parameters when compared to the handcrafted approach since the TCNN architecture is compact regarding the number of layers and connections. The observed results open up the possibility of using deep neural networks in real-time applications such as the automatic inspection of thermoelectric metal pipes.

25.Learning Navigation Subroutines by Watching Videos pdf

Hierarchies are an effective way to boost sample efficiency in reinforcement learning, and computational efficiency in classical planning. However, acquiring hierarchies via hand-design (as in classical planning) is suboptimal, while acquiring them via end-to-end reward based training (as in reinforcement learning) is unstable and still prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we pursue an alternate paradigm for acquiring such hierarchical abstractions (or visuo-motor subroutines), via use of passive first person observation data. We use an inverse model trained on small amounts of interaction data to pseudo-label the passive first person videos with agent actions. Visuo-motor subroutines are acquired from these pseudo-labeled videos by learning a latent intent-conditioned policy that predicts the inferred pseudo-actions from the corresponding image observations. We demonstrate our proposed approach in context of navigation, and show that we can successfully learn consistent and diverse visuo-motor subroutines from passive first-person videos. We demonstrate the utility of our acquired visuo-motor subroutines by using them as is for exploration, and as sub-policies in a hierarchical RL framework for reaching point goals and semantic goals. We also demonstrate behavior of our subroutines in the real world, by deploying them on a real robotic platform. Project website with videos, code and data: this https URL.

26.Segmentation of blood vessels in retinal fundus images pdf

In recent years, several automatic segmentation methods have been proposed for blood vessels in retinal fundus images, ranging from using cheap and fast trainable filters to complicated neural networks and even deep learning. One example of a filted-based segmentation method is B-COSFIRE. In this approach the image filter is trained with example prototype patterns, to which the filter becomes selective by finding points in a Difference of Gaussian response on circles around the center with large intensity variation. In this paper we discuss and evaluate several of these vessel segmentation methods. We take a closer look at B-COSFIRE and study the performance of B-COSFIRE on the recently published IOSTAR dataset by experiments and we examine how the parameter values affect the performance. In the experiment we manage to reach a segmentation accuracy of 0.9419. Based on our findings we discuss when B-COSFIRE is the preferred method to use and in which circumstances it could be beneficial to use a more (computationally) complex segmentation method. We also shortly discuss areas beyond blood vessel segmentation where these methods can be used to segment elongated structures, such as rivers in satellite images or nerves of a leaf.

27.Application of Different Simulated Spectral Data and Machine Learning to Estimate the Chlorophyll $a$ Concentration of Several Inland Waters pdf

Water quality is of great importance for humans and for the environment and has to be monitored continuously. It is determinable through proxies such as the chlorophyll $a$ concentration, which can be monitored by remote sensing techniques. This study focuses on the trade-off between the spatial and the spectral resolution of six simulated satellite-based data sets when estimating the chlorophyll $a$ concentration with supervised machine learning models. The initial dataset for the spectral simulation of the satellite missions contains spectrometer data and measured chlorophyll $a$ concentration of 13 different inland waters. Focusing on the regression performance, it appears that the machine learning models achieve almost as good results with the simulated Sentinel data as with the simulated hyperspectral data. Regarding the applicability, the Sentinel 2 mission is the best choice for small inland waters due to its high spatial and temporal resolution in combination with a suitable spectral resolution.

28.Stabilizing GANs with Octave Convolutions pdf

In this preliminary report, we present a simple but very effective technique to stabilize the training of CNN based GANs. Motivated by recently published methods using frequency decomposition of convolutions (e.g. Octave Convolutions), we propose a novel convolution scheme to stabilize the training and reduce the likelihood of a mode collapse. The basic idea of our approach is to split convolutional filters into additive high and low frequency parts, while shifting weight updates from low to high during the training. Intuitively, this method forces GANs to learn low frequency coarse image structures before descending into fine (high frequency) details. Our approach is orthogonal and complementary to existing stabilization methods and can simply plugged into any CNN based GAN architecture. First experiments on the CelebA dataset show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

29.Are Disentangled Representations Helpful for Abstract Visual Reasoning? pdf

A disentangled representation encodes information about the salient factors of variation in the data independently. Although it is often argued that this representational format is useful in learning to solve many real-world up-stream tasks, there is little empirical evidence that supports this claim. In this paper, we conduct a large-scale study that investigates whether disentangled representations are more suitable for abstract reasoning tasks. Using two new tasks similar to Raven's Progressive Matrices, we evaluate the usefulness of the representations learned by 360 state-of-the-art unsupervised disentanglement models. Based on these representations, we train 3600 abstract reasoning models and observe that disentangled representations do in fact lead to better up-stream performance. In particular, they appear to enable quicker learning using fewer samples.

30.Food for thought: Ethical considerations of user trust in computer vision pdf

In computer vision research, especially when novel applications of tools are developed, ethical implications around user perceptions of trust in the underlying technology should be considered and supported. Here, we describe an example of the incorporation of such considerations within the long-term care sector for tracking resident food and fluid intake. We highlight our recent user study conducted to develop a Goldilocks quality horizontal prototype designed to support trust cues in which perceived trust in our horizontal prototype was higher than the existing system in place. We discuss the importance and need for user engagement as part of ongoing computer vision-driven technology development and describe several important factors related to trust that are relevant to developing decision-making tools.

31.Learning the Non-linearity in Convolutional Neural Networks pdf

We propose the introduction of nonlinear operation into the feature generation process in convolutional neural networks. This nonlinearity can be implemented in various ways. First we discuss the use of nonlinearities in the process of data augmentation to increase the robustness of the neural networks recognition capacity. To this end, we randomly disturb the input data set by applying exponents within a certain numerical range to individual data points of the input space. Second we propose nonlinear convolutional neural networks where we apply the exponential operation to each element of the receptive field. To this end, we define an additional weight matrix of the same dimension as the standard kernel weight matrix. The weights of this matrix then constitute the exponents of the corresponding components of the receptive field. In the basic setting, we keep the weight parameters fixed during training by defining suitable parameters. Alternatively, we make the exponential weight parameters end-to-end trainable using a suitable parameterization. The network architecture is applied to time series analysis data set showing a considerable increase in the classification performance compared to baseline networks.

32.Complex-valued neural networks for machine learning on non-stationary physical data pdf

Deep learning has become an area of interest in most scientific areas, including physical sciences. Modern networks apply real-valued transformations on the data. Particularly, convolutions in convolutional neural networks discard phase information entirely. Many deterministic signals, such as seismic data or electrical signals, contain significant information in the phase of the signal. We explore complex-valued deep convolutional networks to leverage non-linear feature maps. Seismic data commonly has a lowcut filter applied, to attenuate noise from ocean waves and similar long wavelength contributions. Discarding the phase information leads to low-frequency aliasing analogous to the Nyquist-Shannon theorem for high frequencies. In non-stationary data, the phase content can stabilize training and improve the generalizability of neural networks. While it has been shown that phase content can be restored in deep neural networks, we show how including phase information in feature maps improves both training and inference from deterministic physical data. Furthermore, we show that the reduction of parameters in a complex network results in training on a smaller dataset without overfitting, in comparison to a real-valued network with the same performance.

33.Image Denoising with Graph-Convolutional Neural Networks pdf

Recovering an image from a noisy observation is a key problem in signal processing. Recently, it has been shown that data-driven approaches employing convolutional neural networks can outperform classical model-based techniques, because they can capture more powerful and discriminative features. However, since these methods are based on convolutional operations, they are only capable of exploiting local similarities without taking into account non-local self-similarities. In this paper we propose a convolutional neural network that employs graph-convolutional layers in order to exploit both local and non-local similarities. The graph-convolutional layers dynamically construct neighborhoods in the feature space to detect latent correlations in the feature maps produced by the hidden layers. The experimental results show that the proposed architecture outperforms classical convolutional neural networks for the denoising task.

34.Learning Multilingual Word Embeddings Using Image-Text Data pdf

There has been significant interest recently in learning multilingual word embeddings -- in which semantically similar words across languages have similar embeddings. State-of-the-art approaches have relied on expensive labeled data, which is unavailable for low-resource languages, or have involved post-hoc unification of monolingual embeddings. In the present paper, we investigate the efficacy of multilingual embeddings learned from weakly-supervised image-text data. In particular, we propose methods for learning multilingual embeddings using image-text data, by enforcing similarity between the representations of the image and that of the text. Our experiments reveal that even without using any expensive labeled data, a bag-of-words-based embedding model trained on image-text data achieves performance comparable to the state-of-the-art on crosslingual semantic similarity tasks.

35.Towards Real Scene Super-Resolution with Raw Images pdf

Most existing super-resolution methods do not perform well in real scenarios due to lack of realistic training data and information loss of the model input. To solve the first problem, we propose a new pipeline to generate realistic training data by simulating the imaging process of digital cameras. And to remedy the information loss of the input, we develop a dual convolutional neural network to exploit the originally captured radiance information in raw images. In addition, we propose to learn a spatially-variant color transformation which helps more effective color corrections. Extensive experiments demonstrate that super-resolution with raw data helps recover fine details and clear structures, and more importantly, the proposed network and data generation pipeline achieve superior results for single image super-resolution in real scenarios.

36.Deep Dilated Convolutional Nets for the Automatic Segmentation of Retinal Vessels pdf

The reliable segmentation of retinal vasculature can provide the means to diagnose and monitor the progression of a variety of diseases affecting the blood vessel network, including diabetes and hypertension. We leverage the power of convolutional neural networks to devise a reliable and fully automated method that can accurately detect, segment, and analyze retinal vessels. In particular, we propose a novel, fully convolutional deep neural network with an encoder-decoder architecture that employs dilated spatial pyramid pooling with multiple dilation rates to recover the lost content in the encoder and add multiscale contextual information to the decoder. We also propose a simple yet effective way of quantifying and tracking the widths of retinal vessels through direct use of the segmentation predictions. Unlike previous deep-learning-based approaches to retinal vessel segmentation that mainly rely on patch-wise analysis, our proposed method leverages a whole-image approach during training and inference, resulting in more efficient training and faster inference through the access of global content in the image. We have tested our method on three publicly available datasets, and our state-of-the-art results on both the DRIVE and CHASE-DB1 datasets attest to the effectiveness of our approach.

37.SpArSe: Sparse Architecture Search for CNNs on Resource-Constrained Microcontrollers pdf

The vast majority of processors in the world are actually microcontroller units (MCUs), which find widespread use performing simple control tasks in applications ranging from automobiles to medical devices and office equipment. The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to inject machine learning into many of these every-day objects via tiny, cheap MCUs. However, these resource-impoverished hardware platforms severely limit the complexity of machine learning models that can be deployed. For example, although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) achieve state-of-the-art results on many visual recognition tasks, CNN inference on MCUs is challenging due to severe finite memory limitations. To circumvent the memory challenge associated with CNNs, various alternatives have been proposed that do fit within the memory budget of an MCU, albeit at the cost of prediction accuracy. This paper challenges the idea that CNNs are not suitable for deployment on MCUs. We demonstrate that it is possible to automatically design CNNs which generalize well, while also being small enough to fit onto memory-limited MCUs. Our Sparse Architecture Search method combines neural architecture search with pruning in a single, unified approach, which learns superior models on four popular IoT datasets. The CNNs we find are more accurate and up to $4.35\times$ smaller than previous approaches, while meeting the strict MCU working memory constraint.

38.Fault Sneaking Attack: a Stealthy Framework for Misleading Deep Neural Networks pdf

Despite the great achievements of deep neural networks (DNNs), the vulnerability of state-of-the-art DNNs raises security concerns of DNNs in many application domains requiring high reliability.We propose the fault sneaking attack on DNNs, where the adversary aims to misclassify certain input images into any target labels by modifying the DNN parameters. We apply ADMM (alternating direction method of multipliers) for solving the optimization problem of the fault sneaking attack with two constraints: 1) the classification of the other images should be unchanged and 2) the parameter modifications should be minimized. Specifically, the first constraint requires us not only to inject designated faults (misclassifications), but also to hide the faults for stealthy or sneaking considerations by maintaining model accuracy. The second constraint requires us to minimize the parameter modifications (using L0 norm to measure the number of modifications and L2 norm to measure the magnitude of modifications). Comprehensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that the proposed framework can inject multiple sneaking faults without losing the overall test accuracy performance.

39.Unified Probabilistic Deep Continual Learning through Generative Replay and Open Set Recognition pdf

We introduce a unified probabilistic approach for deep continual learning based on variational Bayesian inference with open set recognition. Our model combines a probabilistic encoder with a generative model and a generative linear classifier that get shared across tasks. The open set recognition bounds the approximate posterior by fitting regions of high density on the basis of correctly classified data points and balances open-space risk with recognition errors. Catastrophic inference for both generative models is significantly alleviated through generative replay, where the open set recognition is used to sample from high density areas of the class specific posterior and reject statistical outliers. Our approach naturally allows for forward and backward transfer while maintaining past knowledge without the necessity of storing old data, regularization or inferring task labels. We demonstrate compelling results in the challenging scenario of incrementally expanding the single-head classifier for both class incremental visual and audio classification tasks, as well as incremental learning of datasets across modalities.

40.Effect of context in swipe gesture-based continuous authentication on smartphones pdf

This work investigates how context should be taken into account when performing continuous authentication of a smartphone user based on touchscreen and accelerometer readings extracted from swipe gestures. The study is conducted on the publicly available HMOG dataset consisting of 100 study subjects performing pre-defined reading and navigation tasks while sitting and walking. It is shown that context-specific models are needed for different smartphone usage and human activity scenarios to minimize authentication error. Also, the experimental results suggests that utilization of phone movement improves swipe gesture-based verification performance only when the user is moving.

41.Scene Induced Multi-Modal Trajectory Forecasting via Planning pdf

We address multi-modal trajectory forecasting of agents in unknown scenes by formulating it as a planning problem. We present an approach consisting of three models; a goal prediction model to identify potential goals of the agent, an inverse reinforcement learning model to plan optimal paths to each goal, and a trajectory generator to obtain future trajectories along the planned paths. Analysis of predictions on the Stanford drone dataset, shows generalizability of our approach to novel scenes.