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ArXiv cs.CV --Fri, 15 Feb 2019

1.Deep Generative Endmember Modeling: An Application to Unsupervised Spectral Unmixing pdf

Endmember (EM) spectral variability can greatly impact the performance of standard hyperspectral image analysis algorithms. Extended parametric models have been successfully applied to account for the EM spectral variability. However, these models still lack the compromise between flexibility and low-dimensional representation that is necessary to properly explore the fact that spectral variability is often confined to a low-dimensional manifold in real scenes. In this paper we propose to learn a spectral variability model directly form the observed data, instead of imposing it \emph{a priori}. This is achieved through a deep generative EM model, which is estimated using a variational autoencoder (VAE). The encoder and decoder that compose the generative model are trained using pure pixel information extracted directly from the observed image, what allows for an unsupervised formulation. The proposed EM model is applied to the solution of a spectral unmixing problem, which we cast as an alternating nonlinear least-squares problem that is solved iteratively with respect to the abundances and to the low-dimensional representations of the EMs in the latent space of the deep generative model. Simulations using both synthetic and real data indicate that the proposed strategy can outperform the competing state-of-the-art algorithms.

2.MultiGrain: a unified image embedding for classes and instances pdf

MultiGrain is a network architecture producing compact vector representations that are suited both for image classification and particular object retrieval. It builds on a standard classification trunk. The top of the network produces an embedding containing coarse and fine-grained information, so that images can be recognized based on the object class, particular object, or if they are distorted copies. Our joint training is simple: we minimize a cross-entropy loss for classification and a ranking loss that determines if two images are identical up to data augmentation, with no need for additional labels. A key component of MultiGrain is a pooling layer that allow us to take advantage of high-resolution images with a network trained at a lower resolution.
When fed to a linear classifier, the learned embeddings provide state-of-the-art classification accuracy. For instance, we obtain 79.3% top-1 accuracy with a ResNet-50 learned on Imagenet, which is a +1.7% absolute improvement over the AutoAugment method. When compared with the cosine similarity, the same embeddings perform on par with the state-of-the-art for image retrieval at moderate resolutions.

3.Instance Segmentation as Image Segmentation Annotation pdf

The instance segmentation problem intends to precisely detect and delineate objects in images. Most of the current solutions rely on deep convolutional neural networks but despite this fact proposed solutions are very diverse. Some solutions approach the problem as a network problem, where they use several networks or specialize a single network to solve several tasks. A different approach tries to solve the problem as an annotation problem, where the instance information is encoded in a mathematical representation. This work proposes a solution based in the DCME technique to solve the instance segmentation with a single segmentation network. Different from others, the segmentation network decoder is not specialized in a multi-task network. Instead, the network encoder is repurposed to classify image objects, reducing the computational cost of the solution.

4.Integrating Propositional and Relational Label Side Information for Hierarchical Zero-Shot Image Classification pdf

Zero-shot learning (ZSL) is one of the most extreme forms of learning from scarce labeled data. It enables predicting that images belong to classes for which no labeled training instances are available. In this paper, we present a new ZSL framework that leverages both label attribute side information and a semantic label hierarchy. We present two methods, lifted zero-shot prediction and a custom conditional random field (CRF) model, that integrate both forms of side information. We propose benchmark tasks for this framework that focus on making predictions across a range of semantic levels. We show that lifted zero-shot prediction can dramatically outperform baseline methods when making predictions within specified semantic levels, and that the probability distribution provided by the CRF model can be leveraged to yield further performance improvements when making unconstrained predictions over the hierarchy.

5.Exploring Frame Segmentation Networks for Temporal Action Localization pdf

Temporal action localization is an important task of computer vision. Though many methods have been proposed, it still remains an open question how to predict the temporal location of action segments precisely. Most state-of-the-art works train action classifiers on video segments pre-determined by action proposal. However, recent work found that a desirable model should move beyond segment-level and make dense predictions at a fine granularity in time to determine precise temporal boundaries. In this paper, we propose a Frame Segmentation Network (FSN) that places a temporal CNN on top of the 2D spatial CNNs. Spatial CNNs are responsible for abstracting semantics in spatial dimension while temporal CNN is responsible for introducing temporal context information and performing dense predictions. The proposed FSN can make dense predictions at frame-level for a video clip using both spatial and temporal context information. FSN is trained in an end-to-end manner, so the model can be optimized in spatial and temporal domain jointly. We also adapt FSN to use it in weakly supervised scenario (WFSN), where only video level labels are provided when training. Experiment results on public dataset show that FSN achieves superior performance in both frame-level action localization and temporal action localization.

6.Situation-Aware Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Spatio-Temporal Attention Model pdf

Pedestrian trajectory prediction is essential for collision avoidance in autonomous driving and robot navigation. However, predicting a pedestrian's trajectory in crowded environments is non-trivial as it is influenced by other pedestrians' motion and static structures that are present in the scene. Such human-human and human-space interactions lead to non-linearities in the trajectories. In this paper, we present a new spatio-temporal graph based Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network for predicting pedestrian trajectory in crowded environments, which takes into account the interaction with static (physical objects) and dynamic (other pedestrians) elements in the scene. Our results are based on two widely-used datasets to demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in human trajectory prediction. In particular, our method leads to a reduction in Average Displacement Error (ADE) and Final Displacement Error (FDE) of up to 55% and 61% respectively over state-of-the-art approaches.

7.Predicting Food Security Outcomes Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Satellite Tasking pdf

Obtaining reliable data describing local Food Security Metrics (FSM) at a granularity that is informative to policy-makers requires expensive and logistically difficult surveys, particularly in the developing world. We train a CNN on publicly available satellite data describing land cover classification and use both transfer learning and direct training to build a model for FSM prediction purely from satellite imagery data. We then propose efficient tasking algorithms for high resolution satellite assets via transfer learning, Markovian search algorithms, and Bayesian networks.

8.Highly Efficient Follicular Segmentation in Thyroid Cytopathological Whole Slide Image pdf

In this paper, we propose a novel method for highly efficient follicular segmentation of thyroid cytopathological WSIs. Firstly, we propose a hybrid segmentation architecture, which integrates a classifier into Deeplab V3 by adding a branch. A large amount of the WSI segmentation time is saved by skipping the irrelevant areas using the classification branch. Secondly, we merge the low scale fine features into the original atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) in Deeplab V3 to accurately represent the details in cytopathological images. Thirdly, our hybrid model is trained by a criterion-oriented adaptive loss function, which leads the model converging much faster. Experimental results on a collection of thyroid patches demonstrate that the proposed model reaches 80.9% on the segmentation accuracy. Besides, 93% time is reduced for the WSI segmentation by using our proposed method, and the WSI-level accuracy achieves 53.4%.

9.Structured Bayesian Compression for Deep models in mobile enabled devices for connected healthcare pdf

Deep Models, typically Deep neural networks, have millions of parameters, analyze medical data accurately, yet in a time-consuming method. However, energy cost effectiveness and computational efficiency are important for prerequisites developing and deploying mobile-enabled devices, the mainstream trend in connected healthcare.

10.Field of Interest Prediction for Computer-Aided Mitotic Count pdf

Manual counts of mitotic figures, which are determined in the tumor region with the highest mitotic activity, are a key parameter of most tumor grading schemes. It is however strongly dependent on the area selection. To reduce potential variability of prognosis due to this, we propose to use an algorithmic field of interest prediction to assess the area of highest mitotic activity in a whole-slide image. Methods: We evaluated two state-of-the-art methods, all based on the use of deep convolutional neural networks on their ability to predict the mitotic count in digital histopathology slides. We evaluated them on a novel dataset of 32 completely annotated whole slide images from canine cutaneous mast cell tumors (CMCT) and one publicly available human mamma carcinoma (HMC) dataset. We first compared the mitotic counts (MC) predicted by the two models with the ground truth MC on both data sets. Second, for the CMCT data set, we compared the computationally predicted position and MC of the area of highest mitotic activity with size-equivalent areas selected by eight veterinary pathologists. Results: We found a high correlation between the mitotic count as predicted by the models (Pearson's correlation coefficient between 0.931 and 0.962 for the CMCT data set and between 0.801 and 0.986 for the HMC data set) on the slides. For the CMCT data set, this is also reflected in the predicted position representing mitotic counts in mostly the upper quartile of the slide's ground truth MC distribution. Further, we found strong differences between experts in position selection. Conclusion: While the mitotic counts in areas selected by the experts substantially varied, both algorithmic approaches were consistently able to generate a good estimate of the area of highest mitotic count. To achieve better inter-rater agreement, we propose to use computer-based area selection for manual mitotic count.

11.Yelp Food Identification via Image Feature Extraction and Classification pdf

Yelp has been one of the most popular local service search engine in US since 2004. It is powered by crowd-sourced text reviews and photo reviews. Restaurant customers and business owners upload photo images to Yelp, including reviewing or advertising either food, drinks, or inside and outside decorations. It is obviously not so effective that labels for food photos rely on human editors, which is an issue should be addressed by innovative machine learning approaches. In this paper, we present a simple but effective approach which can identify up to ten kinds of food via raw photos from the challenge dataset. We use 1) image pre-processing techniques, including filtering and image augmentation, 2) feature extraction via convolutional neural networks (CNN), and 3) three ways of classification algorithms. Then, we illustrate the classification accuracy by tuning parameters for augmentations, CNN, and classification. Our experimental results show this simple but effective approach to identify up to 10 food types from images.

12.Improving Facial Emotion Recognition Systems Using Gradient and Laplacian Images pdf

In this work, we have proposed several enhancements to improve the performance of any facial emotion recognition (FER) system. We believe that the changes in the positions of the fiducial points and the intensities capture the crucial information regarding the emotion of a face image. We propose the use of the gradient and the Laplacian of the input image together with the original input into a convolutional neural network (CNN). These modifications help the network learn additional information from the gradient and Laplacian of the images. However, the plain CNN is not able to extract this information from the raw images. We have performed a number of experiments on two well known datasets KDEF and FERplus. Our approach enhances the already high performance of state-of-the-art FER systems by 3 to 5%.

13.Direct Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Cardiac and Chest CT pdf

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the global leading cause of death. A strong risk factor for CVD events is the amount of coronary artery calcium (CAC). To meet demands of the increasing interest in quantification of CAC, i.e. coronary calcium scoring, especially as an unrequested finding for screening and research, automatic methods have been proposed. Current automatic calcium scoring methods are relatively computationally expensive and only provide scores for one type of CT. To address this, we propose a computationally efficient method that employs two ConvNets: the first performs registration to align the fields of view of input CTs and the second performs direct regression of the calcium score, thereby circumventing time-consuming intermediate CAC segmentation. Optional decision feedback provides insight in the regions that contributed to the calcium score. Experiments were performed using 903 cardiac CT and 1,687 chest CT scans. The method predicted calcium scores in less than 0.3 s. Intra-class correlation coefficient between predicted and manual calcium scores was 0.98 for both cardiac and chest CT. The method showed almost perfect agreement between automatic and manual CVD risk categorization in both datasets, with a linearly weighted Cohen's kappa of 0.95 in cardiac CT and 0.93 in chest CT. Performance is similar to that of state-of-the-art methods, but the proposed method is hundreds of times faster. By providing visual feedback, insight is given in the decision process, making it readily implementable in clinical and research settings.

14.Spectral-Spatial Diffusion Geometry for Hyperspectral Image Clustering pdf

An unsupervised learning algorithm to cluster hyperspectral image (HSI) data is proposed that exploits spatially-regularized random walks. Markov diffusions are defined on the space of HSI spectra with transitions constrained to near spatial neighbors. The explicit incorporation of spatial regularity into the diffusion construction leads to smoother random processes that are more adapted for unsupervised machine learning than those based on spectra alone. The regularized diffusion process is subsequently used to embed the high-dimensional HSI into a lower dimensional space through diffusion distances. Cluster modes are computed using density estimation and diffusion distances, and all other points are labeled according to these modes. The proposed method has low computational complexity and performs competitively against state-of-the-art HSI clustering algorithms on real data. In particular, the proposed spatial regularization confers an empirical advantage over non-regularized methods.

15.Improving Deep Image Clustering With Spatial Transformer Layers pdf

Image clustering is an important but challenging task in machine learning. As in most image processing areas, the latest improvements came from models based on the deep learning approach. However, classical deep learning methods have problems to deal with spatial image transformations like scale and rotation. In this paper, we propose the use of visual attention techniques to reduce this problem in image clustering methods. We evaluate the combination of a deep image clustering model called Deep Adaptive Clustering (DAC) with the Visual Spatial Transformer Networks (STN). The proposed model is evaluated in the datasets MNIST and FashionMNIST and outperformed the baseline model in experiments.

16.Data-Driven Vehicle Trajectory Forecasting pdf

An active area of research is to increase the safety of self-driving vehicles. Although safety cannot be guarenteed completely, the capability of a vehicle to predict the future trajectories of its surrounding vehicles could help ensure this notion of safety to a greater deal. We cast the trajectory forecast problem in a multi-time step forecasting problem and develop a Convolutional Neural Network based approach to learn from trajectory sequences generated from completely raw dataset in real-time. Results show improvement over baselines.

17.An Algorithm Unrolling Approach to Deep Image Deblurring pdf

While neural networks have achieved vastly enhanced performance over traditional iterative methods in many cases, they are generally empirically designed and the underlying structures are difficult to interpret. The algorithm unrolling approach has helped connect iterative algorithms to neural network architectures. However, such connections have not been made yet for blind image deblurring. In this paper, we propose a neural network architecture that advances this idea. We first present an iterative algorithm that may be considered a generalization of the traditional total-variation regularization method on the gradient domain, and subsequently unroll the half-quadratic splitting algorithm to construct a neural network. Our proposed deep network achieves significant practical performance gains while enjoying interpretability at the same time. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms many state-of-the-art methods.

18.Semi-Supervised and Task-Driven Data Augmentation pdf

Supervised deep learning methods for segmentation require large amounts of labelled training data, without which they are prone to overfitting, not generalizing well to unseen images. In practice, obtaining a large number of annotations from clinical experts is expensive and time-consuming. One way to address scarcity of annotated examples is data augmentation using random spatial and intensity transformations. Recently, it has been proposed to use generative models to synthesize realistic training examples, complementing the random augmentation. So far, these methods have yielded limited gains over the random augmentation. However, there is potential to improve the approach by (i) explicitly modeling deformation fields (non-affine spatial transformation) and intensity transformations and (ii) leveraging unlabelled data during the generative process. With this motivation, we propose a novel task-driven data augmentation method where to synthesize new training examples, a generative network explicitly models and applies deformation fields and additive intensity masks on existing labelled data, modeling shape and intensity variations, respectively. Crucially, the generative model is optimized to be conducive to the task, in this case segmentation, and constrained to match the distribution of images observed from labelled and unlabelled samples. Furthermore, explicit modeling of deformation fields allow synthesizing segmentation masks and images in exact correspondence by simply applying the generated transformation to an input image and the corresponding annotation. Our experiments on cardiac magnetic resonance images (MRI) showed that, for the task of segmentation in small training data scenarios, the proposed method substantially outperforms conventional augmentation techniques.

19.Realistic Image Generation using Region-phrase Attention pdf

The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) has recently been applied to generate synthetic images from text. Despite significant advances, most current state-of-the-art algorithms are regular-grid region based; when attention is used, it is mainly applied between individual regular-grid regions and a word. These approaches are sufficient to generate images that contain a single object in its foreground, such as a "bird" or "flower". However, natural languages often involve complex foreground objects and the background may also constitute a variable portion of the generated image. Therefore, the regular-grid based image attention weights may not necessarily concentrate on the intended foreground region(s), which in turn, results in an unnatural looking image. Additionally, individual words such as "a", "blue" and "shirt" do not necessarily provide a full visual context unless they are applied together. For this reason, in our paper, we proposed a novel method in which we introduced an additional set of attentions between true-grid regions and word phrases. The true-grid region is derived using a set of auxiliary bounding boxes. These auxiliary bounding boxes serve as superior location indicators to where the alignment and attention should be drawn with the word phrases. Word phrases are derived from analysing Part-of-Speech (POS) results. We perform experiments on this novel network architecture using the Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MSCOCO) dataset and the model generates $256 \times 256$ conditioned on a short sentence description. Our proposed approach is capable of generating more realistic images compared with the current state-of-the-art algorithms.

20.Object Detection and 3D Estimation via an FMCW Radar Using a Fully Convolutional Network pdf

This paper considers object detection and 3D estimation using an FMCW radar. The state-of-the-art deep learning framework is employed instead of using traditional signal processing. In preparing the radar training data, the ground truth of an object orientation in 3D space is provided by conducting image analysis, of which the images are obtained through a coupled camera to the radar device. To ensure successful training of a fully convolutional network (FCN), we propose a normalization method, which is found to be essential to be applied to the radar signal before feeding into the neural network. The system after proper training is able to first detect the presence of an object in an environment. If it does, the system then further produces an estimation of its 3D position. Experimental results show that the proposed system can be successfully trained and employed for detecting a car and further estimating its 3D position in a noisy environment.

21.Multi-Kernel Prediction Networks for Denoising of Burst Images pdf

In low light or short-exposure photography the image is often corrupted by noise. While longer exposure helps reduce the noise, it can produce blurry results due to the object and camera motion. The reconstruction of a noise-less image is an ill posed problem. Recent approaches for image denoising aim to predict kernels which are convolved with a set of successively taken images (burst) to obtain a clear image. We propose a deep neural network based approach called Multi-Kernel Prediction Networks (MKPN) for burst image denoising. MKPN predicts kernels of not just one size but of varying sizes and performs fusion of these different kernels resulting in one kernel per pixel. The advantages of our method are two fold: (a) the different sized kernels help in extracting different information from the image which results in better reconstruction and (b) kernel fusion assures retaining of the extracted information while maintaining computational efficiency. Experimental results reveal that MKPN outperforms state-of-the-art on our synthetic datasets with different noise levels.

22.Deep Learning for Bridge Load Capacity Estimation in Post-Disaster and -Conflict Zones pdf

Many post-disaster and -conflict regions do not have sufficient data on their transportation infrastructure assets, hindering both mobility and reconstruction. In particular, as the number of aging and deteriorating bridges increase, it is necessary to quantify their load characteristics in order to inform maintenance and prevent failure. The load carrying capacity and the design load are considered as the main aspects of any civil structures. Human examination can be costly and slow when expertise is lacking in challenging scenarios. In this paper, we propose to employ deep learning as method to estimate the load carrying capacity from crowd sourced images. A new convolutional neural network architecture is trained on data from over 6000 bridges, which will benefit future research and applications. We tackle significant variations in the dataset (e.g. class interval, image completion, image colour) and quantify their impact on the prediction accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score. Finally, practical optimisation is performed by converting multiclass classification into binary classification to achieve a promising field use performance.

23.DeepIrisNet2: Learning Deep-IrisCodes from Scratch for Segmentation-Robust Visible Wavelength and Near Infrared Iris Recognition pdf

We first, introduce a deep learning based framework named as DeepIrisNet2 for visible spectrum and NIR Iris representation. The framework can work without classical iris normalization step or very accurate iris segmentation; allowing to work under non-ideal situation. The framework contains spatial transformer layers to handle deformation and supervision branches after certain intermediate layers to mitigate overfitting. In addition, we present a dual CNN iris segmentation pipeline comprising of a iris/pupil bounding boxes detection network and a semantic pixel-wise segmentation network. Furthermore, to get compact templates, we present a strategy to generate binary iris codes using DeepIrisNet2. Since, no ground truth dataset are available for CNN training for iris segmentation, We build large scale hand labeled datasets and make them public; i) iris, pupil bounding boxes, ii) labeled iris texture. The networks are evaluated on challenging ND-IRIS-0405, UBIRIS.v2, MICHE-I, and CASIA v4 Interval datasets. Proposed approach significantly improves the state-of-the-art and achieve outstanding performance surpassing all previous methods.

24.Fingerprint Recognition under Missing Image Pixels Scenario pdf

This work observed the problem of fingerprint image recognition in the case of missing pixels from the original image. The possibility of missing pixels recovery is tested by applying the Compressive Sensing approach. Namely, different percentage of missing pixels is observed and the image reconstruction is done by applying commonly used approach for sparse image reconstruction. The theory is verified by experiments, showing successful image reconstruction and later person identification even if less then 90% of the image pixels is missing.

25.Face Recognition using Compressive Sensing pdf

This paper deals with the Compressive Sensing implementation in the Face Recognition problem. Compressive Sensing is new approach in signal processing with a single goal to recover signal from small set of available samples. Compressive Sensing finds its usage in many real applications as it lowers the memory demand and acquisition time, and therefore allows dealing with huge data in the fastest manner. In this paper, the undersampled signal is recovered using the algorithm based on Total Variation minimization. The theory is verified with an experimental results using different percentage of signal samples.

26.Simultaneous x, y Pixel Estimation and Feature Extraction for Multiple Small Objects in a Scene: A Description of the ALIEN Network pdf

We present a deep-learning network that detects multiple small objects (hundreds to thousands) in a scene while simultaneously estimating their x,y pixel locations together with a characteristic feature-set (for instance, target orientation and color). All estimations are performed in a single, forward pass which makes implementing the network fast and efficient. In this paper, we describe the architecture of our network --- nicknamed ALIEN --- and detail its performance when applied to vehicle detection.

27.License Plate Recognition with Compressive Sensing Based Feature Extraction pdf

License plate recognition is the key component to many automatic traffic control systems. It enables the automatic identification of vehicles in many applications. Such systems must be able to identify vehicles from images taken in various conditions including low light, rain, snow, etc. In order to reduce the complexity and cost of the hardware required for such devices, the algorithm should be as efficient as possible. This paper proposes a license plate recognition system which uses a new approach based on compressive sensing techniques for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction. Dimensionality reduction will enable precise classification with less training data while demanding less computational power. Based on the extracted features, character recognition and classification is done by a Support Vector Machine classifier.

28.Understanding Beauty via Deep Facial Features pdf

The concept of beauty has been debated by philosophists and psychologists for centuries, but most definitions are subjective and metaphysical, and deficit in accuracy, generality, and scalability. In this paper, we present a novel study on mining beauty semantics of facial attributes based on big data, with an attempt to objectively construct descriptions of beauty in a quantitative manner. We first deploy a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract facial attributes, and then investigate correlations between these features and attractiveness on two large-scale datasets labelled with beauty scores. Not only do we discover the secrets of beauty verified by statistical significance tests, our findings also align perfectly with existing psychological studies that, e.g., small nose, high cheekbones, and femininity contribute to attractiveness. We further leverage these high-level representations to original images by a generative adversarial network (GAN). Beauty enhancements after synthesis are visually compelling and statistically convincing verified by a user survey of 10,000 data points.

29.Improving Dense Crowd Counting Convolutional Neural Networks using Inverse k-Nearest Neighbor Maps and Multiscale Upsampling pdf

Gatherings of thousands to millions of people occur frequently for an enormous variety of events, and automated counting of these high density crowds is used for safety, management, and measuring significance of these events. In this work, we show that the regularly accepted labeling scheme of crowd density maps for training deep neural networks is less effective than our alternative inverse k-nearest neighbor (i$k$NN) maps, even when used directly in existing state-of-the-art network structures. We also provide a new network architecture MUD-i$k$NN, which uses multi-scale upsampling via transposed convolutions to take full advantage of the provided i$k$NN labeling. This upsampling combined with the i$k$NN maps further outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods. The full label comparison emphasizes the importance of the labeling scheme, with the i$k$NN labeling being particularly effective. We demonstrate the accuracy of our MUD-i$k$NN network and the i$k$NN labeling scheme on a variety of datasets.

30.Learning icons appearance similarity pdf

Selecting an optimal set of icons is a crucial step in the pipeline of visual design to structure and navigate through content. However, designing the icons sets is usually a difficult task for which expert knowledge is required. In this work, to ease the process of icon set selection to the users, we propose a similarity metric which captures the properties of style and visual identity. We train a Siamese Neural Network with an online dataset of icons organized in visually coherent collections that are used to adaptively sample training data and optimize the training process. As the dataset contains noise, we further collect human-rated information on the perception of icon's similarity which will be used for evaluating and testing the proposed model. We present several results and applications based on searches, kernel visualizations and optimized set proposals that can be helpful for designers and non-expert users while exploring large collections of icons.

31.UrbanFM: Inferring Fine-Grained Urban Flows pdf

Urban flow monitoring systems play important roles in smart city efforts around the world. However, the ubiquitous deployment of monitoring devices, such as CCTVs, induces a long-lasting and enormous cost for maintenance and operation. This suggests the need for a technology that can reduce the number of deployed devices, while preventing the degeneration of data accuracy and granularity. In this paper, we aim to infer the real-time and fine-grained crowd flows throughout a city based on coarse-grained observations. This task is challenging due to two reasons: the spatial correlations between coarse- and fine-grained urban flows, and the complexities of external impacts. To tackle these issues, we develop a method entitled UrbanFM based on deep neural networks. Our model consists of two major parts: 1) an inference network to generate fine-grained flow distributions from coarse-grained inputs by using a feature extraction module and a novel distributional upsampling module; 2) a general fusion subnet to further boost the performance by considering the influences of different external factors. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets, namely TaxiBJ and HappyValley, validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method compared to seven baselines, demonstrating the state-of-the-art performance of our approach on the fine-grained urban flow inference problem.

32.Robust Encoder-Decoder Learning Framework towards Offline Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition Based on Multi-Scale Deep Neural Network pdf

Offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition is a challenging task, because handwritten mathematical expressions mainly have two problems in the process of recognition. On one hand, it is how to correctly recognize different mathematical symbols. On the other hand, it is how to correctly recognize the two-dimensional structure existing in mathematical expressions. Inspired by recent work in deep learning, a new neural network model that combines a Multi-Scale convolutional neural network (CNN) with an Attention recurrent neural network (RNN) is proposed to identify two-dimensional handwritten mathematical expressions as one-dimensional LaTeX sequences. As a result, the model proposed in the present work has achieved a WER error of 25.715% and ExpRate of 28.216%.

33.A Tangent Distance Preserving Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm pdf

This paper considers the problem of nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Unlike existing methods, such as LLE, ISOMAP, which attempt to unfold the true manifold in the low dimensional space, our algorithm tries to preserve the nonlinear structure of the manifold, and shows how the manifold is folded in the high dimensional space. We call this method Tangent Distance Preserving Mapping (TDPM). TDPM uses tangent distance instead of geodesic distance, and then applies MDS to the tangent distance matrix to map the manifold into a low dimensional space in which we can get its nonlinear structure.

34.Sparse and noisy LiDAR completion with RGB guidance and uncertainty pdf

This work proposes a new method to accurately complete sparse LiDAR maps guided by RGB images. For autonomous vehicles and robotics the use of LiDAR is indispensable in order to achieve precise depth predictions. A multitude of applications depend on the awareness of their surroundings, and use depth cues to reason and react accordingly. On the one hand, monocular depth prediction methods fail to generate absolute and precise depth maps. On the other hand, stereoscopic approaches are still significantly outperformed by LiDAR based approaches. The goal of the depth completion task is to generate dense depth predictions from sparse and irregular point clouds which are mapped to a 2D plane. We propose a new framework which extracts both global and local information in order to produce proper depth maps. We argue that simple depth completion does not require a deep network. However, we additionally propose a fusion method with RGB guidance from a monocular camera in order to leverage object information and to correct mistakes in the sparse input. This improves the accuracy significantly. Moreover, confidence masks are exploited in order to take into account the uncertainty in the depth predictions from each modality. This fusion method outperforms the state-of-the-art and ranks first on the KITTI depth completion benchmark. Our code with visualizations is available.

35.Dynamical system based obstacle avoidance via manipulating orthogonal coordinates pdf

In this paper, we consider the general problem of obstacle avoidance based on dynamical system. The modulation matrix is developed by introducing orthogonal coordinates, which makes the modulation matrix more reasonable. The new trajectory's direction can be represented by the linear combination of orthogonal coordinates. A orthogonal coordinates manipulating approach is proposed by introducing rotating matrix to solve the local minimal problem and provide more reasonable motions in 3-D or higher dimension space. Experimental results on several designed dynamical systems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

36.Automatic Labeled LiDAR Data Generation based on Precise Human Model pdf

Following improvements in deep neural networks, state-of-the-art networks have been proposed for human recognition using point clouds captured by LiDAR. However, the performance of these networks strongly depends on the training data. An issue with collecting training data is labeling. Labeling by humans is necessary to obtain the ground truth label; however, labeling requires huge costs. Therefore, we propose an automatic labeled data generation pipeline, for which we can change any parameters or data generation environments. Our approach uses a human model named Dhaiba and a background of Miraikan and consequently generated realistic artificial data. We present 500k+ data generated by the proposed pipeline. This paper also describes the specification of the pipeline and data details with evaluations of various approaches.

37.Breast Cancer: Model Reconstruction and Image Registration from Segmented Deformed Image using Visual and Force based Analysis pdf

Breast lesion localization using tactile imaging is a new and developing direction in medical science. To achieve the goal, proper image reconstruction and image registration can be a valuable asset. In this paper, a new approach of the segmentation-based image surface reconstruction algorithm is used to reconstruct the surface of a breast phantom. In breast tissue, the sub-dermal vein network is used as a distinguishable pattern for reconstruction. The proposed image capturing device contacts the surface of the phantom, and surface deformation will occur due to applied force at the time of scanning. A novel force based surface rectification system is used to reconstruct a deformed surface image to its original structure. For the construction of the full surface from rectified images, advanced affine scale-invariant feature transform (A-SIFT) is proposed to reduce the affine effect in time when data capturing. Camera position based image stitching approach is applied to construct the final original non-rigid surface. The proposed model is validated in theoretical models and real scenarios, to demonstrate its advantages with respect to competing methods. The result of the proposed method, applied to path reconstruction, ends with a positioning accuracy of 99.7%

38.Deep HVS-IQA Net: Human Visual System Inspired Deep Image Quality Assessment Networks pdf

In image quality enhancement processing, it is the most important to predict how humans perceive processed images since human observers are the ultimate receivers of the images. Thus, objective image quality assessment (IQA) methods based on human visual sensitivity from psychophysical experiments have been extensively studied. Thanks to the powerfulness of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), many CNN based IQA models have been studied. However, previous CNN-based IQA models have not fully utilized the characteristics of human visual systems (HVS) for IQA problems by simply entrusting everything to CNN where the CNN-based models are often trained as a regressor to predict the scores of subjective quality assessment obtained from IQA datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel HVS-inspired deep IQA network, called Deep HVS-IQA Net, where the human psychophysical characteristics such as visual saliency and just noticeable difference (JND) are incorporated at the front-end of the Deep HVS-IQA Net. To our best knowledge, our work is the first HVS-inspired trainable IQA network that considers both the visual saliency and JND characteristics of HVS. Furthermore, we propose a rank loss to train our Deep HVS-IQA Net effectively so that perceptually important features can be extracted for image quality prediction. The rank loss can penalize the Deep HVS-IQA Net when the order of its predicted quality scores is different from that of the ground truth scores. We evaluate the proposed Deep HVS-IQA Net on large IQA datasets where it outperforms all the recent state-of-the-art IQA methods.

39.On instabilities of deep learning in image reconstruction - Does AI come at a cost? pdf

Deep learning, due to its unprecedented success in tasks such as image classification, has emerged as a new tool in image reconstruction with potential to change the field. In this paper we demonstrate a crucial phenomenon: deep learning typically yields unstablemethods for image reconstruction. The instabilities usually occur in several forms: (1) tiny, almost undetectable perturbations, both in the image and sampling domain, may result in severe artefacts in the reconstruction, (2) a small structural change, for example a tumour, may not be captured in the reconstructed image and (3) (a counterintuitive type of instability) more samples may yield poorer performance. Our new stability test with algorithms and easy to use software detects the instability phenomena. The test is aimed at researchers to test their networks for instabilities and for government agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to secure safe use of deep learning methods.

40.Box-level Segmentation Supervised Deep Neural Networks for Accurate and Real-time Multispectral Pedestrian Detection pdf

Effective fusion of complementary information captured by multi-modal sensors (visible and infrared cameras) enables robust pedestrian detection under various surveillance situations (e.g. daytime and nighttime). In this paper, we present a novel box-level segmentation supervised learning framework for accurate and real-time multispectral pedestrian detection by incorporating features extracted in visible and infrared channels. Specifically, our method takes pairs of aligned visible and infrared images with easily obtained bounding box annotations as input and estimates accurate prediction maps to highlight the existence of pedestrians. It offers two major advantages over the existing anchor box based multispectral detection methods. Firstly, it overcomes the hyperparameter setting problem occurred during the training phase of anchor box based detectors and can obtain more accurate detection results, especially for small and occluded pedestrian instances. Secondly, it is capable of generating accurate detection results using small-size input images, leading to improvement of computational efficiency for real-time autonomous driving applications. Experimental results on KAIST multispectral dataset show that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in terms of both accuracy and speed.

41.Computed tomography data collection of the complete human mandible and valid clinical ground truth models pdf

Image-based algorithmic software segmentation is an increasingly important topic in many medical fields. Algorithmic segmentation is used for medical three-dimensional visualization, diagnosis or treatment support, especially in complex medical cases. However, accessible medical databases are limited, and valid medical ground truth databases for the evaluation of algorithms are rare and usually comprise only a few images. Inaccuracy or invalidity of medical ground truth data and image-based artefacts also limit the creation of such databases, which is especially relevant for CT data sets of the maxillomandibular complex. This contribution provides a unique and accessible data set of the complete mandible, including 20 valid ground truth segmentation models originating from 10 CT scans from clinical practice without artefacts or faulty slices. From each CT scan, two 3D ground truth models were created by clinical experts through independent manual slice-by-slice segmentation, and the models were statistically compared to prove their validity. These data could be used to conduct serial image studies of the human mandible, evaluating segmentation algorithms and developing adequate image tools.

42.3D Graph Embedding Learning with a Structure-aware Loss Function for Point Cloud Semantic Instance Segmentation pdf

This paper introduces a novel approach for 3D semantic instance segmentation on point clouds. A 3D convolutional neural network called submanifold sparse convolutional network is used to generate semantic predictions and instance embeddings simultaneously. To obtain discriminative embeddings for each 3D instance, a structure-aware loss function is proposed which considers both the structure information and the embedding information. To get more consistent embeddings for each 3D instance, attention-based k nearest neighbour (KNN) is proposed to assign different weights for different neighbours. Based on the attention-based KNN, we add a graph convolutional network after the sparse convolutional network to get refined embeddings. Our network can be trained end-to-end. A simple mean-shift algorithm is utilized to cluster refined embeddings to get final instance predictions. As a result, our framework can output both the semantic prediction and the instance prediction. Experiments show that our approach outperforms all state-of-art methods on ScanNet benchmark and NYUv2 dataset.

43.Long and Short Memory Balancing in Visual Co-Tracking using Q-Learning pdf

Employing one or more additional classifiers to break the self-learning loop in tracing-by-detection has gained considerable attention. Most of such trackers merely utilize the redundancy to address the accumulating label error in the tracking loop, and suffer from high computational complexity as well as tracking challenges that may interrupt all classifiers (e.g. temporal occlusions). We propose the active co-tracking framework, in which the main classifier of the tracker labels samples of the video sequence, and only consults auxiliary classifier when it is uncertain. Based on the source of the uncertainty and the differences of two classifiers (e.g. accuracy, speed, update frequency, etc.), different policies should be taken to exchange the information between two classifiers. Here, we introduce a reinforcement learning approach to find the appropriate policy by considering the state of the tracker in a specific sequence. The proposed method yields promising results in comparison to the best tracking-by-detection approaches.

44.Non-contact photoplethysmogram and instantaneous heart rate estimation from infrared face video pdf

Extracting the instantaneous heart rate (iHR) from face videos has been well studied in recent years. It is well known that changes in skin color due to blood flow can be captured using conventional cameras. One of the main limitations of methods that rely on this principle is the need of an illumination source. Moreover, they have to be able to operate under different light conditions. One way to avoid these constraints is using infrared cameras, allowing the monitoring of iHR under low light conditions. In this work, we present a simple, principled signal extraction method that recovers the iHR from infrared face videos. We tested the procedure on 7 participants, for whom we recorded an electrocardiogram simultaneously with their infrared face video. We checked that the recovered signal matched the ground truth iHR, showing that infrared is a promising alternative to conventional video imaging for heart rate monitoring, especially in low light conditions. Code is available at this https URL

45.DeeperLab: Single-Shot Image Parser pdf

We present a single-shot, bottom-up approach for whole image parsing. Whole image parsing, also known as Panoptic Segmentation, generalizes the tasks of semantic segmentation for 'stuff' classes and instance segmentation for 'thing' classes, assigning both semantic and instance labels to every pixel in an image. Recent approaches to whole image parsing typically employ separate standalone modules for the constituent semantic and instance segmentation tasks and require multiple passes of inference. Instead, the proposed DeeperLab image parser performs whole image parsing with a significantly simpler, fully convolutional approach that jointly addresses the semantic and instance segmentation tasks in a single-shot manner, resulting in a streamlined system that better lends itself to fast processing. For quantitative evaluation, we use both the instance-based Panoptic Quality (PQ) metric and the proposed region-based Parsing Covering (PC) metric, which better captures the image parsing quality on 'stuff' classes and larger object instances. We report experimental results on the challenging Mapillary Vistas dataset, in which our single model achieves 31.95% (val) / 31.6% PQ (test) and 55.26% PC (val) with 3 frames per second (fps) on GPU or near real-time speed (22.6 fps on GPU) with reduced accuracy.

46.Learning to Control Self-Assembling Morphologies: A Study of Generalization via Modularity pdf

Contemporary sensorimotor learning approaches typically start with an existing complex agent (e.g., a robotic arm), which they learn to control. In contrast, this paper investigates a modular co-evolution strategy: a collection of primitive agents learns to dynamically self-assemble into composite bodies while also learning to coordinate their behavior to control these bodies. Each primitive agent consists of a limb with a motor attached at one end. Limbs may choose to link up to form collectives. When a limb initiates a link-up action and there is another limb nearby, the latter is magnetically connected to the 'parent' limb's motor. This forms a new single agent, which may further link with other agents. In this way, complex morphologies can emerge, controlled by a policy whose architecture is in explicit correspondence with the morphology. We evaluate the performance of these 'dynamic' and 'modular' agents in simulated environments. We demonstrate better generalization to test-time changes both in the environment, as well as in the agent morphology, compared to static and monolithic baselines. Project videos and code are available at this https URL

47.Unsupervised Visuomotor Control through Distributional Planning Networks pdf

While reinforcement learning (RL) has the potential to enable robots to autonomously acquire a wide range of skills, in practice, RL usually requires manual, per-task engineering of reward functions, especially in real world settings where aspects of the environment needed to compute progress are not directly accessible. To enable robots to autonomously learn skills, we instead consider the problem of reinforcement learning without access to rewards. We aim to learn an unsupervised embedding space under which the robot can measure progress towards a goal for itself. Our approach explicitly optimizes for a metric space under which action sequences that reach a particular state are optimal when the goal is the final state reached. This enables learning effective and control-centric representations that lead to more autonomous reinforcement learning algorithms. Our experiments on three simulated environments and two real-world manipulation problems show that our method can learn effective goal metrics from unlabeled interaction, and use the learned goal metrics for autonomous reinforcement learning.

48.Predicting Ergonomic Risks During Indoor Object Manipulation Using Spatiotemporal Convolutional Networks pdf

Automated real-time prediction of the ergonomic risks of manipulating objects is a key unsolved challenge in developing effective human-robot collaboration systems for logistics and manufacturing applications. We present a foundational paradigm to address this challenge by formulating the problem as one of action segmentation from RGB-D camera videos. Spatial features are first learned using a deep convolutional model from the video frames, which are then fed sequentially to temporal convolutional networks to semantically segment the frames into a hierarchy of actions, which are either ergonomically safe, require monitoring, or need immediate attention. For performance evaluation, in addition to an open-source kitchen dataset, we collected a new dataset comprising twenty individuals picking up and placing objects of varying weights to and from cabinet and table locations at various heights. Results show very high (87-94)% F1 overlap scores among the ground truth and predicted frame labels for videos lasting over two minutes and comprising a large number of actions.

49.On the Convergence of Extended Variational Inference for Non-Gaussian Statistical Models pdf

Variational inference (VI) is a widely used framework in Bayesian estimation. For most of the non-Gaussian statistical models, it is infeasible to find an analytically tractable solution to estimate the posterior distributions of the parameters. Recently, an improved framework, namely the extended variational inference (EVI), has been introduced and applied to derive analytically tractable solution by employing lower-bound approximation to the variational objective function. Two conditions required for EVI implementation, namely the weak condition and the strong condition, are discussed and compared in this paper. In practical implementation, the convergence of the EVI depends on the selection of the lower-bound approximation, no matter with the weak condition or the strong condition. In general, two approximation strategies, the single lower-bound (SLB) approximation and the multiple lower-bounds (MLB) approximation, can be applied to carry out the lower-bound approximation. To clarify the differences between the SLB and the MLB, we will also discuss the convergence properties of the aforementioned two approximations. Extensive comparisons are made based on some existing EVI-based non-Gaussian statistical models. Theoretical analysis are conducted to demonstrate the differences between the weak and the strong conditions. Qualitative and quantitative experimental results are presented to show the advantages of the SLB approximation.