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But when I try to add a regexp like ([^)].*) it messes up with for example lpar matching.
I think it's related.
At start of input file there is :
version: 0.5f
0.5f regexp (not present in file) matches a lot of things.
So in the next line
alphabetFile: missionAlphabet.xpr
will be matched by the 0.5f regexp
Sample (can be run) code :
importcom.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.combinators.*importcom.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.grammar.Grammarimportcom.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.grammar.parseToEndimportcom.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.grammar.parserimportcom.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.lexer.literalTokenimportcom.github.h0tk3y.betterParse.lexer.regexTokeninterfaceLinedata classVersion(valvalue:String) : Line
data classAlphabetFile(valfile:String) : Line
sealedclassExpressiondata classTileMap(valwidth:Int, valheight:Int) : Expression()
data classGraph(valsymbols:List<Symbol>) : Expression()
sealedclassSymboldata classNode(valid:Int, valname:String, valconstructor: Constructor) : Symbol()
//data class Edge(val id: String, val name: String, val source: String, val target: String) : Symbol// Assignment or BooleanExpressionsealedclassArgumentdata classAssignment(valvariable:String, valvalue:Any) : Argument()
data classConstructor(valarguments:List<Argument>)
data classStart(valexpression:Expression) : Line
data classRule(valname:String, valtype:Expression) : Line
data classGGrammar(
valrule:List<Rule>) {
overridefuntoString(): String {
returnlistOf(version, alphabetFile, start, rule.joinToString("\n")).joinToString("\n")
object GrammarParser2 : Grammar<GGrammar>() {
// literal firstprivateval versionLiteral by literalToken("version: ")
privateval version by literalToken("0.5f") // badprivateval alphabetFileLiteral by literalToken("alphabetFile: ")
privateval alphabet by literalToken("missionAlphabet.xpr") // badprivateval startLiteral by literalToken("start: ")
privateval graphLiteral by literalToken("GRAPH")
privateval tileMapLiteral by literalToken("TILEMAP")
privateval rule by literalToken("rule: ")
privateval colon by literalToken(":")
privateval lpar by literalToken("(")
privateval rpar by literalToken(")")
privateval set by literalToken("=")
privateval coma by literalToken(", ")
// main grammar parsersval versionParser by (versionLiteral and parser(this::version)) use { Version(t2.text) }
val alphabetParser by (alphabetFileLiteral and parser(this::alphabet)) use { AlphabetFile(t2.text) }
val tileMapParser by (tileMapLiteral and-parser(this::ws) and parser(this::integer) and-parser(this::ws) and parser(this::integer)) use { TileMap(t2.text.toInt(), t3.text.toInt()) }
val assignmentParser by (parser(this::word) and-set and (parser(this::word) or parser(this::integer))) use { Assignment(t1.text, t2.text) }
val constructorParser by (lpar and separatedTerms(assignmentParser, coma) and rpar) use { Constructor(t2) }
val nodeParser by (parser(this::integer) and-colon and parser(this::word) and constructorParser) use { Node(t1.text.toInt(), t2.text, t3 ) }
val graphParser by (graphLiteral and-parser(this::ws) and nodeParser) use { Graph(listOf(t2)) }
val expressionParser = (tileMapParser or graphParser)
val startParser by (startLiteral and expressionParser ) map { Start(it.t2) }
alphabetFile: missionAlphabet.xpr
val ruleParser by separatedTerms((-rule and parser(this::word) and set and expressionParser) use { Rule(t1.text, t3) }, parser(this::NEWLINE))
// regex lastprivatevalNEWLINE by regexToken("\n")
privateval integer by regexToken("\\d+")
privateval word by regexToken("\\w+")
privateval ws by regexToken("\\s+", ignore =true)
overrideval rootParser by (
versionParser *-NEWLINE*
alphabetParser *-NEWLINE*
startParser *-NEWLINE*
).map {
GGrammar(it.t1, it.t2, it.t3, it.t4)
funmain() {
val text =""" version: 0.5f alphabetFile: missionAlphabet.xpr start: GRAPH 0:Start(var=12, y=20) rule: StartBonus = GRAPH 1:entrance(x=2, y=3)""".trimIndent()
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Found out by myself for the constructor part, using optional and acceptZero = true
data classFunction(valname:String, valarguments:List<Argument>)
data classConstructor(valarguments:List<Argument>)
object test : Grammar<Function>() {
privateval lpar by literalToken("(")
privateval rpar by literalToken(")")
privateval set by literalToken("=")
privateval coma by literalToken(", ")
privateval variable by regexToken("\\w+")
privateval string by regexToken("\"\\w+\"")
privateval integer by regexToken("\\d+")
privateval ws by regexToken("\\s+", ignore =true)
val assignmentParser by (variable and set and ( variable or integer or string )) use { Assignment(t1.text,
when (t3.type) {
variable -> t3.text
integer -> t3.text.toInt()
string -> t3.text
else->throwIllegalStateException("unkown type ${t3.type}")
val constructorParser by (lpar and separatedTerms(assignmentParser, coma, acceptZero =true) and rpar) use { Constructor(t2) }
privateval functionParser by (variable and optional(constructorParser)) use { Function(t1.text, t2?.arguments ?: emptyList())}
overrideval rootParser by functionParser
funmain() {
println(test.parseToEnd("hello(x=\"pouet\", y=2)"))
I have some questions about regexTokens and not parsing some parts of an input.
See file at bottom for reference.
In main() there is a line to parse :
But StartBonus may have a constructor like in entrance, which may
be empty, like in
Or it can have things inside, but I do not want to parse them. I want to ignore them.
But when I try to add a regexp like ([^)].*) it messes up with for example lpar matching.
I think it's related.
At start of input file there is :
0.5f regexp (not present in file) matches a lot of things.
So in the next line
will be matched by the 0.5f regexp
Sample (can be run) code :
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: