Development of the famous game called Tic Tac Toe with PWA using Angular
- Angular
- Typescript
- Sharing Data Between Components
- Reusing Components
- Conditionals Directives
- Array Data Structure
- Progressive Web Apps
- Hard Coded CSS
Here you describe how to run your project locally
Here you list all prerequisites necessary for running your project. For example:
How to clone your project
git clone
How to start your project
cd tic-tac-toe-pwa-angular
npm install
How to run your project
Run ng serve for a dev server.
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/.
The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Here you will explain how other developers can contribute to your project. For example, explaining how can create their branches, which patterns to follow and how to open an pull request
git clone
git checkout -b feature/NAME
- Follow commit patterns
- Open a Pull Request explaining the problem solved or feature made, if exists, append screenshot of visual modifications and wait for the review!