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PAM Module Instructions

Pier Fumagalli edited this page Feb 13, 2015 · 5 revisions

Build and install by running make install.

Then add this line to your PAM configuration file:

auth required

Run the google-authenticator binary to create a new secret key in your home directory.

If your system supports the "libqrencode" library, you will be shown a QRCode that you can scan using the Android "Google Authenticator" application. If your system does not have this library, you have to manually enter the alphanumeric secret key into the Android "Google Authenticator" application. In either case, after you have added the key, click-and-hold until the context menu shows. Then check that the key's verification value matches.

Each time you log into your system, you will now be prompted for your TOTP code (timebased one-time-password) after having entered your normal user id and your normal UNIX account password.

For more details, see the README.

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