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Marco Poletti edited this page Aug 6, 2017 · 10 revisions


Fruit's only dependency is on the Boost hashset/hashmap implementation. Even that is optional: you can switch to the STL implementation by passing the flag -DFRUIT_USES_BOOST=False to CMake. In any case, the Boost library is only required when building Fruit itself and not when building code that uses Fruit.

Also, Fruit uses many C++11 features so you need to use a relatively recent compiler in C++11 mode (or later). This is not just to build Fruit itself, but also to build any code that uses Fruit.

The supported compiler/STL/OS combinations are:

  • GCC 5.0.0 or later on Linux and OS X
  • MinGW's GCC 5.0.0 or later on Windows
  • Clang 3.5 or later using stdlibc++ (GCC's STL) on Linux
  • Clang 3.5 or later using libc++ on Linux and OS X
  • MSVC 2017 or later on Windows

That said, any C++11-compliant compiler should work on any platform.

Compilers known not to work due to a lacking C++11 support and/or compiler bugs:

If you find any other compiler/platform where Fruit doesn't work, feel free to contact me and I can take a look.

Prebuilt packages

Prebuilt packages for Fedora, openSUSE, Ubuntu, Debian and various other distributions are available. These packages are built using GCC, and they may not work if you want to compile your project with Clang or other compilers. In that case, see the section below on how to compile Fruit manually.

Choose your distribution here

After following the instructions there, to install the headers (necessary to compile programs that use Fruit):

  • For Fedora, openSUSE, RHEL, CentOS, SLE: install the libfruit-devel package.
  • For *Ubuntu, Debian: install the fruit-dev package.
  • For Arch: nothing to do, the headers are already installed.

I will write packages or build files for other distributions on request. Or if you write one, please send it to me and I will publish it here.

Building Fruit manually

In most cases you can (and should) use the prebuilt packages instead, see the previous section.

With CMake, on Linux/OS X

For building Fruit, you'll need to have cmake and make installed, together with a recent version of GCC/Clang (see above).

First, get the code from Github:

To configure and build:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . && make -j

Or if you don't want to use Boost:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFRUIT_USES_BOOST=False . && make -j

To install (under Linux this uses /usr/local):

sudo make install

To configure for installation in a specific directory, e.g. /usr:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr . && make -j

The above instructions are the simplest to get started, but out-of-source builds are also supported.

With MSVC, on Windows

You can import Fruit in Visual Studio (2017 and later) as a CMake project. You need to set the relevant CMake flags in the CMakeSettings.json file that Visual Studio will create. For example, if you installed Boost in C:\boost\boost_1_62_0, you can put this configuration in your CMakeSettings.json:

    "configurations": [
            "name": "x64-Release",
            "generator": "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64",
            "configurationType": "Release",
            "buildRoot": "${env.LOCALAPPDATA}\\CMakeBuild\\${workspaceHash}\\build\\${name}",
            "cmakeCommandArgs": "-DBOOST_DIR=C:\\boost\\boost_1_62_0 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release",
            "buildCommandArgs": "-m -v:minimal"

Or if you don't want to use Boost, you can use:

    "configurations": [
            "name": "x64-Release",
            "generator": "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64",
            "configurationType": "Release",
            "buildRoot": "${env.LOCALAPPDATA}\\CMakeBuild\\${workspaceHash}\\build\\${name}",
            "cmakeCommandArgs": "-DFRUIT_USES_BOOST=False -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release",
            "buildCommandArgs": "-m -v:minimal"

You can now run CMake within Visual Studio (from the menu: CMake -> Cache -> Generate -> CMakeLists.txt) and build Fruit (from the menu: CMake -> Build All).

For more information (e.g. how to run Fruit tests in MSVC) see the file.

With Bazel, on Linux

Building with Bazel is also supported. You should import the fruit/extras/bazel_root directory, not the Fruit root. See the file for more details.