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Payment Driver ‐ Test Scenarios

golmek edited this page Jul 27, 2023 · 18 revisions

All tests are run with multi transactions on or off (with exceptions). Check status at the end.

Test Number Preconditions Description Steps Expected Result Error Code
1 TBD Single token transfer transaction -> account1 TBD Account1 balance changed accordingly TBD
2 TBD Multiple token transfer transactions to one account (account1) TBD Account1 balance changed accordingly TBD
3 TBD Token transfer to different accounts (without duplications) TBD Check accounts balance after finish TBD
4 TBD Multiple token transfers to multiple accounts (with duplications) TBD Check accounts balance after finish TBD
5 TBD Single transaction when no gas on account (test can be duplicated with small amount of gas) TBD Status of the driver is no gas left (with information how much you have and how much you need) Suggested code eror: ErrorBiedak{msg: "Jesteś biedakiem"}
6 TBD Single transaction when no token on account (test can be duplicated with small amount of token) TBD Status of the driver is no token left. TBD
7 TBD Single transaction that you can not sign (due to missing private key in config) TBD Status of invalid transaction due to impossiblity of signing it. TBD
8 TBD Transaction with wrong chain id TBD Status of invalid transaction due to missing chain id in configuration? TBD
9 TBD Transaction to null address TBD Invalid transaction due to trying to send to zero. TBD
10 Blockchain in high gas state. Single transaction with gas limit set low, after deadline TBD transaction is stuck - probably due to high gas conditions. TBD
11 TBD Wrong nonce (other transaction done in the same moment) TBD Invalid transaction due to wrong nonce. TBD
12 TBD Test scenario with cancelling transaction: 1. Transaction is stuck due to low gas price 2. Transaction is cancelled and retried (it should be exactly the same transaction) TBD New transaction is send instead of old X
13 TBD Test scenario with cancelling transaction and lowering gas between 1st and 2st step: 1. Transaction is stuck due to low gas price 2. Transaction is cancelled and retried, but in the middle old transaction is processed TBD New transaction has wrong nonce error, but driver detects that old transaction is processed and succeeded (all token transfers points now to old transaction) TBD
14 TBD The same as 12 but with 3 transactions (chaining). Details to be thinked of. Test scenario with cancelling transaction and lowering gas between 1st and 2st step 1. Transaction is stuck due to low gas price 2. Transaction is cancelled and retried, but in the middle old transaction is processed TBD New transaction has wrong nonce error, but driver detects that old transaction is processed and succeeded (all token transfers points now to old transaction) TBD
15 TBD Single transaction wrong nonce (because of external transaction) Start two instances at once. TBD Random one should succeed and other should have invalid transaction due to wrong nonce. TBD
16 TBD Load tests (for example 100000 transactions to be processed) TBD TBD TBD

This tests can be preformed in different configurations (for example payments generated during the run)


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