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See the Scikit-HEP Developer introduction for a detailed description of best practices for developing Scikit-HEP packages.


Building from source

This repository has dependencies in submodules. Check out the repository like this:

git clone --recursive
cd boost-histogram
Faster version (click to expand)
git clone
cd boost-histogram
git submodule update --init --depth 10

Development environment


While developers often work in CMake, the "correct" way to develop a python package is in a virtual environment. This is how you would set one up with Python's built-in venv:

python3 -m venv .env
source ./.env/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -ve .[all]
Optional: External Jupyter kernel (click to expand)

You can set up a kernel for external Jupyter then deactivate your environment:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name boost-hist

Now, you can run notebooks using your system JupyterLab, and it will list the environment as available!

To rebuild, rerun pip install -ve . from the environment, if the commit has changed, you will get a new build. Due to the -e, Python changes do not require a rebuild.


CMake is common for C++ development, and ties nicely to many C++ tools, like IDEs. If you want to use it for building, you can. Make a build directory and run CMake. If you have a specific Python you want to use, add -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(which python) or similar to the CMake line. If you need help installing the latest CMake version, visit this page; one option is to use pip to install CMake.

Note: Since setuptools uses a subdirectory called build, it is slightly better to avoid making your CMake directory build as well. Also, you will often have multiple CMake directories (build-release, build-debug, etc.), so avoiding the descriptive name build is not a bad idea.

You have three options for running code in python:

  1. Run from the build directory (only works with some commands, like python -m pytest, and not others, like pytest
  2. Add the build directory to your PYTHONPATH environment variable
  3. Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to your site-packages and install (recommended for virtual environments).

Here is the recommendation for a CMake install:

python3 -m venv env_cmake
source ./env_cmake/bin/activate
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
cmake -S . -B build-debug \
    -GNinja \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(python -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=False,standard_lib=False))")
cmake --build build-debug -j4
cmake --install build-debug # Option 3 only

Note that option 3 will require reinstalling if the python files change, while options 1-2 will not if you have a recent version of CMake (symlinks are made).

This could be simplified if pybind11 supported the new CMake FindPython tools.


Run the unit tests (requires pytest and NumPy).

python3 -m pytest

For CMake, you can also use the test target from anywhere, or use python3 -m pytest or ctest from the build directory.

The build requires setuptools_scm. The tests require numpy, pytest, and pytest-benchmark. pytest-sugar adds some nice formatting.


You can enable benchmarking with --benchmark-enable when running tests. You can also run explicit performance tests with scripts/

python3 -m pytest --benchmark-enable --benchmark-sort fullname

For example, if you want to benchmark before and after a change:

python3 -m pytest --benchmark-enable --benchmark-autosave
# Make change
python3 -m pytest --benchmark-enable --benchmark-autosave

pytest-benchmark compare 0001 0002 --sort fullname --histogram

Note, while the histogram option (--histogram) is nice, it does require pygal and pygaljs to be installed. Feel free to leave it off if not needed.


Code should be well formatted; CI will check it and one of the authors can help reformat your code. If you want to check it yourself, you should use pre-commit.

Just install pre-commit, probably using brew on macOS or pip on other platforms, then run:

pre-commit install

Now all changed files will be checked every time you git commit. You can check it yourself (even without installing the hooks) using:

pre-commit run --all-files

We do not check check-manifest every time locally, since it is slow. You can trigger this manual check with:

pre-commit run --all-files --hook-stage manual check-manifest

Developers should update the pre-commit dependencies once in a while, you can do this automatically with:

pre-commit autoupdate

Note about skipping Docker

Pre-commit uses docker to ensure a consistent run of clang-format. If you do not want to install/run Docker, you should use SKIP=docker-clang-format when running pre-commit, and instead run clang-format -style=file -i <files> yourself.


To run Clang tidy, the following recipe should work. Files will be modified in place, so you can use git to monitor the changes.

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/pybind11 -it silkeh/clang:10
apt-get update && apt-get install python3-dev
cmake -S pybind11/ -B build -DCMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY="$(which clang-tidy);-fix"
cmake --build build

Remember to build single-threaded if applying fixes!

Include what you use

To run include what you use, install (brew install include-what-you-use on macOS), then run:

cmake -S . -B build-iwyu -DCMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE=$(which include-what-you-use)
cmake --build build

Common tasks

Updating dependencies (click to expand)

This will checkout new versions of the dependencies. Example given using the fish shell.

for f in *
    cd $f
    git fetch
    git checkout boost-1.75.0 || echo "Not found"
    cd ..
Making a new release (click to expand)
  • Finish merging open PRs that you want in the new version
  • Add most recent changes to the docs/
  • Sync master with develop using git checkout master; git merge develop --ff-only and push
  • Make sure the full wheel build runs on master without issues (will happen automatically on push to master)
  • Make the GitHub release in the GitHub UI. Copy the changelog entries and links for that version; this has to be done as part of the release and tag procedure for archival tools (Zenodo) to pick them up correctly.
    • Title should be "Version <version number>"
    • Version tag should be "v" + major + "." + minor + "." + patch.
  • GHA will build and send to PyPI for you when you release.
  • Conda-forge will automatically make a PR to update within an hour or so, and it will merge automatically if it passes.
Making a compiler flamegraph (click to expand)

This requires LLVM 9+, and is based on this post.

brew install llvm         # macOS way to get clang-9
python3 -m venv .env_core # general environment (no install will be made)
. .env_core/bin/activate
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
CXX="/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++" cmake -S . -B build-llvm \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-ftime-trace" \
    -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(which python)
cmake --build build-llvm/

Now open a browser with SpeedScope, and load one of the files.

Adding a contributor (click to expand)

First, you need to install the all contributor CLI:

yarn add --dev all-contributors-cli

Then, you can add contributors:

yarn all-contributors add henryiii maintenance,code,doc