All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Make measurements dynamic based on font-size (Changed base font-size from 10px to 16px) (341eb39)
- Added
No Options found
if items passed is an empty array. (31b1865) - Added prop
which show add option for search input along with items. Default:false
. (31b1865) - Added prop
which removes the border present between the each option in the list. Default:false
. (31b1865) - Added prop
which disables the component. Default:false
. (31b1865) - Added props
, which enables support for the tooltip in the component label. (31b1865)
- OTP Copy Paste Support (341eb39)
- Storybook and Documentation Link change (21d74db)
- Pagination Bugfixes (4046ee1)
- Bugfixes (7725416)
- Table component now customizable to allow users to freeze particular columns and make others scrollable (4e94362)
- Pagination component now supports a top and bottom type along with configurable sizes (bb1a8ad)
- Pagination type fixes (fb26553)
- Bugfixes in Button component for disabled states (39a5614)
- Dropdown bugfixes (0456b45)
- Date Picker component added(5621f49)
- Support for column divider in Table (2305ce0)
- Support for custom node values in Paginaton (a653eca)
- Bundle size reduced (c8620e4)
- Design system upgrade(5621f49)
- feat: added changelog page in storybook(ff2e7cc)
- fix: styling loading issue fix in drogon (4bd6a61)
- eslint setup done, fixed lint errors from different files (90488997)
- treeshaking for cjs and esm
- added name prop in input and tab activeindex fix (baeb131e)
- some pagination test cases added for increasing coverage
- z-index added in theme
- css refactoring - px to rem for all components
- autocomplete,badge,button,card components px to rm done
- font size changed to 10px, alert fixed accordingly
- dropdown,pagination, tabitem fixes
- common css removed from base file to avoid dublicates
- link button added, tabItem padding fix
- fixed placeholder and tooltip issue (65c9b14)