- BOTs Engine and New Framework
- BOTs Input/Output Extractor
- Import Scripts from Git and add into BOTs Gallery
- Auto Configuration of CI/CD Dashboard
- Tagging Instances while Launching
- Git Integration
- UI Enhancements in BOT
- Configuring Sensu server in Blueprints
- BOTs Console
- Python Script Orchestrator
- Self Service Portal - Start/Stop Instances
- Audit Trail for BOTs
- WorkFlow Scheduler- Parallel and Sequential
- Cloud Management - Capacity Report
- Telemetry Enhancements - SAE Dashboards
- Improved 'Design' page written in AngularJS
- Bots Library
- Cloud Management - Daily/Weekly/Monthly cost and usage reports and trends
- Provider wise listing of unassigned instances in track
- New Wizard for setup
- Audit Trail for docker containers
- Composite blueprints enhancements
- Audit log trail implementation
- Script executor implementation
- Chef node import improvements
- Critical Bug Fixes
- Composite blueprints implementation - To design and launch a complete application stack
- Critical Bug Fixes
- Improved GUI with AngularJS
- Script Executor to enbale execution of shell scripts on selected instances
- Role based discovery of instances
- RDS and S3 Report from AWS Account
- Update AWS tags from Catalyst
- Instance Level Cost and Usage Dashboards
- Option to edit and clone blueprints
- Attribute Editor for Blueprints
- AWS tag based allocation of instances
- Promote feature for Application Deployments
- Introducing IAM based authorization to AWS account
- Import Instances from AWS
- Application Deployment using Blueprints
- Hardening application deployment history
- Security Fixes
- Security Fixes
- Dashboards for AWS Summary and Cost
- VMware Support - VM provisioning and management
- Bootstrap instances with Puppet
Docs : http://catalyst.readthedocs.org
- Initial public release