diff --git a/ADQLLib/README.md b/ADQLLib/README.md
index db26010c..5d30caaa 100644
--- a/ADQLLib/README.md
+++ b/ADQLLib/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,95 @@
-## Build commands
+# Preamble
-- Building a JAR:
- - `gradle jar`: build the JAR file with no manifest.
- - `gradle runnableJar`: build a runnable JAR file (i.e. with a manifest).
\ No newline at end of file
+This project aims to provide a Java library to parse, manipulate and translate
+ADQL queries. It is called _ADQLLib_ and is part of the VOLLT library-set.
+ADQL stands for Astronomical Data Query Language. It is a language developed by
+the [IVOA](http://www.ivoa.net/ "International Virtual Observatory Alliance").
+The standard describing this language is available at
+This library currently supports the following versions of this language:
+- [v2.1](https://www.ivoa.net/Documents/ADQL/20231107/index.html)
+- [v2.0](https://www.ivoa.net/Documents/cover/ADQL-20081030.html)
+# About this library
+- **Java version:** 8 or more
+- **ADQL grammar language:** [JavaCC](https://javacc.github.io/javacc/)
+- **License:** [LGPL v3 license](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html)
+- **Supported SQL translations:** PostgreSQL, PgSphere, MySQL, SQLServer.
+- [Online documentation](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/adqltuto/)
+- [Online parser/validator](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/adqltuto/validator.html)
+# Usage examples
+In addition to the online documentation and the Javadoc, one may find simple
+usage examples in the directory [examples/](examples) of this repository.
+For the moment, only examples on how to parse an ADQL query are available:
+- [Parse a query](examples/adql/example/parse/A_SimpleQueryParsing.java)
+- [Parse an ADQL clause](examples/adql/example/parse/B_SimpleClauseParsing.java)
+- [Handle parse errors](examples/adql/example/parse/C_HandleParseException.java)
+- [Declare an optional features](examples/adql/example/parse/D_DeclareOptionalFeatures.java)
+- [Declare a UDF](examples/adql/example/parse/E_DeclareUDF.java)
+# Build the library
+This project uses [Gradle](https://gradle.org/) as build automation tool. It
+is configured for this project in [build.gradle](build.gradle). All dependencies
+declared in this configuration are automatically resolved. It also includes
+configuration for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA ; for Visual Studio Code one may
+install an extension such as [Gradle for Java](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscjava.vscode-gradle).
+To use Gradle, one may install it on its own computer (see
+[installation instructions](https://gradle.org/install/) in the Gradle website).
+Alternatively, one may simply use the provided [gradlew](../gradlew) script
+(or [gradlew.bat](../gradlew.bat) for Windows) to run exactly the same build
+commands. This latter will download Gradle in the temporary hidden directory
+dedicated to this project [.gradle/](../.gradle). This way, you are always
+guaranteed to use exactly the same version of Gradle used by the source code
+Here are the main available commands:
+_**Note:** To simplify, the Gradle binary command used below is `gradle`, but it
+can be substituted by `../gradlew` or `../gradlew.bat` depending on your
+- Generate final products:
+ - JAR file: `gradle jar`
+ - Runnable JAR file: `gradle runnableJar`
+ - Distribution ZIP/TAR (JAR + all dependencies): `gradle distZip`
+ _(or `gradle distTar`)_
+ - Documentation (Javadoc): `gradle javadoc`
+- Build classes:
+ - All classes and ADQL parsers: `gradle build`
+ - Only the ADQL parsers (JavaCC): `gradle compileJavacc`
+- Run tests (Junit): `gradle test`
+- Remove all generated files: `gradle clean`
+- List all available Gradle tasks: `gradle tasks`
+# Contribution
+I strongly encourage you **to declare any issue you encounter**
+[here](https://github.com/gmantele/taplib/issues). Thus, anybody who has the
+same problem can see whether his/her problem is already known. If the problem is
+known, the progress and/or comments about its resolution will be published.
+In addition, if you have forked this repository and made some corrections on
+your side which are likely to interest any other user of the libraries, please,
+consider **sending a pull request**
+[here](https://github.com/gmantele/taplib/pulls). If these modifications are
+compatible with the IVOA definition and are not too specific to your usecase,
+they will be integrated (maybe after some modifications) on this repository and
+thus made available to everyone potentially interested too.
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index d6fb1287..3bfb334d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,92 +1,83 @@
+# Preamble
+This GitHub repository contains the sources of the library-set named VOLLT. It
+contains 3 libraries implementing [IVOA](http://www.ivoa.net/ "International Virtual Observatory Alliance")
+standards and protocols:
-This GitHub repository contains the sources of 3 libraries implementing [IVOA](http://www.ivoa.net/ "International Virtual Observatory Alliance") standards and protocols:
-* [ADQL](http://www.ivoa.net/documents/latest/ADQL.html "Astronomical Data Query Language")
+* [ADQL-2.1](http://www.ivoa.net/documents/ADQL/20180112/index.html "Astronomical Data Query Language")
* [UWS-1.1](http://www.ivoa.net/documents/UWS/20161024/index.html "Universal Worker Service pattern")
* [TAP](http://www.ivoa.net/documents/TAP/ "Table Access Protocol")
-### Documentation
-For a complete documentation/tutorial and a demo of the 3 libraries you should visit the following websites: [ADQLTuto](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/adqltuto), [UWSTuto](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/uwstuto) and [TAPTuto](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/taptuto).
+# About these libraries
-### Java version
-These libraries are developed in **Java 7**.
+- **Java version:** 8 or more
+- **License:** [LGPL v3 license](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html)
-### License
-The three of these libraries are under the terms of the [LGPL v3 license](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html). You can find the full description and all the conditions of use in the files src/COPYING and src/COPYING.LESSER.
+- Online documentations:
+ - [for ADQLLib](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/adqltuto/)
+ - [for UWSLib](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/uwstuto/)
+ - [for TAPLib](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/taptuto/)
-I strongly encourage you **to declare any issue you encounter** [here](https://github.com/gmantele/taplib/issues). Thus anybody who has the same problem can see whether his/her problem is already known. If the problem is known the progress and/or comments about its resolution will be published.
+# Build the library
-In addition, if you have forked this repository and made some corrections on your side which are likely to interest any other user of the libraries, please, **send a pull request** [here](https://github.com/gmantele/taplib/pulls). If these modifications are in adequation with the IVOA definition and are not too specific to your usecase, they will be integrated (maybe after some modifications) on this repository and thus made available to everybody.
+This project uses [Gradle](https://gradle.org/) as build automation tool. It
+is configured for each project in its `build.gradle`. All dependencies
+declared in this configuration are automatically resolved. It also includes
+configuration for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA ; for Visual Studio Code one may
+install an extension such as [Gradle for Java](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscjava.vscode-gradle).
-Repository content
+To use Gradle, one may install it on its own computer (see
+[installation instructions](https://gradle.org/install/) in the Gradle website).
+Alternatively, one may simply use the provided [gradlew](gradlew) script
+(or [gradlew.bat](gradlew.bat) for Windows) to run exactly the same build
+commands. This latter will download Gradle in the temporary hidden directory
+dedicated to this project [.gradle/](.gradle). This way, you are always
+guaranteed to use exactly the same version of Gradle used by the source code
-### Libraries
-Each library has its own package (`adql` for ADQL, `uws` for UWS and `tap` for TAP). These packages are independent except `tap` which needs the two other packages. In addition to these packages, you will also find `cds` which is a dependency for the libraries.
+Gradle commands can be applied to a single project or to all of them:
-### Dependencies
-Below are summed up the dependencies of each library:
+- For a single project, two possibilities:
+ 1. Go inside the project directory and merely run the command
+ (ex: `cd ADQLLib && gradle jar`).
+ 2. Prefix the command to run with the project name
+ (ex: `gradle :ADQLLib:jar`).
-| | ADQL | UWS | TAP |
-| Package `adql` | X | | X |
-| Package `cds.utils` | X | | X |
-| Postgres JDBC Driver | X | | X |
-| Package `uws` | | X | X |
-| JSON library | | X | X |
-| HTTP Servlet API | | X | X |
-| HTTP Multipart Library | | X | X |
-| Packages `cds.*` | | | X |
-| STIL Library | | | X |
+- For all projects: just run the command on the root level
-In the `lib` directory, you will find 3 JAR files:
-* The *HTTP Multipart Library*: `commons-fileupload-1.3.3.jar` (and `commons-io-2.6.jar`). This library helps dealing with uploads.
-* The *[STIL Library](http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/stil/)*: `stil_3.3-2.jar` (i.e. packages `nom.tap`, `org.apache.tools.bzip2`, `uk.ac.starlink`). This library helps supporting VOTable (read and write) and some other output formats.
-* The *JSON Library*: `json-20180813.jar` (i.e. the former included package `org.json`). This library helps manipulating JSON content. _This library was already used (before v4.4 of UWS-Lib and v2.3 of TAP-Lib) but it was included in the sources instead of being considered as an external library._
+Here are the main available commands for all libraries:
-The *Postgres JDBC Driver* is needed ONLY IF you want to use (and keep) `adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator`. You can get this driver on the [PostgreSQL website](https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html). The required package for the ADQL and TAP libraries is `org.postgresql` (and particularly the class `org.postgresql.Driver`).
+_**Note:** To simplify, the Gradle binary command used below is `gradle`, but it
+can be substituted by `../gradlew` or `../gradlew.bat` depending on your
-The *HTTP Servlet API* is generally available in the libraries coming along the Web Application Server you are using. For instance, for Tomcat, it is in the directory `lib` (or `/var/lib/tomcat-x/lib` if installed with Aptitude on a Linux system ; `x` is the version number of Tomcat). The required package for the UWS and TAP library is `javax.servlet`.
+- Generate final products:
+ - JAR file: `gradle jar`
+ - Runnable JAR file: `gradle runnableJar`
+ - Distribution ZIP/TAR (JAR + all dependencies): `gradle distZip`
+ _(or `gradle distTar`)_
+ - Documentation (Javadoc): `gradle javadoc`
-*__Note:__ The Postgres JDBC Driver and the HTTP Servlet API are not provided in this Git repository in order to avoid version incompatibility with the host system (i.e. your machine when you checkout/clone/fork this repository).*
+- Build classes: `gradle build`
-### JUnit
+- Run tests (Junit): `gradle test`
-The sources of these three libraries come with some JUnit test files. You can find them in the `test` directory.
+- Remove all generated files: `gradle clean`
-If you are using Eclipse (or maybe also with another Integrated Development Environment), JUnit is generally already available. Then you can directly execute and compile the provided JUnit test files. So you do not need the two libraries mentionned just below.
+- List all available Gradle tasks: `gradle tasks`
-Otherwise, you will need to get the JUnit library. Generally it is provided with the JDK, but you can find the corresponding JAR also on the [JUnit website](https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/Download-and-Install).
+# Contribution
-You may also need another library called `hamcrest`. You can find this one on its [Maven repository](http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|g%3Aorg.hamcrest) ; just to be sure to have everything needed, just take `hamcrest-all` as a JAR.
+I strongly encourage you **to declare any issue you encounter**
+[here](https://github.com/gmantele/taplib/issues). Thus, anybody who has the
+same problem can see whether his/her problem is already known. If the problem is
+known, the progress and/or comments about its resolution will be published.
-*__Note:__ The JUnit and Hamcrest libraries are not provided in this Git repository in order to avoid version incompatibility with the host system (i.e. your machine when you checkout/clone/fork this repository).*
-### ANT scripts
-At the root of the repository, there are 3 ANT scripts. Each is dedicated to one library. They are able to generate JAR for sources, binaries and Javadoc.
-4 properties must be set before using one of these scripts:
-* `POSTGRES` *only for ADQL and TAP if you want to keep adql.translator.PgSphereTranslator*: a path toward a JAR or a binary directory containing all `org.postgresql.*` - [https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html](JDBC Postgres driver)
-* `SERVLET-API` *only for UWS and TAP*: a path toward a JAR or a binary directory containing all `javax.servlet.*`
-* `JUNIT-API` *not required if you are not interested by running the JUnit tests*: a path toward one or several JARs or binary directories containing all classes to use JUnit.
-* `JNDI-API` *only for TAP AND only if you are interested by running the JUnit tests*: a path toward one or several JARs or binary directories containing all classes to run a JNDI. Several libraries exist for that ; [Simple-JNDI](https://code.google.com/archive/p/osjava/wikis/SimpleJNDI.wiki) is very simple and is used by the libraries developer to run the related JUnit tests.
-*__Note:__ No JNDI library is provided in this Git repository because any JNDI Library may work and there is no reason to impose a specific one. Besides, similarly as the other libraries required to compile the sources, it lets avoiding version incompatibility with the host system (i.e. your machine when you checkout/clone/fork this repository).*
-All of these ANT scripts have the following main targets:
-* `junitValidation`: Executes all JUnit tests related to the target library and stop ANT at any error. If the target library is TAP, the JUnit tests of the three libraries are run.
-* `buildLib` *DEFAULT*: run the JUnit tests and if they are all successful, compile the target library's classes and build a JAR file with them and their dependencies.
-* `buildLibAndSrc`: same as `buildLib` + building of a JAR file containing all the sources and the required libraries.
-* `buildJavadoc`: generate a JAR containing the Javadoc of the target library's classes.
-* `buildAll`: equivalent of `buildLibAndSrc` and `buildJavadoc` together. The result is 3 JARs: one with the compiled classes, one with the corresponding sources and the last one with the Javadoc.
-### Gradle build
-The code can be built with Gradle, either as a jar file to be included in other projects
-or as a war file to be deployed in Tomcat.
+In addition, if you have forked this repository and made some corrections on
+your side which are likely to interest any other user of the libraries, please,
+consider **sending a pull request**
+[here](https://github.com/gmantele/taplib/pulls). If these modifications are
+compatible with the IVOA definition and are not too specific to your usecase,
+they will be integrated (maybe after some modifications) on this repository and
+thus made available to everyone potentially interested too.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TAPLib/README.md b/TAPLib/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae4962df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TAPLib/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Preamble
+This project aims to provide a Java library to set up a TAP service. It is
+called _TAPLib_ and is part of the VOLLT library-set.
+# TAP
+TAP stands for Table Access Protocol. It is a protocol developed by
+the [IVOA](http://www.ivoa.net/ "International Virtual Observatory Alliance").
+The standard describing this protocol is available at
+This library currently supports version
+# About this library
+- **Java version:** 8 or more
+- **License:** [LGPL v3 license](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html)
+- **Supported ADQL versions:** v2.0 and v2.1.
+- [Online documentation](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/taptuto/)
+# Usage examples
+In addition to the online documentation and the Javadoc, one may find simple
+usage examples in the directory [examples/](examples) of this repository.
+For the moment, only examples on how to parse an ADQL query are available:
+- [Set up a `/examples` endpoint](examples/examples_endpoint)
+- [Migrate `TAP_SCHEMA` from v1.0 to v1.1](examples/tap_schema)
+# Build the library
+This project uses [Gradle](https://gradle.org/) as build automation tool. It
+is configured for this project in [build.gradle](build.gradle). All dependencies
+declared in this configuration are automatically resolved. It also includes
+configuration for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA ; for Visual Studio Code one may
+install an extension such as [Gradle for Java](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscjava.vscode-gradle).
+To use Gradle, one may install it on its own computer (see
+[installation instructions](https://gradle.org/install/) in the Gradle website).
+Alternatively, one may simply use the provided [gradlew](../gradlew) script
+(or [gradlew.bat](../gradlew.bat) for Windows) to run exactly the same build
+commands. This latter will download Gradle in the temporary hidden directory
+dedicated to this project [.gradle/](../.gradle). This way, you are always
+guaranteed to use exactly the same version of Gradle used by the source code
+Here are the main available commands:
+_**Note:** To simplify, the Gradle binary command used below is `gradle`, but it
+can be substituted by `../gradlew` or `../gradlew.bat` depending on your
+- Generate final products:
+ - JAR file: `gradle jar`
+ - Runnable JAR file: `gradle runnableJar`
+ - Distribution ZIP/TAR (JAR + all dependencies): `gradle distZip`
+ _(or `gradle distTar`)_
+ - Documentation (Javadoc): `gradle javadoc`
+- Build classes: `gradle build`
+- Run tests (Junit): `gradle test`
+- Remove all generated files: `gradle clean`
+- List all available Gradle tasks: `gradle tasks`
+# Contribution
+I strongly encourage you **to declare any issue you encounter**
+[here](https://github.com/gmantele/taplib/issues). Thus, anybody who has the
+same problem can see whether his/her problem is already known. If the problem is
+known, the progress and/or comments about its resolution will be published.
+In addition, if you have forked this repository and made some corrections on
+your side which are likely to interest any other user of the libraries, please,
+consider **sending a pull request**
+[here](https://github.com/gmantele/taplib/pulls). If these modifications are
+compatible with the IVOA definition and are not too specific to your usecase,
+they will be integrated (maybe after some modifications) on this repository and
+thus made available to everyone potentially interested too.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/UWSLib/README.md b/UWSLib/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71b684cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UWSLib/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Preamble
+This project aims to provide a Java library to set up a UWS service. It is
+called _UWSLib_ and is part of the VOLLT library-set.
+# UWS
+UWS stands for Universal Worker Service. It is a standard developed by
+the [IVOA](http://www.ivoa.net/ "International Virtual Observatory Alliance").
+The standard is available at .
+This library currently supports its version
+# About this library
+- **Java version:** 8 or more
+- **License:** [LGPL v3 license](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html)
+- [Online documentation](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/uwstuto/)
+- [Online demo](http://cdsportal.u-strasbg.fr/uwstuto/basic.html)
+# Build the library
+This project uses [Gradle](https://gradle.org/) as build automation tool. It
+is configured for this project in [build.gradle](build.gradle). All dependencies
+declared in this configuration are automatically resolved. It also includes
+configuration for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA ; for Visual Studio Code one may
+install an extension such as [Gradle for Java](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscjava.vscode-gradle).
+To use Gradle, one may install it on its own computer (see
+[installation instructions](https://gradle.org/install/) in the Gradle website).
+Alternatively, one may simply use the provided [gradlew](../gradlew) script
+(or [gradlew.bat](../gradlew.bat) for Windows) to run exactly the same build
+commands. This latter will download Gradle in the temporary hidden directory
+dedicated to this project [.gradle/](../.gradle). This way, you are always
+guaranteed to use exactly the same version of Gradle used by the source code
+Here are the main available commands:
+_**Note:** To simplify, the Gradle binary command used below is `gradle`, but it
+can be substituted by `../gradlew` or `../gradlew.bat` depending on your
+- Generate final products:
+ - JAR file: `gradle jar`
+ - Runnable JAR file: `gradle runnableJar`
+ - Distribution ZIP/TAR (JAR + all dependencies): `gradle distZip`
+ _(or `gradle distTar`)_
+ - Documentation (Javadoc): `gradle javadoc`
+- Build classes: `gradle build`
+- Run tests (Junit): `gradle test`
+- Remove all generated files: `gradle clean`
+- List all available Gradle tasks: `gradle tasks`
+# Contribution
+I strongly encourage you **to declare any issue you encounter**
+[here](https://github.com/gmantele/taplib/issues). Thus, anybody who has the
+same problem can see whether his/her problem is already known. If the problem is
+known, the progress and/or comments about its resolution will be published.
+In addition, if you have forked this repository and made some corrections on
+your side which are likely to interest any other user of the libraries, please,
+consider **sending a pull request**
+[here](https://github.com/gmantele/taplib/pulls). If these modifications are
+compatible with the IVOA definition and are not too specific to your usecase,
+they will be integrated (maybe after some modifications) on this repository and
+thus made available to everyone potentially interested too.
\ No newline at end of file