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stravid87 edited this page Dec 23, 2022 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Celebrity-Fanalyzer wiki!

Celebrity-Fanalyzer : Celebrities Over Analyzed


Learning! This project is meant to expose many unknown unknowns as well as fill out an organizational understanding of known unknowns (e.g., DevOps), as well as to build organizational experience. For example, the practical costs of cloud computing / hosting, how to timeline development versus reality, etc. Finally, to build an early network of contacts and supports.

Furthermore, Celebrity Fanalyzer is to be Layer 8’s first “customer” (see next section for a description of Layer 8). It is specifically designed to test Layer 8’s intended functionality in an extremely low risk environment.

Key Performance Indicator

Software project achieves production and enters the maintenance phase.


Celebrity Fanalyzer is to be a single page application that hosts an essay and art competition monthly. It is to be the reproduction of an already existing WordPress application except done de novo using Vue JS and Google Firebase. Peripheral microservices may be necessary but the idea is to keep application architecture simple and straight forward. Development will proceed open source.

The application dose not standalone nor will it. Rather, it depends on the already established web platform, Freelancer, to administer the competition and money transfers. Website mechanics to drive traffic are simple: in weeks one and two of each month, a competition prompt is posted to Freelancer. Entries are accepted and then posted to the application manually. In weeks three and four of each month, voting and commenting is encouraged. The monthly prompt will include a formula for winning (e.g., the essay with the most comments), that can be used to incentivize certain behaviors and application interactions. The winner will be paid out as per the competition details (anticipated prize of $500 / competition).

In addition to being an interesting venue for opinions, the project acts as a practice project with the desirable quality of producing web traffic that can be throttled to suit learning objectives and test deployments (e.g., a new commenting feature). Furthermore, because competition metrics are to be handled by Celebrity Fanalyzer, hacking attempts are to be expected. Within this sandbox, organizational and web security best practices will be learned prior to any real applications of consequence being developed. All money and financial transactions will be handled through the established Freelancer platform.


2 – 5, advanced, self motivated, freelancers interested in a part time income. Expected to have experience with JavaScript and an interest in learning Vue JS & Firebase if not already proficient. The entire team may not be hired immediately. Rather, if dedicated developer(s) emerge, they will be encouraged to recruit their friends on similar or equivalent terms. Contributors will work on contract only loosely coupled to MAIC. There are to be no non-disclosure agreements, minimum terms, restrictive employment clauses, or onerous time requirements.


MAIC will always be a “remote first” workplace immediately international.


Beginning September 2022, the goal will be to get an application to production and then iterate as soon as possible for a year.

Potential Revenue Model

[I think it could be private so i need explicite authorization befor]


Celebrity Fanalyzer is to be developed at a cost of approximately $100,000, self funded money.


• Exhibit 1: Proposed Flow Diagram • Exhibit 2: Proposed Mock & Style guide • Exhibit 3: Celebrity Fanalyzer As it Currently Exists:


Figma link


[Comming soon]