A Docker container for setting up Nutrition Facts Label API (Golang and PostgreSQL). This server can respond to requests from any client browser and REST Client. This best suites development purposes.
This is a sample Nutrition Facts Label API (Golang and PostgreSQL) container used to test Nutrition Facts Lable Generator from http://nuts.globalfoodbook.net use on http://globalfoodbook.com
To build this gfb server run the following command:
$ docker pull globalfoodbook/nls
This will run on a default port of 80.
To change the PORT for this run the following command:
$ docker run --name=nls --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} --volume=/gfb/nls-src:/go/src/nutrition_service --env NUT_PG_DSN="postgres://ikennaokpala:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@${POSTGRES_IP}/nutrition_development?sslmode=disable" --publish=80:80 -d nls
To run the server and expose it on port 9292 of the host machine, run the following command:
$ docker run --name=nls --detach=true --publish=80:80 --volume=/gfb/nls-src:/go/src/nutrition_service globalfoodbook/nls
$ docker login
$ cd /to/docker/directory/path/
$ docker build -t <username>/<repo>:latest .
$ docker push <username>/<repo>:latest
IP=docker inspect gfb | grep -w "IPAddress" | awk '{ print $2 }' | head -n 1 | cut -d "," -f1 | sed "s/\"//g"
HOST_IP=/sbin/ifconfig eth1 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'
DOCKER_HOST_IP=awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' /etc/hosts
# from inside a docker container