This tool visualizes Saturation Runs of Vampire, with the main aim to let a user quickly answer the following questions:
- Which consequences are derived?
- Which of the consequences we anticipated were derived?
- Which other interesting consequences were derived?
- Which proof was found by Vampire?
- Why didn’t we derive a certain clause?
- Forgot to add some trivial fact to the encoding
- Ordering doesn’t allow inference
- Weight is to big for clause to be selected
- ...
There are three modes:
- Proof: Run Vampire on the problem. If a proof is found, visualize it.
- Saturation: Run Vampire on the problem. Visualize the whole saturation attempt.
- Manual Clause Selection: Run Vampire on the problem, but interactively decide in each step which clause Vampire should explore next.
Described at
The Vampire Server is used as backend by the Saturation Visualization.
The Saturation Visualization communicates with the Vampire Server on localhost:5000.