diff --git a/cheatsheets/gleam-for-scala-users.md b/cheatsheets/gleam-for-scala-users.md
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+layout: page
+title: Gleam for Scala users
+subtitle: Hello typesafe object-oriented functional programmers!
+- [Comments](#comments)
+- [Variables](#variables)
+ - [Match operator](#match-operator)
+ - [Variables type annotations](#variables-type-annotations)
+- [Functions](#functions)
+ - [Exporting functions](#exporting-functions)
+ - [Function type annotations](#function-type-annotations)
+ - [Referencing functions](#referencing-functions)
+ - [Labelled arguments](#labelled-arguments)
+- [Operators](#operators)
+- [Constants](#constants)
+- [Blocks](#blocks)
+- [Data types](#data-types)
+ - [Strings](#strings)
+ - [Tuples](#tuples)
+ - [Lists](#lists)
+ - [Maps](#maps)
+ - [Numbers](#numbers)
+- [Flow control](#flow-control)
+ - [Case](#case)
+ - [Piping](#piping)
+ - [Try](#try)
+- [Type aliases](#type-aliases)
+- [Custom types](#custom-types)
+ - [Records](#records)
+ - [Algebraic Data Types](#algebraic-data-types)
+ - [Opaque custom types](#opaque-custom-types)
+- [Type Parameters](#type-parameters)
+- [Modules](#modules)
+ - [Imports](#imports)
+ - [Named imports](#named-imports)
+ - [Unqualified imports](#unqualified-imports)
+- [Architecture](#architecture)
+## Comments
+### Scala
+In Scala, comments are written with a `//` prefix.
+// Hello, Joe!
+Multi line comments may be written like so:
+ * Hello, Joe!
+ */
+In Scala, above `trait`, `object`, `class`, `def` declarations
+there can be `scaladoc` like so:
+ * a very special trait.
+ */
+trait Foo {}
+ * A Bar class
+ */
+class Bar {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param s describes the s param
+ */
+ def quux(s: String) = {}
+Documentation blocks (scaladoc) are extracted into generated API
+documentation and use Markdown format.
+### Gleam
+In Gleam, comments are written with a `//` prefix.
+// Hello, Joe!
+Comments starting with `///` are used to document the following function,
+constant, or type definition. Comments starting with `////` are used to
+document the current module.
+//// This module is very important.
+/// The answer to life, the universe, and everything.
+const answer: Int = 42
+/// A main function
+fn main() {}
+/// A Dog type
+type Dog {
+ Dog(name: String, cuteness: Int)
+`//` comments are not used while generating documentation files, while
+`////` and `///` will appear in them.
+## Variables
+Scala has mutable and immutable variable bindings; in Gleam, all data is immutable but
+variable names can be reassigned in the same scope.
+### Scala
+val size = 50
+val size = size + 100 // compile error
+val size = 1 // compile error
+var size2 = 50
+size2 = size2 + 100
+size2 = 1
+Scala uses `val` for immutable bindings and `var` for mutable bindings.
+Lexical scoping can be done with braces or indentation, and values with the same name
+can shadow each other.
+def foo() {
+ val size = 50
+ def bar() {
+ val size = 100
+ }
+### Gleam
+Gleam has the `let` keyword before its variable names.
+let size = 50
+let size = size + 100
+let size = 1
+### Match operator
+Both Scala and Gleam can use the left hand side of an `=` as a pattern.
+#### Scala
+val List(a, b) = List(1, 2)
+// a == 1
+// b == 2
+#### Gleam
+In Gleam, `let` and `=` can be used for pattern matching, but you'll get
+compile errors if there's a type mismatch, and a runtime error if there's
+a value mismatch. For assertions, the equivalent `let assert` keyword is
+let #(a, _) = #(1, 2)
+// a = 1
+// `_` matches 2 and is discarded
+let assert [] = [1] // runtime error
+let assert [y] = "Hello" // compile error, type mismatch
+Asserts should be used with caution.
+### Variables type annotations
+#### Scala
+Scala is a strongly typed language with pretty good type inference.
+Type annotations are usually optional. It may be useful for documentation
+and improving compile times for complex inferences.
+val someList: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
+val someString: String = "Foo"
+#### Gleam
+In Gleam type annotations can optionally be given when binding variables.
+let some_list: List(Int) = [1, 2, 3]
+let some_string: String = "Foo"
+Gleam will check the type annotation to ensure that it matches the type of the
+assigned value. It does not need annotations to type check your code, but you
+may find it useful to annotate variables to hint to the compiler that you want
+a specific type to be inferred.
+## Functions
+### Scala
+In Scala, you can define methods with the `def` keyword.
+The return value is the value of the last expression.
+def hello(name: String = "Joe"): String = {
+ if (name == "Joe") {
+ "Welcome back, Joe!"
+ } else {
+ s"Hello $name"
+ }
+For methods with no arguments, you may omit the parenthesis
+def noArgs = "Surprise."
+Anonymous functions can also be defined and be bound to variables.
+val x = 3
+val anonFn = (y: Int) => x * y // Creates a new scope
+anonFn(3) // 6
+### Gleam
+Gleam's functions are declared like so:
+fn sum(x, y) {
+ x + y
+Gleam's anonymous functions have the same basic syntax.
+let mul = fn(x, y) { x * y }
+mul(1, 2)
+### Exporting functions
+#### Scala
+In Scala, class methods are public by default but can be made private or protected.
+object Foo {
+ // this is public
+ def sum(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
+ // this is private
+ private def mul(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x * y
+#### Gleam
+In Gleam, functions are private by default and need the `pub` keyword to be
+marked as public.
+// this is public
+pub fn sum(x, y) {
+ x + y
+// this is private
+fn mul(x, y) {
+ x * y
+### Function type annotations
+#### Scala
+Method parameters in Scala require type annotations. The return type is
+usually optional but encouraged for public methods.
+object Foo {
+ // int return type will be statically inferred
+ def sum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
+ def mul(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean = {
+ x * y // compile error, required Int found Boolean
+ }
+#### Gleam
+Functions can **optionally** have their argument and return types annotated in
+Gleam. These type annotations will always be checked by the compiler and throw
+a compilation error if not valid. The compiler will still type check your
+program using type inference if annotations are omitted.
+fn add(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
+ x + y
+fn mul(x: Int, y: Int) -> Bool {
+ x * y // compile error, type mismatch
+### Labelled arguments
+Both Scala and Gleam have ways to give arguments names and in any order.
+Both are resolved at compile time, so there is no runtime performance cost.
+#### Scala
+When calling a method, arguments can be passed:
+- positionally, in the same order of the method declaration
+- by name, in any order
+// Some imaginary replace function
+def replace(inside: String, each: String, replace: String) = ???
+// Calling with positional arguments:
+replace(",", " ", "A,B,C")
+// Calling with named arguments:
+replace(inside = "A,B,C", each = ",", replace = " ")
+Parameters with default values can be omitted:
+def toCsvRow(items: List[String], separator: String = ","): String = items.mkString(separator)
+toCsvRow(List("a", "b", "c")) // a,b,c
+toCsvRow(List("a", "b", "c"), "\t") // a\tb\tc
+toCsvRow(List("a", "b", "c"), separator = "|") // a|b|c
+Using parameter names in an external library may cause your code to
+break if a newer version of that library changes the name of their
+parameters as it may not be apparent to library authors their parameter
+names are part of the public API if they didn't expect users to
+pass them by name.
+#### Gleam
+In Gleam arguments can be given a label as well as an internal name.
+Contrary to Scala, the name used at the call-site does not have to match
+the name used for the variable inside the function.
+pub fn replace(inside str, each pattern, with replacement) {
+ todo
+replace(",", " ", "A,B,C")
+replace(inside: "A,B,C", each: ",", with: " ")
+## Operators
+| Operator | Scala | Gleam | Notes |
+| Equal | `==` | `==` | In Gleam both values must be of the same type |
+| Reference equality | `eq` | | |
+| Not equal | `!=` | `!=` | In Gleam both values must be of the same type |
+| Greater than | `>` | `>` | In Gleam both values must be **Int** |
+| Greater than | `>` | `>.` | In Gleam both values must be **Float** |
+| Greater or equal | `>=` | `>=` | In Gleam both values must be **Int** |
+| Greater or equal | `>=` | `>=.` | In Gleam both values must be **Float** |
+| Less than | `<` | `<` | In Gleam both values must be **Int** |
+| Less than | `<` | `<.` | In Gleam both values must be **Float** |
+| Less or equal | `<=` | `<=` | In Gleam both values must be **Int** |
+| Less or equal | `<=` | `<=.` | In Gleam both values must be **Float** |
+| Boolean and | `&&` | `&&` | In Gleam both values must be **Bool** |
+| Logical and | `&&` | | Not available in Gleam |
+| Boolean or | ||
| ||
| In Gleam both values must be **Bool** |
+| Logical or | ||
| | Not available in Gleam |
+| Boolean not | `!` | `!` | In Gleam both values must be **Bool** |
+| Add | `+` | `+` | In Gleam both values must be **Int** |
+| Add | `+` | `+.` | In Gleam both values must be **Float** |
+| Subtract | `-` | `-` | In Gleam both values must be **Int** |
+| Subtract | `-` | `-.` | In Gleam both values must be **Float** |
+| Multiply | `*` | `*` | In Gleam both values must be **Int** |
+| Multiply | `*` | `*.` | In Gleam both values must be **Float** |
+| Divide | `/` | `/` | In Gleam both values must be **Int** |
+| Divide | `/` | `/.` | In Gleam both values must be **Float** |
+| Remainder | `%` | `%` | In Gleam both values must be **Int** |
+| Concatenate | `+` | `<>` | In Gleam both values must be **String** |
+| Pipe | | |>
| Gleam's pipe can chain function calls |
+### Notes on operators
+- `==` by default uses Java's `Object::equals` method. Scala case classes
+ will automatically implement `equals` for you. You can enable strong type
+ checking on equals with `import scala.language.strictEquality`
+- Scala operators are short-circuiting as in Gleam.
+- In Scala, everything is an object, so operators are not special, they are
+ simply just methods with symbolic names.
+## Constants
+### Scala
+In Scala, there's no special feature for constants; since `val`s are
+immutable bindings, they can be declared in any scope.
+object TheQuestion {
+ val TheAnswer: Int = 42
+TheQuestion.TheAnswer // 42
+### Gleam
+In Gleam constants can be created using the `const` keyword.
+// the_question.gleam module
+const the_answer = 42
+pub fn main() {
+ the_answer
+They can also be marked public via the `pub` keyword and will then be
+automatically exported.
+## Blocks
+### Scala
+In Scala, blocks can use either curly braces or indentation.
+def main() = {
+ val x = {
+ someFunction(1)
+ 2
+ }
+ // Parenthesis are used to change precedence of arithmetic operators
+ // Although curly braces would work here too.
+ val y = x * (x + 10)
+ y
+or using indentation in Scala 3
+def main() =
+ val x =
+ someFunction(1)
+ 2
+ val y = x * (x + 10)
+ y
+### Gleam
+In Gleam curly braces, `{` and `}`, are used to group expressions.
+pub fn main() {
+ let x = {
+ some_function(1)
+ 2
+ }
+ // Braces are used to change precedence of arithmetic operators
+ let y = x * {x + 10}
+ y
+Like in Scala, in Gleam function blocks are always expressions, so are `case`
+blocks or arithmetic sub groups. Because they are expressions they always
+return a value.
+For Gleam the last value in a block's expression is always the value being
+returned from an expression.
+## Data types
+### String character encoding
+On the JVM, Scala uses Java's String implementation which are internally stored as ASCII
+or UTF-16 sequences. Strings can be encoded or decoded to/from a specific encoding.
+Strings are defined with double-quotes `"` or triple-double-quotes `"""`, the later
+allows for mutli-line strings.
+Scala has string interpolation and allows for custom string interpolators.
+In Gleam all strings are UTF-8 encoded binaries. Strings use double quotes and can
+span lines. Gleam strings do not allow interpolation, yet. Gleam however offers a
+`string_builder` via its standard library for performant string building.
+#### Scala
+val what = "world"
+s"Hellø, $what!"
+#### Gleam
+"Hellø, world!"
+### Tuples
+Tuples are very useful in Gleam as they're the only collection data type that
+allows mixed types in the collection. They behave very similar to Scala's tuples,
+but are 0-index instead of 1 indexed when accessing by index.
+#### Scala
+val myTuple = ("username", "password", 10) // Type is (String, String, Int) or Tuple3[String, String, Int]
+val (_, pwd, _) = myTuple
+println(pwd) // "password"
+// Direct index access
+println(myTuple._1) // "username"
+#### Gleam
+let my_tuple = #("username", "password", 10)
+let #(_, pwd, _) = my_tuple
+io.print(pwd) // "password"
+// Direct index access
+io.print(my_tuple.0) // "username"
+### Lists
+Both Gleam and Scala use immutable linked-lists for their standard lists.
+#### Scala
+Scala's `List` is a linked-list with a cons operator (`::`).
+val list = List(2, 3, 4)
+val alsoList = 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: Nil // equivalent
+val list2 = 1 :: list // list of 1,2,3,4
+val 1 :: secondElement :: tail = list2 // secondElement = 2
+#### Gleam
+Gleam has a `cons` operator that works for lists destructuring and
+pattern matching. In Gleam lists are immutable so adding and removing elements
+from the start of a list is highly efficient.
+let list = [2, 3, 4]
+let list = [1, ..list]
+let [1, second_element, ..] = list
+[1.0, ..list] // compile error, type mismatch
+### Maps
+Scala's Map is an immutable hashmap; there is no literal syntax for it but
+there is some sugar to use `->` as a 2-tuple which can be used to define
+keys and values.
+In Gleam, maps can have keys and values of any type, but all keys must be of
+the same type in a given map and all values must be of the same type in a
+given map. The type of key and value can differ from each other.
+There is no map literal syntax in Gleam, and you cannot pattern match on a map.
+Maps are generally not used much in Gleam, custom types are more common.
+#### Scala
+Map("key1" -> "value1", "key2" -> "value2")
+Map("key1" -> "1", "key2" -> 2) // compiles, but infers an unexpected type
+val myMap: Map[String, String] = Map("key1" -> "1", "key2" -> 2) // type error
+#### Gleam
+import gleam/map
+map.from_list([#("key1", "value1"), #("key2", "value2")])
+map.from_list([#("key1", "value1"), #("key2", 2)]) // Type error!
+### Numbers
+Scala has 8-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit signed integers (`Byte`, `Short`, `Int`, `Long`)
+and also 32-bit and 64-bit floating point numbers (`Float`, `Double`). For arbitrary
+sized numbers, there are `BigDecimal` and `BigInteger`.
+Gleam has both support `Integer` and `Float`. Integer and Float sizes for
+both depend on the platform: JavaScript and Erlang.
+#### Scala
+Scala will automatically cast integers into floating point numbers when doing
+math operations between them.
+1 / 2 // 0
+1.5 + 10 // 11.5
+#### Gleam
+1 / 2 // 0
+1.5 + 10 // Compile time error
+You can use the gleam standard library's `int` and `float` modules to convert
+between floats and integers in various ways including `rounding`, `floor`,
+`ceiling` and many more.
+## Flow control
+### Case
+Case is one of the most used control flow in Gleam. It can be seen as a switch
+statement on steroids. It provides a terse way to match a value type to an
+expression. It is also used to replace `if`/`else` statements.
+Scala and Gleam both support guards, destructuring and disjoint union matching.
+#### Scala
+Scala has both `if`/`else` and `match` expressions.
+def httpErrorImpl1(status: Int) = {
+ if (status == 400) {
+ "Bad request"
+ } else if (status == 404) {
+ "Not found"
+ } else if (status == 418) {
+ "I'm a teapot"
+ } else {
+ "Internal Server Error"
+ }
+def httpErrorImpl2(status: Int): String = {
+ status match {
+ case 400 => "Bad request"
+ case 404 => "Not found"
+ case 418 => "I'm a teapot"
+ case _ => "Internal Server Error"
+ }
+Cases can also have guards, similar to Gleam
+status match {
+ case 400 => "Bad request"
+ case 404 => "Not found"
+ case _ if status / 100 == 4 => "4xx"
+ case _ => "I'm not sure"
+The `|` operator works just like in Gleam.
+number match {
+ case 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 => "This is an even number"
+ case 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 => "This is an odd number"
+ case _ => "I'm not sure"
+#### Gleam
+The case operator is a top level construct in Gleam:
+case some_number {
+ 0 -> "Zero"
+ 1 -> "One"
+ 2 -> "Two"
+ n -> "Some other number" // This matches anything
+As all expressions the case expression will return the matched value.
+let is_status_within_4xx = status / 100 == 4
+case status {
+ 400 -> "Bad Request"
+ 404 -> "Not Found"
+ _ if is_status_within_4xx -> "4xx" // This works as of now
+ // status if status / 100 == 4 -> "4xx" // This will work in future versions of Gleam
+ _ -> "I'm not sure"
+if/else example:
+case is_admin {
+ True -> "allow access"
+ False -> "disallow access"
+if/elseif/else example:
+case True {
+ _ if is_admin == True -> "allow access"
+ _ if is_confirmed_by_mail == True -> "allow access"
+ _ -> "deny access"
+Exhaustiveness checking at compile time, which is in the works, will make
+certain that you must check for all possible values. A lazy and common way is
+to check of expected values and have a catchall clause with a single underscore
+case scale {
+ 0 -> "none"
+ 1 -> "one"
+ 2 -> "pair"
+ _ -> "many"
+The case operator especially coupled with destructuring to provide native pattern
+case xs {
+ [] -> "This list is empty"
+ [a] -> "This list has 1 element"
+ [a, b] -> "This list has 2 elements"
+ _other -> "This list has more than 2 elements"
+The case operator supports guards:
+case xs {
+ [a, b, c] if a >. b && a <=. c -> "ok"
+ _other -> "ko"
+...and disjoint union matching:
+case number {
+ 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 -> "This is an even number"
+ 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 -> "This is an odd number"
+ _ -> "I'm not sure"
+### Piping
+In Gleam most functions, if not all, are data first, which means the main data
+value to work on is the first argument. By this convention and the ability to
+specify the argument to pipe into, Gleam allows writing functional, immutable
+code, that reads imperative-style top down, much like unix tools and piping.
+#### Scala
+Scala does not have piping operator built-in, although it can be easily implemented
+with extension methods and `import scala.util.chaining._` helpers.
+That being said, it isn't really idiomatic or necessary because with OOP,
+the first "argument" to the function is the object itself, so it's usually
+more clear to just call the next method directly on the result.
+List(1, 2, 3, 4)
+ .map(_ * 2)
+ .filter(_ % 3 == 0)
+ .reduce((acc, x) => acc + x)
+#### Gleam
+|> list.map( fn(x) { x * 2 } )
+|> list.filter( fn (x) { x % 3 == 0 })
+|> list.reduce(fn (acc, x) { acc + x })
+### Try
+Error management is approached differently in Scala and Gleam.
+#### Scala
+Scala uses the notion of exceptions to interrupt the current code flow and
+pop up the error to the caller.
+An exception is raised using the keyword `throw`.
+def aFunctionThatFails() = {
+ throw new RuntimeException("an error")
+The callee block will be able to capture any exception raised in the block
+using a `try/except` set of blocks:
+// callee block
+try {
+ println("this line will be executed and thus printed")
+ aFunctionThatFails()
+ println("this line will not be executed and thus not printed")
+} catch {
+ case (e: Throwable) => println(e)
+However, this is not considered idiomatic Scala in most cases. Many libraries
+provide more functional approaches to error-handling. The standard library
+also includes such a structure which can wrap code that throws exceptions
+and return the success or exception as a value.
+import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
+// Integer.parseInt is from the Java std library and
+// it throws a java.lang.NumberFormatException
+Try(Integer.parseInt("123")) match {
+ case Success(i) => println("We parsed an Int")
+ case Failure(err) => println("That wasn't an Int")
+Unlike Gleam, the "`ErrorType`" in a `Try` cannot be changed, it
+is always the Java Exception base-type, `Throwable`. There is also
+`Either` in Scala, with more generic sub-types `Left` and `Right`,
+but the compiler still cannot prevent code you call from throwing an
+exception, which may circumvent your error handling.
+Both `Either` and `Try` can use `for` comprehensions when chaining
+together multiple operations in a row.
+def parseInt(s: String): Try[Int] = Try(Integer.parseInt(s))
+for {
+ intANumber <- parseInt("1")
+ attemptInt <- parseInt("ouch") // Error will be returned
+ intAnotherNumber <- parseInt("3") // never gets executed
+} yield {
+ intANumber + attemptInt + intAnotherNumber
+#### Gleam
+In Gleam, errors are always containers with an associated value.
+A common container to model an operation result is
+`Result(ReturnType, ErrorType)`.
+A `Result` is either:
+- an `Error(ErrorValue)`
+- or an `Ok(Data)` record
+Handling errors actually means to match the return value against those two
+scenarios, using a case for instance:
+case parse_int("123") {
+ Ok(i) -> io.println("We parsed the Int")
+ Error(e) -> io.println("That wasn't an Int")
+In order to simplify this construct, we can use the `use` expression with the
+`try` function from the `gleam/result` module.
+- either bind a value to the providing name if `Ok(Something)` is matched,
+- or **interrupt the current block's flow** and return `Error(Something)` from
+ the given block.
+let a_number = "1"
+let an_error = Error("ouch")
+let another_number = "3"
+use int_a_number <- parse_int(a_number)
+use attempt_int <- parse_int(an_error) // Error will be returned
+use int_another_number <- parse_int(another_number) // never gets executed
+Ok(int_a_number + attempt_int + int_another_number) // never gets executed
+## Type aliases
+Type aliases allow for easy referencing of arbitrary complex types.
+This feature works similarly in Scala and Gleam.
+### Scala
+type Headers = List[(String, String)]
+Scala can also make the type alias `opaque` which prevents the call-site
+usage from passing in the underlying type.
+opaque type Meters = Double
+def toFeet(meters: Meters): Double = meters * 3.2
+toFeed(1.0) // compile error
+### Gleam
+The `type` keyword can be used to create aliases.
+pub type Headers =
+ List(#(String, String))
+## Custom types
+### Records
+Custom type allows you to define a collection data type with a fixed number of
+named fields, and the values in those fields can be of differing types.
+#### Scala
+The simplest way to make a new datatype in Scala is with case classes.
+case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
+val person = Person("Joe", 40)
+person.name // Joe
+#### Gleam
+Gleam's custom types can be used as structs. At runtime, they have a tuple
+representation and are compatible with Erlang records (or JavaScript objects).
+type Person {
+ Person(name: String, age: Int)
+let person = Person(name: "Joe", age: 40)
+let name = person.name
+An important difference to note is there is no Java-style object-orientation in
+Gleam, thus methods can not be added to types. However opaque types exist,
+see below.
+### Algebraic Data Types
+In Gleam functions must always take and receive one type. To have a union of
+two different types they must be wrapped in a new custom type.
+#### Scala
+enum IntOrFloat {
+ case AnInt(i: Int)
+ case AFloat(f: Float)
+or in Scala 2:
+sealed trait IntOrFloat
+case class AnInt(i: Int) extends IntOrFloat
+case class AFloat(f: Float) extends IntOrFloat
+Although for this particular example, we could just use a union type (in Scala 3)
+type IntOrFloat = Int | Float
+#### Gleam
+type IntOrFloat {
+ AnInt(Int)
+ AFloat(Float)
+fn int_or_float(X) {
+ case X {
+ True -> AnInt(1)
+ False -> AFloat(1.0)
+ }
+### Opaque custom types
+In Scala, constructors can be marked as private and a factory methods can be
+added onto a companion object.
+In Gleam, custom types can be defined as being opaque, which causes the
+constructors for the custom type not to be exported from the module. Without
+any constructors to import other modules can only interact with opaque types
+using the intended API.
+This is not to be confused with Scala's "opaque types" which are type aliases.
+#### Scala
+There's many approaches to encapsulating an implementation in Scala, here is just one.
+trait Point
+case class PointImpl private(x: Int, y: Int) extends Point
+object Point {
+ def spawn(x: Int, y: Int): Option[Point] = {
+ if (x >= 0 && x <= 99 && y >= 0 && y <= 99) {
+ Some(PointImpl(x, y))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+Point.spawn(1, 2) // Returns a Point object
+#### Gleam
+// In the point.gleam opaque type module:
+pub opaque type Point {
+ Point(x: Int, y: Int)
+pub fn spawn(x: Int, y: Int) -> Result(Point, Nil) {
+ case x >= 0 && x <= 99 && y >= 0 && y <= 99 {
+ True -> Ok(Point(x: x, y: y))
+ False -> Error(Nil)
+ }
+// In the main.gleam module
+pub fn main() {
+ assert Ok(point) = Point.spawn(1, 2)
+ point
+## Type Parameters
+Gleam and Scala's type parameters work similarly,
+but Scala has more syntax around constraining parameters.
+Also unlike Scala, Gleam does not have higher kinded types.
+### Scala
+Generic parameters are defined between `[` `]`.
+enum Tree[T] {
+ case Branch(left: Tree[T], right: Tree[T])
+ case Leaf(value: T)
+val newTree: Tree[Int] = Branch(Leaf(1), Leaf(2))
+### Gleam
+Generic parameters are defined between `(` `)`.
+type Tree(t) {
+ Branch(left: Tree(t), right: Tree(t))
+ Leaf(value: t)
+const new_tree: Tree(Int) =
+ Branch(Leaf(1), Leaf(2))
+## Modules
+Gleam has a more explicit module system where every file is a module.
+### Scala
+In Scala we can use traits or objects to group types aliases, methods,
+and constants into a namespace.
+package foo.bar.baz // this package could be defined in any file
+object MyModule {
+ def identity[T](t: T) = t
+package another.packge
+import foo.bar.baz.MyModule
+def main() = MyModule.identity(1) // 1
+### Gleam
+The closest thing Scala has that are similar to Gleam's modules
+are companion objects: Collections of functions and constants grouped into a
+static class.
+A Gleam module name corresponds to its file name and path.
+Since there is no special syntax to create a module, there can be only one
+module in a file and since there is no way name the module the filename
+always matches the module name which keeps things simple and transparent.
+In `/src/foo/bar.gleam`:
+// Creation of module function identity
+// in module bar
+pub fn identity(x) {
+ x
+Importing the `bar` module and calling a module function:
+// In src/main.gleam
+import foo/bar // if foo was in a directory called `lib` the import would be `lib/foo/bar`.
+pub fn main() {
+ bar.identity(1) // 1
+### Imports
+#### Scala
+Classes in the same package do not need to be imported.
+Otherwise, all imports are done from the full package name.
+#### Gleam
+Imports are relative to the app `src` folder.
+Modules in the same directory will need to reference the entire path from `src`
+for the target module, even if the target module is in the same folder.
+Inside module `src/nasa/moon_base.gleam`:
+// imports module src/nasa/rocket_ship.gleam
+import nasa/rocket_ship
+pub fn explore_space() {
+ rocket_ship.launch()
+### Named imports
+#### Scala
+Scala allows imports to be renamed:
+import java.util.{List => JUList}
+#### Gleam
+Gleam has as similar feature:
+import unix/cat
+import animal/cat as kitty
+// cat and kitty are available
+This may be useful to differentiate between multiple modules that would have the same default name when imported.
+## Architecture
+To iterate a few foundational differences:
+1. Programming model: Multi-paradigm function/object-orientation VS strictly functional immutable
+ programming
+2. Runtime environment
+### Programming model
+- Scala encourages immutable, functional style of code but offers escape
+ hatches and mutable types, as well as access to the Java standard library.
+- This can allow performance-critical code to be written in the most efficient
+ ways, but it can also lead to too many coding styles across the ecosystem
+ and even in a single codebase.
+- In Gleam, there are no such escape hatches
+- Scala inherits many of the warts from Java-compatability, such as nullability and exceptions
+- Scala has several different approaches to concurrent applications, including
+ several the actor model implementations, multi-threading, and asynchronous programming.
+ Libraries written for one style do not necessarily interact well with libraries written
+ for another style.
+- Gleam benefits from Erlang/Beam Processes, a concurrently model similar
+ to Project Loom on the JVM. This allows for writing in a "direct" coding
+ style without sacrificing scalability.
+- Probably the biggest difference between Gleam and Scala's object-oriented features. In Scala,
+ everything is an object, and as such two values of different types maybe have a least-upper-bound.
+ This has the consequence of a more complicated and slower type inference system.
+- Scala is a large language with many other features for which there are no Gleam equivalent, such as:
+ * Implicit parameters
+ * Extension methods
+ * Traits
+ * Singleton objects
+ * Type classes
+ * By-name parameters
+### Runtime environment
+- Gleam runs on Erlang/BEAM and Scala runs on the JVM
+- As a generalization, the JVM has better performance for computation but Erlang/BEAM
+ will have better concurrency.
+- Both Scala and Gleam can compile to Javascript to run in the browser, NodeJS, Deno, etc.
+- Scala can also compile to native code.