Releases: glass-brick/Scene-Manager
Basic Godot 4 alpha port.
Singleton Entity Feature is broken and has been disabled.
Removed deprecated options.
Updated with instructions and warnings.
- Thanks to @mouring for writing the initial port!
The plugin went through a big stress test after we used it for the first time in a gamejam. It served us pretty well and we're very happy about it.
During the weekend, we fixed a couple of issues we encountered:
- fix: enable transitions even when game is paused
- fix: singleton entities not loading properly when scene is reloaded
v0.3: Entity Singleton Feature
Fixes #2
Added the Entity Singleton feature. It's an easy way to keep track of important Nodes that only exist once in your scenes (like your player or your level tilemap), regardless of the name they have.
func get_entity(entity_name: String)
Get a reference to a named entity (node) in your scene. To define entity names go to the desired node in the editor inspector and you'll see two new properties: Singleton entity and Entity name. Check the Singleton entity checkbox to have this node saved to the SceneManager entity dictionary and write a friendly Entity name to be used in this function. Afterwards, you'll be able to access it within the scene.
NOTE: If accessing the node in a _ready() method within your scene, get_entity will throw an error. This is because saving the entities to the SceneManager requires the scene to be completely loaded, which hasn't happened yet in the _ready() method. To circumvent this problem, you will have to wait until the scene is completely loaded. To do this, you can take advantage of the scene_loaded signal provided by SceneManager, like so:
yield(SceneManager, "scene_loaded")
Player = SceneManager.get_entity("Player")
v0.2.1: Fix breaking bug
Hotfix: change/reload scene not working in v0.2
v0.2: API improvements and new methods
- add reload_scene method and is_transitioning property
- inferred types, internal changes, renamed shader_pattern options to pattern
- added float option for easing
- remove ShaderFadeEase and correct ColorFade
- added fade_in_place method and fade_complete signal
- bump version
v0.1: Transitions Implementation
added MIT license