WildType germline variants of each sample
bcftools query -i ' ALT=="." & GT == "0/0"' -f ' %CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%DP4{0}\t%DP4{1}\n' $sampleID .b.vcf.gz | \
awk ' BEGIN{DP=0;s["+"]="-";s["-"]="+";ss="-"}
{OFS="\t";if(DP!=$4+$5){DP=$4+$5;ss=s[ss]};print $1,$2-1,$2,"",DP,ss}' | \
bedtools merge -s -c 5 -o distinct | bgzip > $sampleID .b.wt.gz
intersectBed -wb -a all.avsnp150.ChinaMAP.AF0.rm_um35.lite.vcf.gz -b $sampleID .b.wt.gz | \
cut -f 1-2,4-5,12| bgzip -@2 > $sampleID .avsnp150.ChinaMAP.wt.gz
Mutant germline varinats of each sample
bcftools query -f ' %CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%ALT\t%DP4{0}\t%DP4{1}\t%DP4{2}\t%DP4{3}\t[%GT]\n' $sampleID .sorted.dedup.bqsr.b.var.norm.vcf.gz | \
awk ' {split($9,a,"/");OFS="\t";print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5+$6,$7+$8,a[1]+a[2]}' > $sampleID .avsnp150.ChinaMAP.var
bgzip $sampleID .avsnp150.ChinaMAP.var
library(data.table )
get_geno = function (x ){
wt = fread(wt_files [x ],header = F ,sep = " \t " ,stringsAsFactors = F )
wt = wt [, min(V5 ), by = c(" V1" ," V2" ," V3" ," V4" )]
colnames(wt )[5 ] = " V5"
setkey(wt , V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 )
wt $ V6 = 0
wt $ V7 = 0
var = fread(var_files [x ],header = F ,sep = " \t " ,stringsAsFactors = F )
setkey(var , V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 )
geno = rbind(wt [! var ], var )
colnames(geno ) = c(" chr" ," pos" ," ref" ," alt" ," RD" , " AD" , " GT" )
setkey(geno , chr , pos , ref , alt )
fwrite(bed [geno , nomatch = 0 ], file = out_files [x ], row.names = F , col.names = T , sep = " \t " ,quote = F )
wt_files = list.files(" wt_genos" , pattern = " *.gz" , full.names = T )
var_files = gsub(" wt" , " var" , wt_files )
out_files = gsub(" wt" , " geno" , basename(wt_files ))
bed = fread(" all.avsnp150.ChinaMAP.AF0.rm_um35.cytoband.lite.bed.gz" , header = F , sep = " \t " , stringsAsFactors = F )
colnames(bed ) = c(" chr" ," pos" ," ref" ," alt" ," cytoband" )
setkey(bed , chr ,pos ,ref ,alt )
bed $ cytoband = NULL
library(foreach )
library(doParallel )
registerDoParallel(20 )
foreach(a = 1 : length(wt_files )) %dopar % {
get_geno(a )
library(data.table )
bed = fread(" all.avsnp150.ChinaMAP.AF0.rm_um35.cytoband.AF.lite.bed.gz" , header = T , sep = " \t " , stringsAsFactors = F )
bed = bed [,c(1 : 5 )]
colnames(bed ) = c(" chr" , " pos" , " ref" , " alt" , " cytoband" )
setkey(bed , chr ,pos ,ref ,alt )
# 1p31.1
files = list.files(" all_wt_var_genos" , pattern = " *.geno.gz" , full.names = T )
library(stringr )
library(parallel )
cytoband = unique(bed $ cytoband )
index_1 = names(which(table(bed $ cytoband )== 1 ))
cytoband_list = lapply(unique(bed $ cytoband ), function (x ){
if (x == " 9q11" ){
return (c(" 9q11" , " 9q12" ))
}else if (x %in% c(index_1 )){
return (NULL )
}else {
return (c(x ))
cytoband_list = cytoband_list [! sapply(cytoband_list , is.null )]
get_geno = function (fs ){
geno = mclapply(fs , function (f ){
geno <- fread(f , header = T ,sep = " \t " ,stringsAsFactors = F )
geno = unique(geno )
setkey(geno , chr ,pos ,ref ,alt )
geno = geno [bed ]
return (geno [, 5 : 7 ])
}, mc.cores = 10 )
RD = do.call(rbind , lapply(geno , function (x ){
t(data.table(x $ RD ))
AD = do.call(rbind , lapply(geno , function (x ){
t(data.table(x $ AD ))
rm(geno )
write.table(gsub(" .avsnp150.ChinaMAP.geno.gz" ," " , basename(fs )), file = " sample_ID1.txt" , row.names = F , col.names = F , append = T , sep = " \t " , quote = F )
res = mclapply(cytoband_list , function (j ){
fwrite(RD [, which(bed $ cytoband %in% j )], file = paste0(" RD/" , paste(j , collapse = " _" ), " .RD.txt.gz" ), row.names = F , col.names = F , append = T , sep = " \t " , quote = F )
fwrite(AD [, which(bed $ cytoband %in% j )], file = paste0(" AD/" , paste(j , collapse = " _" ), " .AD.txt.gz" ), row.names = F , col.names = F , append = T , sep = " \t " , quote = F )
}, mc.cores = 38 )
indexs = parallel :: splitIndices(length(files ), length(files )/ 50 )
for (i in indexs ){
get_geno(files [i ])
genotyping for all samples
library(data.table )
library(dplyr )
library(SNPassoc )
library(parallel )
bed <- fread(" all.avsnp150.ChinaMAP.AF0.rm_um35.cytoband.AF.lite.bed.gz" , header = T , sep = " \t " ,stringsAsFactors = F )
files = list.files(" /data/NIPT/bam_vcf/bvcfs_var_norm_all_unique_genotype_merge/avsnp150_ChainMAP_genos/all/raw/GT" , pattern = " *.gz" , full.names = T )
get_AF_callNum_HWE_GT = function (f ){
bed_sub = bed [bed $ cytoband %in% strsplit(gsub(" .GT.txt.gz" , " " , basename(f )), split = " _" )[[1 ]], ]
index = which(bed_sub $ AF > 0.01 & bed_sub $ AF < 0.99 )
if (length(index )== 0 ){
return (NULL )
bed_sub = bed_sub [index ]
RD = fread(gsub(" GT" ," RD" ,f ), header = F , sep = " \t " , stringsAsFactors = F )
RD = RD [, ..index ]
AD = fread(gsub(" GT" ," AD" ,f ), header = F , sep = " \t " , stringsAsFactors = F )
AD = AD [, ..index ]
GT [RD > 0 & AD == 0 ] = 0
GT [RD > 0 & AD > 0 ] = 1
GT [RD == 0 & AD > 0 ] = 2
rm(RD )
rm(AD )
bed_sub $ callNum = colSums(! is.na(GT ))
# Binomial distribution
bed_sub $ AF_sd = sqrt((bed_sub $ AF * (1 - bed_sub $ AF ))/ bed_sub $ callNum )
AF_callNum = foreach(n = 1 : ncol(GT )) %dopar % {
res = summary(snp(unlist(GT [,..n ]), name.genotypes = c(0 ,1 ,2 )))
return (c(obAF = res $ allele.freq [" B" ," percentage" ]))
AF_callNum = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind , AF_callNum ), stringsAsFactors = F )
AF_callNum [, " obAF" ] = AF_callNum [," obAF" ]/ 100
bed_sub = cbind(bed_sub , AF_callNum )
fwrite(GT , file = paste0(" GT/" , basename(f )), row.names = F , col.names = F , sep = " \t " )
fwrite(bed_sub , file = paste0(" SNPs/" , gsub(" GT" , " SNPs" , basename(f ))), row.names = F , col.names = T , sep = " \t " , quote = F )
for (i in rev(files )){
if (! file.exists(paste0(" GT/" , basename(i )))){
print(i )
get_AF_callNum_HWE_GT(i )