_ Reconvene of the Taxonomic Names and Concepts Interest Group
__ Agreement on a plan for a replacement of the Taxonomic Concept Transfer Schema (TCS) that:
is compliant with the TDWG Standards Documentation Standard and Vocabulary Maintenance Standard.
_ provides for the needs of the various types of users and use cases of Taxonomic Names in the biodiversity informatics space
as much as possible synthesises and takes benefit of the work that has been done in the TDWG community so far.
== Introduction
workshop abstract …Open Data needs open standards, open standards open development, and open development open minds, and TDWG.
Standards are owned by the community.=== History
=== Issues
___ Taxonomic Concept is too esoteric: people can’t really put their finger on it
=== Previous work
_ Bisby
__ Berlin Model
___ ITIS, CoL
__ Flora of Australia
_ LinneanCore (SDD)
___ DwC, ABCD
__ TCS, TDWG ontology
__ ALA-NSL (2008)
__ txn:deVriese
__ GBIF Checklist
_ Nomen
_ WFO _
_ BCO _
_ ColPlus
_ + _
=== Shortcomings of TCS and Darwin Core.
Application schema > TCS
Classification in Darwin core
Classes + properties + annotations → RDF
Simple vocabulary
Monographic rather than incremental
Inappropriate use of the taxonomic concept concept
“Taxon Concept”
Syntax ?
Do we need something else?
Positions from floor
Standalone replacement?
Basic vocabulary to support
Darwin Core extension → NFB ← TCS
GBIF checklist guide
Start with!
Darwin Core
__ leave “convenience” terms and internal links
__ remove external links (id terms)
_ Add new terms
_ One level ?
_ Controlled vocabularies
_ Recommend classes
API specification for
__ Name
__ Instance
_ Taxon
_ Arrangement
== What are we looking for in a Name standard/vocabulary?
(Core competencies / Functional Requirements / Use cases)
__ Generic metadata model
_ Full code support
Code maintenance
Every name
_ Every instance (name usage)
__ Every relationship
___ Every point of view
_ Every version
__ Every syntax
_ Every application profile
_ Common interchange format
_ Support for publication
_ Obey the the tdwg laws for standards and vocabularies
__ Independent of serialization
__ concise vocabulary
_ RDF support
Application Profiles
_ simple enough for …
== Terminology / Core Concepts
A name is a “name”, a designation, a label, a string used as a name: in any context.
A taxonomic name is a name used in a taxonomic context., often a scientific name formulated (or attempted) according to some rules of nomenclature.
A taxonomic name instance is a usage of a taxonomic name establishing taxonomic context: a concept, a synonym, an assertion, a relationship; tax. nov., comb.nov. … misapplication.
__ Synonyms (homotypic or heterotypic): target instance is a primary instance
___ Misapplication: target instance is a secondary instance
___ Relationship where the target instance is a primary instance, but the instance is not a synonym instance (happens when part of the type material (syntypes or paratypes) belongs to a different taxon than the type (lecto- or holotype); rather than calling this ‘pro parte synonym’, which is semantically incorrect, it is better to coin a new term – parasynonym? – or call it a misapplication
A taxonomic concept is a taxonomic name instance establishing or circumscribing a taxonomic entity - often linking synonymic inclusions and adding annotations, description…
A taxonomic tree is a hierarchical arrangement of taxonomic concepts
A taxon is a reusable branch or leaf of a taxonomic tree.
_ Change of parent, e.g. species transferred to a different genus, genus transferred to a different family (leads to homotypic or nomenclatural synonyms)
→ same taxon, same ID
__ Change of rank, e.g. species is demoted to subspecies or variety, subspecies or variety is promoted to species
→ different name, so different taxon, new ID
_ Change of circumscription
__ Splitting, e.g. splitting a genus into two or more
___ Merging, e.g. lumping two or more species into one (leading to heterotypic or taxonomic synonyms)
→ different taxa, new IDs (also for the taxon that keeps the old name)
A taxonomic arrangement or named tree is a collection of taxa. A classification, checklist, Flora or Fauna.
Note: In a Names standard ‘scientific name’ is a type of taxonomic name rather than a property of a Taxon.
== A Domain Model?
Or list?
Normative or guide.
Taxon vs Name Usage
=== NSL Example[todo]
Bibliographic: Where name is found and how it is used in that place. Every instance.
Just about names and taxa: Authors, References elsewhere → external resources
__ Name
__ Name Strings
Code !
Type of name (scientific, vernacular, informal, cultivar…) !
Rank !
__ Status !
_ Primary reference ( incl. basionym) !
___ Reference
___ Type of reference !
___ Part of Reference !
dc:title, dc:creator, dc:created:…
_ CitedAs
___ External resource !
__ Instance
__ Type of instance !
Name !
_ Reference !
_ Page citation
_ Citing instance !
Cited instance !
_ Taxon
Instance !
__ Parent taxon !
_ Included taxa !
_ Taxon
_ Taxon
_ … _
_ annotations
_ Profile
_ Taxonomic arrangement
__ Root
_ Taxon !
__ Vocabularies
Code of Nomenclature
Status of a Name
Code !
_ Description
___ vernacularName
Taxonomic Concept Transfer Schema (TCS)
___ TaxonName
_ @id _
_ @isAnamorphic
__ @nomenclaturalCode
__ Simple (full name as string)
Rank [TaxonomicRank]
_ @code
___ CanonicalName [CanonicalName]
___ Uninomial
_ Genus
___ InfragenericEpithet
_ SpecificEpithet
_ CultivarNameGroup
___ CanonicalAuthorship
_ Authorship [NameCitation]
__ Year
_ Authors
___ AgentName
_ @role
_ BasionymAuthorship [NameCitation]
CombinationAuthorship [NameCitation]
_ PublishedIn [ReferenceType]
__ @ref
__ Year
__ MicroReference
__ Typification
__ TypeVouchers
_ TypeVoucher
_ @typeOfType
_ VoucherRefeence [ReferenceType]
LectoTypePublication [ReferenceType]
_ LectoTypeMicroReference
__ TypeName
___ NameReference [ReferenceType]
LectoTypePublication [ReferenceType]
_ LectoTypeMicroReference
__ SpellingCorrectionOf [NomenclaturalNoteType]
__ RuleConsidered
__ Note
_ RelatedName
_ PublishedIn
__ MicroReference
__ Basionym [NomenclaturalNoteType]
_ BasedOn [NomenclaturalNoteType]
ConservedAgainst [NomenclaturalNoteType]
__ LaterHomonymOf [NomenclaturalNoteType]toTaxonConcept
__ Sanctioned [NomenclaturalNoteType]
__ ReplacementNameFor [NomenclaturalNoteType]
_ PublicationStatus [NomenclaturalNoteType]
__ ProviderLink
__ ProviderSpecificData [PlaceholderType]
__ TaxonConcept
_ @id _
_ @type
__ @primary
_ @form
Name [ReferenceType]
Rank [TaxonomicRank]
___ AccordingTo [AccordingToType]
__ TaxonRelationships
_ TaxonRelationship
_ @type
__ ToTaxonConcept
__ @ref
_ @type
_ SpecimenCircumscription
__ CircumscribedBy \{ReferenceType]
__ CharacterCircumscription [PlaceholderType[
__ ProviderLink
__ ProviderSpecificdata [PlaceholderType]
__ @type [RelationshipType]
_ @id _
___ AccordingTo [AccordingToType]
___ AccordingToDetailed
_ AuthorTeam [NameCitation]
_ According [ReferenceType]
__ MicroReference
__ TaxonConcept
__ ToTaxonConcept
__ TaxonConcept
__ Specimen
_ Publication