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Classes and objects


As we have already seen in many examples in this tutorial - classes in Scala are defined in a standard way - with the class keyword and instantiated with the new keyword:

// we can omit braces if class has empty body
class MyClass
// we can omit parens just like for methods with no params
new MyClass


We've also seen objects. They're essentially singleton classes:

object Utilities {
  def utilMethod(param: Int): String = ???

Objects can have everything that a regular class has - methods, fields, inner classes etc. Also just like classes, they can inherit, implement and override. They are often used as namespaces for "static" functions and constants.

Because each object is a sole instance of its own (unnamed) class, that instance can be referred to. That's why we can do everything with an object that we can do with a regular value, i.e. we can pass an object to a method:

object SomeObject
object Test {

It's also important to remember that the sole instance of object is lazily initialized upon first access.

Primary constructor

Constructors in Scala work somewhat differently than in Java. Every Scala class has a primary constructor. The code of that constructor is simply the body of the class. For example:

class MyClass {
  println("Doing some work in primary constructor!")

Of course, class body may also contain members (methods, fields, etc.). This way it may actually become an arbitrary mix of class member definitions and pieces of primary constructor code:

class MyClass {
  println("Creating MyClass!")

  val name: String = { 
    println("Initializing name!")

  println("Finished creating MyClass!")

The order in which pieces of primary constructor code and member initializers execute reflects their order in the source code, i.e. new MyClass would print:

Creating MyClass!
Initializing name!
Finished creating MyClass!

NOTE: objects also have a primary constructor, but (for obvious reasons) cannot take constructor parameters

Primary constructor local variables

The fact that body of primary constructor is mixed with member declarations brings some annoyances: you cannot use local variables in primary constructor code. Every val or var that you declare will become a member of the class (with underlying field in bytecode) and not just a local variable:

class C {
  // that's a public member, not a local variable! 
  var x: Int = 0

This may not always that bad - the only problem with it is that there will be completely unnecessary field in the compiled bytecode that will hold a useless value. This may cause unwanted memory usage but if you don't care you can just declare it as private to not expose it outside of your class and be happy with it. However, there are some techniques that could still avoid the problem.

If you need a local variable during computation of initial value of a val or var, you can assign a block to that field and put the local variable inside that block:

class C {
  val someValue = {
    var localVar: Int = 0
    // some computations here ...

OK, but what if we need a the same local variable in order to compute initial values for two vals? Here we can use multi-value assignment (see pattern matching discussion for more details):

class C {
  val (someValue, someOtherValue) = {
    var localVar: Int = 0
    // some computations here ...
    (firstResult, secondResult)

This is not ideal (e.g. we cannot document each val) but still better than anything.

Primary constructor parameters

The primary constructor may, of course, take some parameters. For this, we use a syntax that looks as if the class itself "takes" some parameters:

class MyClass(myName: String) {
  println(s"My name is $myName")

Just like methods, the primary constructor may take multiple parameter lists.

The nice thing about primary constructor parameters is that they may be referred to anywhere in the class definition - not just in the constructor code. For example, we can define a method that uses primary constructor parameter:

class MyClass(myName: String) {
  def printName(): Unit = println(myName)

On bytecode level, Scala compiler will automatically turn such constructor parameters into class fields so that they can be accessed even after the primary constructor finished its execution.

Primary constructors may also have access modifiers. For example:

class MyClass private(myName: String)

This syntax may look somewhat odd when the constructor has no params and even more odd when the class has empty body:

// private primary constructor with no params on class with empty body
class MyClass private

// this looks like "private inheritance" but it's just private constructor
class MyOtherClass private extends Object

Access modifiers (private, protected etc) will be described in detail later in this section.

You can easily turn primary constructor parameters to also be members of your class by adding the val or var keyword:

class MyClass(val myName: String)
// now myName is a constructor param but can also be accessed from outside!
new MyClass().myName

Such constructor-parameter-members can have all the modifiers that normal class members can - they can be private, final, implement or override something, have annotations etc.

Auxiliary constructors

Apart from the primary constructor, you may also define auxiliary constructors. However - every auxiliary constructor must call some other (previously defined) constructor as its first instruction. This way the primary constructor must always be invoked eventually.

The syntax for auxiliary constructors is as follows:

class MyConnection(hostPort: String) {
  // simply delegate to primary constructor
  def this(host: String, port: Int) = this(s"$host:$port")

  def this(port: Int) = {
    // delegate to other constructor, but do something more afterwards
    this("localhost", port)
    println("No host given, assuming localhost!")

Auxiliary constructors are similar to overloaded constructors in Java. However, note that in Java they are often used to provide default values for some other constructors' parameters. In Scala this can be achieved much easier with default parameters.

For example, instead of writing:

class MyClass(name: String) {
  def this() = this("DefaultName")

we can simply do this:

class MyClass(name: String = "DefaultName")

The difference between the two is that the first variant is more usable from Java code - Java cannot easily call Scala methods or constructors which have default parameter values.


Class members are divided into two groups - term members and type members. Term members are members which represent values - vals, lazy vals, vars, defs and objects. Type members are members which represent types - (inner) classes, traits, type aliases and abstract types.

def members - methods

These are just methods. We have already seen multiple examples of them.

val members

When a member of some class is a val, it represents a field and a method at the same time. Every val member is backed by a field in bytecode, but the field is private and every access to that field goes through an automatically generated getter - a method with the same name as the val.

For example, this class:

class Klass {
  val x = 5

yields bytecode equivalent to this Java class:

public class Klass
    private final int x = 5;
    public int x() {
        return this.x;

You can also request that scalac generates a Java-like getter for your val using the @BeanProperty or @BooleanBeanProperty annotation, which is nice if you want your class to be consumed by one of the many Java frameworks that use reflection to inspect JavaBean classes.

import scala.beans.BeanProperty

class Klass {
  // will cause getX() method to be generated
  @BeanProperty val x = 5

  // will cause isGood() method to be generated
  @BooleanBeanProperty val good = true

lazy val members

lazy vals are just like vals except that they are initialized lazily, when they're first referred to. The initialization logic is implemented in a thread-safe manner, so you can safely refer to a lazy val from multiple threads without worrying about seeing uninitialized value or running initialization code multiple times.

Thread safety is ensured by synchronization during initialization and volatile access (so, no unnecessary synchronization happens after the field has already been initialized).

var members

var members represent mutable fields. In bytecode, they are backed by a private field, a getter method (the same way as for vals) plus an additional setter method. The setter method uses peculiar name mangling - if your var is named someVar, its setter method will be someVar_=. This method is always used when someone assigns a new value to the var. Here's an example of Scala class with var member and a Java class that would compile to the same bytecode:

class Klass {
  var number: Int = 0
public class Klass {
  private int number = 0;
  public number() { return this.number; }
  // number_$eq is a name-mangled version of number_=
  public number_$eq(int number) { this.number = number; }

The synthetic setter can be called directly, e.g.

val k = new Klass
// following two lines are equivalent
k.number = 10

As with vals, you can use @BeanProperty and @BooleanBeanProperty to request generation of JavaBean-style getter and setter for your var member.

Manually defined accessors

If you have a var, you cannot affect how its accessor methods are implemented. However, you can define a getter and a setter without a var at all. For example:

class Klass {
  def number: Int = { /* get from somewhere */ }
  def number_=(n: Int): Unit = { /* set to somewhere */ }

If you define such a pair, you can use it as if it was a var:

val k = new Klass
k.number = 10
k.number += 5

NOTE: k.number = 10 is automatically translated to k.number_=(10) only if both getter and setter are declared. Just declaring the setter is not enough.

Access modifiers


Inner classes and objects

Inner classes

You can define a class inside another class (or object). Inner classes are bound to particular instance of its enclosing class (or object) and have access to its members.

Instances of an inner class can be created only when having an instance of the outer class. For example:

class Outer {
  val x = 5

  class Inner {
    // inner can access Outer's members

  new Inner // will be bound to Outer's `this` instance

object Test {
  val outer = new Outer
  new outer.Inner // will be bound to 'outer' object

Referring to outer instance

If an inner class or object needs to refer to its outer class instance, it can use the Outer.this syntax:

class Outer {
  class Inner {
    def printOuter(): Unit = println(s"My outer instance is ${Outer.this}")

However, there is an additional syntax that allows us to give an alias to outer instance which can be used in inner instances:

class Outer { outer =>
  class Inner {
    def printOuter(): Unit = println(s"My outer instance is $outer")

NOTE: this is one of the uses of more general syntax called self-type annotation but we won't discuss this in detail here

Path dependent types

Inner classes in Scala are also typed more strictly than in Java. Two instances of the same inner class bound to different instances of outer class have incompatible types with each other:

class Outer {
  class Inner
  def takeInner(inner: Inner): Unit = ???


val o1 = new Outer
val o2 = new Outer

// error! - o1.Inner and o2.Inner are incompatible
o2.takeInner(new o1.Inner)

Also because of this strict behaviour of Scala, there's no such type as Outer.Inner (that's how you would refer to it in Java). If you write o.Inner then o must be a val (or lazy val or object) that is an instance of Outer. Such types are called path-dependent types.

If you want to express a type of inner class which doesn't care about the outer object, Scala lets you denote it as Outer#Inner, which means Inner instance of any Outer instance.

class Outer {
  class Inner
  def takeWhoeversInner(inner: Outer#Inner): Unit = ???


val o1 = new Outer
val o2 = new Outer

// now fine
o2.takeWhoeversInner(new o1.Inner)

NOTE: the Outer#Inner syntax and more strict typing of inner classes applies also to Java classes when using them in Scala code.

Inner objects

Inner objects are also bound to its outer class instance. And since each object is a singleton, it means that there's exactly one inner object instance per outer class instance (i.e. a singleton in scope of its outer instance - there may be many instances overall).

It's important to remember that just like toplevel objects, inner objects are lazily initialized.

Inner classes and objects of objects

Objects can also have inner classes and objects - they work the same way as for outer classes, but of course typing constraints are no longer relevant because there's only one possible outer instance.

Note about traits

Scala traits can also be inner to objects, classes and other traits and traits themselves can also have inner classes, objects and traits. This was not mentioned earlier because traits require a separate chapter of their own.

Statics and companion objects


Inheritance and overriding


Implementing table:

   abstract def  val  var
def         yes  no   no 
val         yes  yes  no 
lazy val    yes  yes  no
var         yes  no   yes
object      yes  yes  no

Overriding table:

 overridden def  val  lazy val  var  object
def         yes  no   no        no   no
val         yes  yes  no        no   no
lazy val    yes  no   yes       no   no
var         pair no   no        no   no
object      yes  yes  no        no   no

Type members


  • constructors - primary, auxiliary
  • local variables annoyance
  • generics, existentials
  • methods, full syntax
  • abstract members, overriding
  • vals, lazy vals, vars, bean properties
  • inner classes and objects
  • no statics, companion objects, import annoyance
  • inner classes and objects
  • self alias