This repo contains matlab code for Classical Lamination Theory.
- micro mechanical model which represents the packing of the fibers inside the matrix.
- laminate composed of 2D plies - based on the classical lamination theory CLT
- model of a thin-walled, closed-cross section, beam-like profiles.
- thermal loads - work in progress
sample script
clc, clear %format long
% format shortG
addpath(genpath('../MATERIAL_LIBRARY')); % Call genpath inside of addpath to add all subfolders
addpath(genpath('../MEASURMENTS')); % Call genpath inside of addpath to add all subfolders
%% calculate ply properties
% winding = Sample_Winding;
% fiber = T700S;
% resin = TGRADE_RED_COMP;
% ply = Ply(winding,fiber,resin)
%% or use ply with known properties
ply = Validation_ply();
% top-->bottom
% theta = [30,90,-30];
% theta = [60,0,-60];
% theta = [60,0,30];
% theta = theta + 15
theta = [0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, ];
% theta = [45,-45,-45,45];
% theta = theta + 90
for i=1:numel(theta)% all plies from the same material
plies = [plies, ply];
composite = Composite(plies, theta, 'coupling')
r_mold = 0.025; %[m]
length = 2.5; %[m] length
pipe = Pipe(composite,r_mold,length)
mass = length *pipe.area*pipe.rho; %[kg]
price_kg = 60; %[eur/kg]
price = mass*price_kg; %[eur]
composite =
Composite with properties:
plies: [1×15 Validation_ply]
ABD: [6×6 double]
angles_of_plies: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
thicknesses_of_plies: [1×15 double]
Ex: 1.38e+11
Ey: 9e+09
Gxy: 6.9e+09
coupling: 'coupling'
CTE: [6×1 double]
pipe =
Pipe with properties:
r_inner: 0.025
Imo: 0.0017234
w: [1347.6 4042.8 6738]
w_rpm: [141.12 423.36 705.6]
area: 0.00063323
Iyy: 2.2979e-07
Io: 4.5958e-07
r_outer: 0.02875
length: 2.5
composite: [1×1 Composite]
rho: 1500
total_thickness: 0.00375
Ef: 1.38e+11
Gt: 6.9e+09