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Dan "Ducky" Little edited this page Apr 12, 2016 · 6 revisions

12th April 2016 Planning Meeting


1. Make upgrades easier.

Divorce configuration from the code more cleanly. Allow the demo and the code to be installed with less dependence.

2. Centralize more configuration to the Mapbook.

In GeoMoose versions before 3.0, there were many files in many locations that defined templates for how to display data. The creates a large set of files across many directories in seemingly different languages. This could be simplified by moving template functionality to XML/Javascript and inlining the templates with map-source and service definitions.

3. Be the best 100% standards based UI.

Move away from the custom PHP scripts using Mapscript to parse and return custom HTML/XML. Instead use WMS and WFS to their fuller potential.

4. Bring the Javascript side of the project up to contemporary Javascript standards.

  1. Update back end libraries to branches which are under active development (e.g. OpenLayers 3).
  2. GeoMoose's code code should be installable using bower and/or npm.

5. The core is mobile friendly.

Any library chosen for 3.0 must support mobile browsers.

User Story

This is not an exclusive or exhaustive list of the classes of users that GeoMoose is intended to target. These are ideas to keep in mind when discussing and making decisions concerning the direction and implementation of GeoMoose.

  • Many users may not be able to exercise tools like bower. .zip\.tar.gz deliverables will still be required into the future.
  • GeoMoose does not assume the responsibility for the configuration of basic services. GeoMoose will provide an example of how to configure MapServer with the data provided for the demo.